Drug-Eating Genius Mage Chapter 336

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The summoning order (4)

The moment I confirmed that the black arrow was stuck in the middle of the snowy field. Warriors move faster than Lennok.

“Damn it…!! That archer!!”

“I came here after seeing them fighting in full swing, but how come already…!!”

“I’m aiming for the direwolf! Take care of yourself!!”

A quick movement as if he knew who the master of this attack was.

But the same black flash of light galloped through the mist as if it were reading all the movements.


A quick-fire that aims strictly not at humans, but at beasts on board.

I can feel the thoroughness of my hands that I will not let a single person escape from this snowy field.

Soon after Lennok realized who the owner of the arrow was, Lapis said in a proud voice.

“This is the first time I introduce you to Evan. You are the Archer who most recently made the decision to join our Blue Eyes.”

Wedge liquid!!

A human figure protrudes from the fog and runs through the warriors who have lost the beast. Blood splattered from all sides, scattering hot fresh blood over the snow.

Green eyes peeking through the dark swaying remnants. It is clear who the owner of that cold, shining gaze is.

The warriors also reacted immediately.


“Don’t miss the move!!”

“Read your breath! Don’t miss it even for a second!!”


Calmly judge the situation even as colleagues die from all sides. counterattack immediately.

The warriors surrounding the snowy field pulled out their favorite weapons and raised their magic power.


In the aftermath, he knows that even his allies are taking damage, but he does not stop.

Rather than taking damage from attacking allies right away, he understands that annihilation awaits him if he doesn’t stop that figure running among the warriors.


The moment when the warriors, who sharpened their weapons due to the change in the nature of magical power, tried to chase the figure of the black archer.

A black magic barrier began to rise from beneath their feet.


A barrier so thick and hard that it was unbelievable that it was a spell performed while freely roaming among warriors.

In an instant, under the barrier separating Lapis and the warriors. The arrowheads stuck in the snow field resonated and raised black magic power to the sky.

“It’s an arrow bar!!”

“Don’t attack the barrier, look for dead bodies or under the eyes!”

“Send a request for support, the Hyeongung has arrived!!”

The warriors, realizing that the black arrows stuck in the snowfield were working as mediums for the spell, shouted loudly, but it was already too late.

The remnant of an archer who single-handedly devastated the superhuman battlefield.

Leaving the red-stained field behind, the person who lightly brushed off the arrow shaft in his hand stood in front of Lennok and Lapis.


A unique figure wearing a black suit and dark green visor. An impressive woman with graceful black hair that fell to her shoulders.

“This is Evelyn Marcia, the best archer in the East Continent, called Hyeongung.”

Evelyn took off her visor and lightly brushed her hair, and Evelyn’s gaze met Lennok’s.

“Ibelin. This is Evan.”


Instead of answering Lapis’s words, Eveline stared into Lennok’s eyes without saying a word.

Lennox smiled wryly, realizing the meaning behind that grim gaze.

Didn’t he let her know that Evan and Van were the same person at the end of the battle against the white lion of Pandemonium at the Blaber Tower?

From Evelyn’s point of view, it is not strange that Ban, who is still pretending to be Evan, looks uncomfortable.

“This is really great archery. I heard a lot about it from Lapis.”

But Lennok put the iron plate on his face as if it were natural and deftly reached out his hand toward her.

“There is no need to doubt his skills given that he came to help us first in this chaos. I hope to go along well.”

I can only hope that she agrees in moderation.

However, instead of answering Lennok’s words, Evelyn glared at him with a slightly sullen gaze before spitting out a single word.

“Polite word. How long are you going to do it?”


looked at the two of them alternately with a slightly surprised expression at Ibelin’s plaintive reply.

Lennok cleared his throat and quickly changed his tone.

“…If you feel awkward, stop. Anyway, nice to meet you in a place like this.”


“By the way, was the green jeweled archer called that nickname outside the city?”

Ibelin’s shoulders twitched at Lennok’s calm words.

Lapis grabbed Lennok’s sleeve with a puzzled expression and asked.

“I wonder if you two…. Did you already know each other?”

At the same time, her ears turned red through her swept hair.

Lennok didn’t notice her reaction and continued talking.

