Drug-Eating Genius Mage Chapter 843

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< Handover (11) >

“Even if there is only failure at the end of the challenge, nothing can be started properly without finally obtaining the qualification.”

Looking at Evelyn who had frozen, Lennoc strengthened the hand holding the tobacco.

The tobacco, which was worn out before he could even touch it, burned up in his hand.

“Because that was the only thing I learned on this trip. In that case, we have no choice but to aim to at least stand on the same starting line.”


I traveled to Yorta in pursuit of Evan’s records in the military city.

An attempt was made to read the cause and effect by looking into the leader’s memories.

By fighting against the body of Dorae, he obtained the power of the Avatar and forcibly created the supernormal abilities of a warrior.

Lennok was the answer to all the moments that can never be experienced unless you try and fail yourself.

Everything is about solving unanswered questions and finding meaning beyond the ending.

Lennok was trying to explain who Evelyn saw through the lighthouse and who it was.

“I don’t know…”

Evelyn, who had been silent for a while, quietly answered.

“Qualifications are not something you can easily obtain as you wish.”


“What does it mean to challenge ascension in the first place? “Is it like inspiration that we can see and realize for ourselves?”

Evelyn asked.

“Now all of the remaining Ascendants are either crazy or monsters going crazy. “Even if I have the qualifications, I can’t get help.”

Evelyn said with a sad look as she firmly grasped the wet ground with her bare hands.

“Even if something goes wrong, no one will be able to help you.”

“I guess so.”

Lennok nodded his head.

“But it was probably the same for everyone at first.”


“Not everyone who tries succeeds. Likewise, not everyone can take on the challenge just because they are qualified. but……”

Lenok shook his wet hair and smiled faintly.

“I want to choose with my own hands while I still have the chance. Even if it is an ending where no one chooses…”


Now I think I can understand the meaning of what the leader said.

The meaning of the words explained by the leader who recovered Jin Dun’s body at the end of the Hanghasa Labyrinth.

Did I mention that as the ending approaches, all standards become consumed by a single value?

Because he had already experienced it once, he knew that when that moment came, there would be no chance left.

There is still time until the end of the world, and until then, Lennok can choose what to do.

In that case, the director’s movement is probably that moment when he stops right before the end comes completely.

Cheap profit…!!

The moment Lennok realized this, the noise that had been covering the leader in his memory seemed to clear up a little.

The moment Lennok realized that this was a process of understanding the leader more deeply and finally looking into its essence.


Evelyn muttered.

“Perhaps challenging ascension is…”

Wouldn’t it begin with constantly reflecting on the meaning at every moment of building up the hierarchy?

At least, that was the Lennok that Evelyn had observed so far.

Because it was a series of struggles for him to give meaning to every moment of his life and try not to forget it.

Because the magic of eternity shown by Lennok contained such a wish very clearly.

Realizing this fact, Evelyn’s hierarchy suddenly fluctuates and begins to swirl within her.


Even Lennok could clearly sense the change that had begun in her.

Although it may not change her hierarchy itself, it is a rare sign of inspiration that may serve as an opportunity for growth for a superhuman like her.

“Ha….. That’s it.”

But instead of dwelling on the realization she might get, Ibelin sighed and lifted her gaze.

“I didn’t bring you here to get help. “This is enough.”


Even though you have achieved a transcendent hierarchy that cannot be reached by the human body, are you not obsessed with going higher?

Maybe it’s because she has that kind of personality that Belin was able to come this far.

Ibelin, who closed her eyes under the raindrops falling under the dawn sky, grumbled in a brighter voice, as if her mind had been put in order belatedly.

“Ah, but I lost in the end. “She thought it would turn out like this, but she was confident.”

“She didn’t think much of it when she set this stage in the first place, right?”

Lennok asked, fiddling with the front of his coat.

“It’s not a good environment for an archer like you. “It was even more so considering your rank and status.”

Although we chose a closed facility where people around us would not be able to see the effects and the aftermath would not spread.

Lennok knew that the reason Velin had chosen this place as her battlefield was not to discuss her chances of victory.

Evelyn’s essence is an archer who fights from a distance.

The talent is also specialized in pulling the string, aiming, and hitting the target.

Of course, her Ibelin’s combat ability is comparable to that of her archery skills, but there is a clear difference in her power.

She, much less Velin, did not even use the great bow, the most powerful of her weapons.

Lennok, who has dealt with her ultra-long-range sniping before, knows how tricky and deadly the greatbow is.

A field full of old bars like this would not be an environment in which she could use her archery skills to their full potential.

