Drug-Eating Genius Mage Chapter 470

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Examination (1)

When Lennok looked up at the madam who jumped up, she kept her mouth shut.


Sitting in the armchair as quietly as a ghost, she cleared her throat lightly and spoke again.

[Sorry for the fuss. I’ve never gotten consent from a transaction like this before… … .]

“No, it doesn’t matter.”

[Are you serious about giving blood? I hope we don’t hurt each other’s feelings with pointless puns. I was thinking of letting him meet Shem Murphy, who was losing his job because of the work of the blood mage boy, but no matter how much he changed his words to the vampire… … .]

“It looks like the doctor’s name is Murphy.”

When Lennok responded with a plaintive expression, Madame’s voice only then changed sharply.

[…] … A drop of the blood of a level 8 wizard. You know what it means to say that you can give it to me right now, right?]


[That’s like professing in front of me that the level of fastness, which no one was sure of until now, has already reached a level that transcends the hierarchy-] “Don’t

go too far ahead.”

Saying that, Lennok slowly reached inside his coat.

Looking at the calmly sunken madam’s veil, she slowly takes out something.

Her gaze was not far from the one finger-sized object Lennok had pulled out.

“As long as we know that the terms of the deal have been presented and that we are willing to accept them, the details can be adjusted at any time.”

[…] … .]

“The reason I’m accepting your conditions is because I’m also paying attention to this matter. Even if you take a little risk, you want to get a certain guarantee.”


said Lennok, setting a small glass bottle down on the small round wooden table between the two of them.

“A doctor from the central city. It is also an authority specializing in the field of self-examination such as blood and genetic analysis. Are you sure?”

[…] … My name is Alejandro Murphy.]

Madame said that and quietly reached out and picked up a small glass bottle.

[A 47-year-old vampire who has lived for over 100 years.]


[He was one of the very few people who managed to escape when Arsnova was destroyed, and he was a doctor who had considerable skills in that field even in the central city.] He picked up the glass bottle, carefully flipped the veil, and slowly checked the contents inside


From Lennok’s seat, her face was obscured by the shadows and unknown magical powers.

The madam looked down at the dark red drop of blood in the vial and murmured.

[It’s needless to say about his skills and experience, but the medical record he brought with him while escaping from the central city is nothing short of a treasure. It’s because the people who want his treatment are overflowing just by bringing some of the checkup records of the central city, which boasted the most extensive data on the continent.] Since it was the checkup record of the central city, this was information that Lennox and Jenny hadn’t heard properly


I just thought that a doctor from Arsnova would have that kind of skills, but I never thought he would come out with data from when he was working in that city.

Medical records stored in a city of that size would undoubtedly have a vast amount and category that differs from existing medical data.

It may be possible to present a new or groundbreaking diagnosis that has not been presented before to Lennok today.

While Lennok thought so, the madam, who put down the glass bottle with both hands, nodded.

[I’ll put you in touch with Murphy. I’ll be waiting.]

“Is the gift sufficient as a condition for the transaction?”

[Because a promise is a promise. But I never thought you would give something like this in exchange for fastness.]

The madam’s veil shook faintly as she said that.

[To think he had the blood of a level 8 magician that wasn’t his own… … . Did you really think that there might be a deal like this?]

“It can’t be.”

Saying that, Lennok slowly gathered up his coat and stood up from his seat.

What Madame demanded as a condition of the deal was not Lennok’s blood, but a drop of the blood of an 8th-level wizard.

To put it bluntly, it’s as if it doesn’t matter who the owner of the blood is.

That’s why Lennok decided to choose another method instead of giving the first drop of blood to Madame.

Fingernails given to Lennok by a clown at the end of the jungle as a passing certification mark. The clown’s blood that was thickly soaked between them.

“I just happened to have an opportunity and kept it. If it wasn’t for this, I wouldn’t have bothered to recall it.”

Whatever the case may be, the clown is clearly an 8th-level magician.

There is no way that the madam wouldn’t recognize the specialness of that blood.

In addition, as the clown voluntarily gave it to Lennok, it perfectly met Madame’s conditions.

Apparently, to a vampire, giving blood voluntarily seems to be considered a special meaning, so Lennok also needed to be cautious.

At least after knowing how the madam intends to use the clown’s blood, it would be better to give her Lennok’s blood as a gift the next time you do business with her.