“It’s a title that fits better than I thought. When I heard the mention from Lapis in advance, I thought it was Gingamin….’


Lennok didn’t stop until he saw a black arrow shaft lodged under his feet.

“If you call me that way in front of other people, I will punish you.”

Evelyn’s face was smiling brightly.

However, although he could manage his expression, it seemed difficult to hide the blushing complexion down to the nape of his neck.

Even Lapis glanced at him and muttered with a slightly puzzled expression.

“You didn’t like that name very much….”


“…I said nothing.”

“don’t do it.”


Realizing that no answer would be of any use at this time, Lennok quietly kept his mouth shut.

Instead, Lennok turned his back as he looked at the huge black barrier that Ibelin had shot up in the middle of the snowfield.

“While I couldn’t see you, your skills improved even more. Did you know how to use this technique?”

The barrier that Ibelin had erected to protect the two of them was not simply of great strength and scale.

However, it resonates through the medium of the magic power stored in the arrowhead, splitting the ground and isolating the space.

The limitations of strengthening the strength and scale of the barrier according to the number of arrow shafts were deeply embedded in the technique of shielding.

Due to the nature of barrier art, which basically requires getting used to applying various restrictions and geas, Evelyn is also an impossible skill without being well versed in these areas.

However, despite Lennok’s words, Evelyn kept her head still.

“I didn’t know how to do it…. I learned it over my shoulder here.”

“You learned over your shoulder?”

“I don’t know why, but among the guys gathered here, there are a lot of high-level barrier magicians.”

Evelyn replied with her arms crossed.

“After dealing with them and looking at the artifacts and books they had, I think I could roughly imitate them.”


“There are many loopholes in putting magical energy into the arrow shaft and making it resonate, but it is useful for wasting time.”

Evelyn said it casually, but being able to emulate the principles of barrier art by simply opening a book a few times as she was not a sorcerer by nature must have been a great thing.

It is probably possible because she has already passed the stage of completing her own hierarchy and has already taken the clue to go higher in her own way.

The moment Lennok was about to continue the conversation to ask more about that part.

Lapis grabbed Lennok’s coat with a slightly uneasy face.

“Well, then, wouldn’t it be better to distance yourself a bit from that side?”


“that…Neither Evan nor Evelyn are warriors, so it’s better to step back and buy some time… … The warriors of Jakirai are not easy opponents.”


As if to prove that Lapis’s worries were not wrong, the thickness of the barrier that Evelyn spread quickly became thinner, and a series of roars erupted beyond it.

The warriors of Zakirai, who had removed the arrow shafts that acted as barriers, immediately began projecting firepower.

They knew very well that they were at a disadvantage if they dragged on for a long time.

“are you okay.”

However, Evelyn smiled faintly even as she watched the collapsing barrier.

“Because the road has already been opened. You should have followed me by now?”

Kwaji Jik!!

The moment when the black magic barrier collapsed and the warriors were about to fire blades at Lennok and Lapis from beyond.

The dazzling magic light that appeared from their side struck the warriors’ sides.



“It’s an enemy raid!!”

“Is it the blue eye? How so quickly… … !!”

A sharp counterattack. The new supermen who appeared one after another began to push the warriors and destroy the formation.

The other observers who had been following Evelyn had finally arrived on the battlefield.

A chaotic melee. Despite the absolute lack of numbers, the watchers naturally take care of several people as if they had promised, and focus on passing the time.

In the meantime, the magicians on the side of the observer, who had spread the distance and started chanting, opened fire one after another.

Doo doo doo!!

The rain of magic bullets that covered the sky and the purple flashes hidden between the shadows penetrated the warriors indiscriminately.

The point at which the number of heads began to match. However, even in a situation where the warriors could weigh the odds, they chose to retreat.

“Get out of here now!! Run!!”

“Those who can’t move, give up!! We must first conserve power!!”

“Ugh, Belter…!!”

Zakirai’s warriors step back after accurately assessing the moment when the momentum is over.

Apart from simply dealing with the observers in front of him, he did not forget that Lennok and Evelyn were waiting behind him.

