Drug-Eating Genius Mage Chapter 209

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Lennok opened the neck glove and inspected the contents inside.

Twenty single rings wrapped in delicate gold leaf were carefully stacked on the cushion inside the neck armor.

[It was produced with a focus on thoroughly improving your physical constitution little by little based on the memory of your biorhythm treatment that day.]

“I see….”

[One by one on the day the full moon rises. You can pass it for a month, but the side effects will get worse the moment the error exceeds a week.]

She said that and started to tell me the things to be careful of when taking it one by one.

[After taking the medicine, you’ll change into a constitution that accepts magical powers well for about 5 minutes, but you won’t be able to move properly for 3 days. In the process of beating and stimulating the central nervous system of the whole body and changing it to accept completely new stimuli, you may not be able to cover your bowel movements.]


[One per month. If you take five, there will be a definite improvement, and if you take half, cell necrosis due to mana poisoning will be reduced to less than 80%. In the end, you will be able to suppress about half of the symptoms of mana poisoning, including side effects. Depending on individual effort and progress, more than that is possible.]

“…That’s great.”

There were quite a few things that Lennok had gone through for this moment today, but in reality, he only left the medicine to the medicine man and brought him Malabeth.

Nonetheless, Yakseon made and presented an elixir that could gradually improve Lennok’s constitution with just one treatment.

After acquiring alchemy, Lennok also constantly tried his hand at manufacturing medicine to find the most suitable doping agent for himself, but he was not aware of the method of medicine.

However, despite Lennok’s words, Yakseon continued talking with his expression unchanged.

[Note that mana poisoning itself cannot be resolved, only a gradual change of constitution. After the treatment is over, there will be no problem in strengthening the body through magic, but it can’t get rid of all the side effects of addiction.]

“I understand.”

[I put copies of your and Kaise’s medical records inside the armor. If there is something you need to help Jenny with, I hope you can find even the slightest clue there.] As

Lennok nodded slowly and put the armor in his arms, Yakseon’s expression softened.

[okay…A child who listens well. If I had a grandson, would it look like this?]


Perhaps she will try not to forget what happened today.

However, even if she left a diary of the day’s memories by hand and kept it as a video, she would not be able to realize this meeting as her own for the rest of her life.

It is impossible for Lennok to fully understand the pain of her hiding in a secluded lake, suffering from the traces of a relationship that is close enough to be grasped but never reached.

But if one day Lennok could get high enough to unbridle someone.

If you have hands that are soft enough to peel off the bridle of yourself and others.

Lennok, suppressing an expectation similar to remorse, bowed his head in silence.

“Thank you for the favor. someday….”

Lennok, aware of the weight of the inadvertent words, shut his mouth.

It was something that Lennok had promised and felt too far away to tell.

It was too hopeful a promise for Lennok, who could not even be sure of the future ahead.

All he can do now is show her due respect and appreciation for what she has done and endured.

That’s how the farewell, which had a different meaning from death, ended.

The meeting of the two sorcerers who did not go beyond their own topics remains in only one person’s memory and becomes a perfect secret.

Lennok was the first to do so.

He succeeded in getting his hands on the second clue to throw off his bridle.

* * *

“Are you done?”

Lennox nodded as he walked into the bar, and Jenny cracked the long candle with a grim expression.

“What is this after all….”

She let out a short sigh, but said nothing more.

In the end, it must have been because he knew very well that Jenny herself could not do anything for Yakseon, and that she had neither the qualifications nor the ability to do so.

In the end, she didn’t even ask what Lennok got from the medicine.

As he started his business with Lennok in earnest, he kept his line in the decisive part even after the distance became quite close.

Even though it seemed like nothing, this distance, which was surprisingly difficult to maintain thoroughly, was one of the biggest reasons why Lennok trusted Jenny.

Lennok, who sat down at the bar to take a breather, smiled slightly as he received the glass that Jordan handed him.

“Is it okay if I come out and work already?”

“I am a doctor.”

The pale-faced Jordan laughed.

