Drug-Eating Genius Mage Chapter 361

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End of Labyrinth (4)


The power contained in the god statue was so intense that the limbs of the evil god statue cracked and the body collapsed.

The durability of the statue that had been dormant in the Ascendant’s Labyrinth for a long time had already worn down to its limit.


Only then did the others gape, realizing exactly what Zaun meant and did.

It is not an easy task to get ahead of others on this vast bridge.

It is because the width of the wide bridge is burdensome to block either side, and the faces of the supermen gathered here are by no means easy.

That’s why Zaun Ordis decided to team up with the 8th level psychic, Balak, and devised a plan to take the lead.

If Balak fights with Maiya by pretending to block the road, it won’t be easy to cross the bridge with the aftermath of the monsters fighting.

In the meantime, the gravitational field installed in the area is subtly released, opening the way for Zaun, and Zaun goes ahead with the help of the evil god statue.

Only then did Maiya realize the whole story and glared at Balak with a cold gaze.

“You kissed that jeweler from the beginning. Did the guy who broke the hierarchy give up the vanguard to that bastard without any pride?”

“Isn’t that what you are saying?”

Balak brushed off his sleeve and replied with a smile.

“It would not have been voluntarily for you to enter this labyrinth anyway.”


“If my sister’s personality is what I remember, there’s no way she would have reached this distant northern continent just because she coveted an ascendant’s relic. That said, I don’t think my sister is desperate enough to seek an answer from an ascendant… … .”

said the grinning Ballack.

“That friend said that if you help me take the head of the labyrinth, he will find the location of the artifact and tell me separately.”


With those words, a purple light burst from Balak’s body and shot up a huge pillar of light.

A vortex of gravity of enormous magnitude revolving around him. Balak continued in the middle of a storm that was so violent that it changed Maya’s complexion.

“As long as I can get that information, it doesn’t matter if the labyrinth collapses or not.”

“Crazy bastard…That jeweler was half eaten by grudge!! Do you think he’ll keep his promise even after he’s in the cradle?!”

“If I can claim all of the Ascendant’s Legacy, it’s definitely a gamble worth taking.”

Balak answered slowly, getting into his stance.

A completely different and serious expression from before, when he was in a hurry to receive Maya’s attack.

“It is said that Jindun was frugal in his lifetime, but the artifacts he used will remain even after he challenged the ascension. The flyer needs just such a symbolic object.”

“you…You have changed.”

Maya murmured.

“Are you saying that a guy who only knew himself is now dedicating himself to the group?”

“We are all human.”

Balak replied.

Suddenly, there was an inexplicable weight in his eyes.

“I realized too late that in order to be human, to live as a human being, you must dedicate yourself to a goal bigger than yourself.”


“All of this is atonement for my foolishness.”

“Ha Agari is just a wise man.”

Maya gritted her teeth and took a step forward.

“If only you had thought that way with Ascension Gate in front of you!!!”


Among the shards of shattering magic, Balak shouted.

“It’s too late! After Zaun Ordis passes through the gateway, there is nothing to do in this labyrinth… … ?!”

Balak, who shouted triumphantly and turned his head toward the gate, suddenly stopped talking.

“Wait, that…what?”


Following Balak, Maya turned her head and involuntarily opened her mouth slightly.

The appearance of Zaun flying over the bridge at great speed using the throw of the demon statue.

Right behind it, an arrow of a different color is chasing after Zaun.

Wedge liquid!!

The faces of the two people riding on the arrow feel exceptionally familiar to Maya.


[Hmm, this is unexpected.]

Dr. Hairball, who was rolling around under the empty barista, sighed.

[95 points. It’s an idea that goes beyond the level of boldness and is extremely radical. but…. It’s incredibly effective.]

She tied herself and Ibelin to the arrows fired from above the barista and fired them as they were.

The barista’s arrow, which aimed precisely at the moment the gravitational field weakened, was shot at a speed that exceeded the speed of sound and was catching up with Zaun.


The power that pulls the barista’s protest is the result of combining Lennok’s assist shooting magic, Evelyn’s longbow, and the monster bike’s engine power.

The throwing power created in this way far surpassed that of the demon statue used by Zaun.

Thanks to that, even though Lennok and Evelyn started two breaths later than Zaun, they were inversely surpassing Zaun’s speed.


Lennok, who hangs on the spearhead of the carapace shot from the barista, raises his mana while vomiting.

Air resistance reduction, throwing acceleration, friction reduction, and other common magic are continuously reapplied, so that the initial throwing power is not lost as much as possible.

And Evelyn was sitting lightly on top of the carapace spearhead, glaring at Zaun with sharp eyes.

