Drug-Eating Genius Mage Chapter 601

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Genius Magician Who Eats Medicine Chapter 601

Pieces and Parts (3)

When blood was squeezed out and written down in a notebook, Lennok did not use blood thoughtlessly either.

A sense of heterogeneity in which the presence itself has been somewhat altered through the target designation resistance ability that exists as Lennok’s own unique talent and the consciousness of foreign media.

The case is somewhat different from when vampires like Madame or Murphy ask for their own blood.

It was because he was sure that Lennok’s secret would never be revealed if he used blood through this artifact.

But I never thought that the existence beyond this notebook would mistake Lennok for an ascendant.

“It means that even if you don’t know who I am, you can guess the history to some extent through the blood.”

Lennok thought.

“Which one….”

The remote city and the military command city mentioned by Madam as a candidate for storing Kaise’s body.

Shouldn’t it be ironic that both cities still have some potential at this point?

In a lonely city where long-lived species live, it wouldn’t be strange if he felt a sense of deja vu comparable to an ascendant in Lennok’s blood.

In addition, if it is a military command city that observes all spirituality in the world, it is understandable even if it succeeds in detecting Lennok’s transcendent spirituality.

It is difficult to guess the identity of the opponent with this alone, apart from the fact that the other side firmly misunderstands Lennok as an Ascendant.

[How to do it?]

“How to do it.”

If he was going to correct the other person’s misunderstanding or quietly step down, he didn’t even start.

“I have no reason to tell you that you are wrong.”

If the opponent misunderstands Lennok as an Ascendant, it’s enough to use that fact thoroughly as long as it doesn’t hurt.

Rather, it wouldn’t hurt to test how far you can tell Lennok a secret just because the other person is an Ascendant.

Applying another dip of blood on the back of his hand, Lennok immediately raised his pen.

[I heard that Kaise’s body is kept there.]

[After Paud’s rebellion, the upper management decided to change the place where Bajour’s body is stored.]

The answer came right away.

[The location was selected with the cooperation of the Blood Lord, and the storage method was decided with the advice of Grimulder.]


[The name of the manager who is currently storing the body is Eridnich. I was the eighth person to take over the job after Madeleine and Jovenson.]

Perhaps because the other person really thought Lennok was asking questions as an Ascendant, he spewed out a lot of information with just one keyword.

The explanation is much more detailed than I thought, so it is difficult to understand who is who even after hearing the name.

It was only assumed that they were the ones who cooperated with Kaise’s project decades ago.

“The eighth manager….”

Madame did not tell me how many times she had been in charge of caring for Kaise’s body.

However, even taking that into account, it’s worth remembering that the successor in charge of Kaise’s body has changed eight times.

It is difficult to understand unless the manager’s job itself is very demanding or there is a specific job that requires the manager to be changed periodically.

[This wad of paper is much more docile than I thought.]

“I don’t have much time. Let’s move on to the most important question.”

The sentence Lennok had written disappeared immediately, and immediately beneath it a new sentence began to emerge.

[Looking for Kaise’s body. Where is it?]

[Ascendant, unfortunately, I do not know the answer.]


Lennok, silently making eye contact with Darby and blinking, wrote the next sentence slowly.

[Tell me why.]

[Because the discussion about it started and was completely finished before I remade it.]

Lennok, who didn’t understand the words, paused his pen for a moment before the sentence came back to mind.

[Information from a time zone where I did not exist cannot be viewed with my authority. Sorry.]

Made. didn’t exist

After belatedly realizing what the words meant, Lenok slowly moved his pen again.

[What is your name and identity?]

[I am Jivel.]

The notebook answered.

[This is a book of blood that was recreated by vampires 50 years ago after it was designated as a forbidden book and disappeared hundreds of years ago.] “


It was only then that Lennok realized that the person he had been talking to so far wasn’t human, and laughed.

Self-intelligence as an artifact that records and manages information through this notebook.

It had drunk Lennok’s blood and woke up, talking to him directly and explaining the necessary information.

“Dabi, you knew.”

