Drug-Eating Genius Mage Chapter 428

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A strange tinnitus heard as soon as you kicked in the door

of the Memory Palace (1) .

beep… … !!

A disturbing noise echoes from the street near the workshop, which has become strangely quiet.

It was clear at once that it was a ploy to naturally bite the people around.


Place the man’s body tied up with magic thread onto the asphalt as if tossing it. At the same time, dozens of men and women silently appear from all over the city.

Lennok laughed at the people standing neatly around the workshop.

“I made you wait a long time.”

Although he wears casual clothes so as not to stand out, he cannot hide his unique tidy and calm atmosphere.

Priests of the church who move directly in the field. They are fanatics who have completely accepted the doctrine and made it their point of reference.

It was the first time I’d encountered so many at once, but it wasn’t hard to notice.

“are you okay. I am used to waiting.”

Amilla, who was leisurely examining Lennok’s face, answered.

“Nice to meet you, Evan. This is Amilla Bainger. Feel free to call me Amilla.”

She held out her hand with a single smile and spoke again.

“I have something I want to say, do you have time? It won’t be a bad story for you either.”

Lennok smiled and asked, pointing to his ear.

“The sound of the music box. Can you hear me?”

Only then did the church’s hymn slowly begin to be heard in the ears of other priests.

The priests, realizing that their identities had been discovered in an instant, hardened their complexions, and Amilla let out a deep sigh.

“It’s a problem if your faith is too strong. Even if I tell them to leave all the things that might leave traces behind, no one will listen.”


“Well, I had no intention of hiding it for long. We’re not very good at hiding our identities. I don’t know if it’s about shutting my mouth and melting into people, but especially when I’m moving directly like now.”

Shaking off her knees, Amilla stood up and said with a grin.

“Shall I introduce myself again? Bishop Amilla Bainger, Prefect of the Northeast Chapter of the Church. You can call me Bishop Bainger now.”

“Okay, Amilla.”

“…Aren’t you good at listening to English, too?”

Saying that, Amilla raised her hand and patted it.

The gesture naturally led other priests to walk out, and a tense atmosphere began to permeate them.

clap clap clap!

The appearance of the priests starting to take out the equipment they had in their arms.

A long, sharp skewer and a stake, a bone saw that made a ghastly sound, a ceremonial knife with only one blade standing on one side, and even a large scythe made to decapitate a person.

Weapons that seem to have been made to overwhelm opponents who are different from the superhumans in the shadows of the city who generally pursue efficient combat.

Cassia, who was standing behind her, swallowed at the daunting scenery, and Archwood quickly stepped out in front of Lennok.


At Archwood’s unexpected move, Lennok raised his eyebrows.

Archwood, who raised both hands full of mana, confidently shouted at the priests.

“Are these arrogant pseudos dare to covet Rabatenon’s talent!!”


“Assistant Professor Bylon’s brain is an irreplaceable treasure in this city, and you know you’re not the only ones who want to be with that intellect?!”


A confident statement that makes it hard to believe that he was someone who did not even know that Lenok was the person who wrote the thesis just before.

Cassia’s nervous expression also blinked her eyes.

“Already, countless investors, including me, are waiting for a decision to join the assistant professor. If you want to kidnap the professor, you’ll have to get over me first!!”

In the midst of this, the attitude of subtly inserting himself into the crowd of investors and appealing to them. Even the gold lacquer applied to his mouth, which was upgraded to a professor before he knew it.

As if he had been thinking that way for a long time, the words that came out of Archwood’s mouth were very natural.

Even Lennok was amazed at Archwood’s outspoken manners, changing his posture as if he were breathing.

“It’s a nobleman’s son-in-law’s mouth. But isn’t it too blatant?”

“…Today, your ears won’t let the cult bastards go!!”

Archwood, forcibly ignoring Lennok’s words, immediately signed a prisoner and began chanting.

[Charyeonsasu (車聯社輸)]

[Guramjipyeong (具濫之萍)]


The type of magic used by Pavlen Archwood is an airflow type with the attribute of wind.

It is a season to realize the power in all kinds of ways by grinding and polishing the sharpness of the flow of air and the speed of wind that exist everywhere in all directions to the limit.

At the same time as Archwood’s beckoning, wind wolves rose from beneath their feet and ran across the road, and wind blades began to slash over the heads of the priests.