Zaun, who was flying toward the gate at terrifying speed using the robe behind his back as a glider, glanced back and distorted his expression like a demon.

“Annoying bastards…. How long are you going to follow me?!”

“Well, I don’t know what you mean.”

Eveline smirkingly replied, turning her waist.

“You first approached me by proposing a deal. We just want to talk about the story we couldn’t finish at the time.”

“Ha X feet….”

Zaun laughed and replied, clutching more than five colorful jewels between his fingers.

“So what is the answer?”

“Negotiations break down.”

Kiki profit!!

Ibelin grinned as she pulled the string with all her might with an arrow attached to her shortbow.

“It’s agent policy not to negotiate with terrorists.”

There was no answer.

The jewels that Zaun threw as if scattering them gave off a dazzling brilliance and caused a tremendous explosion.


Breaking through the colorful jewel powder without hesitation, Ibelin let go of the protest.

The arrow that left her hand turned into a flash of light and descended a sharp trajectory.


An aiming shot that curves downward and aims at the rear where Zaun is flying in an instant.

A polygonal barrier created by breaking jewels tries to protect Zaun’s body as if it were wrapped around it, but it is not enough.

A shockwave was created with the sound of a drum beating, and Evelyn’s arrow that penetrated the barrier pierced Zaun’s body.


Zaun’s body being torn apart with blood spattering. However, immediately after that, the corpse disappears and disappears.

Realizing that she had been tricked by the vision, Evelyn’s expression softened slightly, and Lennok, who was gagging on the shaft, shouted.

“Further ahead!”


Was the fact that the jewel exploded and dispersed the powder everywhere, in itself, to deceive Ibelin’s senses?

Zaun, who appeared unharmed from a few dozen meters away, laughed at her.

“Archers, after all, depend on their eyesight at the last moment. As long as I can properly cover your eyes, that’s my victory. Not long now!”

Awesome love!!

The bridge that seemed endless to the gigantic gateway connecting the sky and the earth is approaching the gateway without realizing it.

The three new models fired at a speed close to sound were closing the distance in an instant.


Evelyn’s eyes narrowed coldly.

Right now, Lennok is in a situation where he lacks the energy just to maintain the speed of this huge carapace arrow.

It was up to her to intercept and bring down the Zaun ahead.

Even her longbow, her own equipment, has been modified and used as a barista, and now all that remains are a few arrows and a shortbow tied to her forearm.

Despite clearly recognizing that all conditions were extremely unfavorable, Evelyn calmed down instead of panicking.

Zaun is wrong. For a person who holds a bow, the important thing is not eyesight, but a calm mind that does not waver in any situation.

The process of aiming for the target and pulling the string is a kind of composition close to mental training.

Only those who understand the essence of not being able to shake after knowing the shaking can hold the string firmly even at the moment when the blade comes right in front of their nose.

Ibelin, who took out four arrows from her waist at once and held them, rotated firmly at her waist.

Awesome profit… … !!!

The bow of the shortbow curves steeply until it breaks, and veins spurt between the forearms brushing her expressionless face.

After putting four arrows between her white fingers, she fired them.


At the same time as the shortbow tied to his forearm was shattered, four black flashes of light flew straight through the air.

“It’s no use…!!”

Gritting his teeth and twisting his body in the air, Zaun crossed his arms and scattered dozens of jewels into the air.

Koo Goo Goo!!

Summons a boost that adds momentum and armor that protects Zaun’s body.

Even the figure of a golem raised up on a bridge using the fragments as materials.

As long as there is a medium called jewels, the true character of a jeweler who crosses over in various ways regardless of lineage.

In exchange for rarity and capital, various spells that cross various attributes and systems are unfolded to disrupt Evelyn’s concentration.

No matter how smooth and precise the trajectory of the five arrows was, it would be impossible to pierce this level of barrier in a short time.

‘The only way to win is to enter the gate first. If you hold out until then… … !’

In fact, Eveline’s last chance.

To make even that one move futile, I forcibly shook off more than half of the remaining jewels in my hand.

The moment Zaun thought so, shrank and tried to accelerate further.

Four flashes of light that were shot in one direction began to rotate in different directions.


It draws a different trajectory from each of the four directions and precisely aims at only one part of the barrier.

The elongated flashes of the four legs shattered the jewelry-style explosions and barriers like sheets of paper with a time difference, and squeezed through the gaps in the armor.

Close by!!!

“…… !!!”

Unbelievable precision shooting that unfolds by manipulating the direction of an arrow that has already been shot. Zaun’s complexion began to turn white from the deadly concentrated attack.

An absurd archery that precisely targets and cuts down only one part of the barrier that was thought to be thorough.

