Drug-Eating Genius Mage Chapter 389

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Qualities of an assistant professor (3)

‘Are there no regrets in being an assistant professor?’

Vaila stared at Lennok’s back, standing in front of the engine, with a sharp gaze.

This magical hole nuclear fusion engine created in her laboratory was created in the stage of commercialization of the theory established in Aris’ laboratory.

As much as magic engineering was added to the nuclear fusion engine, the principle was really complicated.

It would be difficult to even operate the engine properly unless you are a person who contributes to engine development on the front line like Bayla or Cassia.

‘I know that Aris’ eyes are sharp as he was the one I picked. However, actual combat would be a completely different realm.’

The reason why Bayla dared to make a plate even though it was obvious that she was going to bet on a request that was not the same based on her position.

It was possible because Bayla knew the kind of person Aris Richellen was.

Goodness not like a wizard. A person with a thoughtful disposition and a calm personality who does not hesitate to be considerate of others.

He is a person who is very accustomed to drawing a clean line and keeping a distance while leading those who are attracted to the splendor and warmth.

A wizard with such talent, character, and mature judgment is the first fellow wizard to be friends with an elementalist whose origins are unknown.

I know that he has the sense and insight to see through his chronic illness, but if that’s all, it’s clear that Evan can’t stay here.

Bayla did not hesitate to take the opportunity to satisfy her curiosity.

Lennok reached for the engine, feeling Bayla’s gaze intact.

‘It wasn’t a lie. The structure itself is surprisingly sophisticated.’

The fusion engine that Lennok knew was not something that could be transported by miniaturizing it to this extent.

A large-scale power reactor used to power or house rockets, satellites, or entire areas.

That such a thing was miniaturized to this extent would mean that Lennok’s thesis on the substitution of electric power and mana served as a groundbreaking turning point in the industry.

‘What should I say… … .’

The feeling of seeing the fruit of a thesis written for the purpose of creating an alibi has been materialized to this extent is very strange.

Lennok’s expression, as he stretched his horse power into the engine and checked the internal structure, alternated between surprise and admiration.

‘Double melting of the horsepower generated by the 88 pistons in the cylinder block. The preservation and amplification of the voltage that occurs in the process are surprisingly similarly reproduced. How the hell did you read my thesis so diligently… … .’

Basically, the series of theories Lennok wrote in his thesis are natural, but he wrote down the principles and phenomena he realized through the existence of Darby, the brain spirit, according to his own logic.

It is not difficult to guess how much effort others, who do not even have the existence of a brain spirit, must have put into guessing and reproducing the process and specific principles of the thesis.

The fusion engine in front of Lennok was a way to dig into the roots of the theory presented beyond the level of applying the conclusions made in the thesis.

The other undergraduates who were looking at Lennok began to hum little by little.

“Assistant Professor, why are you like that?”

“That researcher seems to have already finished more than half of it. Is it okay?”

“The engine structure looks so complicated, but it still starts very slowly.”


Two projectors projected on the walls of the classroom.

Unlike Lennok’s screen, which shows no movement, Cassia’s screen shows the interior of the engine as it is, constantly flashing and wriggling.

Contrary to Lennok, who only admired the process of making the engine, she was doing her best to operate the engine with a concentrated face as soon as she started.

The appearance of Cassia, who seemed to have forgotten everything around her and silently injects magic power through the engine, had a charm that made others focus.

“An excellent researcher, she is.”

Lennox turned his head to look at her, while Bayla, who was standing behind him, spoke up.

“It’s enough that she alone can complete the start-up process that would take half a day even with three other researchers holding on to it.”

“Is that so?”

“So stop thinking of imitating Cassia.”


“Aren’t you thinking of giving up trying to solve it by yourself and following Cassia’s projector?”

Bayla shook her head with a slightly subdued expression.

“I was foolish. I didn’t make this bet in the first place… … . I thought I had good eyes, so I was looking forward to it without even realizing it.”


It seemed that the previous experience Lennok had told about her chronic illness still left an impression on Bayla.

“Stop going. I won’t take away the assistant professor’s authority. Even if you don’t bring in that authority, it’s not a job to hire another assistant professor with the authority of a professor.”

A cold look, as if he had completely lost interest in Lennok.

Lennok opened his mouth to Vayla, who finished her clean words and turned her back.

“You seem to be misunderstanding something.”

“Come now?”

“If we finish the demonstration in this way, won’t the students watching us be ashamed?”

“So you’re not saying that you need a reasonable handicap, right?”

“No, I mean….”

Lennok didn’t answer anymore, but reached for the engine.

In response to that gesture, Darby, who was still coiled over Priscilla’s head, jumped onto the engine.

