Drug-Eating Genius Mage Chapter 627

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Genius Wizard Episode 627

Steel Discipline (2)

As the calm voice of a man resounds, an enormous amount of information floods in beyond Boyan’s memory.

It is an overwhelming amount of information that Boyan cannot properly accept and understand with his own mind and heart.


Ujijijik Kagagak!!

Forgotten sounds from the other side of the world, incomprehensible to human senses and intellect, penetrated the auditory senses and filled the brain.

It could not be seen or touched, but it was unmistakably slowly opening in front of Boyan’s eyes.

Squeak… … !!


Even though both eyes were covered, Boyan’s eyes spun around as if they were about to go blind and shed tears.

Despite forcibly limiting visual information and accepting the aftermath of the door only through hearing, Boyan’s consciousness is already being worn down to the point of being swept away.

The man grabbed Boyan’s wrists, pulled them lightly, and pushed his bound hands forward.

The moment I felt that I had put my hand inside the door, the feeling in both hands completely disappeared.

An empty feeling of disappearance, as if I had left all the bones and muscle flesh in the lower part of my forearm somewhere out of this world.

saaaaaa… …

You can feel the wind flowing through the cold abyss.

The remnants of oblivion, wandering here and there looking for a direction, as if something were climbing up through your fingertips.


Boyan, who had already completely lost consciousness, flinched with tears and drool, but the man didn’t seem satisfied with that fact.

[Huh uh heh?]

[He grabbed something, but he didn’t have the rationality to pull it out.]

[Ha ha ha ha ha!!]

The man muttered, not paying attention to Boyan’s appearance of crying and screaming and then bursting into laughter. distanced

[The rule of steel. Decades have passed since the oath of silence faded, but its legacy still remains here.]

[…] … Ah?]

[This is the only consideration I can give you now, without Atermeyer, the designer of the Ascension Gate.]

No further reply was heard from Boyan.

Instead, with a hand gently pushing him from behind. Just like that, Boyan’s body jumped through the door.

[Go. If you’re lucky, you’ll meet something that can save your soul.]

At the same time as the eerie memories of being covered with an unknown, strange fog.

Lennok regained consciousness beyond Boyan’s memories.



Could it be because he forcibly searched Boyan’s memories and confirmed the truth?

Boyan fell to the ground, eyes closed, frothing at the mouth and convulsing.

But Lennok was so focused on recalling the memory he had just peeked that he couldn’t care less about Boyan’s reaction.


The ‘door’ mentioned in Machine City Machina.

There is no doubt that it refers to the Ascension Gate Project, which was treated as the supreme plan in this city.

But what is even more surprising is that the maintenance of the Ascension Gate is still not enough in this city, and the fact that they are still experimenting with the failure.

From the memories he had just glimpsed, Lennok was able to get a sense of what the Gate of Ascension was.

And even why the knowledge and heritage of the Old World are so often visible in this machine city.

‘It’s the door to the next world… … I think I know why the Ascension Gate failed.’

Machine City opened the Ascension Gate dreaming of the next path, but what existed beyond the gate was not the fourth world.

Rather, what existed in them was close to the traces of failure and destruction that they never hoped for.

‘Has it become a burden to bear certain penalties and conditions in return for opening the door? If so, it makes sense to run an experiment like this in parallel, but… … .’

Then why did Boyan’s memory not disappear and still remain in his mind?

Considering the Ascension Gate’s abilities and status, it’s unrealistic that it couldn’t take the memory of a single ordinary artisan.

If I had to choose the cause, it would be more correct to think that it was the achievements Boyan obtained beyond the Ascension Gate.

“Is it because it’s a spirit…? … ?”

A spirit is a being that is both life and non-life. It is made to stay in the space of the spirit world before incarnating in the material world.

Confusion may have occurred as the amount of information from the Ascension Gate was connected to the spirit world at the moment Boyan was taking out the Salamander from inside the Gate of Ascension.

It is not difficult to understand if some memories of Boyan, which should have been lost in the process, remain.