Madame sighed a little and stood up, probably realizing that Lennok had no intention of drawing his blood right here.

[great…. It is in the form of blood, but this overwhelming density that is out of the general body composition. It must be the blood of a level 8 magician.]


[Murphy’s hospital location and personal contact information. I will contact you, so you can meet me right away.]

The madam picked up the fountain pen lying on the table, scrawled something in a small notebook, tore it up, and handed it to Lennok.

[It was a good deal. Next time, I hope you bring a problem big enough for me to ask for your blood.]

Lennok laughed at the madam’s vague words.

As a result, he didn’t directly ask for Lennok’s blood, so he received an unintended item.

It seemed that Madame would rather receive a drop of Lennok’s blood in exchange for the blood of an 8th-level wizard she had just obtained.

“Anytime you’re more helpful than a doctor named Murphy.”


Lennok, who had picked up the note from the madam, looked away as if he had just left the room and remembered it.

“On the way up, I broke some of the facilities in the castle. Please excuse me.”

Since the power unit of the elevator and all kinds of facilities were destroyed with magical power overload, shouldn’t we say something in advance?

But Madame nodded as if she didn’t care too much about what Lennok said.

[Ah, talker’s stuff.]

“…Talker Fuzz?”

[Since the culture there was strongly influenced by the central city, there were many novel entertainments. It’s something that can be brought in at any time, so don’t worry too much about it.]

“It’s novel entertainment… … .”

[You seem interested, right? It’s a city crazy about gambling and nightlife. It’s the first time I’ve conceived of betting and gambling with power like the elevator.]

The elevator that was installed in Madame’s castle.

Could it be that the thing that worked only after all the power of the facilities inside the castle originated from the entertainment of the Talker Puzz?

When I heard the story from the clown and Leya, I wasn’t interested, but it was clear that the city also had a lot of personality.

[When the time comes, stop by later. Because there are a lot of amazing human groups in many ways.]

“I’ll remember it.”

If Madame was to mention it like this, it must mean that there is something in that city that would impress even a vampire like her.

It wasn’t that there were no images or landscapes associated with it, but Lennok put aside those sentiments for a while and immediately left Madame’s castle.

Behind Lennok, who walks out of the lobby tapping his cane, is full of freelancers keeping their mouths shut.

It was only then that Lennok, who confirmed that the atmosphere had become similar to the atmosphere of the shadows he had remembered, moved on.

“Can you confirm the location Madam Darby gave you?”

[An underground cavity located in Area 44. It’s not far from here in terms of distance. If I ride a bike, I’ll be there in 10 minutes.]

“Any other special features?”

[Seeing that there are no photos taken properly in the satellite city, there is a high possibility that the entire area is being heavily jammed in some way.]

Darby tilted her head in her arms and said.

[It appears to be a measure to prevent leakage of internal data rather than blocking external data.]


Lennox nodded, understanding what Darby meant.

A medical examination record in the central city that a doctor named Murphy keeps. It’s probably a means to keep that data from leaking out.

Lennok immediately summoned his monster bike, stuck his cane into the side of the saddle and pulled the throttle.


Lennok’s model, which accelerated at high speed, disappeared as it was buried in the street.

* * *

As Darby said, Lennok arrived near Area 44 shortly after.

While I was looking around to find a place to enter and avoid their gaze, my phone suddenly started vibrating.

[Ever since I dealt with Onion, I’ve been thinking that it’s not words.] A

plaintive voice echoed through the receiver. Its presence is such that you can guess the opponent’s potential with just that voice.

The cartel’s chairman was Oliviera Ron Mayes.

[Are you saying you’re still struggling with one injury?]

At her words, Lennok let out a blank laugh while holding the throttle.

“…Have rumors spread there already?”

[The bosses made a fuss about the cartel’s outside directors appearing on the street

looking like they were all dying.]

[I don’t think a mage like you can’t consider the aftermath. But for the time being, to be self-respecting. It is not uncommon for worms who don’t know the subject to covet a quick fortune for a day or two.]

“Thank you for the advice. But it’s already too late.”

Saying that, Lennok glanced up at the sky above the buildings in the 40th District that quickly passed by.

“Because everyone who might know seems to know.”

Dozens of eyes pouring toward the bike with its roaring engine.

Some of them seem unwilling to hide their feelings or intentions.