[Is this a new house?]

At the same time as the little fox’s body flashed, the wriggling engine started to move wildly like a lie.

Doo doo doo doo doo!!!

A destructive roar overflowing the lecture hall filled with human breathing.

Hundreds of cylinders pump without any power, distributing that power in all directions, and a mixture of horsepower and power flows through the engine’s filters.


As if a monster had been summoned to this place, everyone opened their mouths at the ferocious totality of power, and

Lennok said with a calm expression.

“I was afraid that it would be difficult to demonstrate properly with this engine, which emits a mixture of horsepower and power.”

“Wait a minute…What the hell is this… … .”

Bayla glanced back at the engine, dumbfounded.

“How can you do it in such a short amount of time without even touching it….!!”

Lennok ignored her words and focused on fiddling with the engine.

“Rather than a problem with the internal structure of the engine, it is due to impurities generated in the process of perfectly reproducing the theory. I thought I had put too much oil filter in, and that was it.”


Before I knew it, even Cassia stopped touching the engine and looked at me with a surprised face.

In the rapidly changing atmosphere, the undergraduates quickly looked at the screen inside Lennok’s engine that floated on the projector screen.

Push shush!!

It was because the entire process of the powerful horsepower that constantly circulates and rotates like a river exquisitely touches and operates the trigger and cylinder and converts it into power is contained in it.

There is no error in the movement of all the horse power that stimulates hundreds of cramped pipes and cylinder pistons.

Dig out!!

The magical power that spreads through the body of the brain spirit spreads in hundreds of different directions, yet it wriggles vividly as if it were alive.

Lennok looked at the engine and carefully took Darby’s body and took a step back.

Even after the mana that connects that power from the outside disappeared, the engine was constantly moving and trying to generate energy and operate on its own.

“It seems like you want to construct a self-circulating power source by obtaining horsepower and power at the same time, but it won’t be easy. The thesis only suggested a conversion method closest to equivalent exchange. It is not something that denies the fundamental laws of energy.”


Darby stuck out his tongue and slapped the sledgehammer in Lennok’s arms.

[It’s tasteless because it’s mixed with strange things… … .]

“What is possible in the mixed use stage of horsepower and power is not circulation.”

Lennok turned his head to Cassia while holding the darkly muttering Cyber Spirit in his arms.

“Rather, if you think in terms of resonance and sympathy, more interesting things become possible.”

“What does that mean…!!”

Even Bayla’s flustered voice didn’t last.


The magical energy from Lennok’s engine seeped into Cassia’s engine, which had stopped right next to it.

Cassia, embarrassed, took a step back from the engine, and at the same time, the two engines began to move and operate, disappointing the efforts she had made so far.


The man standing in front of the undergraduates now looks like the engine is moving alive from both sides as if he were the owner.

The absurd phenomenon, which is so unrealistic, awakens the spirit of Bayla, which was filled with surprise.

It is impossible for even Aris, the owner of the laboratory that produced the thesis, to arbitrarily deal with the theory of the substitution of magical power and electric power to this extent.

If so, wouldn’t this magician be the author of the thesis that overturned the pure art academia?

Bayla murmured lowly, realizing that all the unanswered questions were fitting together like a puzzle.

“I see…Not the other master’s and doctorates, but the youngest assistant professor who said he doesn’t come out well in the lab… … !”

Doo Goo Goo Goo!!!

The two engine sounds resonate with each other and increase the sound. It was unable to fill the lecture hall, so it exploded throughout the lecture hall.

In the center of the noise, where even the conversation was barely audible, Lennok turned to Bayla and smiled.

“Can I tell you my terms now?”

* * *

Evening sunset as the sun sets.

At the same time as winter comes to an end, the sun gets longer, but that doesn’t mean it never sets.

Wei An muttered, sweating profusely as he looked up at the setting sun that had risen a little later than his body could remember.

“I think I remember seeing this scene somewhere….”

[What are you talking about?]


Mad Manson, a woman with a robot head who hit Wei An’s head with a thick metal pipe, said.

“Ouch…!! Don’t hit me in the head!! If I become a fool, will you compensate me?!”

[compensation? What do you mean by that?]

Manson laughed as he tapped his robot head.

[There are very good preparations here. I’ll put something much nicer than the one you have now on that shoulder.]

“No, I’m not as handsome as that machine… … ?”

Wei An let out a deep sigh.

[Well, if you suddenly feel a sense of déjà vu, it must be because Ban returned to the company after a long time.]

Manson looked at Wei An and muttered as he turned around slightly.

[Because half of them don’t usually stay at the company.]

“This time, they said they were intervening in the affairs of the cartel. Are you okay?”