‘The memory before entering the door remains, but the memory after entering has disappeared. In fact, it means that close to half of the memories were not lost and remained intact… … .’

The fact that amnesia did not work properly due to the fact that the spirits of the old world were taken away must be proof that the legacy of Ascension Gate remains in an unstable form.

That, in other words, was proof that intervention was possible if Lennok could locate the Ascension Gate.

‘Designer Attermyer. Ascension Gate, which finds the heritage of the old world, and the statue of God, who makes transactions using knowledge as a database… … .’

Perhaps the ability of the new statue created by the doctor was created by borrowing some of the ability of Ascension Gate.

After thinking that far, Lennok slowly collected his mana and stood up.


After passing out Boyan, he lifted it with a magician and carried it on his back, then staggered back.

I was convinced that if I checked Boyan’s memory, I would be able to get my hands on the clue Lennok wanted, so I tried my hand at it, but

there are more possibilities and information spreading out in a series of images than I thought.

Rather than sorting it out here right away, I have no choice but to take care of this matter and think about it.

* * *

The fire that engulfed the Cyberd workshop was extinguished, and Boyan, who was a disciple of the workshop, was pointed out as the culprit of what had happened.

Cyberd stared at Boyan as he was taken away by the police and disappeared for a long time without saying a word.

The appearance of Boyan walking away without even looking back at the workshop with his head down weakly.

Cyberd sighed and slowly turned his head and met Lennok’s gaze.

“I don’t know how to thank you for what happened today.”

Cyberd muttered, unable to look at Lennok properly, averting his gaze.

“I’m sorry I lied about you because I doubted you. Do you really think that one of my students is the culprit… … .”

“It would have been difficult for me to think about it if I hadn’t learned about spirits over my shoulder.”

Lennok answered without batting an eye.

“I was lucky.”

“What is the powder you threw into the furnace earlier?”

An older disciple standing next to Cyberd asked.

“As a result, if it wasn’t for that, Boyan wouldn’t have come forward. I don’t know what kind of powder it was that made me overreact.”

“Ah, it’s a snack set that the spirits like.”

“…A snack set?”

Upon hearing Lennok’s nonchalant answer, the artisans’ expressions changed strangely.

“Is there any reason to carry such a thing in Machine City?”

“Because I got it by chance.”

In fact, it is one of the snacks for the spirits that undergraduate students have bought to express their gratitude to Darby after solving the mysterious palace incident at Rabatenon Magic University.

Darby took great pride in the fact that the undergraduates were feeding him, but there were few treats to satisfy Darby’s fastidious palate, and most of them were kept intact in Lennok’s hands.

Lennok sprinkled such spirit snacks to bring out the spirit hiding in the furnace, and Boyan pretended to quarrel with Lennok and tried to hide the spirit crawling out of the furnace somehow.

“That’s right… … After all, Narcissa’s eyes weren’t wrong.”

Cyberd muttered with a confused expression, and soon cleared his throat after clearing his expression.

“Anyway, it’s clear that your diagnosis was more effective than anything else. Not even half a day has passed, but the temperature in the workshop is already returning to normal.”

“I’m glad.”

“As promised, I will introduce you to other artisans I know, as well as help you establish your consulting business.”

Cyberd nodded with a determined face.

“If you have contact information or flyers for your studio, bring them all and leave them in our studio. Within three days, I will make sure that no one in this workshop district knows that your workshop has opened!”

“I don’t think you need to do that, but….”

After saying that, Lennok made an appointment to meet with Cyberd separately and prepared to leave.

While the other disciples opened the studio again and prepared to work, Cyberd came out to meet Lennok alone.

Lennok, who was about to return to his studio immediately, looked back at Cyberd as if he remembered something and opened his mouth.

“Oh, and can I give you one piece of advice about running the studio in the future?”

“However much.”

Lennok lowered his voice a little and whispered at the Cyberd’s answer filled with solid trust.

“It would be better not to reveal too much which side you value more in front of the disciples.”

“…What do you mean?”

“All of the disciples’ shoes were charred.”

said Lennok.

