Drug-Eating Genius Mage Chapter 418

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New magic system (1)

The ghost ship that sailed through the open sea is the most powerful original image that Madrich himself has deep in his heart.

However, the ivory-colored memorial tower sleeping in the basement of this naval base is nothing more than a scene symbolizing the karma accumulated in Madrid.

How many lives have he sacrificed and made into military commandments in order to persevere in his thoughts and beliefs?

The echoes of the failed by-products in the process overlapped and resounded above the silent night sky when the rain stopped.


is your own feature. Even though the screams of the dead grudges shouting together might not be pleasant to him either.

Madric Onion never hid or feared, and he looked down on Lennok from the top of the tower, using his own body as a sacrifice to the memorial tower.

[At the end of this world, I will definitely prove that my answer was correct. For that reason, I can swear by holding hands with the mortal enemy and the pitch-black blood… … !!!]

It was because I was convinced that I had to give up everything I had built up in this city so far, even if it meant fighting.

It was probably because he recognized Lennok, who had broken through the naval base single-handedly and reached right in front of him again, as an equal adversary, and was determined to kill and trample on him with all his might.

But Lennok clearly understood and guessed it, but rather ridiculed it.

“Either the crippled enemy or the pitch-black lump of blood… … . After erasing your memory and mind, it will be just a mere spiritual body.”


When he bites the side of his wrist brought to his mouth, bright red blood begins to flow down his wrist.

“Have you ever had someone you could hate and ridicule so much?”

He grasped the drops of blood that flowed down his fingertips and drew concentric circles in the air. Following his hand gesture, a bright red bloody ring appeared behind Lennok’s back.

A trigger used by shamans to temporarily amplify their magical abilities.

I thought I wouldn’t follow Grisha’s method, but at this moment, I’m not in a position to cover anything if necessary.

As if drawing concentric circles of fresh blood that floated behind Lennok’s back, a golden light slowly began to overlap them.


Like the hands of a clock, a golden kaleidoscope that slowly begins to move along the ring of gore.

It floats behind Lennok’s back as if a huge spiral loop is coiling around it.

Lennok lifted his head slowly, raising the scene of a giant snake flipping its head and biting its tail.

A huge memorial tower rising through the naval base.

From the top of it, Madric Onion, who has incarnated a new body overlooking Lennok, and the four warlords who follow him.

All of them are strong, warriors, and sorcerers above the rank level.

It was a group war that even Lennok, who had trampled through countless battlefields with his own hands, could not guarantee victory.

However, Lennok moved without hesitation, knowing that he was stepping into the opponent’s territory.

It took a long time.

How much pain and anguish had been with Lennok since the day he first decided to survive.

Whether the loneliness and desperation that stayed up all night with you has finally come to fruition.

This new magic system could be the answer.

It was time to ask and confirm Lennok himself, not anyone else.

“Let’s start.”

* * *

A huge memorial tower floating in the night sky. In the middle of the ghostly wailing, as if thousands of people were screaming at the same time.

The shockwaves bursting out from beyond restlessly overlapped and resounded, and before long, a flash of light arose and struck the spire as it was.


The impact was so powerful that the memorial tower, which rose obliquely toward the moon, swayed and rotated greatly in an instant.

While the screams of the grudges grow stronger, the five-pronged flash bends down the spire and plunges into the sea.


Falling on the surface of the sea and exploding in succession from the bottom of the sea. Huge columns of water stood up one after another and drew a long trajectory on the surface of the water.

After stepping on the edge of the water column, the four commanders climbed onto the bridge again, rushing forward, stabbing Lennok in the back.

The five-pronged magical energy that collides simultaneously in all spaces of the memorial tower, regardless of top or bottom.

Superhumans stepping on the surface of the sea and running as if it were natural turned into a flash of light and shot at Lennok’s vital points in all directions.


An explosion occurred in the middle of the spire with a roar as if the entire building was collapsing.

It wasn’t enough to sever the carapace shield, but the impact pushed the shield all the way down, squeezing Lennok’s body and pushing him back.