“I can tell at least if it is the day I die or not. Today is not a bad day if you put it that way.”

“Why don’t you share some of Jordan’s luck with your friends here?”

As Lennok said, he pointed to the mercenaries who had picked up a nearby table and were taking a break.

As the conflict with the cartel deepened, the building lost its function as a bar.

The customers who came to drink despite the rain of bullets complained about their dissatisfaction, but with the help of Sebastian, they were able to make space for the Krimgal Mercenary Office only after turning the manpower around.

said Jordan, leisurely raising his glass.

“I passed one cup at a time before you came. Wouldn’t that be natural?”

Of course, the strength of the Krimgal Mercenary Office, including Dray, is making the greatest contribution to protecting the base, including Jenny and Jordan.

The skills of leader Dray Krimgal and executive-level Wayan Kidel Eike, as well as other mercenaries, are above the average skill level that Lennok has seen while working as a freelancer.

Of course, it would be impossible to stop it if a person comparable to Lennok put his hands to work, but at least he had enough power to report an incident on the spot.

It was only natural that Lennok and Jenny cooperated to maintain the perimeter they had established around Area 49.

“What are you talking about so much?”

Dray, who had just returned from work, sat down next to Lennok with a grin.

Even though he was in a position to command the perimeter he had built himself as the person in charge, he dared to take the time to look around the streets outside and try to mingle with the members.

As a former soldier, it seemed that he was trying to put a lot of effort into maintaining the morale of his subordinates.

Lennok asked casually, handing over a nearby drinking glass.

“How is your work?”

“what…It’s obvious, but it’s not easy.”

Dray smiled and shook his head.

“Area 49 itself is quite large, and it is full of businesses besides Jenny’s human resources office. So I try to weave the boundary network as tightly as possible in a direction that does not go against the planting of that side, but it is difficult.”

It is not easy to avoid getting caught up in conflict in the outskirts of the Balkans, where the smell of blood never goes away.

It goes without saying how difficult it will be to spot and guard dangerous people in a place overflowing with outlaws and criminals, let alone well-maintained order.

Dray was also well aware of that reality, so rather than thoroughly classifying the construction, he was gradually lowering the intensity of the vigilance according to the distance starting from the bar.

“The good thing is that we have quite a few friends who have experience in this kind of work, so we don’t have a hard time adjusting.”

“They said they recently expanded the office, so it looks like they’ve found good people.”

As Jenny said, this floor is already filled with pools, so once a name is known, its popularity spreads in an instant.

If Dray had hired such talented people, it would be normal for Jenny to hear that kind of information, but she didn’t seem to have heard that kind of information.

Lennok realized something from those words and asked Dray.

“Soldiers. yes?”

“…You are really sharp. you’re right.”

When Dray nodded with a slightly surprised expression, Jenny tapped his knee.

“That’s why I’ve never heard of your name! Dray, did you bring people from the same unit as you?”

“It’s a mercenary group made up of former special forces, so it’s reassuring just to hear it.”

As far as Lennok knows, Dray is from a special unit called the Viper Regiment.

If Dray had brought comrades from similar backgrounds with him, he wouldn’t have to worry about the organization or ability to carry out the mission required in the process.

“Not all of them are from the same unit as me…Most of them are friends who have committed themselves to this place for reasons similar to mine. At least, I was the first to settle down, so it was only by chance that we got the chance to work together.”

“Right…It seems that the military situation has not been so good lately, right?”

Dray laughed bitterly at Lennok’s words.

“It hasn’t been a while since the situation has changed. Units that are no longer useful on the frontline are abandoned and discharged. It’s time for the friends who have somehow endured until now to start looking for a way to live.”

The military might of the Balkans is still formidable, but not in adequate numbers to maintain their size intact when not waging war.

Rather, the dozens of military units awaiting orders on the Western Front had a sense of being somewhat overpowered.

Could it be that the city government is thinking of gradually clearing up the military units that have been pointed out as budget problems?

