Drug-Eating Genius Mage Chapter 712

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Genius Magician Who Eats Medicine Episode 712

Burglary (5)

Phoenix Hall, powered by the flames of the marriage, wakes up.

At the same time, the solar system that Lennok had temporarily put to rest is reactivated.

The image of the flames burning the soul as the ember rose even more fervently.

The reawakened form of the phoenix had grown so large that it completely covered the sky above its head.


It spreads its blazing wings while covering its entire body with a hellish bloody glow.

Thousands of sparks falling like red tears down the wings.

Heat as if the sun was approaching hit the ground. Waves of metal beneath my feet began to melt and flow like lava.

Chi profit!!

A scene of lava hell that turns the ground upside down in an instant.

“This is not…It can’t be like this!!”

Without even thinking about avoiding the melting molten iron, Duren murmured.

“It is clear that there is a mistake. Master is still alive, how can a magician without roots be like that!!”

“Now that I have obtained the authority of the tower, I can understand what kind of concept it is used for.”

After Duren stopped talking, Lennok looked at the huge fire bird with its wings spread.

As soon as the fire that burns the wizard’s soul is poured into it, the power of the phoenix is exploding and rotating explosively.

Is this the irrational fruit of human sacrifice and the result of overwhelming efficiency?

Did they forcibly amplify the power of the Phoenix Hall by stealing the results of human sacrifice they made?

If I had thought that way, I wouldn’t have even thought about getting married in the first place.

“To bury the soul of a wizard who has died in the solar system of the tower. Isn’t that the original purpose of marriage?”


“I don’t think it was even a form of human sacrifice originally.”

The living flame itself, made with the mages of the Mage Tower as materials, is called Jakhon (灼魂).

But it is not a concept created to be used as a weapon or wielded as a tool.

Even after death, only the time spent together as the will of the Mage Tower is the value itself that can be compared.

The concept was forcibly processed and abused by Duren and Dead Rise.

“The spirit of the dead wizard is forcibly stopped before being buried in the same reliquary as the Phoenix Hall, and only draws and uses its power….”

From that moment on, the soul of the deceased is not the soul of a dead wizard, but a taboo weapon built by processing the mind and body alive and constructing it as an artifact.

All Lenok did was recreate the requiem process they had stopped and bury their spirits in the Hall of the Phoenix.

With that alone, the entire internal system of the Phoenix Hall was revived, casting fire in front of them like this.

coo coo… … !!!

Beneath the slow fluttering wings of flame, Lennok smiled bitterly at the three immobilized people.

“Even if you pretend to ignore the church’s methods, you can’t give up on using humans in the end. Too bad.”

“…We are not geniuses or monsters like you.”

The Solseer smiled wryly and raised his arms.


The sight of him holding up a long spear burning with bloody brilliance is like a demon drinking filth from the battlefield.

“I can’t be noble or arrogant like you. If you do your best within your given abilities and still fall short… … .”

Stockton walked out, scattering a mixture of bloody murder and mana.

“Shouldn’t we go all the way, even if it means stealing someone else’s?”


Lennok, who kills enemies to live, or those who use humans as materials for power.

Lennock doesn’t deny that, in a big way, it’s not much different. But—

“Could you guys do better than one that has already ended that way?”


“I don’t think so.”

There is a group that has explored more deeply than anyone else how to treat humans like tools.

Dead Rise’s executives must also understand the church’s history.

Now, can they surpass the achievements of the Order just because they put their hands on the taboo weapon?

Because Lennok knew that, he expressed skepticism about their method in the fundamental part.

“Why don’t you know that that itself is the mindset of the chosen ones?

Stockton laughs.

“I’m rather envious of being able to ask that question. I think I know how noble and special talent you are.”


“I didn’t choose a handshake. I just couldn’t choose to choose or not to choose, but I could choose.”

Stockton and Soldier take the lead over Duren, who staggers to his feet.

The bloody brilliance held in the hands of the two glowed more intensely and burned.

The presence of the three people was raised in different directions.

coo coo… … !!

“We are not in a position to look at an uncertain future and choose a method.”

Solseer said quietly.

“I don’t have time to think about things like that…!!”


The moment he grabbed the long spear and twisted his shoulder, a bloody flash was shot down diagonally and turned into flames that cut through the ground.


A powerful slash that cuts cleanly through the center of the area.

The blood-colored lance was inserted between the carapace shield and the shield, and in an instant, it rubbed and exploded.

Through the rain of bloody flames, changgeuk and thunderbolts twist and explode in all directions.

Through the storm of heat and magic light, Solseer whispered as he penetrated right in front of Lennok in an instant.

“If you hold on without dying, the sunny day will come. Isn’t it?”


Lennok, who had been silent, raised his gaze.

“me too. It is overwhelming just to hold on and endure. but….”


“I hate the idea that everything is fixed. Then shouldn’t it be changed?”

If the end of this world had been decided.

If he couldn’t change his fate, Lennok would have been suffocated by his own penalty.

I am not drawing a future because I am better off than others because I can afford it.

Without doing so, it was just that Lennok’s time was curved to such an extent that it would be difficult to hold on to the present.

