Drug-Eating Genius Mage Chapter 771

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Genius Magician Who Eats Medicine Chapter 771,

the third thesis (5)

class, or when meeting outstanding researchers as Victor, I sometimes thought about that.

Investigators who come up with unique and genius ideas every time that even Lennok admits it in his heart.

Madmen who are not buried in standards and morality, go beyond the ethics of good and evil, and casually commit taboos.

The knowledge and wisdom so acquired. He said he wanted to talk about the conclusions reached after countless studies.

If he hadn’t started as a researcher with Evan, wouldn’t that direction have changed at least once?

If he hadn’t met Aris at the library then, what subject would Lennok be researching now?

The other side of another researcher that Lennok vaguely thought of.

However, I didn’t know that I would meet the taboo hotbed right here, which I might have reached someday.

Ater Myer. Doctor of Pandaemonium. Designer of Ascension Gate.

A genius researcher who communicated his intentions only indirectly without showing himself.

Dylan, who read the subtle tension while Lennok was agonizing over the unexpected meeting with Gein, quickly intervened.

“The old man, the professor here is busy, so if you’re going to talk nonsense, come with me-”

“Are you the immortals of the church?”

Dylan, who had been making a fuss at that word thrown by the doctor who glanced away, stopped talking.

The doctor ignored the reaction and said with his hands in his pockets.

“Amplifying only the body’s regenerative ability and maintaining it in human form is an area that can only be done by experts at the level of the church. You have something fun with you.”


A word that casually stabs Dylan in the most painful and sensitive part of the body.

The doctor murmured plaintively, knowing that Dylan’s gaze had turned cold through the mask.

“It’s not strange if it breaks anytime, so put the leash on at the right time. Most of the experiments abandoned by the church are obvious.”

After that, the doctor looked back at Lennox, as if he had completely lost interest in Dylan.

“Beyond that, I want to ask you a few questions about your research.”

“…Dylan. I will speak with this person myself and send him back.”

But while Lennox calmed Dylan, he was certain that the man in front of him was the doctor himself.

A nonchalant way of speaking that doesn’t care at all about the other person’s reaction and attitude.

A one-sided attitude that doesn’t interest you in what you already know.

Everything was exactly the same as what Lennok felt while facing Victor as the doctor.

While the other mercenaries, who had noticed, hurriedly took Dylan away, he looked at Dr. Lenok, who had come down from the podium.

Lennok motioned to Tatiana, who was watching from a distance, and stopped, looking at Dr.

“There is not much time left until the seminar. If you have something to say, finish it quickly.”

“Regardless of the era, technological advancement always comes suddenly.”

The doctor looked at Lennok and said with a smile.

“A trivial moment. A few peculiarities. And psychopaths who can think a little differently.”


“And for the Balkans, I think Kaise Bajour has played that role.”

The doctor muttered with a slightly strange face as if recalling a distant memory.

“He must have been a great visionary and an ideal project leader. The Black Consumer was an absurd plan that could never be conducted unless you were a genius like that.”

“What does the story about Kaise Bajour have to do with it-”

“So, even while I was making money in the Balkans, I barely touched that side. Because I thought it was different from what I pursued in Makina.”

The doctor looked at Lennok carefully and touched his chin.

“so…So reading your thesis made me reflect a bit on my decision.”


It was only then that Lennok realized why the doctor had personally visited the venue for the presentation of Evan Bylon’s third thesis.

Two papers left by Lennok in Evan’s name.

The doctor already knew the theme behind the two seemingly different papers.

“That was the message. yes?”

the doctor asked.

“You don’t want to change the world by yourself. I want others to realize something that is not yet known.”


“The two papers you wrote were different in subject matter, but all of them were the same in essence. If so, what about the third?

The doctor is not only interested in the contents of Lenock’s third paper.

In the meantime, some facts that Lennok tried to make known naturally through the thesis.

I was genuinely asking if I would stick with that method this time as well.

I can do it because I know the same thing as Lennok and have studied the same problem and come up with an answer that is a completely different ascension gate.

A question that only a doctor can answer. That’s why Lennok was also able to answer.

“I am not sure.”


“Because you know the answer and you are not asking the question.”


Lennok asked back at the doctor who was silent.

“Ask questions to know, not to confirm what you know. Wouldn’t that be close to the essence of dialogue?”

