Drug-Eating Genius Mage Chapter 783

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Genius Magician Who Eats Medicine Episode 783

Ghost Journey (9)

Sludge!! The shape of a boat going through the dark river.

A small boat that can accommodate one person.

A simple outfit that crosses the river by rowing.

However, the massive bullhead skull hanging from the prow eats up all other features.

“Managers of the marina. My sense of beauty is so insignificant.”

Lennok murmured, looking at the apostle’s skull hanging proudly from the prow.

“Or did you just want to implicitly reveal your uncomfortable feeling?”

The managers of the dock immediately built a boat after seeing the body of the apostle Lennok had brought.

However, instead of completely recovering the bodies of the apostles that were handed over as offerings in the process, they were used to build ships.

To be honest, the shape of the shattered skull after the head was crushed did not look very good.

[It’s not that I can’t understand his feelings.]

The priestess calmly agreed.

[Sometimes, when faced with excessive rudeness, you don’t want to deal with it.


Lennok laughed.

“Did you still think it was an asset of the same church?”

[Even though Kamrodal’s behavior is unacceptable, this man was a martyr who died while carrying out his mission.] Although

there was no emotion, it was clear that the priestess was not happy with Lennok’s decision.

[He must have had a more suitable rest.]

“Well. I think this is also an ending suitable for the head of the church.”

Lennok, who openly laughed at the priestess’ words, glanced around.

“Look. The stares pouring in from all directions are stinging, and it’s almost annoying.”

Among the ships crossing the Headlane River together, it has a uniquely ferocious appearance.

However, even such an outward appearance seemed to be seen by others as an object to be thoroughly guarded against.

It was because all those who got the boat and slowly crossed the river were looking this way as if they had promised.

“There’s that madman who handed over the apostle’s corpse as an offering.”

“Look at the decorations on the bow. It’s an obnoxious taste. Aren’t you afraid of the church’s retaliation?”

“If you fought and killed yourself, that confidence is understandable. Monsters strong enough to fight and defeat an apostle are rare.”

“The kind of person I don’t want to associate with either….”

“I’ll have to find out about him after entering Yorta. If it’s a strong person like that, there will definitely be rumors in the center.”

The appearance of passengers having a quiet conversation with the sparse boat in between.

While clicking his tongue as if he were fed up with Lennok’s behavior, on the contrary, he seems to be thoroughly wary and afraid.

It’s probably because he knows how crazy Lennok’s behavior is when he kills an apostle and brings back the corpse.

Even they wouldn’t want to get involved in a useless fuss ahead of the checkpoint heading to Yorta.

The moment Lennok smiled and moved the ship forward.

“Brother. You’d better be careful though.”

The man next to him on his stomach spoke abruptly to Lennok.

An unusual appearance with a shaved head and two eyes covered with thick eye patches.

The man in the old-fashioned robe was rowing very naturally, as if he knew the direction even though his eyes were covered.

“You just broke the conventions established in Yorta. It’s something most people who head to this city don’t like.”

“What does that matter?”

“The proportion of superstition and spirituality in Yorta is indescribably high.”

Despite Lennok’s cynicism, the man wearing an eyepatch answered calmly.

“You brought a valuable offering that disregarded the order and order, but the very act of ignoring the order might incur the wrath of the spirits.”

“Leave the monk alone.”

At that moment, a woman passing by the man wearing an eyepatch murmured.

A woman with an unusually stern look smiled as she turned around with her arms crossed.

“Anyway, the Stania Monastery guys are very far-fetched. Does that look like an idiot who can’t even look after me?”


“What advice would you give to a guy who has enough taste to kill an apostle? Anyway, it’s this guy and that guy and it’s just pathetic guys… … .”

Without even hearing the man’s answer, the woman’s boat quickly precedes and disappears.

The man wearing the blindfold also seemed to agree with the woman’s words to some extent, but he tilted his head to Lennok and rowed away.

“In order….”

As the man left, Lennok silently followed the words and fell into thought.

The priestess also noticed what Lennok was thinking and added her words.

[In the case of rituals and curses, the order in which they are performed is very important. What the unbeliever said is not very wrong.]