At the same time, a strong wind blew around the area and gathered at Archwood’s fingertips, transforming into a huge sphere of wind.

[Pungwol(Wind Moon)]


The flow of air condensed between the hands was embodied along with the chant and swept the area in all directions.

A huge moon shape embodied in the middle of a quiet street. The flow of air created a huge sphere of wind and put enormous pressure on this spot.


Before starting a battle in earnest, reorganize the environment to your advantage and restrict the opponent’s movements.

As a son of an aristocratic family, he had received basic combat training, but he seemed to have a rough idea of how to continue the workshop as a wizard.

Archwood laughed triumphantly as the priests couldn’t move easily from the spot and lifted their equipment.

“Hahahaha!! After all, even the warriors of the Order are in front of the great Archwood’s magic… … !!”

At that moment, the new model, which pierced through the wind and stretched out like a flash, kicked Archwood in the stomach.


“Damn it…!!”

Archwood, whose body was bent into a prayer, collapsed with his eyes closed.

Foam mixed with saliva flowed from his mouth as he twitched.


The opponent who grabbed the collar of Archwood, who fell helplessly, in mid-air, threw a hand toward the back of his head without hesitation.

A sharp cut enough to shatter Archwood’s skull in one blow.

At that moment, a flash of light emanating from the back of Archwood swept over and engulfed the opponent.


“Don’t go there.”


The man who had fallen at Lennok’s feet jumped out of the spot like a rocket and crashed into the opponent who was trying to kill Archwood.

The man who had been shot that way was also groaning in pain as they were entangled with each other.

Lennok, who grabbed Archwood with a magician and dragged him out, faced the two people with broken limbs and joints in front of them.

“I’m sorry, but I have nothing to say with the Guido Church. It is sufficient to receive investment in the research results of the thesis from other places.”

“Oh, that’s a bit unfortunate. I thought you weren’t really interested in these things because you were just watching stupidly.”

Amilla smiled.

“Well, I wasn’t expecting a positive answer either. But after you break your limbs, you’ll think differently.”



Dozens of priests who began to move slowly raised their equipment towards the defenseless wizard.

The opponent is, at best, an assistant professor at a university. He is also an elemental mage with no physical abilities.

As long as I can take the player before I take out the spirit, the outcome of the battle is as if it has been decided.

As long as the head and heart are spared, information can be extracted in any way possible.

Amilla said, slowly starting to sign behind their backs.

“If it doesn’t work, it’s okay to put it in a small room and play the church’s hymns at 128x speed. I think it’s a fucking ignorant method, but it always works.”


Cassia asked, returning with a tense face after Archwood’s untimely shoveling.

“For now, I’ll be taking my time, so wouldn’t it be right for Evan to run away first…?”

Lennok glanced at the priests slowly approaching him and quickly asked Cassia.

“Do you have any practical experience?”

“…There is not. But if it’s enough to hold your feet… … !”

“Then I will do it.”

said Lennok, who interrupted Cassia.

“As I said before, I had a lot of experiences before I started working as an assistant professor.”

“Ah, I heard that too, Evan.”

Behind the priests, Amilla added.

“Did you say you worked as an explorer collecting artifacts? It’s unfortunate, but it’s going to be difficult to deal with our kids with just that kind of experience.”


Was the conversation between Lennok and Cassia inside the workshop also being eavesdropped?

It wasn’t unexpected, but I didn’t expect to talk about it openly here.

But instead of being taken aback by those words, Lennok put his hand inside his chest.

Although he is only getting attention for his thesis, Evan Bylon is officially an elementalist.

Of course, he prepared dozens of tactics in case he went into battle as Evan.

The moment when Lennok tried to raise his mana, feeling a little anticipation at the first demonstration of the Spirit Spell, which had never been used before.

“Start with the E formation that Darby promised….”

[Boo-woo… … .]



Lennok paused at the sight of Darby repeating her cries as if she had forgotten words.

Although he crawled out smoothly under Lennok’s touch, he seemed a bit weak.

Lennok, who had gone through the troubles of a fleeting moment, took Davi without hesitation.

“…Come on.”

[…] … ?]

I held Dabi, who was floating in the air and was about to radiate magic power, with one hand and stroked her hair.