Regardless of his personality or origin, his abilities and achievements are acknowledged.

Respect to the designer of the Ascension Gate, who has delved deeper into the secrets of the world than anyone else.

The words that Lennok had just replied were the least sincere reply as a fellow researcher.

The doctor was also silent for a long time, as if he understood the meaning of the words.

The doctor, who had been staring at Lennok’s face without a word, said as if tossing it.

“Until I came here, I thought you were someone who wanted the same things as the general manager.”


“Intuition beyond logic. A longing with no direction. Although the goals are different, I thought that the destination would definitely be the same… … It doesn’t look like that again.”

Who is the head of Dr. It doesn’t even explain what it means to want the same thing.

Not because he thought Lennok would understand it, but because it didn’t matter whether he understood it or not.

He doesn’t even care if he can be found out as a member of Pandaemonium.

All you want is to satisfy your curiosity.

It is to think that it is enough if the meaning remains inside oneself in the process.

Lennok thought so and was about to end the conversation.

“But it must be something I hadn’t thought of before. There are certainly lessons to be learned from that way of thinking. ”

The doctor looked straight at Lennok and gave a different smile for the first time.

“Originally, I was going to check your research and hand it over here today, but I changed my mind.”

“…Do you mean handover?”

While Lennok frowned at the words he never expected to hear from him.

The doctor answered, taking out a hand from his pocket and holding it out to Lennok.

“If you’re still asking questions because you want to know, you can listen to the answer.”


“So next time, come and see for yourself the research I am doing.”

Saying that, the doctor pulled himself down and gave himself to the approaching mercenaries.

“I’ll watch the wishes of geniuses and monsters right next to you and tell you what I was thinking.”

Unlike the first time he approached Lennok, the Dr. was being dragged along surprisingly smoothly.

Maybe the purpose was to talk with Lennox in the first place, but there was no great interest in the research presentation.

You might have thought that it was a broadcast that would be relayed throughout the Balkans anyway, so there was no need to observe it in person.

But, rather than that, Lennok frowned slightly as he checked the things the doctor had given Lennok.

An old floppy disk with accumulated dust. A storage device that doesn’t seem to have many compatible devices because it’s an overly old storage format.

Because it was difficult to easily guess why the doctor handed it over to Lennok.

Perhaps even this was the doctor’s own way of showing goodwill.

As Lennok turned around, putting the floppy disk in his arms, Jenny sneaked up to Lennok and asked.

“Are you really okay? If need be, I could weed out such odd people from among the observers. It’s not too late.”

“I understand that the contents of this seminar itself will be broadcast throughout the Balkans as soon as it starts.”

Lennok replied unfazed.

“If there is a problem with the presentation, an objection will come sooner or later. If there is a difference in order, there will be no need to go through the trouble of filtering out the observers.”

“No, but there is such a thing as the atmosphere of the field….”

Jenny, who was grumbling as if she was not happy, gave up and shook her head.

no. All right. The professor will take care of it.”

No matter how you look at it, he seems to be leaving room, but he is a person who has produced results at the fair watched by Balkan citizens.

No matter how diligently Jenny researches in advance and makes a decision, in the end, she has no choice but to respect the opinions of the people concerned.

Should I say it’s fortunate that I’m not the kind of person who would fall into a panic just because of a refutation or disagreement?


As soon as he finished his words, a different vibration resonated from the other side of the hallway.

It’s a completely different, heavy, yet powerful sound that seems to change the atmosphere of the entire Mage Tower.

Jenny glanced at the time and nodded.

“Are you ready?”

“yes. All necessary preparations have been made.”

Saying so, Lennok handed the bag he had brought to Jenny and Felix.

“Lastly, we place only the items contained here one by one in the seats and start right away.”


An electronic device in the shape of a thin tablet.

A simple appearance with no design except that there is a touch screen.

Lennok smiled at Felix, who turned around with both hands holding the tablet in bewilderment.

“The whereabouts of this seminar depend on it. You have to hope it works.”


On the other hand, Tatiana and Jenny’s expressions subtly hardened the moment they lifted the tablet.

Rather than anticipation or thrill, his shaking expression seemed to feel a faint sense of anxiety.

However, Lennok ignored the two and started manipulating the screen in front of the podium.

“We let people in. Then we will start the seminar right now.”