“It might be so. But it doesn’t matter.”

I didn’t come here to bow down to their order while following the rules of Reta.

A resolution that it does not matter if the military command city that exists on the other side of the spirit world is overthrown for the desired purpose.

What does it matter even if you are covered with all sorts of curses and oppressed?


Tie a pair of oars you just made to the back of the boat and slowly pull them left and right.

With that alone, the boat began to slowly advance along the dark river.

squeak sigh… … .

Lennok, who had been rowing with concentration, turned his head toward the priestess annoyed.

“Something bothers me. Are you going to keep watching?”

[…] … I have no complaints about the joint distribution of work, but can I touch the oars


“If this is the boundary between the material world and the spirit world, there must be something we can do for the soul.”

[…] … .]

“When the time comes, I will make you work, so be prepared.”

[For that matter, you are handling the task very comfortably….]

As the priestess said, after putting on the magician, Lenok was manipulating the oars simply by pulling his fingers.


As you go downstream, the river rapidly darkens, changing from dark blue to almost black.

Along with him, the surrounding landscape gradually became darker, and the entire sky seemed to sink into a desolate darkness.

oh oh… … !!

A dark sky and a dark river. It seems that a river is flowing in the empty space and riding on a ferry over it.

As if reminding us of the fleeting flow of time, everything slowed down infinitely slowly.

A space full of silence that makes you feel deaf.

At some point, the ferry was moving forward, cutting through something other than the current.

The sparsely growing bushes were not visible, and only one wide river was floating in the middle of the hazy darkness.

saaaa… … !!

The chilly air, as if someone was screaming silently in my ear.

It seemed that if I breathed into the robe and lightly blown out, the breath would rise at any moment.


As soon as the words had been muttered by someone, the sound of a deep sigh echoed from far away.

Whoop… … !!

Pale-skinned ghosts walking on the river wearing dull hoods.

An old scythe held between thin and long fingers suggests their role.

Without saying a word, he comes to the side of the boat crossing the river and stands next to the passengers.

A bizarre behavior, as if floating vaguely on the water and waiting for something.

As soon as Lennok saw them, he realized they were the gatekeepers of the Headlane River.

The priestess also muttered as if she noticed the situation.

[They are the hundred ghosts of Yorta.]

“The hundred ghosts?”

[Souls who have been officially permitted to participate in the Night Journey. It is a spirit powerful enough to influence the material world.]

The priestess explained.

[They themselves are the commanders themselves, and they are also superhumans who rebuilt the power they had in their lifetime.]


Baekgwira was officially allowed to participate in the night trip.

If so, is it that they call their night trip a hundred ghost night trips?

‘There was someone who mentioned the Heavenly Demon of Yorta in the Hanghasasa Labyrinth… … ’

Memories of confronting strong men from various organizations while escaping the collapsing cradle at the end of the labyrinth after meeting Jindun.

At that time, there was a being who introduced himself as the celestial spirit of Yoreta among the psychic and summoner.

A person with Aspect Ability who wrapped his entire body in bandages.

His presence and stealth skills were so great that Lennok still remembers them.

If the gatekeepers guarding Yorta right now are the White Ghosts, then the Heavenly Ghosts are, on the contrary, a military command permitted to operate outside of Yorta.

It is a vague guess, but if so, it can explain the bizarrely vague presence and stealth that Heaven showed at that time.

At least, it seemed certain that the military territories belonging to the city were grouped and distinguished by numbers.

“Are you classifying the ranks of the military command according to the number of night trips that can be built?”

[I’ve been there too… … .]

The priestess hesitated before answering.

[However, as far as I know, I heard that the meaning of night travel has changed significantly once inside Yorta.]

“It has changed?”

[yes. It must have been true since I was aware of it while I was performing the memorial service myself.]


If you think about it, the priestess is also a member of the church. It is also a key person in charge of events and ceremonies inside the church.

I forgot about it for a while because she was more normal than I thought, but she is also one of the subjects of the taboo who touched human sacrifice.

While Lennok shook his head at the fact, the inspection began right in front of him.

Swoop… … !!