“Come to think of it, even when dealing with the cigar-bang gang issue, soldiers were involved…. It definitely feels like it has gotten worse in recent years.”

At that time, Beck Clinton, an executive of Cigar Bang, was using weapons supplied to retired soldiers instead of providing supplies.

At that time, I heard that soldiers were living in hiding in a satellite city whose development was planned but canceled, but their whereabouts are unknown.

It wasn’t an important issue right away, but Lennok changed the topic for now.

“It’s nice that the size of the office has grown, but it doesn’t seem to be able to handle that kind of income.”

It’s good that Dray led the office’s considerable power to join this work, but the current amount Jenny and Lennok are paying for this is actually a little short of their labor cost.

In order for a manpower of this size to lead a normal organizational life, either there must be an enormous or continuous source of funds, or all of them are high-level magic users like the Antares Mercenary Corps, and they must also perform outsourcing work that is close to semi-freelance.

Dray also slightly lowered his head, as if he had been stabbed in the painful part.

“There is nothing wrong with that. Right now, the new members also know that they are lacking, so although they are satisfied with their living expenses, they need to be treated better as I am responsible for them.”

“I guess so. I understand.”


Dray glanced at Lennok, who nodded nonchalantly, then looked away.

It is good that the office has grown due to the joining of former soldiers, but in the end, it is difficult to provide reasonable salaries to his colleagues in the current situation.

From Dray’s point of view, it would be beneficial in the long run, but how long can his colleagues endure the intensity of their work while receiving the current pay?

It was only natural for Lennok and Jenny’s business to be in the spotlight in such agony.

Needless to say, it was Jenny’s ability that he had known for a considerable amount of time, but what caught Dray’s eyes more than that was Lennok’s ability itself.

Dray is well aware of how famous the requests he has succeeded have become beyond his days as an unknown freelancer.

Determination that does not delay work for a moment, and sharp intuition that essentially penetrates the core of complex work.

His judgmental ability, which goes beyond his ability as a mage and measures the efficiency of work itself, is difficult even for Dray to follow.

Even with such a talent in one body, Lennok’s disposition to carefully judge his opponent without being arrogant was enough to bring solid trust to everyone who knew him.

Although he tends not to be interested in other people, he is a person who has the ability to fully understand others with a fleeting glance and judgment.

Even if he seems cold and heartless, if he can give a reasonable price, he fulfills his responsibility for the work he is entrusted with, and he even has a reputation for keeping the minimum amount of duty to his acquaintances.

Even though he must have been scouted in countless places, the fact that he is still promoting alone must be proof that he was drawing the moment he stood alone like this.

If so, it wasn’t too difficult to imagine Lennok coming under Dray and vice versa.

Could it be that Dray had been drawing the scene in his heart that he had refused to accept the requests pouring into the office and decided to step into this job?

It was a matter he couldn’t be sure of right now, but Dray didn’t intend to forget the thought that had come to his heart for a while.

Jenny looked up at the two of them and stood up from her seat as if she remembered something.

“Come to think of it, the thing Ban brought has recovered to the point where you can speak roughly. I don’t want to leave such a madman alone for a long time, so let’s take care of it quickly and get rid of it.”

“…You say bloody things casually.”

Lennok stood up from his seat while Dray, who knew what the object meant, made a puzzled expression.

“Finish it quickly. You should be able to speak by now.”

The minor drawback of the Pure Land Goddess is that once activated, the ability of the artifact cannot be reaped according to the owner’s will.

I don’t know how a wizard the size of Madrea Falseer solved this shortcoming, but even Lennok had no choice but to wait until the magical power he had preheated in the artifact ran out.

“Girard Ozette is one of the cartel executives who was directly involved in running the business. Even if it looks insane from the outside, it must contain useful information in its head.”

“It might be able to deal a significant blow to the cartel.”

“If possible, it would be nice to know about the internal affairs of the upper echelons. In particular, we need information about the presidents who stand at the pinnacle of organizational management. I have no choice but to scrape off all the information he knows. If that’s not enough… … .”

