Drug-Eating Genius Mage Chapter 684

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The Genius Magician Who Eats Medicine Episode 684

The oldest lineage (6)

A black coffin made of fragments of extinction and Glenn’s corpse.

In the heavy, thick darkness nestled inside, something turns its head.

At the same time, I felt Ermong quietly swallowing his breath beside me.


A presence filled the entire space in an instant, as if it had been here from the beginning.

It was neither so large as to know the end, nor strong enough to know at a glance.

It was just terrifying.

An incomprehensible thrill runs down Lennok’s spine just by reflecting his consciousness here for a moment.

Lennok, too, realized what that meant, and frowned slightly.

‘You’ve become more of a monster… … .’

I don’t know what kind of strategy he used, but his presence far exceeds the level in his memory.

Would it be like this if the king of hell appeared in this place, just like the title of King Myeong?

The bubbling magic that had always been with him slowly leaked out of the coffin and engulfed the surroundings.

“Ugh…. I thought it would be like this… … !”

Ermong’s face turned blue.


Baegon also called him anxiously as if he had noticed it.

“They are interfering with Master’s requiem!!!”

[…] … .]

“I couldn’t stop these guys on my own. HELP!!!”

“That shit, so that’s not to say…!!”

Hermong’s protest also stopped the moment he cast his gaze in the dark.

The gaze in the darkness wandered like that for a long time without answering the words of Baegon and Ermong.

It is as if they are not immediately aware of the current situation and are very slowly aware of it.

“…Can’t you see?”

“Master. I can hear you-”




A message echoed for the first time in the darkness.

However, Baegon’s head, which had been screaming, fell to the ground at the sound of that low voice.

A miracle that transforms into real physical power simply by expressing that will.

The person ignoring the screaming Baegon murmured.

[I’m fed up with hearing echoes without answers… … .]


[What kind of death is this on the other side?]

The voice of a mumbled blankly.

A weary tone that felt somewhat foreign to what Lennok had remembered so far.

In the dark, I can feel that power as clearly as if I could hold it in my hand, but Myung-jak doesn’t seem to be properly aware of this side.

“Didn’t I tell you that….”

Ermong quietly whispered to Lennok as he lay flat on his stomach.

It was a desperate gesture as if he did not want Myeong to find out about his presence.

Ermong, who was rubbing his cheek on the ground, spoke quickly to Lennoc.

“It’s been a while since I’ve been insane.”

“…Are you out of your mind?”

I thought it was strange, but did you mean that Myung’s condition had deteriorated enough to be called insane?

8th level warlock. It is also a monster that has transcended the hierarchy and reached the stage long before Lennok.

If there was a sudden problem with the mind of a wizard of the highest rank, it must have been because of that profound variable.

But Lennok had never heard of him before or after.

Perhaps even the fact that Myung brought in disciples might have something to do with it.

“If we do something wrong, we will all die here.”

Ermong said that and quietly put his finger to his mouth.

“I’m going to draw attention, so please close that coffin again. Can you?”


“Let’s send that back first and deal with that stupid bastard.”

It seemed that Ermong had completely changed his mind at the point when Baegon opened the black coffin.

The appearance of Ermong, who did not wait for an answer, and quietly moved to his place, crawling on all fours.

After looking at Ermong, Lennok turned his gaze back to Baegon, who was wriggling in the distance.

“Master Su…. Why are you like this… … !!”

The image of Baegon earnestly calling out even while covered in blood.

He too was desperate enough to know that there was no way he could survive without Myeong.

[…] … .]

Myeong did not answer even after hearing that earnest plea.

It was only slowly revealing an intense yet heavy presence, as if letting everything around it go blankly.

“He said I have a talent…!! Didn’t you say you would take me as a disciple? … . please…!!”

[stop…. My head hurts… … .]

Myeong trailed off.

[You’re talking nonsense… … . If you know about me, how can you use my name-]

At that moment, the person who saw Ermong crawling hard on the other side of Baegon stopped talking.

[…] … Right. Was it this way this time?]

Myung laughed as if he had finally recognized and confirmed Ermong.

The darkness that had been rotating inside the coffin rose like a wave and began to cover the heads of the three people in an instant.


[Quickly this time…. It will end quickly.]


A whirlwind of time and space dyed black as if it would kill Ermong at any moment.

Terrified, Ermund backed away, shaking his limbs in a fit of rage, and quickly glanced at Lennok.

Receiving that gaze, Lennok jumped in a flash and moved in front of the black crown in an instant.

He grabbed the door of the coffin.


Ermong screamed in a shrill voice, but Lennok ignored it.

Rather, instead of closing the door of the coffin, he simply threw the black water droplet he was holding in his hand into the darkness.


The only black magic that Lennok stole and learned from Myung and gathered the black magic of this place and threw it away.

