Drug-Eating Genius Mage Chapter 424

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About things that have changed (2)

‘Clarice Richellen… … .’

Lennok didn’t know who Clarisse was, but he knew the surname Richelene all too well.

Aris Richellen. One of the few names Lennok will never forget.

Is it a coincidence that this message arrived from the Sinclair Mage’s Tower in the name of a wizard with the same last name as Aris?

It was almost certain that he was someone deeply related to Aris.

Lennok, who had reached that point, asked the two wizards who raised their bodies.

“The Mage Tower’s job is not only to intervene in the central front and take advantage of it.”


“Can we say that this list is not simply related to the armed side, but also to the academic world?”

As I said at the beginning, I have no intention of following the Mage Tower to the central front at this point, but the academic world is different.

If you think of what Aris said, contacting the Sinclair Mage’s Tower from the perspective of a researcher rather than force would be less troublesome.

At Lennox’s words, the two men stared at each other.

“…I can’t be sure. Of course, Thorburn’s Magic Tower also periodically participates in the society, but it’s not a big part.”


“We are not a place to lead research and scholarship. As for the academic side… … It would be better to inquire at another magic tower.”

Thorburn is one of the most active mage towers among the large-scale mage towers spread all over the continent.

In a way, it was only natural that he neglected the academic world, which had a relatively strong tendency toward research, as he devoted himself to the war business.

Unlike mages with strong self-esteem, they do not hesitate to admit and accept their weak areas.

It must be because he has so much pride and confidence in Thorburn’s Mage Tower.

Confidence that the path the Mage Tower was taking was not wrong, and a high hierarchy of qualifications worthy of that conviction.

Rather than fearing Lennok, the attitude of treating him as an equal negotiator was still not bad.

Do supermen who have been on the central front for a long time feel like that?

Thinking that far, Lennok nodded.

“understood. I’ll even put that conversation in the message.”

Clarice Richellen.

If it was a high-ranking position, such as being in the 3rd seat of the Mage Tower Council of Elders, it must have appeared several times in public.

Looking for information separately and checking the relationship diagram was something Lennok could do alone.

It would be nice if it was simply Aris’ whim and forgotten about it, but considering the last words she left before leaving, it couldn’t be.

In the process of attacking the Mobile Fortress of the Defense Forces, he runs into Croken and runs away.

Even in that tense situation, she would never let go of the conversation.

Maybe Aris knew what secret Lennok was harboring a long time ago.

Thinking about that, I think I can understand why she went back to the Mage Tower.

But can it really be said that it is meaningful to both of them?

Lennok had to meet Aris once more to confirm it.

Thinking so, while I was immersed in my thoughts with my chin resting on my chin, I realized that the two wizards were staring down at Lennok.

“Just in case you want to check just one last thing.”


“A man named Eden. Do you know who it is?”


Lennok didn’t answer. Instead, he put down his glass and smiled faintly.

The man nodded.

“That answer is enough. Thank you for your cooperation.”

* * *

“I knew it.”

“What are you talking about?”

After leaving Jenny’s bar, the two naturally moved to the alley, avoiding the busy street.

Pats Chutz… … !!

At the same time, the faint electric shock that flowed from the bodies of the two people began to block out the noise and block the vision in all directions.

A powerful current field created by applying lightning magic.

A field mixed with faint magnetic force cut off communication and other communication networks and created a complete isolation zone.

As soon as the ceremony was completed, a relatively young man who had been silent for a while asked.

“A thing of Eden.”


“If we made a deal with the death of a previous disciple of the Mage Tower, we might have been able to ask for closer cooperation. Dar’Khan must have known better than I did.”

However, the man called Darkan shook his head without hesitation at the words of such a young man.

“I bet you know how meaningless a forced promise is to a monster like that.”

“But now, when I’m arguing about that situation… … .”

“Even if we didn’t get there, our attitude was close. Do you know?”

A definite hierarchical relationship that exists between two people who do not seem to have a big age difference on the outside.

However, there were no major faults between the two, who had spent a considerable amount of time on the same battlefield.

Because all of my comrades who had misguided thoughts because of trivial courtesies and titles were already dead.

The most elite battle mage who survived the central frontline for the longest time in Thorburn’s Mage Tower.

They are the ones who realized long ago that surviving is not something that can be achieved simply with the power and ability one has.

That’s why he was able to choose a gambler who did not feel weighed down by Lennok’s fame and power and acted brazenly.

If Darkan liked Lennok at the point when he responded without respect to Lennok, he would rather save it.

Otherwise, it was not a sane idea to risk a near-death battle right here.

“Eden was an outsider who ran away from the Mage Tower on his own. Since I was removed from the Tower of Thunder and expelled, there is no reason to dig deeper.”


“I’m sure the dog must know that too. Today, this place is only because he saved us.”

At the end, instead of answering, Lennok let out a sullen laugh.

That meant that he knew why he was investigating the deaths of Yije and Eden at Thorburn Tower.

Darkan was ashamed of himself for trying to rely on filthy clues at the last moment.