[Even seeking an answer is not allowed without the right strength.]

Madric muttered coldly and slowly raised his hand.

At the same time, a part of the grudge that flowed from the memorial tower began to form between the pale fingers like powerful energy.

[You, too, will be with me forever as a part of this memorial tower that stretches toward the ideal.]

At the same time as the commander’s beckoning, the fire of resentment poured down from all sides of the memorial tower howling.

[Sorry Grief]

Bombardment that pours down like rain, using the spirited grudges of the dead as energy.


Four military commanders rushing in from all directions at the same time as the bombardment pouring down from all sides of the memorial tower.

Stepping on the surface of the sea and leaning forward, at the same time a spray of water exploded and a huge amount of magic power lifted the body up.

At the same time, a lightning strike from Lennok exploded from the center of the attack area, creating a huge wave.


The second clash happened again. The shock alone turns the already collapsed naval base into ruins, and the sandy beach is pushed away.

Due to the uncontrollable heat, the sea water evaporated in an instant and disappeared, and a plasma sphere floated at the bottom of the memorial tower, illuminating all directions.


The first thing I rushed at was the development of a microcosm of a swordsman with a thin sword.

At the same time as the shadow of the triple sword reflected in the moonlight increased to two, another invisible blade jumped over Lennok’s shield and rushed in.

The swordsman who clenched his fist right next to the three swordsmen also activated the microcosm at the same time.

If you let go of the gauntlet made in the shape of resentment at the same time as releasing it, the posture of the guru who failed to hit the target returns as if time was rewinding.

The commander holding a sword shredded the space as if tearing it apart, and a sharp resonant sound was heard between the arrowheads flying from behind.

Doo doo doo doo!!!!

A merciless offensive that assaults the space itself.

It is hard for even Lennok to ignore the military command’s offensive, which goes beyond simple verbal fights and extends the power of imagery with full force.


The pain that shakes the five organs, the powerful vibration that shakes the jaw and the brain at the same time.

Even in the fierce hand-to-hand combat that was difficult to sustain even for a moment, Lennok used everything he had to choose the best option.

Blink to evade the first approaching triple sword attack.

Kwon’s attack, which hits the back dozens of times, is received with an ice wall made by freezing sea water, and in the process, the crushed ice fragments are rotated in all directions, creating a blizzard.

At the same time, he flicked his fingers above his head and chanted five lightning strikes in succession.


It crushes the space-cutting sword’s firepower, gathers the remaining electrodes together, and simultaneously deploys [Daproe] and [Six Crowns].

At the same time, it leaps into space once more and inserts the electric-type unique magic that lingers on the fingertips into the archer’s head.

As if waiting for that moment, the guru approached in an instant, kicked Lennok’s thigh, twisted it, and stuck his fist into his side.



10-stacked shield completely shattered. The fist, which was faster than the shield’s near instant recovery speed, struck Lennok’s bare body.


Lennok flew dozens of meters away and landed on the sandy beach before he even realized the pain that seemed to paralyze his entire body.

Without missing that moment, the three swordsmen dug into the sand and stabbed Lennok in the back.

After running over the sea and reaching land, the commander of the great sword fired a slash.


Shockwaves from the microcosm pouring in from all directions.

Lennok’s new model, once unbalanced, bounced back and forth as it staggered between slashes and blades.


Lennok vomited as he sank his face into the sand in a terrible pain that even the effects of painkillers couldn’t hide.

‘I was expecting it, but… … !!’

No matter how perfectly the fighting and combat process is, it is difficult to deal with multiple microcosms that bend the laws of physics at the same time.

The distortion of the laws of physics emitted by a person with physical abilities of the Aspect level meets Madrich’s commanding arts, and even faintly touches time and space.

In the meantime, what if we had to dodge and receive the artillery fire from the rear by Madrici.

In order to continue the battle in this situation where the head count itself is overwhelmingly pushed back, on the contrary, there is no choice but to allow a hit at some point.

The blow of the swordsman that Lennok had just allowed was the result of choosing the situation with the highest survivability among all the attacks launched by the command and Madric himself.