The shape of water droplets that hardened and repainted space itself bounced across the darkness, creating huge ripples, and the screams and pleas of Ermong and Baegon intersected.

“What are you doing, fastness!!”


Despite the shouts echoing from behind him, Lennok was still thinking about something else.

‘Baegon is not that stupid or stupid.’

A wizard of a higher rank who has completed the hierarchy and obtained the magnetic realm. He is also a talented magician who can skillfully use black magic in direct combat.

Would it be possible for such a person to be convinced that he was a disciple of Ming based solely on misunderstanding or misunderstanding?

It is reasonable that there were circumstances or evidence to give that certainty.

But even so, Myeong, whose consciousness has only descended, does not even remember the existence of Baegon on the other side of the darkness.

There is a secret that Myung hides in that gap of perception.

“I want you to come to your senses now.”

The moment Lennok threw the black drop of water into the darkness.

It felt like the dark void that seemed like it would crush Ermong and explode at any moment was fading away.

The black magician’s gaze swayed like a blade on his neck and seemed about to break at any moment.

Finally, he stood tall in front of Lennok.

[…] … Ban?]

Unlike the tone that resounded blankly until now, the answer seems to have regained some sense.

The moment Lennok threw in the dark magic and the moment he recognized his existence, it seemed to wake up from a long dream.

Baegon’s face contorted terribly when he intuited that fact, and Ermong let out a sigh of relief.

“Profit…!!! Aagh!!”

“You don’t look very well.”

Lennok asked.

“Are you okay?”

[…] … .]

Myung, who was silent for a long time, answered slowly.

[okay…. Did you come back… … .]


[are you okay. Not yet…. yes it’s still ok… … .]

Myung muttered as if repeating himself, and answered slowly.

It’s as if he’s finally coming to his senses a little bit.

It’s shaking as if you don’t even realize where you are yet.

Lennok nodded his head at Baegon, who was lying on the ground, observing his reaction.

“Your disciple borrowed the power of the black crown and called you directly. I want to ask you a few questions about that fact.”

[…] … Disciple?]


Baegon called out, crawling desperately on his broken limbs.

“The author interfered with the plan and inevitably called Master…. sorry!!”

[…] … .]

asked Lennok, looking into the silent darkness.

“They are making a black coffin by gathering the power of foreign media. What is the exact purpose of this object?”

“The lightning and the old warlock are the master’s plans…!! Punish me immediately!! I will help!!”

Baegon’s roar echoed loudly with Lennok’s voice.

Ermong, who was lowering his head, let out a deep sigh and muttered.

“X feet really….”

At that moment, the jewel that bounced out of Ermong’s grip fell on Baegon’s head in the form of a huge cube.


On the spot, the shape of the jewel cube changes and transforms into a huge prison that confines Baegon.



“It’s an important moment, so let’s be quiet. yes?”

Lennok, neatly ignoring the commotion, spoke to Myeong.

“I know the world is looking for great talent. Izai must be one of those geniuses.”

[…] … .]

“If you are a disciple, I am willing to let you live here. Instead, I would like to hear about the use of this black crown.”

Machine City Machina. Beyond the memories of the failed Ascension Gate.

Through the memories of the Ascendant Orochnir, Lennok heard what kind of answer and salvation the leader hoped for in the end.

A horseman who dreams of an answer that doesn’t exist.

A god-slayer from the old world who wants to shoot and kill a god.

The end of the grand story that was fired from the well of handbooks with Gyebaek as a bullet.

Lennok already knew what the leader wanted and that he still wanted to leave that will in this world.

However, the method and process were so far away and vast that it was difficult to guess the direction and framework.

Nevertheless, it is true that everything Pandaemonium does looks different because it has returned after seeing the destination once.

If you want to prepare a new plan by gathering the power of foreign media in the pandemonium.

And if Ming’s existence and power were directly intertwined in this plan.

Wouldn’t it be proof that the leader himself went out to prepare a new ‘bullet’?

The conviction that the small speculation that started with the existence of Reisen Azamaha reached the big root of Pandaemonium.

Lennok’s eyes sank deeply.

“Is this black coffin also related to the ultimate goal of Pandaemonium?”

[…] … .]

Instead of answering those words, Myung turned his gaze away from Lennok and looked around in silence.

The heavy darkness that represents his consciousness whirls inside the coffin and slowly perceives the surrounding landscape.

The existence of Ermong and Baegon. The fragments of the ruined tree and the shape of a huge black coffin.

And again, the figure of Lennok standing in front of him.

[…] … There are some misunderstandings.]

The silent man said.

It was only now, as if he had finally come to his senses, that the voice coming from the darkness became clearer.

[First half, I do not accept students. The black magic I possess is the product of a cursed lineage passed down from generation to generation… … . There is no reason to increase the number of innocent victims.]