“Normally, that doesn’t happen when you sit in one place on a furnace and work. The direction in which you sit at the workbench and the furnace is fixed like a habit.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about… … .”

“Didn’t you change from time to time which furnace you would work on depending on the performance of your disciples?”

Cyberd shut up.

“Since the direction of the brazier is different for each person, if you put the flame and switch places frequently, all of your shoes will be scorched regardless of the direction of the brazier.”


“It seems that the competition was deliberately instigated so that excellent artisans change seats based on performance over the five furnaces.”

Lennok went on to say about the Cyberd who couldn’t say anything.

“Bojan probably noticed this and was convinced that he had been pushed out of the atelier ranks. That’s why I didn’t hesitate to use the workshop’s brazier as food for the spirits for my own comfort without much guilt.”

“Lyman I….”

Cyberd, who opened his mouth as if to make an excuse, gave up and hung his shoulders weakly.

“…Your intuition is truly amazing. It’s sharper than any artisan or superman I’ve ever seen. No, it just feels creepy.”


“that’s right. It was decided that the one who sat on the brazier in good condition was the one who had achieved results, and we have been pushing for the disciples to sit by changing seats every quarter. It was intended to encourage the guys to improve… … .”

Perhaps Cyberd’s thoughts became more intense after the temperature inside the workshop began to fluctuate.

As the condition of the furnace differs slightly depending on the temperature of the workshop, he must have thought that a good furnace should be entrusted to a student who achieved even a little excellent results.

Lennok looked at the Cyberd and said quietly.

“It’s not just Boyan. Perhaps the other disciples are vaguely aware of the position they hold in the studio.”


“I don’t mean to interfere with the Cyberd craftsman’s view of education. You know?”

Lennok nodded.

“You shouldn’t hide it at all, but revealing it too openly is bound to cause resentment.”

That’s why it’s difficult to be suitable.

However, in the end, since it is against the same person, it is not possible to go to either extreme in the end.

It is said that there is no right answer in the world, but at least the incident that took place in the cyberd workshop that Lennok felt was like that.

“Yes, yes….”

Cyberd’s eyes returned to focus, as if he had felt something.

He looked at Lennok and lowered his head slightly.

“Today I am learning one thing. thanks. I will try to remember those words from now on.”

* * *

On the other side of the street in the workshop district where the sunset is setting.

There was a person watching the two shadows coming from inside the studio, where the smoke was rising thickly.

What is unique about it is that it is located at the end of a mechanical barrier that is thousands of meters away.

The figure of a man sitting leisurely and gazing with the naked eye at a distance where an ordinary person would be able to focus even with a telescope.

An inorganic voice resounded in the man’s arms.

[Is that man Lyman?]

“At first, he said he called himself Ban.”

the man answered.

“Lyman is an identity that Isabella arbitrarily invented to get him to participate in the selection ceremony. Even after the selection ceremony is over, I continue to use that name for convenience.”

[Half… … .]

The voice that repeated the name with a strange resonance somewhere laughed.

[They’re both not their real names, right?


After saying that, the focus of the man’s right eye rapidly widened, and soon began to roll around, drawing a strange curve.

With his right eye that rotates bizarrely as if focusing a camera lens, he watches a young man who is absorbed in cleaning from inside the workshop.

“Considering his known fastness, he is a cruel, violent and arrogant wizard himself. It’s completely different from what Lyman has done so far.”

[…] … .]

“I have been observing it for several days, but I also agree with Isabella, Hermes. It’s on the other side. It is also somewhere closely connected to the old world.”


The voice seemed to be thinking about something for a long time, and then sighed lightly.

[I knew. If the two spearheads of the enforcement agency made the same decision, we shouldn’t be stumbling any further.]

As Lennok had thought, he had come too far to avoid being noticed under the name Lyman, and the leaders of Machine City were aware of that as well.

The relocation of Lennok’s workshop to the upper workshop district was also not a decision made by Narcissa Solmer alone.

“It’s been a while since I contacted you, how are you doing these days?”

The man who returned the focus back to normal smiled and trembled.

“Hasn’t Ex Machina been making a lot of noise about the governor’s son?”