[The speed of communication was too regular for an organism to convey a message.] When

Darby referred to the other party as a wad of paper, he was not simply grumbling at the appearance, but just seeing through the essence.

In the meantime, sparse letters began to appear at the bottom of the paper in the notebook.

[I don’t have much time. If you want to use the remaining privileges again, you must go through additional warm-up… … .]


Does this mean that there is a set time that this notebook can be used apart from being favorably received by Lennok?

Lennok, without delay, chose the one question he could most efficiently elicit from his notebook.

[A schedule in which two or more of the project’s stakeholders gather. Please state the location and date of your most recent appointment.]

[…] … .]

Before long, a new sentence began to appear at the bottom of the notebook paper.

Sentences are cut short, and the tone of speech is also shortened.

[Two months later. District 6.]

“…District 6?”

It is one of the central districts designated as closed areas, and it is a place where a large amount of past administrative documents that have been processed by the city government are stored.

An area that I had personally visited with the help of Palad Okon during the National Guard Crisis in the past.

Compared to other closed areas, the accessibility is relatively good, and it was also an area open to outsiders.

Thanks to his past history of entering and exiting this area, Lenok was selected as a team member to solve the radiation exposure phenomenon in Area 25, so it should be said that this is a place where they were meant to be in many ways.

“Let the blood flow….”

Did Madame know that the notebook that called itself Jable had this ability?

No, the madam is not so insensitive to profit as to willingly hand out a notebook in which she has her own opinion and answers.

The Notebook, which had drunk Lennok’s blood, must have voluntarily brought out its intellect and attempted to communicate with Lennok.

As a result, should the fact that Zibel misunderstood Lennok as an ascendant was itself a benefit?

“It won’t be something that vomits up information for nothing. For that reason, the activation conditions and possessed mana were too small.”

Lennok muttered as he closed the notebook and shoved it into his arms.

“It would be correct to think of it as a storage device that can only record and reproduce a specific theme or lineage.”

[If it’s self-professed, it’s probably about the theme of the blood of life.]

And that’s proof that the way Kaise’s body is stored in the Black Consumer Project is still strongly related to blood.

The details would have to be confirmed by examining the notebook some more, but for now Lennok decided to settle for the clues he needed to track down the body.

“Fun. Kaise’s body may be in another city, but the fact that the traces of Kaise herself remain in the machine city.”

Although the Black Consumer Project took place in a mega city, the traces of its failure are scattered all over the continent.

Lennok murmured quietly as he watched the lorry gurgling away in the distance.

“Then I have no choice but to see it with my own eyes.”

The blueprint for the huge room drawn in Kaise’s research journal.

Coordinates of Machine City Machina and the Ascension Gate Project, which had already failed once in Machina.

A step towards answering long-buried questions.

The preparations are over. It was time to find the answer.


The shape of an old truck stopped in front of Lennok.

The scruffy man, who was glaring at Lennok with his arms draped over the driver’s seat, asked as if tossing it.

“A ticket?”

“doesn’t exist. Do you want to check that out?”

Lennok’s choice of transportation to Machina is not for those with tickets and treated as proper guests of the city.

Rather, an unlicensed passage for those who don’t even have a ticket to enter the city and want to somehow get back to Machina.

It was because he thought there was no reason to leave a trace as much as he was leaving to find traces of Kaise.

That’s why Lennok lied that they didn’t have a ticket even though he obtained a ticket through Darby’s ability.

The man snorted at Lennok’s question.

“This question is the most comfortable to confirm that you are a guest, so don’t worry about it.”


The man nodded towards the truck bed as if he was annoyed.

“I don’t have time, so hurry up. It will take a long time to run to Machine City.”

Skillfully tying his coat and hiding Darby’s figure in his arms, Lennok smiled faintly as he stood up.

“I will.”

* * *

Fur fur!!!

A few days of running without knowing the time in an old truck.

Before he knew it, Lennok had left the metropolis and arrived on the other side of a vast, unpredictable wilderness.

The car stopped intermittently, the people who got on it got off, and the vehicle started picking up new people.

The journey to Machine City Makina was longer and more tedious than expected.