“A victim?”

[The oldest family line ends in my generation. I will definitely declare it here.]

At that moment, the expression of Ermong, who had been standing silently, subtly wriggled.

Myung spoke in a strangely laughing voice as if he had guessed Ermong’s reaction.

[One more thing, I’m in a state where I’ve lost my hands on Pandaemonium’s work… … . It is not my responsibility to proceed under the name of the Pandemonium.]

“What if?”

[Do I need to explain further?]

At that moment, the black mass on the other side of the black crown began to wriggle greatly.

What a profit… … !!

At the same time as the fantasy of time and space creaking unpleasantly, something slowly rises from the other side.

The black substance of darkness changed into the shape of five long fingers.

Hundreds of chains that cast dark shadows are densely packed into the thick forearms that suck up even a handful of light.

Myong raised her long, sharp fingers loosely like demonic hands and pointed at Baygon, who was slowly trapped inside the cube.

[Time to pay for all the bullshit that worm has been talking about.]


Baegon, whose complexion had changed to a swarthy complexion, screamed desperately for something, but I couldn’t hear him.

No, are you thinking that even though everyone has already heard it, there is no value in it?

[What I allowed you to do would not have been a deception like this.]

Myeong said sneeringly.

[What should I talk about with a bug that can’t discuss its true name while looking at the other person drunk on a trivial mission?]


[I had to change the tool that had served my life in time, but my fault caused a fuss.]

The demon’s hand extended from the coffin and slowly approached the fallen Baegon.

As if the sense of distance had been distorted, the sentence of death gradually approached even though the length of the hand did not increase at all.

“Okay, I was wrong!! Wrong Master!!!”

Baegon frantically pleaded, hoarse with tears and snot running down his face.

A scream burst through the soundproofing of the cube.

“Please save me!! please save me… … !!!”

[Everything you thought was grace… … .]

The moment when a finger rose out of the darkness lightly tapped Baygon’s chest.

[I’ll take it from here.]

As if in response to that light knock, black mist began to come out of the warlock’s gong.

“Damn it!! Turn it off… … !!!”

The appearance of Baegon twisting his whole body while screaming something that was not human.

The skin dried up and cracked, and rotten blood oozes out from between them.

An execution ceremony in which limbs are twisted, souls withered, and existence itself torn to shreds.

Soon, Baegon’s figure disappeared from the spot, leaving only a black rotted skeleton.

clack clack… … !!

The figure of the skeleton convulsing while rattling its jawbone as if it hadn’t died yet in that state.

Could it be that the pain of the soul, which cannot be heard by human beings, leaks out as an inaudible scream?

Myung laughed coldly.

[okay. Now it sounds good to hear.]


[That scream was the only word allowed when you called me.]

Baegon, black and withered, could not answer.

Instead, it collapsed like ashes on the spot and became a handful of crumbs.


Ermong let out a sigh of relief, feeling somewhat relieved.

It was belatedly convinced that Myeong had no intention of holding him accountable.

If Myung had intended to hold Ermong accountable, he would have squeezed out the existence together when he dealt with Baegon.

However, Lennox was more interested in Myung’s skill than Ermong’s reaction.

“Are you converting the will itself into the concept of existing death?”

Myung just took everything from Baegon and squeezed it, not using any magic power.

He only tapped lightly as if to stretch out his will and get out of his body.

However, with just that, Baygon’s soul and body escaped their will and faced an end beyond death.

Having dealt with many monsters and geniuses, and having had several conversations with the Ascendant, Lennok understood what a feat this was.

Even now what Myeong meant by showing this to Lennok.

‘I’m not crazy… … . He might have already obtained the qualifications.’

The last time he saw Myung, he had already reached the realm of dealing with time as a result.

By wielding black magic to the limit, it stretches the gap in consciousness and fills it with immeasurable meaning.

However, after time passed, Myung, who met again, was trying to overcome even that and obtain qualifications.

A realm that was only allowed to legendary transcendentalists throughout the world.

“No, there must be something I need to check before that.”

Lennok shook his head and stepped back slowly.

A series of monologues and reactions mentioned by Ms. Even the attitude that Baegon and Ermong showed.

At the end of all those causalities gathered together, there is one question that came naturally.

“Name. You…. Aren’t you the only one?”

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Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage, Medicine-eating wizard
Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
“World”, a game that boasts extreme freedom. In “ver.3.0”, I decided to put everything to increase the magic talent! All stats are all about magic! Instead of enhancing the character’s magic talent, took a huge amount of demerit characteristics. But, it doesn’t matter. I will create the greatest Wizard character, even if the character looks like a corpse. But…. What is this? I became that character– a character with genius talent, but can’t pass a day alive without taking medicine.


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