“If the condition is not good, I will do it myself. don’t worry.”

It has not been clearly verified under what environment the condition of the spirits is affected.

However, there is no reason to overwork the spirits if the cult is spreading tinnitus in the streets or the unknown energy of fanaticism is degrading Dabi’s condition.

Thinking so, Lennok began to step forward, stroking Darby’s head and chin.

Darby’s head rubbed against Lennok’s touch, and at the same time, Darby’s tail regained energy and rose upright.

[…] … !!]


Darby, who jumped out of Lennok’s arms at that moment, began sprinting through the air above the heads of the priests and madly emitting electricity.

[Formation EMP going!!]


A vast electric field forms around the brain spirit, and at the same time, all power within a distance converges around the spirit.


… … !!

The blue waves spread like water pushing in all directions, drawing circular concentric circles.

Traffic lights and streetlights The lights and lights of the shopping district are turned off in an instant, and the entire street falls into a power outage.

In an instant, in the darkness of the street, the blue lightning struck the priests’ heads accurately.

Don’t fall out!!!

“Ugh wait…!”

“I can’t avoid it…!!”

“Be careful, if you’re an Elementalist, you’re sure… … what?”

The priests, who had been cowering in the spirit’s lightning strike without hesitation, began to stand up with bewildered expressions.

It was because the firepower itself was not that strong for an attack from a lightning-type spirit.

An attack that was, at best, only tingling.

It was a wide-area technique that had no energy to the extent that it was futile to put a city in a state of blackout.

“What is this?”

Amilla nodded, not too surprised.

Although it is said to be a rare elemental magician, it is unlikely that the level is as high as that.

No, if Evan Bylon had been a powerful elementalist in the first place, he would have been much more famous than the name of an assistant professor at Ravatenon University.

Not to mention, the ear-piercing tinnitus that they are constantly ringing in the streets is something that strongly distracts people other than the priests of the church.

It was only natural that there would be limits even if one exerted one’s wits in such a situation.

[Hehehe… … I did my best… … .]

The figure of the spirit hanging limply in Lennok’s arms with his tongue out as if struggling.

Amilla looked at Darby like she was cute.

“He’s a kid I like. Is there a cage in the church’s warehouse that can isolate the spirits… … .”

“It is not something that fanatics can covet.”

Muttered coldly, Lennok took a step forward.

“The battle is already over.”

Amilla laughed.

“So, I can say the same thing after playing the church gospel for 100 hours straight!”


At that moment, Amilla’s eyes suddenly darkened and she began to lose her ears.

Not to mention his limbs are being stirred arbitrarily, and even his senses are not listening as if he is out of order.

“Chehe… … .”

At the same time as her body leaned forward, the priests, whose pupils were suddenly turned upside down, fell forward one by one, groaning strangely.

thud!! thud!!

The appearance of the priests convulsing with foam at their mouths was a complete contrast to that of the zealots who were sprinting forward vigorously just before.


Amilla asked, lying on the floor and tilting her head.

“how…did you do it It’s okay to say it with my own mouth, but the members of our church are not prone to mental attacks.”

“is it?”

“Either illusions or hallucinations wouldn’t work well in the first place. If you’ve chanted a spell powerful enough to penetrate our doctrine… … There’s no way I wouldn’t know.”

Even at this moment when the war situation turned upside down in an instant, Amilla, who calmly asks about this side’s strategy, is also not in her right mind.

“I dabbled in some bioelectricity.”

Answering that, Lennok took out a handgun for self-defense from within.

It’s not a special equipment that you carry around as a van, but it’s an item to prepare for the unexpected when you travel under the name of Evan.


A simple slide-type pistol. After reloading, Lennok pointed the barrel at the head of the fallen priest and pulled one shot at a time.

bang! bang!

The appearance of the priests who could not resist and died in vain.

Amilla also looked at it blankly, but rather she seemed more curious about Lennok’s answer.

In order to buy time until all the priests were killed, Lennok also obediently opened his mouth.

Anyway, the longer I was here, the more advantageous it was to Lennok.

“Building a strong electric field through the spirit’s magic resonance ability. It scatters electromagnetic pulses that can interfere with bioelectricity all over the area. Just disrupting the nervous system and confusing the senses is tantamount to success.”

For a moment, Amilla blinked, not understanding what Lennok was saying.