Understanding the meaning of Lenok’s words, the officers’ expressions slightly changed.

It was because they intuited that the wizard, who had obtained talent and potential that far surpassed them, was as desperate as they were.

“…It’s too late to talk like that.”

But even so, in an instant, he suppressed the agitation and gritted his teeth.

They too knew the importance of not thinking.

“The warden is already coming back!!”

“okay. It’s about time.”

The moment Lennok raised his eyes after saying that.

A huge firebird floating above his head spread his wings wide.

“So I need to finish the job before you return.”



Without participating in the battle, the image of a phoenix that had been visiting the ground at Lennok’s call soared into the sky.

When the spirit of the phoenix, which overwhelms the surroundings with its presence, spreads its wings, a ferocious wind blows away the clouds.

As if an invisible curtain was drawn over the sky, the scenery began to change.


“If a mirage that refracts objects using the temperature difference in the air is processed in the realm of magic, it becomes a very powerful illusion.”

Lennok said as he looked at the changing sky.

“We use him to cover the sky and hide the location of the factory. You must have been in the Balkans for this from the beginning, right?”

It uses flame magic to forcibly create a temperature difference in the atmosphere and constructs powerful magic using a mirage as a medium.

Magic that is manifested through natural phenomena exerts tremendous power regardless of its system or hierarchy.

Lennok intuited that fact and attacked Duren first in order to be sure of his judgment.

After stealing his soul, he summoned a huge phoenix, and fired a hot wind to remove all mirages from the sky.

“The location of illusions refracted through a mirage does not depend on altitude.”

Lennok, who cast his gaze into the distance, murmured.

“And if the reason why the sky was so tightly covered and hidden….”


A gigantic factory floating above the clouds, built on a scaffolding of scrap metal.

Lennok laughed as he confirmed that the scene of the factory he had just passed by was floating in the sky.

“Isn’t it because there was no satellite factory on the ground from the beginning?”


Dead Rise did not build a satellite factory on top of a mountain of scrap metal.

From the beginning, they actively borrowed Evan Bylon’s anti-gravity technology and were building a factory above the sky in an enclosed area.

The reason why the collapsed theme park was chosen as the place was probably to easily reproduce the mirage phenomenon in a relatively spacious vacant lot.

A secret plan that takes advantage of the fact that the sense of magic does not work well in the closed area and the senses are slightly twisted.

The operation was able to be carried out because there were people who had been active in the Balkans for as long as they had the experience of the Central Front.


The location of the satellite factory was discovered at once, but it is not too late.

If we can hold this mage here until Peisha returns, it wouldn’t be in vain if she gave up her life.

The moment Stockton spurred on his own image and grabbed his greatsword at Lennok.

Intense flames erupted from the other side of the satellite factory that floated overhead.


The aftermath of a powerful saturation spell, as if holding and wielding flames.

At the same time, a cold frost fog descends on the other side, sweeping and freezing the factory in an instant.

A feast of magic and different abilities that freezes and burns in front and behind the satellite factory.

“The factory…!!”

“There wasn’t even a sign, so how?!”

The moment Stockton and Solcier’s faces contort into unprecedented bewilderment.

Lennok nodded, slowly raising his mana.

“Tatiana and Angel have arrived. Shall we start this one too?”

As soon as he realized that the location of the factory was an illusion, Lennok stole Tatiana and entrusted him to Angel, who had been following him.

At the moment when the mirage is erased with a hot wind and the location of the factory is specified, Angel rushes into the factory with Tatiana. They began to smash the satellite factory back and forth.

From now on, Lennok’s task is to tie Angel and Tatiana’s feet while they find the satellite and rescue the spirits of the wizards.

And if possible, it was to kill them cleanly on the spot.


At the same time as stepping one foot forward, magic power is pumped up from within the body.

Regardless of the amount of magic power itself, Lennok’s magic power, which had freely accelerated according to his will, exploded and crushed all directions.

Overwhelming output that shocked Stockton and Solsier, who had their eyes on the factory.

Before he could properly perceive the omen, Lennok moved first.


Lightning-type unique magic

property change divergence manifestation


Fragments of electric current extending from the fingertips bounce quickly and penetrate the superhumans.

A blow that narrowly squeezed into the gap between Stockton and Solseer and aimed at the head of Duren standing behind.

However, just before the electrode could cleanly explode Duren’s head, Solseer’s spear bar intervened and blocked it.


“Kuh X feet…!!”

The voice of Solseer, who became a lightning rod and blocked the electrode instead of Duren, trembled faintly.

Just one magic. Even though he only received it with a spear, not with his bare hands, his arm felt numb.

Pain as if a knife had been stabbed between the nerves.

Shortly after Solseer endured the pain, gritted his teeth, and opened the distance, Duren chanted flame magic and Stockton advanced.


As he slammed his blood-burning greatsword into the ground and twisted it, Lennok was hit by a crack that split into the ground.

In an instant, the flames of the marriage that flowed down the crack caught Lennok’s feet and burned.

[Mine Goddess]


A pillar of lightning erupted from Lennok’s feet, pushing the mage’s body above the flames.

