Drug-Eating Genius Mage Chapter 628

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The drug-eating genius wizard episode 628

Designer (1)

After solving the case in the cyberd workshop, the time in the upper workshop district passed quickly.

He continues to work as an artisan in the studio and whenever he has free time, he collects information about Ascension Gate.

‘There are more clues about the Gate of Ascension through Boyan’s memories than I thought.’

Lennok’s eyes shone sharply as he quickly flipped through the thick books and papers.

‘Even if you can’t find the most important secret like the location of the Ascension Gate at once, you can definitely trace its traces and history.’

If Lennok had just arrived in Machine City, he wouldn’t have been able to dig into Makina’s living quarters and conduct an investigation like this.

The library where you are currently searching for materials is also a facility that can only be used by artisans residing in high-level workshops or residents who have earned tickets to that level.

However, due to the various things he solved while continuing his role as a craftsman, there were more opportunities to approach the Makina core district than expected.

Lennok had not overlooked that fact and was trying to make the most of what was available to him.

‘I’m going to have to keep my artisan status until I find a clear clue while reducing the workshop work little by little.’

After a short break in the library, return to the workshop. Start preparing to welcome guests.

Cyberd’s words that he would introduce Lennok’s studio to other artisans were not a lie.


“Since a month ago, my workshop suddenly cut off customers…!! Please help me!!”

As if all of them came after hearing the story from Cyberd, now they even have the sincerity of printing out photos of their workshops and bringing them to Lennok.

Lennok asked as soon as he saw the picture of the artisan’s workshop.

“You recently switched raw material suppliers. Is that correct?”

“That’s right!!”

Rather than being surprised or astonished, the craftsman nodded his head eagerly as if it was as expected.

“The transport cart shown at the bottom of the picture is slightly collapsed. Since you can’t use a cart that has been broken in the workshop for a long time, it means that the weight and material of the metal being moved have changed significantly.”

“As expected, it was just as rumored!!!”

Instead of responding, Lennok pointed to a corner of the photo of the workshop the craftsman had brought.

“The wall next to the furnace is wet. It’s impossible to think of the heat. The steam that evaporated from the inside mixes with magic power and continues to discolor the furnace.”

“Ha, but the supplier I contracted with said that if they use the alloy they smelt, there will never be any leakage of magic power…!!”

Lennok continued to stare blankly at the photo, then pointed to the tongs on the workbench.

“Seeing that one end of this tong is bent, it must be a device made of deformable alloy.”

“uh? uhh… … yes….”

“This type of deformable alloy is usually made by combining magic with liquid metal.”

Lennok shook his head at his father-in-law, who responded irritably.

“It seems that the liquid metal and mana are separated and starting to play separately after being exposed to the heat for a long time.”

“So what?!”

“We need to change suppliers right away.”

“Ugh, I thought I’d found a groundbreaking cost reduction method….”

Mouser clicked his tongue as he pounded his hammer at the crafting table as he watched the craftsman return with his shoulders drooping.

“Looks like you’ve been scammed by a supplier. Stupid artisans are like that sometimes, but it’s not until a friend who is about the level of a craftsman in a high-level workshop is like that… … .”

“I heard that alloys using new materials are usually difficult to understand at a glance, so craftsmen are easily scammed.”

said Lennok, tapping the newspaper spread on the table next to the workbench.

“If you look at the news, they say that iron prices have gone up a lot these days, so you probably wanted to cut costs if possible.”

At Lennok’s words, Mouser turned to Lennok with a sullen look.

“Now you seem more familiar with the Machine City than I am, don’t you think so?”

“I wish the Mouser artisan paid a little more attention to current events.”


A break time after having a casual conversation and a light meal in the workshop approaching noon.

Every day around this time, Lennok went to the library located near the workshop district to look up materials on the Gate of Ascension.

“Meldrance Deborah Claschik Velma… … Wrong.”

Lennok, who had been flipping through a book about the ending level gates and barriers in Machine City Machina, quickly closed the thick book and stood up.

“I searched through hundreds of professional books for several days, but I couldn’t find the name I was looking for….”

Except for the time he worked in the studio, he almost lived in the library on other days and devoted himself to researching materials, but in the end, the information Lennok needed most could not be found anywhere.

Among Boyan’s memories, the man muttered a word right before he entered the door.

Atermeyer, the designer of the Ascension Gate.

Lennok was certain that the name would play a key role in tracing the Ascension Gate, and had been searching through books and papers, but

hadn’t found the name anywhere until several days later.

[When I arbitrarily entered the word master in the search box and turned to the search, I confirmed that the Makina internal security module was moving this way.]