“What if it’s not enough?”

Lennox’s eyes shone coldly.

“It was not something that could be dragged on for long. I have no choice but to find people who can talk directly with the president.”

Even if the president of the cartel cannot move, things cannot be resolved without negotiating with the organization’s top executives.

If the correct answer is found here, Lennok’s position will rise so rapidly that it cannot be compared to before… … .

I can only hope that my second meeting with Girard will help with my future plans.

Jenny immediately opened the door to the lower part of the building, followed by Lennok.

Genius Magician Who Eats Medicine Episode 216


Jenny’s 3-story bar building.

From the outside, it seems that there are no hidden spaces except for the bar on the first basement floor, but the reality is different.

On the other side of the aisle going up to the office from inside the bar.

After lifting the back of an old mirror hanging on the wall, an emergency exit leading to an underground waterway is revealed.

“With the help of Dyke, I went through their factory site several times. In the end, he was locked up in Area 49… … There will be no way his location will be discovered in a physical way.”

Jenny nodded as she stopped in front of the management office where the emergency lights were dimly blinking while walking down the corridor that led to the waterway.

Ike, a huge bald man who was leaning in front of the door, yawned and grinned at her.

“You came quickly.”

“What about inside?”

“Killian goes in first. It turned out that the friend was very wild. I was just envious.”


Well, let alone his appearance, he is a man who is no different from a half bully in terms of his personality in the first place.

Lennok sent Jenny up and went inside the abandoned management office.

Basically, there was a management office that operated waterway management facilities and a warehouse with abandoned pipes placed inside the glass windows.

Girard was sitting on a chair in the back of the warehouse with his limbs tightly tied and his head bowed.

The thing tied to his limbs is a restraint specially designed for magic users, and has the property of interfering with the action of magic by digging into blood vessels and constricting his limbs.

If you wear it for a long time, your limbs will become necrotic and you will become unable to use your limbs in an instant, but it was an indispensable choice to keep a powerful person alive.

Killian, who had been watching from afar with a bored expression, nodded at Lennok.

asked Lennok, standing next to him.

“Are there any signs yet?”

“doesn’t exist. He seems to be conscious, but he doesn’t seem to have any intention of rebelling. But is that really right?”

Saying that, Kylian raised his hand and pointed at the syringe on Girard’s shoulder.

“As you said, I picked out an ampoule that boosts regeneration that can be eaten by magic users, but there’s no reason to treat someone who’s searching for it.”

“It is thought to possess magical powers that generate greater strength the more it is wounded. It’s easier to treat them and make them open their mouths than to make things that they need to work hard for.”

“Huh, hard to believe. To think that such a monstrous change in nature exists… … .”

Killian shook his head with a puzzled expression, but Lennok read something else behind his words and turned his head away.

“It seems that you are aware of the change in the nature of magical power. It looks like you’ve been through personal training in the meantime, right?”

Clearly, Kilian was ignorant of that kind of predicament when he and Lennok dealt with the cigar-bang gang.

It seemed that he had accumulated quite a bit of experience as well, to the extent that he could understand conversations with Lennok casually.

“What is it? Since I’m trying to work on this floor, there are some information that naturally come to my ears… … In addition, there are parts that have some relevance to the skills I learned in my hometown.”

“Are you saying there is a separate augmentation technology used by werewolves?”

“It’s hard to explain in detail, but it’s similar. Of course, I’m not saying I’ve reached that level… … You can understand the fundamental principle itself that goes beyond the limit with conditions.”

Killian replied coldly.

“I don’t want that kind of self-destruction, but…. Do I have to become a monster in that way someday?”

“There will be no need for that. Even in my opinion, Girard’s case is a very unique case.”

Lennok answered as he opened the glass door to the storage room.

“Basically, the change in the nature of magical power is just a starting point for reaching the 6th level, and it is a procedure that should flow naturally.”


“If you reproduce the change in the nature of magical power in a twisted way by imposing constraints or conditions on yourself without exceeding those limits, you will get similar results.”