As expected of a group of warriors who had been rolling in the snowfields of the North Continent for a long time, they were quick to judge, but the new observers did not let them escape.

Rather than concentrating on killing them with all their might, they tie their feet, make them unable to escape, and press down with firepower with the support of the back row.

Since Ibelin killed all the wolves they rode in advance, it would be difficult to escape far.

It was possible because of her decision to waste time by getting rid of the means of transportation rather than killing all the warriors alone.

The battle ended in an instant as the balance of power collapsed.

Only then did the other watchers, who recovered their bodies, quickly start running toward Lapis.


“I am sorry. Time dragged on for too long over there… … !!”

“We have confirmed the identity of the organization that attacked the stronghold. They say it’s the Eldervine, a criminal organization operating in the West Continent.”

“No matter how you think about it, the level of field magicians around here is not easy. It is still difficult to identify friends and family.”

The face of Changsa Seon Seon in a well-groomed outfit that Lennok remembers.

In addition to that, more than ten watchers converse from all sides, exchanging information acquired in the melee.

The fierce battles in the snowfields were so fierce that there was no one without blood spattering all over their bodies.

Unlike Evelyn, who first found the two and ran, those who couldn’t keep pace with her speed.

It’s probably because he was basically moving with Evelyn, and he was chasing after her independent actions.


In the meantime, Lennok took a step back and calmly observed the observers surrounding Lapis.

Most of the faces I hadn’t seen in the Dominion. When Lennok visited the Dominion of Philenom, he must have been absent due to an external mission, or he must have been a new watcher in the Blue Eye.

Once again, I realize how rapidly the organization called Blue Eyes is inflating its prestige and scale.

That this level of superhuman powers gathered together. And the fact that everyone naturally accepted Lapis as the center proved how great her ability was.

Her determination to come up with her own answer, refusing to open the heavens, was not false.

In fact, according to his strong will and belief, many talented people were gathering around Lapis.

“Isn’t that great?”

Evelyn, who was standing next to Lennok with her arms crossed, asked quietly.

Lennok silently turned his head away, but Evelyn kept her eyes fixed on Lapis and continued.

“After rumors that the next lighthouse keeper, who was only remembered as the granddaughter of Thousand Dogs, subdued a drug lord, more and more people are interested in her.”


“Because not everyone wants answers like Pandemonium. There are also many who wish to remain. The Blue Eyes are providing another path for them.”

Saying that, Evelyn turned her gaze to Lennok.

“There are other people who have been the catalyst for that, but as a result, there are many people who believe in Lapis’ strength and will and come together with the will.”

“Eveline. Are you saying you are one of them?”

“No, I’m not Lapis….”

Evelyn, who was about to respond naturally to Lennok’s words, hiccuped for a moment and stopped talking.

“-Anyway, you’d better be careful. As the organization itself called the Blue Eye grows rapidly outside of the autonomous territory, there may be a check on the megalopolis.”


“Right now, it’s noisy inside and outside the city, and the city council doesn’t pay much attention to it because of the agreement made by the heavenly dog… … . There is no way this situation will continue.”

“That sounds like something Evelyn should be more worried about than me.”

Lennok looked into Evelyn’s green eyes and asked.

“Cheong’s eyes and agent activity. Will it be compatible?”


Evelyn also sighed with a slightly troubled expression.

You don’t have to think long about why she’s throwing these words at Lennox.

I told Lennok to be careful, but Evelyn wasn’t able to give a proper answer yet.

“…This work itself came with the approval of the deputy director. Investigating ascendant movements is an important issue even for a special agency like us. I have to think about what will happen in the future after time has passed.”

“We are on the verge of lifting the ban on megacities. Do you know any news about it?”

“You know…. I was intermittently asking for news from the city from the watchers who joined late according to the summons.”

northern snowfields. Communication with the outside world is not smooth in this vast area dominated by the ascendant’s magic.

Even so, Evelyn seemed to be gathering news from the Balkans through other observers who arrived later than her.

“When I asked why you were so late, I didn’t know that you would have been caught up in a coup by the National Guard.”

“Deputy Director Palad was looking for you very anxiously. It was such a big deal that even Croken Asilus appeared, so it would have been very helpful if you were there.”

