Drug-Eating Genius Mage Chapter 853

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#Genius Wizard who takes medicine Episode 853

Handover (21)

Special agency Aegis.

It is the result of the city council’s painstaking plan to train superhumans and a special power created to deal with non-standard monsters.

The demon giant summoned by Black, who was called the leader of the execution unit, through black magic was a power that even Lennoc could not have predicted.

A summon that used to show off its ferocious majesty under the command of the most powerful warlock known to Lennok.


Black chains binding both arms and a ferocious devil-like appearance stained even blacker than the chains.

What would happen if a giant’s mangled body, cut and stabbed, was pickled in very thick black magic and became corrupted?

Even though it had been quite a while since I had seen it in person, I clearly remembered its appearance, so its evil nature was noteworthy.

In fact, the actions of the demon giant as soon as it was summoned far exceeded everyone’s expectations.



The appearance of a giant who broke the chains that bound him with a strange evil sound and turned to Lennok’s side.

“I hit Betrayal as soon as the cow summoner appeared…”

Raphael and Hayward gaped at the natural betrayal, as if it had appeared for this purpose from the beginning.

“The archmage is my opponent, but is this okay?”

“This is amazing. The summoning technique itself cannot be established without guaranteeing the protection of the caster, so what on earth is that demon?…” [….


Even the black visor stopped chanting and fell silent, a cold silence passing through the Aegis communication network. It flows.

The actions of the summoned beast that embarrassed those who jumped into the front line, those who watched the situation, and everyone currently standing in the control room.

However, the demon giant proudly waved his hand behind Lennok’s back, not caring at all about the gaze of those around him.

A shocking attitude that seems to provoke the black visor that summoned him.


However, following the gesture, the dark door through which the giant had walked was slammed shut, and a strange resonant sound erupted from the impact and began to spread in all directions.

The cracks spread as if the space in the control room was about to break apart, and soon they crushed everything around them with an enormous amount of manpower.


Every time the black chain hanging from the demon giant’s forearm slowly swung in the air, Aegis members and soldiers waiting everywhere were dragged out helplessly.


[Stay where you are!!]

[No, the entire facility is getting electrocuted and there’s nowhere to catch it!!]


The Aegis members were dragged out without even being able to use their strength properly, and were rolling around helplessly in all directions of the control room. The soldiers who could not stand were pale and vomiting.


“Kyu’s sense of balance…!!”

They hurriedly take off their helmets and vomit, or stumble and hit their heads on the ground without being able to stand properly.

The image of a demonic giant standing with his arms spread out and his head thrown back in the center of dozens of fallen and kneeling humans in all directions.


It seems as if he is completely intoxicated with what he has just done and is enjoying the act itself.

Lennok also looked up at the self-absorbed demon giant above his head with a bewildered expression.

‘It’s a unique power. ‘He has a good personality and is worth carrying around.’

It seems to be dealing with attraction through black magic, but the method itself is far from physical attraction.

If it could destroy and overpower the sense of balance of superhumans and soldiers at once, it would be normal for the human body to burst like a balloon simply by swinging it.

Regardless of Lennok’s thoughts, the demon giant waved his arms gracefully and continued to massage the humans.

Fluid and leisurely hand gestures, as if conducting an invisible orchestra in the air.

Following him, all the fallen superhumans around him were dragged around without even being able to resist, and were instantly thrown out of the control room like abandoned toys.


The moment when I stretched out the back of my hand and pointed a finger as sharp as a rake towards the black visor.

The movement of the demon giant that met Lennok’s gaze stopped in place.


The appearance of a giant who tilts his head as if thinking for a moment, but then slowly retreats with his hands clasped together politely.


When I looked at the demon giant with an expression of bewilderment, the giant’s head, whose expression was unreadable, just nodded slightly.


It was a strangely unpleasant manner, as if he was leaving delicious food for Lennok.

Did you simply take the side of someone who seemed strong? Or perhaps he changed his behavior because he liked Lennok.

No, considering that he recognized Lennok the moment he was summoned, he must have been the summoned beast.

Perhaps blood ties and ties exist in the world of summoned animals?

The actions of the demon giant were so unconventional that even Lennok thought this without thinking, but there was something that bothered him more than that.

‘Did Ming… eventually have a problem?’

The warlock that Lennok knew was not a great person worthy of handing over the summons he had been handling to the city council.