Considering her origins as an agent, it was obvious that even if she had decided to do so, she would not have been able to do her best for fear of the aftermath.

Even though it was a stage she had prepared herself, she actually fought with more shackles on Dybelin herself than on Lennok.

“But if you didn’t do this, you wouldn’t have come this far.”

Ibelin responded with her sullen expression.

“If I hadn’t chosen a place to get to right then and there, you would have run away.”


Well, I think I know how much Evelyn didn’t trust Lennok in that regard.

At a time when she was clearly doubting Lennok’s identity, it would have been difficult for her to be sure that he would properly respond to her request.

But Lenok slowly shook her head at Belin’s words.

“No, I would have agreed to whatever conditions were set.”



Lennok also felt some guilt towards Evelyn.

Because she knew that her Lennok did not trust her as much as she trusted her Lennok.

Her relationship, which initially began as a debt to her Ibelin for her life, often boils down to a sense of indebtedness even at this moment.

Her infinitely cold sorcerer’s mind and Lennok’s heart would sometimes make different judgments.

That may not be because Lennok is a person strong enough to perfectly balance reason and emotions, but on the contrary, because he keeps hesitating and hesitating.

So, instead of telling the truth honestly, Lennok looked away.

“Because I would have won in any situation. “It is the position of the weak to consider conditions.”

“Eh?! What is it. “Unlucky!”

“Isn’t it the same as questioning each other’s conditions and hiding power?”


Lennok asked with a smile.

“Four microcosms that deal with inertia. Even with my magic system, it was impossible to analyze it completely. “I’ve known about that ability for a long time, but this is actually my first time seeing something like this.”


Immediately after Rennok’s Ouroboros collided with Evelyn’s Inertial Deflection.

It seemed like victory and defeat had been decided as the inertia bias was broken, but Lennok realized that that alone could not explain the current battle.

Ouroboros is not the power to defeat the opponent from the front, but the power to dismantle, analyze, and devour the opponent.

If the magic system worked properly and dismantled the inertial bias, Evelyn’s microcosm itself should have been temporarily rendered unusable.

However, Evelyn’s microcosm did not disappear at all, but only changed its direction and went astray.

If inertial bias cannot be completely analyzed and dismantled even with the power of Ouroboros, it may be because it is hiding an ability that goes beyond simply manipulating inertia.

And perhaps that secret must be the secret number that Evelyn keeps hidden until the end.

However, Lennok did not bother to ask or explain it here.

He just smiled confidently and pointed at himself.

“If you want to refute what I said, try again next time. “I won’t pay attention to you then.”

“……..No thanks.”

When I predicted the odds against Evelyn the other day, what did Lennok think of the victory conditions at that time?

He is undefeated simply by deploying either the Magnetic Realm or Ouroboros. If you can use both, you’re sure to win.

But before that, you must withstand the checks and sniping that Evelyn will fire and gain time to use the chant.

And the fight that took place today was just a special situation in which such difficult conditions were ruled out by Evelyn’s own hands.

However, Ibelin did not seem to agree with what Lennok said, so she turned her head and glared at him with a sullen expression.

“So, are you going to continue to ‘prepare’ like that?”

In the end, Lennok did not directly admit that he was Victor until the end.

Likewise, Evelyn also did not hear that Lennok had entered Pandemonium.

However, it has become clear that Lennok has been going through trial and error using that method.

Lennok shook his head.

“We are not at a stage where we can say for sure that we can challenge for ascension right now. “What I told you is proof of my promise.”

Damn it!!

As she touched the raindrops falling from the air, the water froze and turned into an umbrella over Evelyn’s head.

Lennok explained as he looked at Evelyn who looked away as if embarrassed.

“It’s not like you can get it right away if you want it, and even that method is just a vague possibility.”

“…I guess so.”

“Maybe you’re right. “I might be able to learn something if I meet transcendental people who have attempted ascension first or are about to attempt it.”

Therefore, Lennok was thinking of going to see Myeong after getting enough rest.

When I last met Myeong, it was clear that he had already reached the end of level 8 and was facing the door.

Two people who boast unrivaled strength even in a battle filled with all kinds of monsters.

Haven’t they also constantly raised their own hierarchy and status, showing talent and growth comparable to Lennok?

However, unlike Kroken, who only focused on his own problems, there seemed to be a secret beyond his strength and growth.

One of the oldest wizarding families that Ming himself recognized as his lineage.

Lennok was thinking that the secret might be related to the trouble he was facing now.