Nevertheless, part of the intestines were completely ruptured, and even with the help of painkillers, I could not feel the sensation in my legs.

Four level 7 vanguards lead, and fire support poured from the rear by an 8 level commander.

This was the power of the military spirit that the Madrich Onion exerted with all its strength.

[Looks like you’re having a hard time holding on.]

Someone whispered in a young man’s voice behind Lennok, who struggled to get up from his seat.

[He acted like he was going to show you something, and that was all?]



Outside the sandy beach, Lennok’s body was sunk to the spot where the memorial tower inside the naval base had risen.

[If this is the only result of the boastful agony, let’s end it here.]

A mocking laugh. But even as he said that, Madrid never let his guard down.

The ring of fresh blood that Lennok floated right before the final battle.

The golden light that started at the end covered almost the ring of fresh blood and began to rotate without realizing it.

A beautiful figure spinning slowly behind Lennok even at the moment when he was thrown into the ruins of the base like a broken toy.

It was undoubtedly a skill that would take some time to complete.


I have no intention of waiting stupidly for his vision to be completed.

Time does not always wait for human answers.

If Gyeon-roe’s choice was a grandiose ideal that couldn’t be timed properly, then Madric had no intention of having any more conversations.


With the commander’s gesture, the four commanders kicked off the ground and disappeared.

The four commanders who pledged allegiance to Madric Onion by dedicating their minds and bodies.

During the war that took place decades ago, his most powerful subordinates were reaped as judges to execute criminals.

Maybe it’s because they have a hunch that the wizard they’re dealing with could be the fifth.

The movements of the commanders, who did not utter a single word, were more agile than ever.

The blades of the three swordsmen, who arrived first like the wind, stretched into two as if splitting in an instant, stabbing Lennok’s heart and carotid artery.

The commander holding a sword followed by a slash that split the top of the head, and the swordsman struck the ground, sending the impact from the bottom of his feet.

Three arrows, penetrating sharply between all the attacks, aimed at Lennok’s eyes and between his eyebrows.


Between the explosions and shockwaves that explode in succession, Lennok’s body is flung weakly in all directions.

The figure of Lennok, with a pale complexion that looks as if he is about to die at any moment, begins to climb the memorial tower while struggling to fight back the offensive of the commanders.

Looking at the battle, Madric tried to gather his grudges to defeat Lennok again, but felt a strange discomfort and stopped his hands.

[Magic power…?]

Even at this moment, the superiority and inferiority of the two is clear, and Lennok is in a hurry to even survive from the commanders, let alone touch Madrich’s body.

The concentric circles of golden light still emerging behind his back have not been properly completed.

Nevertheless, in all these inferiority and extreme situations, Lennok’s magical power is increasing on the contrary.

Contrary to the fact that the whole body is turned into a wreck from the attack of the war spirits, the mana and momentum flowing from the body inflate its power.

Woo woo woo woo!!!

At that moment, the noise of the magic rotating inside his body grew like an airplane engine and began to shake the whole beach.

[Everyone step back and stop…!!]

“It is not unfinished.”

Before Madric finished speaking, Lennok raised his hand.

“It’s not finished.”

At that moment, all the offensives of the commanders were buried in the ripples in the air and disappeared.

Peeing… … !!

As ripples occur as if knocking on the surface of the water, it pushes away the laws of physics and conversely traps them and eliminates them.

Lennok stretched out his hand toward the three swordsmen who stopped as if he couldn’t believe his own attack, which had completely disappeared in an instant.


The three prosecutors tried to counter it using the microcosm, but they stopped in shock at their own images that did not unfold like lies.

As it was, it was caught in the explosion caused by Lennok and exploded.


Leaving behind the explosion at the bottom of the memorial tower, Lennok walked with blood dripping down his face.

He raised his hand helplessly toward the guru who was charging behind him.


Dodge the flying electrodes, stretch out your fists, expand the microcosm, and at the moment you try to strike back, the Kwonsa whose image is empty becomes the flagship.


The commander, whose upper neck had evaporated, trembled and collapsed.