“You mean they reversed the human senses and forcibly knocked them out…Does that make sense?”

It was never possible simply by possessing a powerful elemental spell.

In-depth understanding of the body’s nervous system and bioelectrical currents, as well as a powerful electric shock manipulation ability comparable to that.

Aren’t you talking about things that can only be touched if the level of playing with magic transcends fields and realms is a prerequisite.

Needless to say, how difficult it is to manipulate electric shocks created by mana by substituting them to the extent that they can interfere with human bioelectricity.

If it’s not just to the extent of undergoing a change in the nature of magical power, but to the extent of converting the system and system as a whole-

“What are you doing?”

Only then did Amilla intuit that the magician in front of her was more powerful than she thought, and raised her eyes sharply.

“A simply brilliant researcher is never… … !!”


“I know how the Guido Church roughly indoctrinates people with their doctrines.”

After shooting her in front of her eyes and covering her mouth, Lennok spoke another word.

“They rigorously train their own bodies and minds until they are transformed, literally carving their doctrines into their bones. The sense organs will already have the taste, and it will be easier to touch.”


“Rather than directly touching the mind of that side, which is heavily armed with fanaticism.”


Lennok, who had shot and killed over 10 priests with a single gun without using any magic power, shook his hands and stood up.


Finally, he placed his hand on the surviving Amilla’s head and raised his magic power.

Realizing what Lennok was up to, Amilla grinned.

“To see my memories? It will be useless.”

“No, it is possible. I’ve already tried it once against that missionary.”


Lennok laughed at Amilla, whose smile had disappeared.

“There is no need to break through your mental barriers. It is enough to engage the mind with the necessary stimulation and contemplate the clearest image that arises from the situation.”

“Wait a minute, then maybe that’s what killed Walter Martinez…!!”

“Let’s begin.”

It wasn’t that Lennok overpowered the other priests, killed them one by one, and captured Amilla.

Just like when I dealt with Walter Martinez, I read his image and found out the location of the Bagoong Fort where he was hiding.

Lennok was trying to do exactly the same thing, this time with Amilla.

At the same time as the purple magic eye rotated, a sharp intention penetrated Amilla’s head.

It passes through the mental barrier created by the church’s doctrine and reaches its base in an instant.

As I stretched my consciousness through the white pillars of light, I realized the data as it was connected to her memories.

Memory restoration that cannot be attempted without the powerful operation assistance of the Brain Spirit.

At that moment, the white palace unfolded before Lennok’s eyes.


* * *

By the time she grew up, she was already a child of the church.

Instead of giving them food and clothing, they learn doctrine and test their aptitude.

There were friends of hers who disappeared every quarter, but the director only said they would have gone to a better place.

I was getting older and my hair was hard and I knew it was a lie, but it didn’t matter.

Are the doctrines of the church correct?

Are the ends of the open sea really coming to save them?

Is our paradise really beyond that closed sky?

Clever, she knew that no one would be able to give a proper answer to all those questions.

Therefore, rather, he accepted the doctrine with his own judgment and began to embody it.

In the end, it wasn’t difficult to choose which side to stand on if it was something that couldn’t be answered.

That idea collapsed after I met the head of the church in person during a festival commemorating the church’s 100th anniversary.

I could tell just by looking at it from a distance among tens of thousands of believers.

The man clad in pure white, sitting at the center of the pantheon and looking down at them with a benevolent gaze, was undoubtedly worthy of such worship.

Perhaps from then on, Amilla Banger, in order to get a little closer to that spot-

“Did you say Evan….”


Consciousness was interrupted.

The grand sound of music and the endless march.

In the middle of the image that just plays the past in a very old memory like a movie.

The headmaster, who should have been part of that memory, was looking this way.

“Nice to meet you. I thought this kind of day would come someday.”

Genius Magician Who Takes Medicine Chapter 432

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Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage, Medicine-eating wizard
Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
“World”, a game that boasts extreme freedom. In “ver.3.0”, I decided to put everything to increase the magic talent! All stats are all about magic! Instead of enhancing the character’s magic talent, took a huge amount of demerit characteristics. But, it doesn’t matter. I will create the greatest Wizard character, even if the character looks like a corpse. But…. What is this? I became that character– a character with genius talent, but can’t pass a day alive without taking medicine.


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