Is it possible to have this level of accuracy and penetrating power at the same time while flying in the air at a tremendous speed?

“Damn it…!!! little bit more!!”

Taking out extra jewels from her bosom, Zaun quickly spreads the jewel’s shield and struggles to somehow block Evelyn’s arrows.

I’m so excited!!

Even the last arrow is crushed with all its might against the barrier of solid jewels that unfold in succession.

Joy filled Zaun’s face as he confirmed that the shattered arrowheads quickly dissipated and disappeared.

“It’s over…hahaha!!”

It was confirmed that Ibelin’s shortbow was shattered the moment he fired four arrows, so what was he afraid of?

The moment Zaun, who had exploded the light source, was about to accelerate forward, flapping his robe with the flight spell.

“Not yet.”


In the meantime, the carapace spearhead, which caught up with Zaun’s speed, instantly narrowed the distance between Evelyn and Zaun.

Lennok, who had been clinging to the spearhead and trying to accelerate, finally caught up to the distance that Zaun had opened earlier.


There is no longbow, the shortbow is broken, but the arrow is still there. It was enough if there was one arrow left that he grabbed with his bare hands.

In the sense of passing by the arrow shaft that I grabbed in reverse, I scattered it like I was possessed.

The arrowhead, which contained the inertial deflection of the microcosm to the limit, left Ibelin’s hand and slowly flew up.

Accelerates 4 times while gliding exquisitely among the fragments of arrows that break and scatter after heading towards Zaun.

A pitch-black flash of four reflective angles pierces Zaun’s left shoulder and reaches beyond.


Exactly the same part as Evelyn’s piercing when they first encountered it in the labyrinth.

Zaun’s expression contorted like a demon when he intuited that he had correctly damaged the seam of the robe that maintained the tension.

Zaun, who lost his robe’s ability to fly and began to fall rapidly in the air, let out a roar.


“Cheer up!”

Evelyn, who clenched her fists and was delighted, finally pulled Lennok, who had nearly fainted from behind, onto the window sill.

Lennok, who was trembling with an upset expression, smiled hard.


“Hehe, it’s nothing.”

While Evelyn smiled shyly, Lennok took out an ampoule from her bosom, inserted it into her shoulder, and sighed.

“Whoa…. It will be difficult to catch up with us now that the flight technique has been destroyed. Trying to fly again with only magic power is too inefficient.”

Even Zaun, who possesses a variety of jewelry techniques, had to borrow the demon statue’s boost and robe’s gliding ability to fly at that speed.

That’s why it wasn’t easy for humans to fly in the sky barefoot in this world’s magic system.

To be precise, it’s not impossible, but should I say that high-speed flight worthy of a superhuman is ridiculously bad for magic efficiency?

This is because there were not one or two corners to be touched in order to overcome the side effects and resistance associated with it while flying at a speed close to sound.

“We will probably be the first to go inside.”

Lennok turned to Evelyn and nodded as he caught his breath.

Lennok’s judgment, which accurately aimed at the momentary gap between all kinds of superhuman quarrels, was not wrong.

If you are not given a secret plan to penetrate the labyrinth, observe the person who obtained the skill to the end and catch up at the end.

Lennok did his best to take advantage of Zaun’s intelligence advantage, which was different from others in this labyrinth, from beginning to end.

Because he did not forget the most important thing, he was able to make wise decisions without being distracted during the clash between Balak and Maya.

In the process, I tried to take a gamble of disassembling Ibelin’s longbow as well as Lennok’s bike, but at this point, can I say that it was wrong?

Evelyn also tried to nod with a bright expression at that moment.

[No, not yet.]

A slow, heavy bass sound echoed in the ears of the two.

[There is still one chance left on this side.]


On the top of the expanse of the carapace that is constantly accelerating.

Lennok and Evelyn’s gazes are simultaneously directed to the back of the bridge they passed.

In the field of vision, which was already thousands of meters away, Evelyn’s excellent eyesight accurately identified the shape of the hairball that had spoken to them.

Grabbing a ball of loose hair, Maiya looked at me while holding a dagger.


As it was, he thrust the dagger into the hairball’s heart.

Genius Wizard Who Eats Medicine Chapter 366

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Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage, Medicine-eating wizard
Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
“World”, a game that boasts extreme freedom. In “ver.3.0”, I decided to put everything to increase the magic talent! All stats are all about magic! Instead of enhancing the character’s magic talent, took a huge amount of demerit characteristics. But, it doesn’t matter. I will create the greatest Wizard character, even if the character looks like a corpse. But…. What is this? I became that character– a character with genius talent, but can’t pass a day alive without taking medicine.


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