Darby, in Lennok’s arms, seemed to have found results on her own, and quietly conveyed the results.

[There are cases where certain sites or networks are set as forbidden words, and it seems almost certain that location tracking is set to activate when the name is searched.

] That means the security system is designed to do that.”

Even if you search all the nearby libraries, data, papers, books, and databases, you can’t find the name Atermire, and even

if you just search the name on the network, you can trace the location of this side in reverse.

At least, it seemed certain that the machine city was managing to ensure that the name never went out.

“The designer of the Ascension Gate is deliberately hidden and concealed. Why?”

Although the data on Ascension Gate, which was considered the largest project in the Machine City, is not properly disclosed to the public, traces of it remain.

Even if there is no book written directly on the name or progress, the fact that there was a very huge project decades ago and it ended without achieving results is recorded everywhere.

Among them, the names of politicians who were executed or exiled executives who were responsible for the failure of the plan were also detailed.


Lennok’s fingers stopped thinking as he thoughtlessly flipped through the wanted dictionary.

[Head of Project Exiles. Maya Lenslet]

It was because the personal details of the Pandaemonium enforcer Lennok was familiar with were written down in detail.

In the past, he was the best executor of Machine City, but he was exiled as a high-ranking superman for taking responsibility for the failure of the Gate of Ascension.

Perhaps because she had worked as an enforcer in Makina for such a long time, the wanted dictionary had a lot of details about her.

[Executive officer with the most achievements and accomplishments in the history of Machina. He served as the head of the executive agency twice, resigned three times, and was expelled as an exile.]

[Completion of the 239th senior executive officer curriculum. Official record of reaching level 7 of self-modification completion at the age of 34. Current presumed hierarchy level 8 or higher.]

[Machina is famous for memorizing the geography and location of all districts and districts, so it stands out in pursuit and escape operations.] [Skilled in both box fighting and

weapon shooting, three or more special skills Holds a firearms license. Expelled and all records deleted.]

“Miya Lenslet….”

Come to think of it, when I first met Maya at the Hanghasama Labyrinth, she was moving with the doctor’s incarnation.

Considering that he also appeared in the midterm settlement, is it correct to think that he has a somewhat cooperative relationship with the doctor?

It is a matter to think about Maiya’s personal situation now that not only the doctor’s identity has been found in Machina, but that ability seems to be related to the Ascension Gate to some extent.

“…Maybe I should contact Pandaemonium.”

If you were Maya, a former enforcer, you probably knew about the existence of Atermire.

The problem is that as the Ascension Gate’s failure is close to Maya’s wrath, I don’t know if there’s a way to ask her about the name Atermire without provoking her.

In the end, in order to find the designer of the Ascension Gate smoothly in this matter, you need a more subtle yet sharp move than this… … .

After thinking that far, Lennok stood up from his seat.

* * *

While concentrating on finding materials, he couldn’t spend much time on consulting, but Lennock’s work progressed faster and faster.

It must be proof that he is getting used to looking at the other side while dealing with various agendas and requests in the workshop.

At first, Lenoc was able to find the cause only after listening to the customer, but now it is getting faster and faster, to the point where he starts making estimates based on the customer’s attire.

“I can’t handle large-scale industrial equipment, so go find another workshop.”

“We do not accept requests for munitions. I know there are workshops that specialize in military equipment, but I think you should go there.”

“Are you a cop here? Some criminal came to ask me to leave his equipment… … .”


Without saying a word, we figure out what the problems of the craftsmen and customers are, and filter out what can and cannot be done quickly.

In the process, suspicious persons are reported to the police, and requests from other fields are sent to specialized workshops, and answers are given first for matters that require consultation.

“You can increase the interval between oiling the equipment to about two weeks.”

“yes? But I haven’t said anything yet… … .”

Later, even before the guest who came to talk about the main topic, Lenok started to tell him the solution first.

The guests who visited the workshop got the answer they wanted and returned home, but all of them returned home with an expression as if possessed by a ghost.

“Are you Lyman, who is doing fortune-telling for customers right here in the workshop district?”


“See what my fate is. Am I the one who will be the king?”

As more time passes, all sorts of customers come to Lennok, along with strange ghost stories.

“I’m sorry, Father Lyman. A report that the artisan’s workshop is a pseudo-religious group came in as a group, so it was simply confirmed and signed… … .”


I even had to hear the absurd news that I was reported several times as a fake after attending for a while following the police who apologized over and over again.

One day, while searching for the traces of Ascension Gate and Kaise, he devoted himself to the work of the workshop.

“Long time no see, Lyman.”