* * *


Dazzling lights pouring down from the top of the main hall. Hundreds of cameras tightly packed all over the walls and ceiling.

Whenever you move your hand or step, countless lenses move along and repeat zooming in and out.

Even this moment, stopped for a moment, will be projected on more than tens of thousands of screens through broadcasting stations across the Balkans.

But above all, it wasn’t such intangible pressure or imagination that weighed down Lennok.

It was the eyes of hundreds of people who filled the seats in front of the podium.


Officials from all over the metropolis came to observe Evan Bylon’s seminar.

Member of the city government central council. Megatech executives in the core area. The high-ranking wizard of the Great Mage Tower.

Like the cartel and the six-sided fortress, those who put their feet in the sun with their enemies in the dark.

The Technical Advisory Committee is a gathering of outstanding researchers and engineers.

Authoritative people who occupied key positions in business units in various megacities that Lenok did not even know their faces.

Employees of partner companies and research institutes who cooperated with the Mage Tower of Solidity to open a branch and start business.

All of them are visiting the Mage’s Tower of Solidarity to see Evan Bylon’s presentation.

This number reaches hundreds even though key officials from each organization and institution have been sent.

“Are you certain that Gyeon-roe himself won’t attend?”

“I have already confirmed with my magicians. At least in District 49, I can’t even feel the scent of blood.”

A sure alibi that the blood-crazed wizard did not come here himself.

There was no groundless expectation that there would be no armed demonstration in the middle of the magic tower.

And the overwhelming benefit of seeing Evan’s announcement right in front of you that goes beyond all those risks.

All those conditions and situations are strangely intertwined and, in essence, create work.


oh oh oh… … !!”

In the uncomfortable silence where no one opens their mouths, everyone just stares down at Lennok’s face. As if someone is examining Evan’s appearance.

Some seem to be trying to grasp the contents of the seminar. Some people are busy fiddling with the tablets placed in the seats.

What value would the seminar that will start from now on have and what kind of aftermath will it bring?

Is it because of greed to try to predict the future as soon as possible and preoccupy it?

In the middle of this silence where only the camera illuminates the hall without even a host to guide the event.

Lennok picked up the microphone.

Keying… … !!

Even the rustling noise is amplified and pierces the ears of the audience, but no one frowns.

A tenacious and sharp spirit that rushed at Lennok’s words from the start so as not to miss a single word.

Feeling that sharp and sad atmosphere that can never be said to be friendly, with perfect clarity.

“I would like to greet the people involved who applied to observe this seminar.”

Lennox opened his mouth slowly.

“I am Evan Bylon, an assistant professor at the Department of Elements at Rabatenon Magic University. Nice to meet you.”

Some clap their hands, others just stare at Lennok’s face without moving.

Even the clearly divided reactions are all caught on camera.

“This seminar is a venue to present the achievements of my master’s and doctoral integrated course, and I will submit my results based on my experience in the Department of Elements.”

Lennok did not hesitate, quickly finished the rest of his greetings, and moved on to the main subject.

“As I have been teaching and researching undergraduates, I have included the educator’s perspective in completing the integrated master’s and doctoral course in the thesis.”


At that, one of the city councilors who had been silent spoke first.

A middle-aged woman with slightly blurred eyes, who seemed to have come out of the House of Commons, asked.

“Are you saying that this presentation by Assistant Professor Bylon is about the third thesis?”


Lennok nodded and raised the remote control with his other hand.


“The subject of my third thesis. The result, which was refined by performance reflecting the perspective and know-how as an educator, is-”

Lennok, who turned on the screen by pressing the button, opened his mouth as he looked at the blueprints immediately reflected on the screen.

“It is a magical learning device for those who need to learn.”

* * *

“It’s dangerous….”

In the back, away from the center of the main hall, where the auditorium and podium are built.

Tatiana muttered involuntarily as she watched Evan explain the theory.

As soon as Jenny heard that, she immediately looked away.

“Is something wrong already?”

“No, rather than a problem….”

Tatiana answered with an uncomfortable look.

“It is such an obvious topic. A lot of people will find it trite to meet the expectations of a third thesis.”


Not all mages with a history of hundreds of years have adhered to conservative transmission and teaching methods.

The number of outstanding wizards is the asset of the Mage Tower and its power itself.

Even if you have a talent bestowed from heaven, you cannot neglect your efforts, and depending on the direction of your efforts, you may go beyond the limits set by you.