Passengers are dragged away like living baggage in a narrow, old truck that can carry 10 people at a time.

Among them were a few whose faces Lennok remembered.

‘I can see the faces I saw on the bounty list.’

[In the meantime, there are some friends whose bounty has increased.]

Of course, most of those who try to enter Makina without a ticket are dishonest criminals or fugitives.

Even in the shadows of the Balkans, there are only those who have lost all support and try to start in a new city, or are cornered beyond imagination.

“Are you all on? Then let’s go!!”

A truck departs at the same time as a middle-aged man at the wheel shouts.

They do not wait for an answer or check all passengers.

The look of the vehicle running as if it was all about getting out of this boring wilderness somehow.

“You look pretty neat, bro.”

Someone sitting next to Lennok spoke to Lennok, who was staring out the window and thinking quietly.

An old man with gray hair was looking up and smiling while holding a dusty bottle of wine.

“It would be difficult to reach Makina safely with such an attitude.”


It was a face that existed on the bounty list in my memory. Bounty 9 million cells. The crime is murder by arson.

“You don’t seem to know, but this car isn’t something that takes people without tickets to the Machine City without any problems.”

The old man looked around and whispered quietly.

“It’s a kind of sales product that benefits through various ‘commercial activities’ on the way to Makina.”

“It’s for sale.”

“okay. Do you see those idiots who get off and walk away saying that money is a waste from here?”

The old man giggled at the people trudging out of the window.

“We should thank those friends. Until those idiots give up my life, we’ll be safe too.”


Instead of answering, Lennok stared at his right arm, which the old man was hiding as he clung to him.

The shape of a mechanical arm that can’t be hidden through old clothes.

Lennok checked it out and smiled and asked the old man.

“Why are you telling me this?”

“People with clean clothes like you usually have a corner to believe in one by one.”

The old man said without hiding a servile laugh.

“I don’t want anything big. It’s just that I want to make at least one secret hill in case something happens.”

Unfortunately, the old man’s wish did not come true.

The day after the sun rose after a night in the truck, the old man sitting next to him had disappeared.


Instead, the other passengers in the seats around looked at Lennok with an unusual gaze.

It’s not just at the level of looking at Lennok, he’s openly making a strange expression and even sneaking a look around.

Lennok knew that, but instead of paying attention, he closed his eyes and focused on reflecting on his unfinished magic research.

As Darby learned how to use common magic to some extent, Lennok was restarting his research on common magic, which had been stopped for a while.

Correlation between unique magic and common magic. Dexter and Sinister. Lennok also put it aside because he doesn’t use that concept in this world.

In a way, public magic was the only knowledge of the old world that Lennok had from the beginning.

Considering the value of relics and knowledge of the old world in this world, it is certain that Lennok’s common magic still has room to dig into.

There is plenty of room for development. There are ample opportunities to leverage Lennok’s achievements so far.

What was needed immediately was time to delve deep into the magic of the old world.


The number of passengers in the truck keeps changing with each passing day.

It went up and down again and again, but Lennok realized that as the days passed, the number of passengers ultimately only decreased.

Lennok’s front and rear seats. Even the person sitting in the front passenger seat and the naive passenger, who seemed more unaware of the situation than Lennok, disappeared overnight.

And one day when Lennok woke up and woke up with his eyes open.

Lennok found himself and the driver alone in an old lorry.



A driver turning around a bend in the road, turning the steering wheel carelessly, as if he had no eyes to care anymore.

The shape of the city seems to be visible over the far horizon, but the driver doesn’t seem to be interested in going to the city anymore.


Then the driver, who had parked his car near a valley lined with giant rock formations, got out and nodded at Lennok.

“get off.”


Without further ado, Lennok rose from his seat and stretched out of the van.

A remote plain where all the surrounding landscape is hidden between towering rock formations.

Dozens of people climbed on the rocks surrounding an old truck, looking down at Lennok with skewed eyes.

“Is this kid right?”

“Are you sure. It smells like money.”

“It came out clean, but….”

asked Lennok, who lazily pulled his neck and relaxed as he watched the people whispering among themselves.