Most of them are level 7 Aspect abilities who have completed the hierarchy. I can feel the presence of an exceptionally strong military rank leader.

Considering the stature that Kwon-roe has built up on this floor, it is a manifestation of a truly arrogant presence.

But Lennok didn’t think the situation was too surprising.

Although he is called a blood-crazed wizard, it is only possible because he possesses powerful fighting ability unlike a wizard.

However, if you are relying on a life support system, isn’t it obvious that the balance of power has been disturbed?

No matter how low it was set, the combat endurance would have dropped significantly, and it is clear that one more weakness, the maintenance device, was created.

Proof that there is not enough time to measure the back and forth from the fact that the thorough fastness was revealed in this way.

What if someone took advantage of this chance and won the victory over the undefeated Gyeon-roe?

The bounty on the neck of a dog in the deep web is already beyond imagination, and if you capture it alive, it is no different from obtaining a living treasure jar.

It is natural that the risk is high, but the return that follows is also enormous.

If Lennok had been seriously injured and on life support, he would have avoided encountering such a situation as much as possible.

But Lennok, aware of the shadowy atmosphere, came out so openly because, as a result, the situation was likely to actually be helpful.

It makes it easier to make excuses for unexpected absences, and it also makes it easier to weed out those who have animosity towards Lennok.

In the name of being sick, it will be easier to deal with suspicious things naturally.

Of course, all of these premises were made only because of the fact that Lennok wasn’t actually that sick, but there’s no reason not to use this information gap that was created by chance.

[I have arrived.]

“…He doesn’t really attack.”

Considering the momentum I felt when passing through the streets, I thought a battle would happen at least once, but it was unexpected.

Are you still trying to keep a little distance and check if the rumors are true?

Lennok thought so and immediately headed for the underground cavity below the commercial district of District 44.

In a dark and dusty corner of the warehouse, only one broken cctv with no light is hanging shabby.

However, the moment Lennok stood in front of the camera, the warehouse floor seemed to sink, revealing a staircase that went down deeper into the basement.


As soon as he walked through the dark passageway and into the open space, Lennok realized he was standing in the middle of a vast hallway.

A very quiet hallway where no one can be seen walking around.

At the end of the space where only pale lights shined in a row, someone in a wheelchair was looking at Lennok.

“You’re much thinner than I thought.”

A sticky voice as if a foreign body was stuck in the throat.

The person slowly rolling his wheelchair to Lennok stared blankly at him before reaching out his hand.

“Alejandro Murphy. is a vampire It is an honor to meet the cruelest mage in the Balkans.”

“…Has that rumor already been exaggerated to that point?”

The thick glasses of an emaciated young man who looks like he has just turned 30 and the body that looks like an old tree that is more withered than Lennok’s are impressive.

But what stood out more was the magical glow that shone softly on his skin.

Lennok realized that it was a trace of life support and other mechanical equipment inserted into his body.

Introducing himself as Murphy, he was a vampire but also a cyborg who transformed his body into a machine.

Without delay, Murphy turned the wheelchair around and Lennok followed.

“I heard the story from Madam. I need help.”

“In the field I want, they say that you are a recognized authority on this floor. I heard that you are from the central city.”

“It is not difficult.”

Murphy snapped back.

“If you weren’t a superhuman who reached a high level.”

When I opened the iron door at the end of the hallway, the scenery of the vast examination room unfolded inside.

One wall of the examination room was made of glass, but it was covered in black, so it looked strange.

“There are many cases in which superhumans of level 7 or higher have their body composition changed differently from ordinary humans. Do you know?”


“For this reason, it is quite difficult to examine a clear cause or symptom when a high-ranking superman is suffering from a serious illness or injury.”


“But it is only natural that such a case would be a valuable specimen.”

Looking back at the silent Lennok, Murphy laughed.

“The checkup record database I brought from the central city. You want to find out how your body is being damaged through that record, right?”

Murphy’s eyes turned to the wand Lennok was holding.

“Life support. It’s not bad for a customized item, but it’s lacking in performance for a high-ranking wizard. I could make a lot better stuff than this.”

“Like you are using now?”

“If you want, I’ll make it in the form of a wand.”

Murphy chuckled.

“However, to form a comparison group by extracting your body information from the central city’s checkup record database, several steps are required. My condition is this one only.”

The vampire’s eyes shone sharply.