Organizations with open mindsets and excellent magic systems have been constantly looking for ways to teach magic efficiently.

“The method of teaching magic to talented people has been tediously researched. It has been a long time since I came to the conclusion that no matter how novel an attempt is, there is a limit to what an individual can do.”

suggestion. control. Brainwashing. As well as means of forcibly raising the spirit by stimulating it, borrowing the power of a curse and forcibly imprinting a spell were openly used even hundreds of years ago.

Rumors about wizards who died after inscribing chanting or magic flow directly into their brains are an open secret in the mage tower with a long history.

Not to mention borrowing the power of items or artifacts.

“In order to borrow items to help in the process of person-to-person magic transfer, it has been concluded that at least artifact-level artifacts will increase the efficiency by about 20%. To be more effective than that, it needs to be a large-scale ceremony involving hundreds of people at the same time.”

“…There are already mixed reactions. It will definitely be dangerous as it is.”

Even as Lennok’s presentation continues, more and more people are fiddling with their tablets instead of paying attention.

Rather than understanding the contents of the presentation, it seems to be looking for something to point out by looking at the performance and appearance of the tablet.

Not a few of them have guessed what Lennok’s presentation was about and are thinking what’s next.

Tatiana explained with a darkened complexion.

“If it’s simply passing on knowledge, cell phone applications or video data are enough. At the point of hearing the word learning device, I think there is no need to look further.”

“Well, there’s even an app that teaches you how to manipulate basic magic… … .”

As Jenny had dealt with many stolen goods, she immediately understood what Tatiana was saying and put on a serious expression.

“Professor Bylon chose the wrong topic for his thesis? You might be right to think that this is an unexpected situation… … ?”

“I don’t know. We hid the theme and content until right before the announcement, so we can only speculate. It only takes one thing… … .”

muttered Tatiana.

“If it were your class, the professor would have checked the contents of the paper he was about to present in advance.”


For now, I have no choice but to lean on it and watch the situation.”

Jenny and Felix understood the meaning of Tatiana’s words and were silent.

Because I knew very well how Van handled things.

It is all the more so because I have spent a lot of time with the wizard and have done many things together.

He gets along well with everyone, has a laid-back side, and is tolerant of other people’s mistakes and rudeness.

He’s a man who doesn’t even give a damn about what he’s doing.

How many superhumans and monsters have been crushed by cruel, cold-hearted hands?

If the agreement was directly initiated by such a class, there is no way that it would not have confirmed the value of Evan’s thesis.

All three of them knew that, so they couldn’t use their hands hastily after hearing Tatiana’s words.

Because of the belief that if a wizard they knew had finished examining this matter, it would surely mean so much.

“…Felix. Go upstairs and hold the generator.”

Jenny sighed and glanced up.

“If I have to, I will use the power outage as an excuse to stop the seminar to change the atmosphere. Make a forced break and talk directly to the professor.”

“I have no objections.”

As Felix said that and quietly disappeared, Tatiana tilted her head.

“But there’s no way Professor Bylon didn’t know what I knew…. Maybe there really is a hidden number?”

“I guess so.”

Jenny answered without taking her eyes off the podium.

“Although I knew that some of the observers took a hostile stance, I let them go. Even Professor Bylon knows. But the problem is… … .”

The existence of countless cameras filming this main hall now.

“This seminar is now being broadcast all over the Balkans. Can the professor really win the public opinion battle against those people?”

Whether there are still factors that will reverse public opinion about Evan Bylon’s thesis.

And whether such public opinion itself can be dispelled with a successful announcement.

Either way, it is undoubtedly too difficult to succeed in front of experts in each field.

However, even knowing that, it was Evan Byron’s own choice to choose this theme and prepare the stage.

The moment Tatiana stared at Lennok’s face with a strained gaze. Lennok slowly stepped forward while holding the tablet and started walking.

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Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage, Medicine-eating wizard
Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
“World”, a game that boasts extreme freedom. In “ver.3.0”, I decided to put everything to increase the magic talent! All stats are all about magic! Instead of enhancing the character’s magic talent, took a huge amount of demerit characteristics. But, it doesn’t matter. I will create the greatest Wizard character, even if the character looks like a corpse. But…. What is this? I became that character– a character with genius talent, but can’t pass a day alive without taking medicine.


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