“It seems that there is only a short distance left until the machine city, so there is no need to take a break now, right?”


One of them, who exchanged glances in bewilderment, stepped forward and said,

“Dude, don’t you still know what the situation is?”

“I don’t know.”

“okay? Then it would be convenient to refer to the textbook to help understand.”

As soon as the man flicked his finger, the cloth covering one side of the bedrock was removed.


Dozens of dead bodies were seen embedded in the bedrock walls.

It wasn’t just that he was nailed to the bedrock and died, but there was nothing in the inside of the split stomach and eye sockets, as if all the organs were removed and shaken off.

Lennok looked around the corpses and found among them the face of the old man who had spoken to Lennok and clicked his tongue.

“I thought he would survive because he looked older, but no luck.”

“As you can see, we are office workers who take the organs of our customers and sell them to Makina.”

The man patted his stomach leisurely and said.

“It is said that it is a machine city, but it is still a town where people live, so these organs are sold at a high price.”


“It seems that a lot of organ specimens like this are needed in the process of experimenting on the side effects of human experiments or cyborg treatments. It is a very good source of income for us.”


“Still, I refrained from killing all of them because if I sold all the customers, rumors would spread and I wouldn’t be able to do business anymore….”

As the man said, he pointed to the driver who had been driving the van with Lennok.

“Why is this guy strongly appealing that he must catch you and sell you?”

“No, I saw it!!”

The driver looked at the man and retorted in a strong tone.

“That bastard was turning the starlight into magical power by himself at night!!”


“He must be a wizard with a very rare talent!! If I don’t sell it here, I’ll regret it forever… … !!”

“Yes, but what do you think?”

Lennok scratched his cheek at the man’s question.

In the process of researching common magic, he had experimented with the efficiency of magical power conversion, but it seems he secretly stole it again.

Did any of these outlaws have the keen eye to see what Lennok was up to?

“Nothing. It’s just a minor catch-up technique.”

“Oh yeah?”

The man grinned, not believing Lennok at all.


The man, who took out a thick folding knife from his bosom, said while tapping it.

“I mean, we thought about it a lot. Because this business is profitable, but you can’t live by selling other people’s organs forever. The bailiffs were looking for us with lights in their eyes.”

The wind blew following the man who slowly walked in front of Lennok, exposing his upper body.

A cyborg figure with half of the shoulders, forearms and chest in the shape of a machine.

The man said, scattering an ominous red light between the joints.

“That’s why I was waiting for a guest like you. It will be just right if you cool off and wash your hands off one last time.”


“Do you have a ticket?”

The man smiled as if he knew everything.

When Lennok didn’t answer, he nodded in understanding and raised one arm vigorously.

“To tame rebellious wizards like you, I’ll show you what I bought at a high price at the night market in Balkan.”

clap clap clap!!

The man proudly held out a mechanical arm that instantly turned into a huge bag.

“It’s the agent’s focused hand cannon that was said to have directly injured the heinous wizard Kung-roe!!”


“It goes without saying how lethal this will work for a mage.”

The man, who was gazing at the gun battery spinning furiously from inside the mechanical arm, held it out in front of Lennok.

“They said that the director of the agent directly approved the sale. If you don’t want to suffer worse than death, you’d better cooperate.”


Huge compensation promised after losing the power game between the cartel and the agent.

In order to cover the reparation, Agent Director Greta Witherhild sells the name of the dog and sells the agent’s equipment to the night market at a high price.

Only then, realizing what was going on, did Lennok look at the defrauded criminal with pity.

“Yeah, that’s really scary… … .”


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Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage, Medicine-eating wizard
Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
“World”, a game that boasts extreme freedom. In “ver.3.0”, I decided to put everything to increase the magic talent! All stats are all about magic! Instead of enhancing the character’s magic talent, took a huge amount of demerit characteristics. But, it doesn’t matter. I will create the greatest Wizard character, even if the character looks like a corpse. But…. What is this? I became that character– a character with genius talent, but can’t pass a day alive without taking medicine.


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