Isn’t the fact that this demonic giant was summoned by another caster because something happened to Myeong’s life?

Whether or not the Doctor was involved in the appearance and betrayal of this demonic giant.

From Lennok’s perspective, it was the first fact to be considered, but on the other hand, it was the most difficult cause and effect to figure out.

What Lennoc needs to dig into to find out is not the demon giant, but the black visor that was the subject of the summoning.

“It is the power of our archenemies who have been threatening the world for a long time.”

After thinking quickly, Lennok spoke to the silent black visor.

“Knowing that fact itself is proof that you have a deep understanding and treatment of black magic.”


“Undefeated contract. One hell of a deal… interesting.”

Lennok muttered as he dusted off the end of the year.

Because I know that the spell that Black Visor declared to deal with the demon giant was by no means a list of meaningless words.

“I knew that black magic operates by different laws than existing magic, but is it possible to even touch upon the concept of twisting the outcome of victory or defeat itself?”

Black magic is one of the most exclusive magic systems among all magic techniques that existed in the history of the continent.

This is because although it is treated as a branch of magic among magic techniques, the cause and effect that deals with it diverges in a different direction from that of magic.

Although I knew that high-ranking warlocks often dabble in unique concepts that traditional wizards do not deal with.

To Lennok, it was very interesting to embody the power of not being defeated.

[Wait a minute, then why did this guy take the Master’s side?]

Just as Dabi was glaring at the demon giant with suspicious eyes in his arms, the silent black visor spoke.

[Right. Do you also not know exactly why something like this happened?]


[It is a manifestation of subordination and manpower that we are not aware of. All the archmages are out of their minds.]

Even after losing their summons to Lennok, were they trying to understand the current situation instead of being agitated?

I felt it when I first saw him, but it was clear that he had a very rational and calm personality.

[It seems like we are trying to understand the situation through each other, but it is futile.]


Black Visor pulled out a small dagger from his waist and held it backwards, placing it on his wrist without hesitation and said.

[As long as the dark giant is there, no matter what summons you bring out, it won’t help. I also have no intention of telling you the reason for my prediction.]

“You have to speak clearly, Aegis. “It’s not that you don’t have thoughts, it’s that you can’t think.”

Lennok laughed.

“I guess you were planning to take the time by dragging the battle into an antagonistic state from the beginning, but what are you planning to do now?”

It’s so scary!!!

Lennok’s magic, which was fluttering along the tip of the silver staff, was transformed into a cruel, twisting bolt of electricity.

The moment the thunderbolt that enveloped Lennok’s new model spread all over the control room and stamped his feet.

An illusion of a giant toad once again appeared behind Lennok and began glaring at the black visor.


At the sight of the Heavenly Dungeon Dragon, flashing like a murderous beast, even the devil giant turned his gaze towards him for a moment.

Lennok spoke about the toad’s distorted face, which was completely different from before, ferocious and even terrifying.

“If you think that the reason you’re standing in front of me right now is entirely thanks to your abilities, feel free to try again.”


“It wouldn’t be a bad idea to kill half of your special forces and drag them away before heading to the city council.”

[Above: Cheondungap Yongseong], which fortified the power generation facility, is a simple technique created by replacing the facility’s power.

It was a spell that was made autonomous immediately after chanting in order to focus on data restoration.

In contrast, the fortress technique operated based on Lennok’s own magic literally represents a construction on a different level.

Once we have entered the visible range, we are confident that we will not allow any life within the facility to escape.

Black Visor also seemed to have sensed Lennok’s intention and slowly adjusted his magic power and responded.

[…Black magic is a trade.] When I put

pressure on the small dagger I held on my wrist, the blade of the dagger pierced my suit and instantly pierced my flesh and bled.

[To achieve a result that goes against the world order, you have to sacrifice something of equal value.]

He said, catching the blood dripping through his suit with one hand.

[No one is free from this rule except those of ancient lineage who control the fate of others. But if it’s just to imitate that qualification-]


The moment he grasped the blood flowing down his palm and raised his magic power, he felt the remnants of a strong image pulsating around him.

“It’s territory. “Are you going to turn the tables in front of me with a black magic deal?”

Lennok, who immediately realized what the shaking meant, let out a cold laugh.

“Even if it were a transaction, it wouldn’t be at the level of performing the miracle of changing the lineage with just a few drops of blood. “It would be impossible without giving up what you already have.”