Right after Stockton’s greatsword, which was in close contact with the beads of lightning, crossed and smashed the mine shrine.

[Thunder Light Pavilion]

[Chang-rae (唱雷): Sangeuk (産戟)]

An enormous amount of lightning burst through the shattered pillars of lightning and began to flow down like a waterfall.


Solsier, who forcibly bled his forearm to prevent cramps, entered the war belatedly.

The shadows of the three people passed between the rain of lightning that fell on the field of the blazing sphere.


Two soldiers wielding spears and greatswords at an invisible speed.

how fast it is Even the momentary action of taking a posture seems to be omitted and overlapped.

He dodges the falling lightning with a single difference and does not stop his swordplay even while his flesh and muscles are bursting with waves of thunder.

[Crazy Chain]

[Boneless Bone]

The microcosms of both Solsier and Stockton manifested at the same time and rotated, igniting the flames of their marriage in different ways.

The image of a physically capable person holding a taboo weapon in his hand is confusedly mixed between the weapons of immorality and goes beyond the limit.

Awesome love!!

The illusion that the entire battlefield is dyed bloody and collapses.

Flashing sword strikes and changgeuk tore and intersect the space, compressing the turn and sequence.

A miracle that does not collide or self-destruct even when weapons and images are mixed and wielded in the same direction and space at the same time.

But Lennok responded in the same way.

Inherent magic of creation system: Application of space magic

[Distortion Changyeon (歪曲昌連)]

[Decapped Leaf (脫却秘燁)]


Expression of intense refraction that seems to knead the space itself.

At the same time, the magic eye of possibility was manifested with the left eye, and lightning strikes madly at the other side of the invisible space.

Doo doo doo!!!

The light of the thunder, rooted in the will, is sucked into the refracted space and intercepts and deflects the almost simultaneous slash.

The three new models intersected without rest, and their magical powers and intentions bizarrely bent and exploded.

The flame magic that Duren desperately chanted from the back line added heat and flames to the battlefield.

All of the magic light emitted from between them was not discarded, and it struck the vital points clearly as if it had been decided.


They use each other’s mana and intentions like consumables and throw them away without hesitation.

Even the deadly move he made with all his heart and soul is just a bait to buy a little time.

However, even if the countless practical experience accumulated for a long time on the central front and the number fight were beaten to the limit.

I couldn’t read the thoughts of that wizard wielding hundreds of magical powers in front of me.

Rather, as time passes, as if the outcome is fixed, as if all movements and judgments are being read, they are being played with.

Solcier, who could not hold on, moved first.

“Mile goes first…!!”


His right arm, which was damaged by Lennok’s lightning strike instead, cannot last long.

In that case, he would have to win while his arms were still alive.

The moment when Solsier stepped over the line of deterrence that the three of them had built desperately and Stockton screamed.

[Naraesal (螺雷殺)]

Scraping… … !!

Solceer’s shadow distorted as if it had been sucked in through an overturned bolt of lightning.


The workshop that was built fiercely. Decision that has been agonizing desperately.

The body of the spearman, who had once come within range of all resistance and counterattacks, was ground under the will of the wizard.

Ugh support!!

The radiance of the thunderbolt coiled in a spiral stirs and tears the superman’s body in reverse order, and

in an instant throws the corpse of Solseer, who has lost nearly half of his body, like garbage.


Solsier’s crushed body landed in the half-collapsed amusement park ticket booth.


The veins on Stockton’s forehead swell as if they were bursting at the corpse of his colleague who had died miserably.

However, he couldn’t move easily even though he grabbed the greatsword because the back of his hand was bursting.

Because he knew how unrealistic Sol Sear’s death had just been executed in the blink of an eye.

‘How can I use neither the realm nor the ultimate magic… … !!’

An archmage who transcended the hierarchy and reached the non-existent 8th hierarchy.

But Lennok didn’t even pull out the most powerful hands given to those cursed monsters.

I only overpowered three people in pure close combat with only basic firepower and fighting.

Using the aftermath of the first thunderbolt as a cornerstone, he predicts the moment the composition changes and kills Solsier, who showed a gap, at once.

While being able to unleash powerful magic enough to grind a person with physical abilities that has reached level 7, it is meticulous that it only bursts when it can be killed without fail.

There’s no way he doesn’t know what that attitude of thoroughly saving energy is preparing for.

While fighting the officers and rosary beads gathered here, Lenok was preparing for a battle with the ghosts who had not yet arrived.

“Come on.”

The wizard, dripping blood with one hand, looked back at the horribly distorted Stockton and the seizure of Duren.

Lennok nodded as he checked the scenery of the burning and freezing factory overhead.

“Don’t trample on me.”

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Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage, Medicine-eating wizard
Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
“World”, a game that boasts extreme freedom. In “ver.3.0”, I decided to put everything to increase the magic talent! All stats are all about magic! Instead of enhancing the character’s magic talent, took a huge amount of demerit characteristics. But, it doesn’t matter. I will create the greatest Wizard character, even if the character looks like a corpse. But…. What is this? I became that character– a character with genius talent, but can’t pass a day alive without taking medicine.


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