“A monster like you is saying it so easily….”

Killian mumbled, but Lennok didn’t care and crouched down in front of Girard, who lowered his head.

“But even so, the method of amplifying muscle strength according to the degree of injury like this guy is heterogeneous. Most people use their magical energy for the purpose of self-improvement or self-improvement, and the way they manifest it generally does not follow a similar direction. Even so, to achieve such a distorted change in nature with mana alone, not with other energy sources such as main force or mental power… … .”

At that moment, Girard, who had been lowering his head as if dead, thrust his teeth into Lennok’s throat like lightning.


“…It is impossible without the basic image itself that makes up the inside of oneself being twisted.”

Girard’s jaw strength amplified by magical power was quite high, but even that attempt was blocked by Lennok’s shield, and his front teeth crumbled in vain.

Girard laughed, spitting out his teeth that had been broken in half.

“I heard something on the way in, and there is no such thing as a philosopher. Can we do some serious consideration on the reason for human existence?”

Killian put on a tired expression on his face, which seemed to show no pain even though his mouth was covered in blood.

“Nothing bad.”

Lennox answered with a faint smile.

“In order to overcome myself, in the end, facing myself has no choice but to precede it. I tend to think that facing a twisted human like you can help me see myself objectively… … As long as you don’t get swept away by it.”


That nonchalant reply made Girard shut up for the first time.

Lennok didn’t care, retrieved the rosary from Girard’s neck and put it on his wrist.

Girard looked at the rosary, which naturally shrunk to fit Lennok’s wrist, with a tired expression, and burst into a sullen laugh.

“…Hee hee hee!!! This is why you shouldn’t deal with a wizard for a long time. I made another mistake like an idiot. I never would have imagined that he would have such a ridiculous tool.”

Certainly his words are valid.

In any case, Girard is a 6th level strongman who has managed to change the nature of magic even in a rather strange way.

Nevertheless, the fact that he was captured without even rebelling was possible because he had never imagined that Lennok would have such a powerful restraining tool as the Pure Land God’s Declaration.

Of course, it could be said that Lennok was credited with meticulously designing the process and making it a success with just one attempt, but if it weren’t for this powerful artifact, Girard wouldn’t have ended up like this.

“If something like that had appeared on the market, there would have been an uproar on this side, but there was no sign of it…. It’s not something that moved inside the Balkans. It’s a ghost brought from outside the city.”

Girard’s guess was sharp, but Lennok ignored it and waved a finger in front of him.

“There are not many words I want to hear from your mouth. If you neatly convey the information we want, we may let you go without sacrificing your life.”


Tears flowed from Girard’s eyes as he burst into laughter at Lennok’s words.

As the heavy eye makeup was removed, it became a strange look, but it was more bizarre than ridiculous.

“It was the funniest joke I ever heard from you.”

“first. The list and residence information of executives on the board of directors who are treated as equal to Girard.”

“I guess you can take care of one or two people you don’t like.”

Girard responded calmly.

Lennok spread a second finger.

“second. The four bosses who reign at the top of the cartel. Personal information of four people, including Virgil.”

“Are you crazy?”

Girard giggled impatiently.

“Did you seriously believe you could beat the cartel?”


“The presidents are contributors to founding companies who have been following the chairman for decades. All of them are monsters who have transcended time, and they are the only ones who have succeeded in facing themselves. The last time a president-level executive was put into action was well over 10 years ago… … Do you really think it’s possible?”

Girard’s elongated eyes shone strangely.

“Let’s admit it honestly and move on. All you can do is compromise the business structure with us using the asymmetric power of anti-you. Wasn’t that what you were actually running around so hard for?”

That’s not wrong.

Although Lennok has achieved growth beyond common sense with his powerful talent and intellect, he was still not good enough to deal with monsters that really exceeded the standard.

If even Virgil, who was a president-level executive, was at a level where Lennok could not easily guarantee victory, what level was the chairman who stood at the top of the cartel?