[The mechanical head is holding the evidence and not trying to solve it at all.]

The commissioner called Hermes answered flatly.

[Since the Governor-General is from that country, as a machine head, he thinks that maintaining the position of the Governor-General is advantageous to politics.]

“That’s natural, but….”

Each district of the machine city has a manager in charge, but the governor does not refer to a position in charge of administrative affairs in a particular district or district.

An entity that manages the Deep District, where the deep sea barrier is located, the most important in Machina, and leads other managers.

As much as that, it is only natural that even in Ex Machina, fierce battles would be fought over which faction the governor would be selected from.

And as the man feared, the governor of this generation was a man with a dirty back regardless of public or private affairs.

[One more. At the Meister selection ceremony, it seems that Commissioner Brahms was fussing about needlessly. It is said that the performance was urgent because there was not much time left in the term?]

“Oh, you mean that? Seeing that Isabella doesn’t say much, you don’t have to worry too much… … .”

[You must be chewing on the mistakes you made in the flames of the incinerator by now.]


The man shut his mouth at the words of Hermes, who muttered calmly.

[It is possible that those behind Narcissa Solmer’s assassination were intertwined with the governor. Sooner or later, he won’t be able to hold that position for long.]

“…So you’re thinking of shaking the mechanical head and seeing the reaction?”

[All preparations have already been completed. He scarred the thing he loved and cherished the most and obtained the scratch.]

Hermes said in a joyful voice.

[All that remains is to wait for the failure of the Ascension Gate to spill over this city.]


Instead of responding to that, the man stood up from his seat after staring at the cloudy sky of Machine City in silence.

Decades ago, when Machine City Makina closed the barriers and minimized interactions with the outside world.

Rather, the number of people trying to sneak into Machina and find out the secret they are hiding has increased even more.

In the process, a large number of powerful men, whom even the enforcement officers cannot be vigilant for, invaded Machina, as well as being captured and detained.

Even at this very moment, the other enforcers are running all over the huge mechanical barrier, struggling to endure the iron discipline.

Men shouldn’t smoke for a long time either.

That moment when the man who thought so glanced away.


[Why is that?]

“I don’t know if I was wrong….”

The man tilted his head slightly and murmured quietly.

“I think I just looked this way.”

I didn’t feel the slightest movement of looking away or even a sign of sensing this direction, but the man’s sixth sense seemed to catch a faint sense of déjà vu.

Is it just a remnant that occurred in the process of reflecting on what needs to be done in the future?

After that, the man who looked carefully at Lenok for a while again disappeared without finding anything unusual.


Lennok did not look away from the sign of the shadow disappearing in the distance, and followed it until the very end.

“What are you doing over there?”

“…it’s nothing.”

He felt the watchful eye, but at this point, resigning would mean nothing more than a check.

If so, then Lennok can still go ahead with his original purpose with peace of mind.

The two purposes that Lennok pursued when he first entered the city.

Finding the blueprints left in Kaise’s research journal and investigating the secret of the Gate of Ascension.

The two are memories left between different spaces and times, but the fact that they are hidden without anyone knowing is the same.

The legacy of the old world as seen through Boyan’s memories and the power of the door controlled through the rules of the Iron Discipline.

Could it be that the memories and traces of the destroyed world are written on the other side of the gate to see how far this city goes?

For now, there’s only one thing Lennok has to do if he has no choice but to pursue the closer one.

“If the Ascension Gate still remains in the form of a gate in this city….”

You can’t be sure of anything unless you go inside and see for yourself.

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Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage, Medicine-eating wizard
Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
“World”, a game that boasts extreme freedom. In “ver.3.0”, I decided to put everything to increase the magic talent! All stats are all about magic! Instead of enhancing the character’s magic talent, took a huge amount of demerit characteristics. But, it doesn’t matter. I will create the greatest Wizard character, even if the character looks like a corpse. But…. What is this? I became that character– a character with genius talent, but can’t pass a day alive without taking medicine.


  1. Skyler says:

    :O it’s Mr Door inviting unsuspecting artisans into the cosmos

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