Drug-Eating Genius Mage Chapter 797

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Episode 797 of “The Genius Magician Who Takes Medicine”

Betrayal and Fanaticism (4)

“I understand that the vessel of the Ascendant, which was interred in the netherworld, belonged to the Grandmaster,” said Lenok while gazing at a ship sinking endlessly into the dark river.

“However, the fact that the Grandmaster is the Ascendant himself, and that the Grandmaster used the vessel of the Ascendant, is an entirely different story.”


“Which is it?” Lenok asked once again, observing the silent priestess.

“Was the Ascendant, a legendary warrior who existed hundreds of years ago, the Grandmaster himself?”

The shocking truth that the Grandmaster had used the vessel of the Ascendant and had existed as a challenger to ascension in the past. Lenok realized that he was just as ignorant about the Grandmaster as before, which left him feeling empty.

Nevertheless, there were still stories that needed to be heard from the priestess.

The fact that the vessel of the Ascendant and the Grandmaster using it were entirely different cases.

Lenok understood the importance of addressing this fact clearly at this point.

[According to the doctrine, the Grandmaster existed without being bound by the confines of the physical body…]

The priestess looked at Lenok silently, clasping her hands together and beginning to pray.

The sight of the priestess effortlessly reciting the teachings of the sect, naturally ingrained in her.

[The Grandmaster did not hold any attachment to his own vessel. Therefore, the vessel that exists in the netherworld is both the Grandmaster himself and not.]

“I have no interest in playing word games borrowed from the teachings of the sect. I would have said so,” Lenok scoffed, shaking his head.

“What I want to know is why the Grandmaster has been hiding his true identity in such a way since hundreds of years ago…”

Suddenly, Lenok’s voice faltered.

Ironically, the very explanation seemed to indicate someone other than the Grandmaster.

Suppressing his confusion, Lenok regained his composure in an instant and asked, “So, has he been repeating his existence as a different being?”


“Has the Grandmaster, besides the Ascendant, been using other vessels to exist in this world?”

As Lenok posed the question, his voice momentarily wavered.

The priestess silently watched Lenok and then opened her mouth.

[When dealing with the rituals of the sect through generations, there are times when the memories of the previous priestesses come to mind.]


[It all began with a very small incident. It was not something that he did not desire.]

Speaking in a voice that seemed like it would disappear at any moment, the priestess continued.

[However, because there was something that he had to accomplish at all costs…]


[He made choices…]

As the priestess looked back on those memories, her hesitant demeanor suggested that she was reluctant to mention them.

In that moment, as Lenok observed her, he felt an inexplicably complex mix of emotions swirling within him.

Who is the Grandmaster?

What does he think of himself?

In the first world, when he chose the path of a swordsman, what did he see and learn while unraveling the secrets of the world?

After successfully ascending and moving on to the next world, as he looked back at the destroyed world, what thoughts crossed his mind?

The flow of time and causality that only he remembers is so thick and convoluted that it is impossible to comprehend his impressions.

Lenok’s own journey, which might have been similar to his, in the beginning.

His existence, lingering in memories even after abandoning his physical body.

If their paths had started similarly but had become so different, would that be strange?


After a long silence, Lenok finally spoke again, but it was an event that occurred long after the previous conversation.

“When I first met you, I said I was heading to Yorta to deliver Jinwa’s oracle.”


“I also said that there was something I had to do, even if it meant becoming a soul, even if my body died.”

Lenok mumbled.

“I thought those two things meant the same, back then…”

Even though Priestess Seyna Naidry was sentenced to death by Jinwa and continued on her journey to Yorta, it was not only to deliver Jinwa’s oracle to her lifeless body.

It was also to investigate the old vessel of the Grandmaster, which had been kept hidden in the netherworld.

Lenok now understood that her determination, even if it meant sacrificing herself, was connected to the remains of the Ascendant.

“Why is the sect now trying to get involved with something that has long been interred in the netherworld?”


“If your Grandmaster already discarded the Ascendant’s remains after it served its purpose, is there a reason for the sect to meddle with it?”

Even within the ranks of the divine sect, where hundreds of thousands of followers exist, the priestess possesses the most exceptional priestly abilities.

If such a talented priestess within

the sect is moving for the sake of the vessel of the Grandmaster, it cannot be a result unrelated to the Grandmaster’s intentions.