“Even if we doubt that he acquired his own magic through Eden, we have no proof or justification.”

Darkan sighed softly and shook his head.

“I didn’t come here after hearing about the Tower Lord. It was a conversation that could have ended well, but I made a mistake at the end… … .”


Despite talking for quite some time, the two eventually found out nothing about Lennok.

The moment Lennok used magic was to get closer to the two.

It was difficult just to wake up to Lennok’s words that continued immediately after the jump to a higher dimension that seemed to jump over space.

Despite their blatant intention to see their intentions clearly and use them as messengers, the other person seemed much smarter and calmer than expected.

Contrary to the heinous rumors circulating in this town, he seemed to be a much more communicative opponent, so I put my mind at ease.

“Go back. It’s enough to know that at least the dog is not a madman who can’t communicate at all.”

“…Will that be enough?”

“Gongroe asked us to deliver a message to another mage tower instead.”

Darkan answered as he moved his steps through the narrow alleys.

“That means it’s okay to reveal that we have a good relationship with Kung-ro in the process of conveying our message.”

As the electric fields of the two men disappeared as they looked around District 49 with eyes full of regret, only vague mutterings remained in the street.

“Let’s be content with that for today. But next time… … .”

* * *

“I…. Assistant professor?”


The scenery of the laboratory where the sun shines down.

It was always Lennok’s job to organize the bookshelves filled with all kinds of magic theory books.

As always, when there are no people around, I don’t lift a finger and clean it up with magicians, but

when there are people watching from the side like this, I have to forcefully move my sore limbs.

As he was wiping the sweat on his forehead and thinking about when he would leave, he heard a voice calling him cautiously from behind.

When he turned around, a female student with impressive scarlet hair was looking up at him hesitantly.

One of the undergraduate students that Priscilla went with. Maybe your name… … . Was it Payne?

“I’m sorry about that, but…. I was wondering if the assistant professor could take over the supplementary lectures for me….”

“Tell me at ease. You mean supplemental lectures?”

After making a bet with Bayla to use the facilities of the Carlyle Institute, the way people look at Lennok has changed, and Rabatenon University is also the same.

It was revealed that Lennok had made significant contributions to the dissertation on the substitution of electric power and magic power, and his theoretical research ability began to be noticed.

Lennok replied as he sorted out the books that were still on the shelf and put them back in.

“As far as I know, assistant professor Cassia is scheduled to be in charge of supplementary lectures.”

“I’m really sorry to Assistant Professor Cassia, but….”

Payne closed her eyes and said, looking like she had made a big decision.

“His make-up lectures are so difficult to understand…!”


“The advanced theory of element transformation is already difficult, but we couldn’t guess what part we couldn’t understand….”

“So you’re saying you’d rather give me a lecture?”

“Of course, I am not saying that Assistant Professor Cassia is a bad person. He really tries to take good care of us and even makes strange jokes during lectures… … Oops.”


You tend to make a lot of mistakes.

Thinking so, Lennok put away all the remaining books and lightly brushed his hands.

Payne, blushing slightly, waved her hands and said.

“That assistant professor Evan has an excellent understanding of the theory to the extent that he wrote a tremendous thesis, and he is also the assistant professor in charge of us…I wonder if I could ask… … .”

There is definitely a result of steadily building intimacy using Darby.

I never thought an undergraduate who hadn’t had a proper conversation would ask Lennok for something like this.

Or is it that Cassia’s lectures are at a level that is difficult for ordinary undergraduate students to understand?

I wasn’t the head of the Bayla lab, and I didn’t know Cassia would have this kind of problem. It is difficult to judge a person’s aptitude just by looking at the outside.

It’s obvious, but it’s something that Lennok alone can’t decide. I told Payne appropriately, sent her back to the dormitory, and turned her head.

“How do you feel about listening to the lecture evaluation in real time?”

“…It’s embarrassing.”

Cassia, who walked out from the back of the ledge, answered.

It was not Paine who had watched Lennok organize the shelves from the beginning, but Cassia, who was also an assistant professor.

Lennok smiled, looking at her drooping shoulders.

“Looks like a disappointment to me.”

“I didn’t know that undergraduates thought of my lectures that way.”

Cassia muttered with a shocked expression.

“The sound of a genius is something I hated to hear the most when I was a student, but even after I got a job…!!”


Come to think of it, I haven’t heard from Ibelin, who was suspended.

It was obvious that he had been unwilling to live an unemployed life.

For now, the priority was to soothe Cassia, who seemed to be in a panic.

“hmm…In my experience, it is easier to start with doubt.”


“The suspicion that what I know may not be obvious to others.”

said Lennok in a firm voice.

“The suspicion that others may have forgotten what I remember.”

“Hey Evan?”

“Doubt that my teaching ability may be far short of my understanding and acquisition!”

Looking at Cassia, who looked slightly fed up, Lennok grinned.

“What is that? In fact, I am not a great teacher either.”


“So what was your business after you finished organizing the shelves?”