[…] … !!]

The moment Madric jumped up from his seat at the absurd result, the warrior holding the long sword turned into a handful of blood on the spot.

The waves rising from under the archer’s feet turned into sharp spears of ice and pierced his limbs.


A series of battles ended in an instant as if the desperate battle that had just happened was a lie.

Stumbling between them was only one wizard in a coat.

Only the golden kaleidoscope slowly spinning behind Lennok’s back illuminated the scene of the memorial tower.

Realizing in an instant what Lennoc had done, Madric said in a trembling voice.

[no way…no way…!!]

“It took much longer than expected. Madric, you are right.”

Lennok brushed his bloody hair and murmured.

“If I don’t quickly change the speed of the magic system, I might really get beaten to death.”

[Did you usurp your fate… … !! This is impossible… … !!! How can humans force other beings… … !!!]

Until the moment the four commanders died in vain, there was not a single commander who developed his own microcosm properly.

Conversely, the way Lenok killed the warlords is impossible without knowing that their microcosm suddenly disappeared.

I couldn’t believe it even after seeing it with my own two eyes, but there was only one correct answer.

Just now, Lennok had seized the whole power of the images possessed by his commanders and used them to kill them.

“What a fate…. You don’t have to speak out loud.”


At the same time, Lennok’s body, which had been battered, began to slowly recover.

“It’s just an acknowledgment that it’s impossible to perfectly complete the concept of a new magic system.”

Nearly two months have passed since I decided to complete a new magic system by returning from the Hanghasa Labyrinth.

In the meantime, what Lennok faced was a huge task that was impossible in reality rather than the future of becoming a great master.

Even if it takes decades to organize and refine the power he possesses right now, the power he understands and acquires continues to grow in the meantime.

The reality surrounding him doesn’t wait for him at all.

Instead of making a turning point to reach the 8th level, if you keep going like this, you will have to struggle to pick up the overflowing power.

That’s why Lennok was wandering around looking for a way to become perfect in an incomplete state rather than perfecting a new magic system right away.

“If you can’t complete it, you can’t complete it. Rather, I decided to use that power that constantly stretches toward perfection as the basis for a new magic system.”

Lennok laughed.

“If we can understand, analyze, and transform all the forces in this world, wouldn’t it be possible to call perfection itself the process of advancing toward perfection forever?”

[that is…That’s possible for a living being?]

Madric muttered blankly, but instead, in a corner of his head, he found himself understanding the words and shuddered.

The opponent’s magical power, main power, and spiritual power, even the image and existence that are the source.

It understands, analyzes, dismantles, and absorbs all of them and uses them as power sources.

What is needed is the time to fully deal with, understand, and accept that power, and the existence of transcendent cognitive ability to fully analyze and understand all power.

A cycle of near-infinite power. The manifestation of a permanent organ that replaces all existing power sources with the power of the caster and restores them.

The essence of dominance that only Lennok could fully embody and wield was the concept of a new magic system.

Realizing that it was not just a simple golden ring that floated behind Lennoc’s back, Madric backed away slowly.

[Right…It was… … . Not rotation… … Was it just biting head and tail… … !!]

An infinite snake that

blindly steals, absorbs, and converts the opponent’s power into its own without permission, responsibility, succession, or transmission, never fully completing itself, and advancing toward perfection forever.

A second force for the one answer that Lennok is looming in his mind.

“The magic system Ouroboros.”

Lennok, who had muttered that, gestured into the air, and at the same time, the four images that had been stolen by the commander began to disintegrate.

“It is the last key for me to rise to level 8.”

Genius Wizard Who Eats Medicine Chapter 422

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Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage, Medicine-eating wizard
Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
“World”, a game that boasts extreme freedom. In “ver.3.0”, I decided to put everything to increase the magic talent! All stats are all about magic! Instead of enhancing the character’s magic talent, took a huge amount of demerit characteristics. But, it doesn’t matter. I will create the greatest Wizard character, even if the character looks like a corpse. But…. What is this? I became that character– a character with genius talent, but can’t pass a day alive without taking medicine.


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