If the mention left by the Grandmaster was a premonition of this future, foreseeing and planning it.

What if the Grandmaster himself had a massive plan that required his personal involvement?

Understanding the hidden secrets in the netherworld alone makes it impossible to grasp countless speculations that float aimlessly, making it impossible to find a clue.

The time sent by the owner of the sect is too thick and obscure, making it impossible to infer the purpose from just one reading.

However, with a hazy expression, the priestess looked at Lenok and nodded.

[If his manifestation had been even slightly visible, the sect would have already celebrated with a grand festival.]

“If that’s the case…”

[After the vessel of the Ascendant has served its purpose, the Grandmaster traded with Yorta and placed it beyond the netherworld.]

The priestess spoke.

[Because the trace left by him is so precious to us, the priestesses of the sect have been examining even the vessel through generations. However…]

The ethereal form of the priestess began to emit a chilling aura as she paused in her speech.

[In recent times, the connection between him and the remains has begun to wane.]


“The Papal Council considers that we interfered with his vessel in the netherworld as part of this situation.”

The priestess raised her head quietly, her face turning increasingly cold.

“The souls trapped in ancient wanderings dared to invade the sanctuary, disregarding their promise to him.”


Does that mean that they coveted the vessel of the Ascendant stored within the netherworld and laid hands on it?

Surely, that cannot be justified by the reasonable motive of preserving or managing the Ascendant’s physical body.

The reason why the spirits, who had lost their bodies and their ranks diminished, laid their hands on the vessel abandoned by its owner.

The priestess knew that their motives were infinitely impure and that it was an undeniable desire.

“Although it is understandable that a vessel that has served its purpose disappears and is forgotten over time, we cannot accept it if it starts to be abused against his intentions.”


[Before this soul can fully comprehend its purpose, as a priestess, I intend to fulfill my final duty.]

The priestess spoke, looking at Lenok, who remained silent.

“Would you, sir, please help me fulfill the mission I have been given?”

After hearing the words of Seina Naidri, Lenok finally realized the true purpose of the priestess coming to Yorta.

From the beginning, she had no interest in releasing Jinwa’s command or observing the flow of curses.

Even in death, she was only carrying her body to fulfill the last duty of the sect.

Although Lenok couldn’t understand the fanaticism that sacrificed others, he understood how fervently the priestess regarded that mission.

“To help the mission of the sect, it’s a laughable request.”

Lenok retorted with a cold smile.

“I don’t like the pitiful fanatics of the sect. From distorted faith to twisted objects of worship, I don’t even need to mention how corrupt they are.”


“I don’t understand why I have to witness such a pathetic sight of crawling towards a clearly wrong answer. However-”

Lenok spoke, looking at the calm ethereal form of the priestess who denied the doctrine.

“If I consider this a transaction that deals with the body of an Ascendant, then there’s nothing I can’t do.”

“Is… Is that what you mean by a transaction?”

“Help prevent Jinwa’s command from interfering. In return, transfer ownership of the remains of the Ascendant buried in Mookgan to me.”

Turning away from the silent priestess, Lenok asked.

“If your only purpose is to prevent the vessel of the Ascendant from falling into the hands of Jinwa, then I can take care of that and manage it instead.”


“If you say so, it doesn’t matter if it’s treated as an inheritance either.”

From the moment he confirmed the remains of the Ascendant buried in Mookgan, Lenok knew the immense value it held as an artifact.

The body of a warrior who qualified to challenge the Ascension. The fact that the sect leader himself used it as a vessel meant something significant.

Just by observing that vessel and investigating its composition, one could discover tremendous new possibilities.

Through his training with Lancia, Lenok knew how ridiculously powerful the combination of Mookgan’s martial arts and Uroboros could be.

While watching the priestess pondering, Lenok thought to himself.

“The strange unity that exists between Mookgan’s martial arts and Uroboros. At the time, I thought it might be a coincidence, but…”

The martial art of Mookgan, which seemed to fit Lenok so well.

The overwhelming power of the Eight Palms of Mookgan, which was unexplainably strong compared to the time and principles it took to acquire.

Was it something that was passed down to Lenok from someone who existed long ago as a martial artist and a sect member?

The moment he discovered the essence of an Ascendant, he attached the unanswered question to find a tangible answer.