“Sharing the process of going through the process with the VIPs of my business. Would you agree?”

“I think you need to know what a procedure is.”

“Nothing. It just repeats a few simple experiments.”

Murphy immediately snapped his fingers at Lennox’s plaintive reply.

At that moment, the whole glass, which had been painted black, was brightly lit, revealing the landscape beyond.

Dozens of isolation rooms built beyond the exam room. Inside, different creatures were staring this way, locked one by one inside the containment chamber.

Not to mention nameless animals and plants, human-sized monsters, and more than five human figures.

The moment Lennok understood and shut his mouth, Murphy said.

“I’m going to take your blood and inject it into them drop by drop.”


“We can compare the numerical values derived from it and extract the most precise data through relative analysis. There is no better way to reduce errors and variance than this.”

“It’s a human experiment… … .”

“Hmm, maybe you’re not against this process, are you?”

Murphy pursed his lips in slight surprise.

“These are death row inmates who were taken out of special prisons by paying back money. Serial murders range from arson to terror and cannibalism. If it wasn’t for this kind of experiment, it would be difficult for them to be exposed to the outside air in any way.”

“It seems that Arsnova handled criminals this way.”

“Even in such a magnificent city, there weren’t many opportunities to conduct clinical trials on magic users.”

Murphy replied, tapping the armrest of his wheelchair.

“I have been persuading those who have been judged to have no room for rehabilitation because they cannot give up and contribute to the development of the city.”

“…What is the VIP of your business?”

“Actually, it’s been a while since I stopped being a doctor. It’s just a side job to expand the business, and I’m only dealing with acquaintances from time to time.”

As Murphy said, he snapped his fingers once more.

At that moment, the closet in the examination room opened upside down, revealing countless test tubes for storing blood.

The appearance of the test tube, which looked like a display case in Madame’s room, but somehow resembled the form of an ampoule.

Even if you insert a needle and inject it right away, the size and shape that is not strange stand out.

“In the long history of doping, the blood doping method, in which one’s own blood is drawn in advance and injected into the body to obtain an effect, has been very popular.”

Murphy said.

“However, if it is possible to reduce the rejection of other people’s blood, it is possible to use other blood instead of one’s own blood. Rather, it is much more stable and has less aftereffects than doping using drugs or drugs. The odds of getting caught are low.”


“Everyone is the same when it comes to performance beyond their ability. I am just offering a reasonable deal to those who have such earnest wishes.”

At that moment, countless screens were turned on and more than dozens of people began to appear on the screen above the isolated space beyond the glass of the examination room.

There are overflowing people of all ages, men and women, wearing fancy clothes and makeup and adorning themselves with luxurious items.

[If you’re ready for the doctorate, let’s start quickly.]

[I heard that this item is not for sale. Then there was no need to participate?

It’s been a long time since the doctor invited me to a demonstration.]

All the people who felt wealthy at a glance were looking down at the scenery of the containment room with an anxious look on their faces.

Even those who look around to see if they can’t see Murphy and Lennok across the screen and talk to each other.

[There is a championship title final in three days. I hope something like that comes out.]

[I have to order one set unconditionally because I skipped rehearsal for the performance!] [

I have an important deal with the dictator of the Western Republic. I hope you have a nice present.]

There are businessmen, athletes, singers, high-ranking magic users, soldiers, and even priests of the church.

Industry luminaries from all over the continent, drawn by the results of Murphy’s business.

“The authors don’t know who the main character of the experiment we’re going to be doing is. Without your permission, the blood used in the reaction experiment today will not be sold.”

Murphy laughed sharply. The mechanism inside the leather on his face glowed, adding a fluorescent glow to his smile.

“I just share and show the process together. Do you understand what this means?”

It was only then that Lennok realized what Murphy was thinking, and let out a hollow laugh.

“…I’m thinking of using my blood as a publicity board for the blood business.”

Genius Magician Who Takes Medicine Chapter 472

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Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage, Medicine-eating wizard
Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
“World”, a game that boasts extreme freedom. In “ver.3.0”, I decided to put everything to increase the magic talent! All stats are all about magic! Instead of enhancing the character’s magic talent, took a huge amount of demerit characteristics. But, it doesn’t matter. I will create the greatest Wizard character, even if the character looks like a corpse. But…. What is this? I became that character– a character with genius talent, but can’t pass a day alive without taking medicine.


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