The white ghosts floating on the river got on top of the boat and started to look at the passengers with their faces close.

While clutching the scythe with pale hands, he grotesquely bends his long body and stares right in front of his nose.

Only the breath that comes out through the blurry darkness can guess their mood and reaction.

Only the person concerned will know what he saw inside the black hood.

The results came out not long after.

= extra.


The white ghost took his eyes off the passenger’s face and cut the nape of his neck with the tip of his scythe.


The screaming passengers are threaded through the flesh and thrown into the riverbed.

“No please…!!”

Passengers anxiously swimming across the riverbed, clutching their bleeding necks.

However, he is soon caught by something rising from the riverbed and disappears into the water.


With the water bubbles spewing out all the remaining breath, the presence of not being able to rise to the surface of the water again.

There are a lot of things lurking under the invisible river, waiting for the dropouts.


While Lennok frowned in a way that was more bizarre than expected, the others stood in front of the white ghosts who approached one by one.

“here…There are rituals.”

A ceremony in which ritual objects brought to break through the boundary of the spirit world are shown to Baek-gwi and judged for passing.

It was said that depending on the evaluation, which floor in Yorta would be assigned, it must have been a very important process.

Unlike the first dropout, those who quickly passed the checkpoint began to appear in various places.

= pass. farm district. One-time supplement.

= pass. administrative district. designated ten.

= extra.

= pass. training district. designated ten.

= pass. battle zone. Baek Gwi-young.

Those who pass after showing the ritual object are given the name of the stair to be assigned to and cross over to the other side of the river.

“It must be a word that designates the hierarchy and authority assigned within Yorta.”

Is it a way to divide the hierarchy according to the number attached to the front and divide the authority according to the rank of the ritual object?

In the meantime, Lennok quickly found a pattern while listening to the judgments heard around him.

“Oddly enough, there are rules…Most of them are one and ten, and a hundred are occasionally seen. There are different ways of judging.”

As soon as they see a ritual object, they cut their throats and throw them away, while others agonize over them for a long time before overturning them.

Even if it seems disorderly and full of chaos, there is definitely a standard for that action.

The unique laws and order that only the military city of Yorta keeps.

An ancient rule that exists in the oldest city-state on this continent.

While Lennok watched the screening from the back with interest, the first passer who received a grade different from others appeared.

= Welcome. command district. It’s a thousand ghosts.


The woman with the stern eyes that had passed Lennok earlier.

Baek-Gwi, who was looking at the ivory statue she held out, nodded slowly and then turned away.

At the same time, he hooks the scythe on the head of the boat and starts guiding it to the other side of the river.

oh oh oh… … !!

The woman did not raise an eyebrow even while receiving the attention of others who were in the process of judging for a long time.

It was as if he had known this would happen from the beginning.

The attitude of slightly raising the bridge of the nose with arms crossed is as natural as treating a white ghost as a servant.

Lennok, who was watching the woman carefully, murmured.

“You are the one who is well-versed in martial arts. It’s most likely someone related to Yoreta or someone with an in-law.”

If you go inside Yorta, you might run into someone again.

He said as if he had suddenly remembered the priestess from Lennok’s monologue.

[There is a saying that ghosts need a living person for their nocturnal journey.]


[It’s no coincidence that this city straddles both the material world and the spirit world.] Does that

mean that the woman just now has something to do with the priestess’ maxim?

While I was lost in thought, the white ghost finally got on top of Lennok’s boat.

The figure of Baek-Gwi breathing out a cold sigh under the hood.

Hot blood drips from the scythe he is holding in his pale hand.

Before judging Lennok, it must have already been judged by several people and made that judgment.

The moment Lennok frowned in displeasure at the blood soaking the floor.

Whoop… … !!

In front of Lennok’s eyes, the white ghost swung his face.


[…] … .]

The white ghost’s head, visible through the hood, was not properly connected to the neck.

The shape of the head severed as if it had been cut by a sharp blade and the neck clumsily attached.

The face and expression were terribly distorted and hardened, unable to overcome the pain of the moment of facing death.

Only then did Lennok realize the identity of the white ghost and smile bitterly.