“When I say this, I borrow the form of a transaction to make use of your abilities in Yorta.”

Lenok said, looking at the priestess, adjusting his mask slowly.

“Even if you refuse, if I enter Mookgan, I will act as I said, so judge for yourself.”

Whether he borrowed the abilities of the priestess or not, Lenok had no intention of backing down.

Since he would personally carry out the task, it was up to Lenok to handle the Ascendant’s remains after everything was over.

The priestess seemed to understand Lenok’s words, and she smiled bitterly and nodded her head.

“If I have to choose between Jinwa’s command and Bokmajeon… I suppose I should hold the hand of the outlaw rather than the betrayer.”


[Understood. After everything is done, I will leave the next task in your hands.]

It wasn’t a clear and enthusiastic acceptance of Lenok’s proposal. It was more of a resigned acknowledgment that if the situation were to come to this, she wouldn’t be able to stop it with her own power alone.

Was it because the priestess only had the authority to allow such a thing, or was there another reason?

As Lenok was about to say something to the priestess, the ghostly ship shook violently, followed by a powerful impact.


“Have we arrived?”

Lenok turned his gaze towards the window, realizing that the scenery before him was completely different from before.

The shape of a massive archaeological site located beneath the water’s surface.

Ruins that had collapsed long ago, losing their original form and covered in moss and decayed remnants.

The ghostly shark that had pulled the ship released the chain it had been biting and began to swim around, circling the area.

Countless debris, whose forms could not be discerned, moved back and forth around the archaeological site.

“The Eighth Subfloor of the Tower of Souls, Pavellon’s Subaquatic Garden.”

While Lenok was observing that sight, a boy’s voice resounded from behind.

The Judge, Oris, who had somehow entered the ship, was looking in this direction with a sly smile.

“If we’ve come this far, there’s no need to worry about being tracked.”


“One of the oldest archaeological sites in Yorta, connected to all the docks in Yorta through the waterways.”

Oris waved his hand as if he were flicking a fish and asked, “Wouldn’t you roughly understand why an ancient civilization settled in such a desolate place?”

“…Now isn’t the time for an explanation about Yorta’s archaeology.”

Lenok grumbled, adjusting his mask irritably as he turned his head away.

“Why the High Judge, who should be on the first subfloor, did something like this. Start by telling me that.”

“Well, it’s regrettable that we meet again like this. Honestly, I didn’t want to resort to such ignorant methods either.”

Oris raised his hand as if seeking Lenok’s understanding.

“But when I saw you, I thought things might turn out like this. After all, someone who came to Yorta wielding the power of the Inductor would be able to quickly discover the hidden secrets.”

The Judge chuckled and shook the ship.

“I thought I might have another chance.”

“A chance?”

“I suppose you heard about it from Jinwa?”

The boy spoke leisurely.

“Although the Journey of the Ear is already a failure, it’s not over yet. Everyone who participated in the journey had to make a choice.”


“Whether to be forever trapped in the unending journey and bound to the tower or to abandon the journey and be branded as a traitor and exiled… Oni and I chose the latter.”

Looking at Lenok with a smile, Oris shrugged his shoulders.

“Well, I’m in a slightly better situation. After all, I had a chance to make a choice. Most of the comrades became mere components of the tower without any chance left.”

“What does that have to do with the current situation?”

Lenok retorted coldly.

“Do you want to mock the fallen comrades who failed the Ascension?”

“Heh… You’re quite sharp-tongued.”

The Judge chuckled and looked at the ruins visible outside the ship.

“I understand, human. Anyone would be angry if they knew that Jinwa’s proposal was a trap to use you.”


“But you should know the fact that this city has existed for a long time. Our challenge ended a long time ago, and now we’re just holding onto whatever meaning is left…”

Oris concealed his gaze and expression as he spoke.

“Slowly, the longing that has been decaying for a long time… Isn’t that how everyone is?”

“I don’t know what you’re trying to say, but you’re misunderstanding something.”

Lenok adjusted his mask and spoke derisively.

“I know nothing about Yorta’s secrets or its decline. I have no interest whatsoever in how the spirits of Jinwa’s Inductors have been corrupted.”


“But I do want to know for sure why you helped me and how to enter Mookgan. Those are the two things I want clarity on.”

Looking at the silent Judge, Lenok sneered.