Wei’an asked as he held the two daggers he was holding back in reverse and straightened his posture.

Contrary to the fact that the rumors about the Madrid Onion were kept secret, rumors spread that the power struggle within the cartel had reached its peak in this situation.

Even Wei An, who was terribly engrossed in training except for external business trips assigned within the company, was aware of the rumor.

If Lennok, who showed no interest in the affairs of the outside world, had to step in, it would be proof that the city was just as chaotic.

Manson replied too, pushing his pipe through the daggers.

[I don’t know. The 3rd president, Ayun, who recently came in, said that apart from being immersed in entertainment, the power itself is very unique and powerful.]


[Still, this time, it won’t be too dangerous since we’re not fighting to the death for the fate of the organization. More than anything…]

Manson shrugged as he glanced upwards at the company building.

[Can you imagine that monster being defeated by someone?]


For a freelancer who has been rolling on this floor for dozens of years, this is an absurd assertion.

But Wei An was also forced to agree.

An office set up above Jenny’s recently renovated bar.

It was because the vast power that swelled up to the point of exploding at any moment was filling the space inside the company.

Jenny and Jordan, who are not well versed in magical powers, do not seem to be aware of it, but superhumans such as Wei An and Manson do.

That the magician’s power, called Van, could not reach its end and was about to transform into something completely different.

If that being with potential that can’t be defined by the word talent reaches the place he wants, then can Wei An see Ban as an equal personality?

A delusion that even Wei An himself thinks is absurd.

But even now, as I stared blankly at Lennok’s enchantment echoing from above, I couldn’t help but think about it all going somewhere strange.

As if looking into an endless abyss, I feel like I know something just by responding to Lennok’s magical whirlwind sensation.

Manson thrust the pipe back into Wei An’s head, who raised his head with such a hazy expression.



Manson looks down at Wei An, who can’t even scream and rolls around, with a pathetic expression.

[If you look away, it looks like this.

] … ! No, but what if I see something strange… … “

Your magic sensitivity is at a very different level from the others, so you should be more careful, you stupid bastard. Do you think I’m craving you like this because I didn’t know that?]

Manson, who collapsed with his head clutched, lowered his head to Wei An and said.

[It’s not that we aren’t meeting with Ban directly. Right now, that guy is in a very dangerous state.]


[Especially considering your sensitivity. If you are lucky, you will gain a different realization from others while watching the class, but if you are unlucky, you may lose your self in the meantime.]

“No, that….”

[That man is qualitatively different from other creatures. still don’t know that? Now that I’m here, I’m starting to wonder if Ban is pretending to be human like us.]

Wei’an tried to retort, but then fell silent.

Compared to Manson, even Wayan, who can be said to have little experience, could not understand the bizarre growth and power that Lennok shows now.

They can only be relieved to know that a monster with such talent and temper is on their side.

A voice mixed with faint laughter resounded behind Wei An’s back as he staggered to his feet.

“I understand what you mean, but there is no need to be so scared.”



Lennok, wearing a light shirt, leaned against a nearby tree with a bemused look on his face, laughing.

“Because I couldn’t see you, both of you had a lot of imagination. You don’t think I’m some kind of freak, do you?”


[…] … .]

There was no answer. Manson and Wayan only glanced at each other.

Lennok frowned in the awkward silence and raised his hand.

“Come closer.”


The appearance of concentric circles rising faintly in the palm of your hand.

Sensing that Lennok was about to use magic, Wei An fell flat on the floor.

“no no!! Words came out wrong! Of course I didn’t think so… … !!”

“Isn’t that what you said?”

Lennok responded nonchalantly and snapped his fingers.

“I don’t mean to beat you up, so don’t be afraid. I just thought of a way to solve the problem of your sensitivity and raise your level.”

“I really…?”

Watching Lennok cautiously, Wei An quietly stood up.

Partial expansion of the magnetic field. In the process, steady practice is needed to deal with the barrier technique in more depth.

Lennok was thinking of solving Wei’an’s problems and improving his skill in the process of practicing barrier arts.

“of course.”

Lennok smiled faintly as Wei An walked away hesitantly.

“I’m starting to get a rough idea of how far the concept of talent can be bent.”

Genius Wizard Who Takes Medicine, Chapter 393

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Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage, Medicine-eating wizard
Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
“World”, a game that boasts extreme freedom. In “ver.3.0”, I decided to put everything to increase the magic talent! All stats are all about magic! Instead of enhancing the character’s magic talent, took a huge amount of demerit characteristics. But, it doesn’t matter. I will create the greatest Wizard character, even if the character looks like a corpse. But…. What is this? I became that character– a character with genius talent, but can’t pass a day alive without taking medicine.


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