On behalf of Narcissa, Ebert, the manager in charge of the upper workshop district, came to see him.

Like Mouser and Narcissa, he is a disciple who learned metallurgy at the workshop in Hwadeokjin-gun, and an outstanding craftsman who is also a meister himself.

Lennok shook his hand without hesitation and immediately asked.

“Convocation of the Ex Machina. Is it the date?”

Evert moved Lennok’s workshop to a higher-level workshop, and he had talked about summoning Lennok to the Simseonggwan in Ex Machina.

He had only remembered the story of that time and had never heard of the schedule, but he had never shown his face before and came to the workshop for the first time.

However, Ebert smiled wryly at those words and shook his head slightly.

“Something about convocation is right, but it is also wrong.”


“Elava. Come in and let’s talk.”

As soon as he could hear Ebert’s words, a woman followed him into the workshop.

Solid work boots with a lightweight outfit over work clothes. The thick and thick eyebrows are impressive.

Even at a glance, it can be seen that he is a craftsman, and his expression is comparable to that of a confident expression.

She went right up to Mouser, put her hands together politely, and bowed her head.

“I’ve heard a lot about the story of Craftsman Lyman.”


“If you don’t mind, can I talk to you about the problem I’m having?”

Mouser laughed when he realized that the woman was confusing him.

“Ebert. Didn’t you explain properly? It’s a lot of fun.”


A woman who couldn’t understand Mouser’s words for a moment and tilted her head.

Ebert laughed at the woman and pointed at Lennok.

“Lyman’s father-in-law is him. You’ve got the wrong person.”

“yes? No, the craftsman who even consulted the workshop of the cyberd craftsman then… … ?”

The woman walked back in front of Lennok, hesitantly, not understanding, and bowed her head.

“Nice to meet you. My name is Elaba.”


Lennok looked at the woman who introduced herself as Elaba, then said,

“It’s not a matter of workshop.”

“yes? ah….”

Elava scratched her cheek with embarrassment.

“Yes. I haven’t had my own workshop yet.”

“You seem to be working as an apprentice under another craftsman. Are you thinking of quitting soon?”

“Huh? yes…How did you know?”

Elava, who casually replied, asked back as if she were curious.

Lennok replied, turning his head and picking up the hammer.

“Artisans with long hair, both male and female, tend to leave traces of their work on their hair.”


“Overall, my hair is uneven, but the top of my hair is barely tanned. It is proof that even though I have been engaged in artisan work for quite a while, I have not been near the furnace for a week.”


“Isn’t the fact that the apprentice craftsman didn’t sit in front of the furnace, proof that his heart has already left there?”

Elava, who had been listening to Lennok’s words in a daze, finally came to her senses with a gasp.

“And indeed, it is as rumored. No, how can I just have that… … .”

“Obviously, it’s not something you can tell just by looking at your hair.”

Lennok laughed as he bent the wire on the workbench with a hammer.

“The light outfit that is not like a craftsman and the difference in muscle mass on both arms, the fact that the weight of the shoes you are wearing is different, and the fire-resistant fabric is attached…Because he is a craftsman in a workshop who works in front of a very high-temperature furnace, you can tell whether he is working or not by looking at the smoke.”

“I don’t think that makes any more sense…Elava muttered in a

confident tone, then took out a heavy paper bag from her bosom as if she realized why she had come here so late.

“For now, this is my severance pay!!”


Ignoring Lennok, who looked down at it with an absurd expression, Elava bowed her head on the spot.

“I will do anything I can, so please correct me as a craftsman!!”


Lennok looked at Ebert in silence, and then he smiled and explained.

“It is literally. Can you see what Elava lacks as a craftsman?”

“Does this have anything to do with being summoned to the Simseonggwan?”

Ebert nodded.

“I can’t give you a detailed explanation, but I really need her help.”


Why do I have to take care of Elava’s problem in order to enter the Simseonggwan?

As Lennok brooded over the correlation, Mouser gestured toward Elava with a sullen face.

“Hey, come over here and put your name on the list.”

“I see!”

“I said Elaba. What’s your last name?”


At that moment, Lennok’s expression hardened as he turned around.

“My name is Elava Attermyer.”

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Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage, Medicine-eating wizard
Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
“World”, a game that boasts extreme freedom. In “ver.3.0”, I decided to put everything to increase the magic talent! All stats are all about magic! Instead of enhancing the character’s magic talent, took a huge amount of demerit characteristics. But, it doesn’t matter. I will create the greatest Wizard character, even if the character looks like a corpse. But…. What is this? I became that character– a character with genius talent, but can’t pass a day alive without taking medicine.


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