Aegis, a special agency, is a human weapon created by implanting magic into the body of a person with physical abilities.

Even though Black Visor was good at using black magic, he probably wasn’t originally a black magician.

Nevertheless, trying to expand the territory now is not possible simply by offering one’s own blood.

The blood just shed is merely a ritual medium for transaction.

Black Visor is now trying to develop a magnetic field of black magic at the cost of his own microcosm.

At the point when the demon giant took Lennok’s side, did he decide that there was no chance of winning and was planning to throw a bet?

The reason I didn’t choose the option of running away was probably because I was sure that Lennok wouldn’t allow that.

No, in the first place, the area being developed now may be preliminary work to escape from Lennok and survive.

“That’s interesting. “Go ahead.”

However, Lennok clearly read that and took a step back to make space.

Lennok exhaled smoke as he looked at the colorless ripples flowing down to his feet.

“If you are in the realm of transactions that involve sacrificing the microcosm, you are probably a much more powerful force than what is allowed to you. “I’d like to take a look.”

You cannot miss the rare sight of using a microcosm as a sacrifice to develop a magnetic field that cannot be used by those with physical abilities.

Black Visor also noticed Lennok’s attitude and wriggled his shoulders, but he couldn’t stop since he had already started.

The moment when the visor, who had quickly made a hand sign and finished chanting, was concentrating his mind and trying to fully unfold his image.


Someone appeared with a noise like breaking glass and grabbed his wrist.

“Just stop there.”


A slouchy young man wearing a long fedora, white gloves, and holding a cane narrowed his eyes.

The black visor turned its gaze sharply to the actions of a man who suddenly appeared on the spot.

At that gaze, the young man let go of the arm of the black visor and shrugged his shoulders in an exaggerated motion.

“I’m sorry, but if I had just developed the territory there, I would have died without even being able to do anything.”


“You’re watching. “Don’t you know yet?”

The young man glanced at Lennok and whispered to the black visor.

“I plan to just check what area you are developing and destroy it right away. “That’s his favorite way.”

As he said, Lennok watched them without saying a word, even though he was clearly aware of the young man’s appearance.

He only coughs occasionally and observes this area with a transparent gaze that shows no emotions.

There was even a dark giant floating quietly behind the wizard’s back, wriggling his fingers little by little.

However, Black Visor felt a hint of eerieness in Lennok’s appearance and immediately acknowledged what that feeling was.

[…okay. I understand.]

I pick up the blood that drips down my wrist, press one hand to stop the bleeding, and step away.

At the same time, the image that was pulsating around him subsided, and the magical power he had drawn up also faded away at a rapid rate.

Black Visor, pressing the wound with one hand, calmly agreed.

[My judgment was shaken by an unexpected situation. It was my mistake.]

“Okay. “It makes sense to me.”

The young man patted Black Visor’s shoulder with satisfaction and immediately turned towards Lennok.

The young man, who put his hands together and bowed his head politely, said with a bright smile on his face.

“It’s been a while, Van. “It’s our sphere, right?”


“Umm, have you already forgotten me? Should I introduce myself again from the beginning?”

“You still talk a lot.”

Lennok responded, rubbing his neck in annoyance.

“Why is the head of the Senate here?”

Of course, Lennok did not know who the young man was.

A flashy tuxedo and fedora that do not fit the situation or location. Even the way he spoke was strangely irritating.

Silford, a magician who took office as an agent of the Senate in place of Lennok.

He is an aristocrat from the central city and a superhuman who has lived long enough to have been a project official in the past.

The first time we met was right after resolving Kaise’s problem in the closed area. And that was the last time I attended the convening of the City Council and Senate.

If he appears, who seems very free-spirited to be tied down somewhere, but is sticking to the Balkans quite steadily, there must be only one reason.

“The city council has decided to amend its policy. “I took on the role of conveying that message.”


“Well, it would be better to hear the specific story directly from the person concerned.”

After saying that, Silford grabbed the lapels of his suit and lifted it up like a cloak.

“I brought a senator to inform me of this agenda.”


At the same time as those words were said, someone fell from Silpodo’s arms, fell to his knees, and retched.

A blond young man with a pale complexion. Although he is wearing a suit with an old-fashioned design, he cannot even think of straightening up his disheveled clothes and is shaking.

The young man, who had been unable to get up from his seat for a long time with his head down, finally managed to let out a voice.

“I’ve never heard of something shaking this much when moving…!!”