“Ah, talking about the transcendent made me think of it…”

Evelyn then made an awkward expression, as if a thought had suddenly occurred to her.

It was as if he had finally remembered the reason for visiting Lennok.

“Maybe the precedent you want. “It might have something to do with this incident.”

“What do you mean?”

“Because I haven’t been able to reinstate my agent while you were away-”

“As expected, the fact that I have not yet been reinstated was not voluntary.”

“Listen to the end.”

Evelyn cleared her throat in annoyance and said.

“Anyway, I received and dealt with Blue’s eye work a few times… I received various help from Lapis in the process.”

“I guess that’s why I was able to borrow the lighthouse’s help to find the mansion. so?”

“Lapis said she plans to visit Balkan soon.”


Lennok closed his mouth at the completely unexpected words.

“He said he was planning to meet the city council with only a very small number of people because he had important work to do.”

“……Lapis is coming to meet the Balkan City Council in person?”

Lennok, who mumbled along with Evelyn’s words, asked.

“I understand that there is severe confusion on the eastern side of the central front, where the Qing is currently advancing.”

It is not that Lennog neglected to gather information before and after leaving the Balkans.

In the past, we did not have the means to obtain information, but now we are unable to process information due to lack of time.

Nevertheless, Lennok, who had been collecting news from the Central Front through Darby from time to time, knew to some extent what was happening there.

The war between the Order Federation and the Church began again, and the Headro warlord was pushed to the brink of being subjugated.

Not only is the Qing Dynasty expanding its power on the Eastern Front, but there is also a fight taking place over the first gateway to Arsnova.

Among them, the news about the Blue Eye, led by Lapis, was heard most frequently, along with many reports of victory.

Does this mean that Lapis, who should be busier than anything right now, is coming to the huge city in person?

“This information is confidential from here on. “It’s difficult for me to explain it too many times, so listen carefully.”

At that moment, Evelyn’s expression turned serious.

“While Blue Eyes was active on the central front, Lapis completed the hierarchy.”


“In the process, the supernormal ability of Cheongyeon became stronger, but on the contrary, it seems to have become more difficult to control.”

Lapis is the direct granddaughter of Madrea Falseer, the Heavenly Dog, and is a blood relative of the Ascendant who inherited that lineage.

The fact that she leads the Blue Eyes to the central front is also to take over the legacy of the already deceased Cheon Gyeon and to preserve this world even a little bit.

“So, the unstable supernormal ability of heavenly view needs to be stabilized through consciousness, and that place is—”

“You mean Balkan.”

Lennok asked.

“Are there no other options?”

“I think they have considered other secret locations, but they say this is the safest candidate.”

“It’s the safest…”

It is no exaggeration to say that this is a city that has nothing to do with safety, but if Lapis says that, what other potential locations could there be?

“I’m done talking with the city council, and I’ll be coming to the city with an entourage or two in the next few days to make a deal.”

“What’s the deal?”

“The Philenom Autonomous Territory’s inviolable intervention rights that Cheon Gyeon imposed on the city council.”

Evelyn explained.

“In return for invalidating it and handing it over to the Balkan City Council, we will rent out a portion of the specific closed area for a few days.”

“Are you saying that Cheon Gyeon is nullifying the non-aggression treaty that was concluded in the past? I don’t understand. “At that time, it was not the Qing’s eyes that targeted the Philenom Dominion in the Balkans.”

Lennok, who immediately understood the meaning of those words, frowned.

This was because Lennok had already visited the Dominion once in person, so he remembered the fact.

“The Dominion’s special environment was specialized in elixir manufacturing, so an attempt was made to forcibly incorporate it. Lapis handing it over on her own…”

“I’m not saying I’m handing it over.”

Evelyn shook her head, interrupting Lennok.

“If the ceremony ends according to the deal Lapis proposed, such a non-aggression pact will have no meaning.”


At that moment, Lennok realized what Lapis was thinking.

At the same time, it is also said that this incident may be connected to Lennok’s own desired purpose.

“No way, Lapis… is she planning to use this opportunity to retrieve all of Heavenly Preservation’s supernormal abilities and get them back?”

< Handover (11) > End

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Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage, Medicine-eating wizard
Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
“World”, a game that boasts extreme freedom. In “ver.3.0”, I decided to put everything to increase the magic talent! All stats are all about magic! Instead of enhancing the character’s magic talent, took a huge amount of demerit characteristics. But, it doesn’t matter. I will create the greatest Wizard character, even if the character looks like a corpse. But…. What is this? I became that character– a character with genius talent, but can’t pass a day alive without taking medicine.


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