“Or do the exiled comrades need a more generous explanation than this?”

At this point, what was needed, with a clear objective in mind, were information and means to assess the situation. Lenok knew he could obtain those directly from the Judge standing before him.

Whether it was Jinwa’s Inductors or the Judge, Lenok chose the side that would be more helpful by making use of his abilities and existence, not out of kindness.

“…No, you’re right.”

Oris also smiled as if understanding Lenok’s words.

“At this point, the Tower of Souls will also start moving in earnest. Tell me another way to enter Mookgan as promised.”

“The most important thing to consider is whether we enter Mookgan through the Tower of Souls or not.”

As soon as Lenok heard those words, he organized the necessary conditions and the situation in his mind.

“While facing the Ear, I realized that it would be highly disadvantageous to confront the Inductors inside the tower.”

The Ear of the Tower effortlessly manipulated the bound spirits within the tower, using them as tools for alchemical practices.

This alchemy involved using the participants of the Journey of the Ear, conducted a long time ago, as sacrificial consumables. But because of that, the efficiency and power of the Inductors’ practices increased dramatically, allowing them to replenish and fight with ample spirits.

Even Lenok had to consider using elixirs in that moment, which indicated how difficult it would be to break through the tower’s defenses head-on and enter Mookgan.

“The Guardians of the Tower of Souls will simply push us away and defend against our approach. We need a means that doesn’t conflict with our objective.”

“Oh, you don’t need to worry about that. In fact, it’s better to completely disregard it.”

However, Oris nodded his head in response to Lenok’s words without any concern.

“From the beginning, entering Mookgan through the Tower of Souls was an impossible method for someone like you.”

“…Are you saying that it’s impossible to enter Mookgan through the tower?”

“Mookgan is a space that conceptually compresses and materializes the boundary that does not exist between the material realm and the spiritual realm.”

Oris explained, “The reason the sanctuary designed to observe the flow of curses can exist on the floors of the tower is because it is the entrance to the material realm.”

“The entrance to the material realm…”

Did that mean the space of Mookgan existing within the Tower of Souls was an entrance in the material realm?

As Lenok realized the meaning behind those words and paused for a moment, the Judge asked, “How can one cross the boundary from the entrance to the material realm into Mookgan?”

While observing Lenok’s contemplation, Oris answered himself.

“One must die. That is the only way to enter Mookgan through the entrance of the Tower of Souls.”


“Therefore, a living being like you can never pass through Mookgan. For a living being to willingly die to enter the sanctuary of curses is nothing but nonsense.”

“I see…”

That was why the Ghost Observer’s Record didn’t mention a method to enter Mookgan but only described a way to peek into Mookgan.

The reason why even peeking into Mookgan involved placing a curse upon oneself to observe its flow from beyond Mookgan.

Perhaps it was because it was impossible for a living body to enter Mookgan through the Tower of Souls in the first place.

Understanding that fact and nodding his head, Lenok spoke again.

“Instead of dying by one’s own hand, the way to enter Mookgan is through the opposite exit, right?”


Lenok looked at Oris, who remained silent.

“If there is a space existing on the boundary between the material realm and the spiritual realm, there should also be an exit from the spiritual realm that corresponds to the entrance of the material realm.”


“And in that place, only the living can enter and exit Mookgan, correct?”


Even the priestess, who had been silently listening to the conversation, looked at Lenok with a surprised expression.

Oris, who had been staring at Lenok as if he were amazed, clicked his tongue.

“You’re incredibly sharp, if not creepy. Did you find the answer to the question just from those words alone?”


“That’s correct. There are two doors located on both sides of the boundary between the material realm and the spiritual realm. The entrance of the material realm and the exit of the spiritual realm, which allows passage without going through the Tower of Souls.”

Oris said.

“I call this the ‘Reversed Gate of Mookgan.’ It can be considered the ultimate destination we should aim for from now on.”

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Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage, Medicine-eating wizard
Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
“World”, a game that boasts extreme freedom. In “ver.3.0”, I decided to put everything to increase the magic talent! All stats are all about magic! Instead of enhancing the character’s magic talent, took a huge amount of demerit characteristics. But, it doesn’t matter. I will create the greatest Wizard character, even if the character looks like a corpse. But…. What is this? I became that character– a character with genius talent, but can’t pass a day alive without taking medicine.


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