“As I get older, my hands keep shaking.”

The magician responded calmly to the young man’s difficult protests.

“These days, tricks like this don’t work very well.”


Unlike the young man who was glaring at Silford in bewilderment, Lennok carefully observed the techniques used by Silford.

‘I thought about it, but it feels completely different from an illusion. Rather, it is closer to the realm of art.’

If the illusions that Lennok knows are the height of chaos with no rules and standards, the ones used by Silford are extremely sophisticated techniques.

Would this be what it would feel like if an existing skill was refined and the concept of magic was raised?

The blonde young man quickly calmed down, stood up, and cleared his throat.

“Hmm, you showed me a disgrace. It is an honor to meet the great Archmage. A member of the Central Council of Balkan City Government-”

“He’s quite young for a senator.”

Lennok answered after interrupting the young man.

He is not a superhuman with delayed aging, but is literally a young man in his twenties.

When I corrected my complexion and stood up, I could immediately tell that my appearance was quite handsome.

The young man glanced at me and introduced himself.

“My name is Luisen Azamaha, who joined the council this quarter. I don’t know if you remember…”


After asking that question, Lennok immediately realized what the young man was saying and laughed inadvertently.

Because he realized that the young man’s name was very similar to a former senator that Lennok knew.

“Are you Reisen Azamaha’s son?”

“…That’s right.”

A member of the city council and trumpeter of the central council. Reisen Azamaha played a role in informing the media of the council’s decision.

He colluded with the warlock Craig Tillian to embezzle slush funds, but was caught by his agent and arrested.

After that, the old monster became the host of the extinct tree Acrotrinier and was reduced to suffering without being able to die.

This young man who appeared before my eyes was none other than Reisen Azamaha’s son.

Lennok shook his head, realizing how a young man could enter the Senate at that age.

“It seems like that family names things similarly.”

“No, I changed my name.”

Luisen answered calmly.

“The Central Council appointed me to the Senate with the intention of taking on the same role as my father. Wouldn’t it be better to have a name that reminds you of your father?”

“I was in charge of the city council’s trumpet… I see.”

Lennok, who understood the intention, smiled bitterly.

Luisen Azamaha has an appearance that attracts other people’s attention even at first glance.

Even if he has a stained halo, it is enough to build on his father’s reputation and carry on his work.

“yes. As this situation also requires an official position from the city council, I came personally. That’s true, but…”

Luisen looked at the demon giant standing behind Lennok with a slightly frightened expression.

He looked intently at the newly appeared magician and Luisen, and slowly moved his chained, claw-like fingers.

It seemed difficult for even a senator to ignore the sight of the evil giant shaking as if it was about to rip off his leash at any moment.

“Could you please pass on that to me first? It looks like it wants to eat me right now…”

“It’s not a summon I summoned.”

Lennok responded harshly.

“If you have any complaints, take them to your special agency.”

“Ah, I understand. Then…”

Louisen took out a long scroll from his arms and unfolded it, as if he had no choice.

After roughly checking the contents, he cleared his throat and nodded.

“According to the procedure, since the content or situation must be delivered to Professor Bylon first, an official letter will be sent to Labatenon University later-” “


“…I’ll start with the conclusion.”

Luisen said, looking very intimidated.

“The City Council has decided to transfer full ownership of the Bylan Institute to Professor Evan Bylan.”


Since Lennok came all the way here in person, it was only natural that he would take over ownership of the laboratory.

Didn’t they take that into consideration in the first place and not do anything to the facilities or researchers here?

Louisen, slightly embarrassed by Lennok’s sour reaction, hurriedly continued.

“Furthermore, the researchers currently under employment contract with the research institute, the research equipment, the facility site, and the research results so far will also be transferred in their original form-” Luisen, who was reading the scroll, looked straight toward a corner of the control room


“I appoint Professor Raphael as the person in charge of this work and promise to completely take over the entire research process.”

Raphael’s expression instantly turned stupid.

“…Do you mean me?”

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Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage, Medicine-eating wizard
Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
“World”, a game that boasts extreme freedom. In “ver.3.0”, I decided to put everything to increase the magic talent! All stats are all about magic! Instead of enhancing the character’s magic talent, took a huge amount of demerit characteristics. But, it doesn’t matter. I will create the greatest Wizard character, even if the character looks like a corpse. But…. What is this? I became that character– a character with genius talent, but can’t pass a day alive without taking medicine.


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