“Are you using those who died because they failed the examination as the gatekeepers of the city?”

Those who have just been decapitated without passing the examination of the Hundred Ghosts.

Had their souls been imprisoned in the corpse and forcibly mobilized for night travel to give them the role of gatekeepers?

“If the word night trip means this, I think we should think of it as a much more comprehensive concept….”

Without saying a word, Lennok muttered calmly to the white ghost staring at him.

In fact, as soon as I confirmed the identity of the White Ghost, I seemed to have a rough idea of what Yoreta’s term for night travel meant.

What does it mean that they have the right qualifications to participate in the Night Journey, even though they are eating the dead who failed the screening as white ghosts?

Wouldn’t that be because night travel is not a specific plan or schedule in which people participate arbitrarily, but is also used as a concept of mobilization close to compulsion?

Perhaps the purpose and method of each night trip may be completely different.

If so, what purpose and method was used for the night trip to Mangwi, which was attempted to ascend to heaven in Yoreta?

The moment Lennok thought that far and fiddled with the ring of the guide.

[You. I am ready.]


The moment the priestess disappeared, Lenok slowly held out his hand and showed the ring to the white ghost.

When the sleeves of the robe were rolled up and the gloves were taken off, the shape of the ring emitted a vivid glow even on the river.

Facing the brilliance of the ring studded with transparent jewels, the white ghost stood tall on the spot.


Hundred Ghosts responded with a moan after raising their voice for the first time.

At that moment, dozens of white ghosts who were examining other passengers all over the river turned their gazes at once.


“Where are you going? It’s not over yet!”



As if he had made a promise, he abandoned the object he was examining and came gliding along the river.

Dozens of ghosts crowd around Lennok’s ferry, abandoning all other passengers.

He bent down, as long as a jangseung, and began to stare at the shape of the ring under his hood.

oh oh oh… … !!

“What the hell is this…The other passengers, who had been staring at the ghosts as if they

were sick of them, all turned their eyes to Lennok.

“I’ve never seen anything like this on the way to and from Yorta… … “

You’re a madman who gave up the body of an apostle. Did you have that new accident?”

“Away. The fight between the hundred ghosts is very dirty and vicious.”

Those who quickly get an estimate while looking at Lennox, and those who find out about the noise on the dock and exchange information.

But Lennok had no time to pay attention to the sudden attention and boldness.

It was because the white demons that surrounded Lennok were stroking the ring of the guide with their pale hands.

“iced coffee….”



Each of them groans and sighs incomprehensibly, and staggers with indescribable movements.

A desperate gesture, as if he was trying to look at the Ring of the Deliverer that Lennok held out for even a little longer.

It seems like he wants to feel something inside the ring, but when it doesn’t come, he feels anxious.

Dozens of white ghosts who had been caressing the ring for a long time all lowered their heads and raised their scythes.



Dozens of scythes slammed into the bow of Lennok’s boat at the same time.

The appearance of the hundred demons giving up all other checkpoints and moving in perfect order to guide only one person.

The three white ghosts hook the scythe on the bow and pull it.

Six white ghosts broke through the water in front of them and opened the way.

Nine white ghosts surrounded Lennok as if escorting him, and glided leisurely.

Lennok asked, looking at the white ghosts guiding the ship without any judgment.

“Where are you going?”


At that, the ghost standing in the lead turned his head and said.

= withholding judgment.

Along with him, the other hundred ghosts continued to utter different messages.

= acceptance of authority.

= overdoing.

= Impossible.

After all the white ghosts around them threw out one word at a time as if expressing their opinions, the white ghost standing closest to Lennok declared as if concluding.

= guidance. Judgment District. Mangwi Night.

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Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage, Medicine-eating wizard
Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
“World”, a game that boasts extreme freedom. In “ver.3.0”, I decided to put everything to increase the magic talent! All stats are all about magic! Instead of enhancing the character’s magic talent, took a huge amount of demerit characteristics. But, it doesn’t matter. I will create the greatest Wizard character, even if the character looks like a corpse. But…. What is this? I became that character– a character with genius talent, but can’t pass a day alive without taking medicine.


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