Realistically, it is impossible for Lennok to achieve a perfect victory over the Cartel.

However, since we know very well that a monster that big can move its body directly, it cannot avoid being checked by forces such as other organizations or agents, so we can only take advantage of that gap and gain the upper hand in negotiations.

However, instead of refuting Girard’s words, Lennok grabbed his hair and raised his mana.

Woo woo woo!!

“It’s a wizard way.”

Girard laughed.

“Are you going to try and suppress it with dominance? It’s a pity, but it’s so soft… … .”

It took an instant for the smile to disappear from Girard’s confidently smiling face.

As Lennok’s mana penetrated Girard’s body without hesitation, he seized the mana in particle units and eventually reached the bone marrow.

“Turn off ugh…!!!”

Unlike earlier, when he responded leisurely, Girard struggled with blood vessels all over his body, but Lennok replied by regurgitating the mana flowing through his body.



Black blood oozes from Girard’s Goku, which has hardened and failed to scream properly.

Normally, there is no internal injury just by changing the flow of magical power.

However, Lennok seized and established the flow of Girard’s magical power with his own magical power, and caused a small-scale explosion by forcibly causing a collision between magical powers from within.

The working principle of the stationary magic eye learned from Iola.

It is not difficult for Lennok to do something similar with his magic manipulation ability even without manifesting the Mystic Eye.

Lennok knew very well how to inflict pain that exceeded the limits of magic users.

The enormous pressure generated inside the body crushes and ruptures the internal organs, squeezing the blood vessels throughout the body like a rag in an instant.

As the body functions were broken, the fuel that made up the body flowed down like ooze.


The moment he was injured to this extent, Girard’s physical abilities should be rapidly strengthened due to the change in the nature of magical power in his body.

Even though it wouldn’t be strange to break the restraints and run at Lennok right away, he just trembled helplessly and couldn’t move at all.

Lennok murmured as if he could clearly see Girard’s feelings.

“Can’t you?”


“Since the mana itself has exploded in the body, it is a change in nature and nothing can happen. I don’t know how twisted the axis of your will is, but in the end it would be nothing without fuel.”

Lennok, who lifted up his hair with his head bowed down, met Girard’s gaze and said,

“It is not about discussing victory at the point of entering into a compromise. You really don’t know anything.”


“You have to work hard and work hard to win somehow before you can compromise. Killing you right here is for the same reason.”

As the cartel’s subcontractors were destroyed one after another, Lennok was acutely aware of how deeply the cartel had penetrated the streets.

Even the fact that it is very difficult to achieve a perfect victory with just one business started by a wizard and a broker.

However, no matter how difficult and arduous the opponent is in front of you, you must aim at the opponent accurately as much as the target.

Only then will they be able to win at least the fruit below them.

Girard laughed maniacally when he realized that Lennok was really going to kill him.


Duduk!! pop!! Ddu-du-dududuk!!

He frantically bends his fingers and struggles as if he is about to escape the restraints.

He somehow pushed himself to seek amplification of his physical abilities, and at the same time began to struggle to get out of this place, even by crushing his entire hand.

Killian, who had been watching the violent movement from afar, jumped up from his seat, but Lennok watched the final struggle with a cold face.

Girard’s movement to escape from the restraints slowly fades as he bends all five fingers, wrists, wrists, and limb joints.

Lennok nodded his head, confirming that even the remaining mana that burned his body had run out and he had completely lost the will to resist.


Without regret, I turned my back and walked out of the warehouse.


Embarrassed, Kylian quickly called in someone else to watch over Girard and followed Lennok.

Killian asked, catching up with Lennok as he turned around and headed to the bar.

“Can I not kill half that?”

“I opened my mouth, what are you doing?”

“I said I opened my mouth…? when?”

To the words of Killian who asked back with an absurd expression, Lennok replied with a calm expression.