Evelyn laughed softly at Lennok’s plaintive reply.

“I guess so. In fact, among the field agents who had the privilege of escaping the ban, I was the best and most cooperative.”


A response that was not like the usual Evelyn. That skepticism mixed with faint cynicism wasn’t directed at Lennok, who was standing next to her.

Could it be that among the motives for deciding to join the Blue Eyes, there are reasons that Lennok doesn’t know about?

The moment Lennok opened his mouth to ask about the fact.


The loud sound of the trumpet echoing from the other side of the snowy field blocked the mouths of the watchers.

At the same time, the figures of demons appearing through the blizzard.

Rhino-like appearance and physique. Even at a glance, the appearance emphasizes hand-to-hand combat rather than mobility.

Lennok sighed as he checked the faces of the riders on the backs of the demons.

At this point, where else would there be an organization capable of appearing on horseback like that?

“The warriors of Zakirai…. That just wasn’t all.”

“Since the vanguard, made up of fast-moving wolves, didn’t come back, the main force must have left.”

Lennok nodded, understanding why they were called the most dangerous group of warriors in the North Continent.

If the vanguard, simply made up of riders riding wolves, was made up of such elites, how rough and brutal would the main force in charge of all-out war be?

“Originally, demonic beasts known to be impossible for humans to tame…. Those warriors know and share how to deal with such beasts. Even if it is not this snowfield, it is an opponent that can never be ignored.”

“Are you going to fight to the end?”

At Lapis’s words, Lennok glanced around.

Other watchers have already lost some stamina while dealing with the ongoing melee and reconnaissance.

At least Lennok and Ibelin are relatively intact, but the battle cannot be avoided with only the strength of the two.

And to stay in one place in a snowfield like this and continue to make a fuss would be tantamount to committing suicide.

However, Lapis still shook his head after hearing Lennok’s words.

“Regardless of winning or losing, I think it will take some time.”


Lapis smiled and turned her gaze back.

“It’s almost time for our main unit to arrive.”

“…main body? Even in the eyes of the blue, there was a main unit… … .”

Lennox’s words did not follow through.

At that moment, even in the somewhat confused sensory realm, a huge presence began to be caught that could never be ignored.

Through the raging blizzard and thick clouds, something emerges in the sky.

At the same time, the snowy fields on the ground suddenly turned into a hot jungle, and wide bushes and trees sprang up everywhere.

Familiar scenery and even more memorable magic.

The moment Lennok recalled in his head the image of a shaman who had lived for hundreds of years.

A huge floating island appeared above the snowy sky, releasing enormous pressure.

Woo woo woo woo!!!

Lennok finally realized what Lapis had said and murmured.

“Right. When I heard that the base was being moved, I did it just in case… … .”

It does not mean simply changing the place where watchers can gather.

I don’t know how, but Lapis summoned an entire floating island that was supposed to exist in the floating island colony and was using it as a base for the Blue Eye in this snowy field.

Doo doo doo!!!

The human figure that fell from the edge of the floating island landed in the middle of the main body of Jakirai’s warriors.

At the same time, the scenery of the snowfield is distorted here and there, and waves of achromatic colors rise.

A sight that is hard to believe even if you see it with your own two eyes, where the magnetic realm and the microcosm unfold in all directions.

The seven-level Watchers, who were located as part of the main unit, entered the battlefield anew to face Zakirai’s main unit.

“I made a lot of mistakes at first, but I think I can talk now.”

Magnificent waves of magic rising from all over the snowy field. Dozens of elite warriors move according to her will.

Leaving her back on the floating island that filled the sky, Lapis smiled triumphantly.

“Welcome back to Blue Eyes, Evan.”

Genius Wizard Who Takes Medicine Chapter 341

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Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage, Medicine-eating wizard
Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
“World”, a game that boasts extreme freedom. In “ver.3.0”, I decided to put everything to increase the magic talent! All stats are all about magic! Instead of enhancing the character’s magic talent, took a huge amount of demerit characteristics. But, it doesn’t matter. I will create the greatest Wizard character, even if the character looks like a corpse. But…. What is this? I became that character– a character with genius talent, but can’t pass a day alive without taking medicine.


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