Originally, it wasn’t that Cassia had entered Aris’s laboratory for no reason.

She said she had something else to say, and Lennok, naturally, took her to a secluded place, using the excuse of tidying up the shelves.

In the meantime, things got a little complicated when Paine unexpectedly visited Lennok.

“that is….”

Turning his back on Cassia, who was speechless, Lenok sighed inwardly.

A situation where all the injuries and harvests suffered from the battle with Madrid Onion have not yet been sorted out.

At this point, he found the school to gather information about Clarice Richellen and discover her purpose and intentions.

If we can find traces of Sinclair’s Mage’s Tower in Aris’ lab, we’ll be able to compare it with her information revealed in the vacancy.

Of course, it was possible because Aris was aware that unlike her perfect image, there were unexpectedly lax corners.

The moment when Lennok was about to turn his back to listen to her business while replaying that fact in his head.

“Think about what I am going to say from now on assuming that you will hear and forget everything.”

Cassia took a deep breath and opened her mouth.

“This is a story about the thesis Evan wrote in this lab.”


“There are people who steal the contents of the thesis and try to misuse it.”

Having said that, Cassia looked around slightly and lowered her voice once more.

“I am acquainted with the dean of Rabatenon University. It’s a very personal friendship. I heard about the thesis separately through him.”


I am the dean of Rabatenon University.

I’ve never met Lennok in person, but I’ve heard some of the rumors while working as an assistant professor at the school.

He is very old and cunning, and he is not limited to the title of dean, but everyone acknowledges his ability.

I heard that he has a fairly flexible thinking and has a strong experimental personality, which is not befitting the face he has lived for a long time.

If it wasn’t for that, I wouldn’t have thought of creating such a large-scale educational institution inside the city in direct consultation with the city government.

Aris also mentioned the dean’s existence several times in passing.

Searching through my hazy memories, it probably wasn’t a negative nuance… … .

Cassia spoke again while Lennok was lost in thought.

“Protecting the thesis submitted under the name of the university is the school’s job, so it seems that the department of undergraduate studies has taken measures separately.”

“…I thought you were only giving out-of-the-box answers, but you seem to be doing your own thing. so?”

“All seven management staff dispatched to the scene to find out the details died.”

cool answer. Lennok shut up.

“Currently, only the officials in charge of the undergraduate department and the dean know this fact. Originally, I should have contacted the city government directly and handed over this agenda to the upper management, but… … .”

Cassia hesitated, but Lennok could understand why she was acting this way.

“You mean the dean sent a message to hear my intentions.”

“…Haven’t you heard about it already?”

Cassia asked with a slightly surprised expression.

“I was just going to tell you that that was the main point.”

“I have had similar experiences.”

Considering the specificity of the city government and the special agencies that Lennok had experienced, the situation would get out of hand once the work was handed over to them.

“If this agenda goes up, it will probably be a hassle for me as the author of the paper. I can’t deny it just because I’m an assistant professor.”

“I guess so.”

“From the standpoint of the school, we have to scale up even to solve the problem. In the meantime, I think the dean is trying to intervene and listen to Evan’s opinion.”

From the perspective of the undergraduate department, it is only natural that if the thesis misuse has spread to a crime, it is natural to report this to the top and resign.

However, from Lennok’s point of view, the fact that this incident has grown so large that he is called here and there is no different from loss.

Could it be that the dean recognized this and decided to intervene and listen to Lennok’s opinion?

There was one fact that could be inferred through the process.

‘You know I’ve been deliberately hiding behind Aris’ name.’

Did he guess that Lennok had a tendency to dislike appearances and decided to ask his doctor in advance about bringing this matter up?

“Kassia is trusted by the dean to the extent that she can directly convey the circumstances.”


Cassia closed her mouth with a slightly troubled expression.

Although he informed Lennok of the fact that he was in an obscure relationship enough to deliver the dean’s message directly, it was an expression of his intention not to disclose the circumstances.

Considering that her real name was Akasha, which she heard in a different status in the Dominion, Cassia must have her own circumstances.

However, it was difficult to pay attention to that in this situation.

Lennox let out a small sigh.

“Okay. Just don’t ask about that.”

“thank you.”

“But I don’t think it would be possible to judge something just by listening to that.”

“Then how…?”

“I would like to meet the dean in person.”

said Lennok.

“I understand that you are probably at school today, so can we make an appointment?”

The head of Rabatenon University and a leading wizard.

It was a great opportunity to meet with the dean and discuss life at the university.

Genius Wizard Who Eats Medicine Chapter 428

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Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage, Medicine-eating wizard
Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
“World”, a game that boasts extreme freedom. In “ver.3.0”, I decided to put everything to increase the magic talent! All stats are all about magic! Instead of enhancing the character’s magic talent, took a huge amount of demerit characteristics. But, it doesn’t matter. I will create the greatest Wizard character, even if the character looks like a corpse. But…. What is this? I became that character– a character with genius talent, but can’t pass a day alive without taking medicine.


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