“A high-ranking official in an organization of the size of a cartel will almost certainly carry measures to preserve secrecy. Considering the disparate mana I felt when I penetrated his body with mana and the tattoo on his tongue, he probably has certain ‘measures’ inside his body for the purpose of tracking his location and preventing the leakage of confidential information.”

Even if the degree of location tracking could be blocked with the Pure Land Gods Declaration used by Lennok and the barriers set up around here, the leak of secrets was a different story.

“Did you interrogate me like this knowing that?”

“If you are a person with skills like Girard, there will be many ways to do it without having to say it with your mouth. In addition, looking at Girard’s behavior, he tends to think of himself as separate from the organization. The odds of this type of threat working were pretty high.”

Despite being an executive belonging to an organization’s board of directors, he appeared to deal with Lennok alone.

And the president’s bold statement that he might not even know his face and conversely, his detached attitude as if he doesn’t care about it make us guess his personality to some extent.

A fairly individual and independent personality to match its bizarre tastes.

It is a style that thoroughly judges the mutual benefits of business relationships without much attachment to the organization.

For these people, there was a possibility that they would reveal the information of the organization without much difficulty if they covered their true intentions and put appropriate pressure on them.

And Girard had just heard Lennok’s last words before speaking in a way that Lennok could understand.

“There was a sudden feeling that his last outburst didn’t match my remarks, and compared to the mana left in his body, it was rather clumsy and long. Thinking of the fact that there was a certain pattern in the sound made by breaking all the joints… … .”

It was only then that Killian understood Lennok’s words and opened his mouth wide.

“So you’re saying he used Herrington codes to secretly transmit information?”


Is this how cryptosystems such as Morse code are called here?

Anyway, as Kilian said, what Girard chose was most likely a cipher text using sound.

This is because, in conveying information and engaging in negotiations in this way, it is possible to escape by saying that the information was not blown out of one’s mouth, and the priority is to show that it was only a desperate attempt to break the joints.

Didn’t even Kylian, whose five senses were much sharper than Lennok’s, be blinded by the fierce momentum and unable to listen to Girard’s voice?

But Girard ventured into such audacious divulgence of information, believing that Lennok would be able to capture the patterns of his sounds and decipher them by memorizing them all.

“A ciphertext made of sound. Or, if you only know the pattern, it is not that difficult to substitute it into the ciphertext that exists on the network.”

Lennok, accompanied by Jenny, immediately recorded the memorized sound patterns through the computer in the office, and then decoded them into Herrington code as Kirlian had said.


“A meeting between businesses on the 14th. Shareholder meeting on the 16th Demonstration of the new building of 89 businesses on the 17th…”

said Jenny, who was blankly muttering the deciphered code.

“Oh my God, this is a time and place for events where the cartel’s businesses participate as a group. Crazy baby….”

* * *

“You said you couldn’t find any trace of Ghirard?”

The bald-headed man who had been listening to the voice echoing through the telecommunication line quietly lowered his head.

Brown skin as if tanned by the sun.

As she puts on the pods, the colorful rings and bracelets tucked into her thick and rugged fingers click.

[The life reaction was completely cut off on the spot where the battle ended. Constraint-type artifact. That is something that cannot be done unless it is a fairly high-end item. Tracking using magic seems impossible.]

Instead of replying, the man turned his gaze toward the police report that emerged beyond the hologram.

“With the help of Dyke, I passed through the outskirts several times…Then what you need to do is simple.”

As soon as he snapped his finger, a hologram flashed in front of the man’s eyes.

“I need to move the execution unit. Give orders to Avid.”

[…] … Managing Director Johnsen must be in charge of other duties right now?]

“If you tell me my name, they will understand. One o’clock is urgent.”

The man said that and suddenly looked down at his forearms.

The body adorned with all kinds of tattoos and ornaments shows the splendid past stained with shame and shame.

However, unable to overcome the passing years, his tattooed skin wrinkles and his precious treasures fade little by little.

How much time will it take to betray the allegiance of a lifetime?

I have no intention of clinging to the false hope of immortality, but if there is something I want… … .

The man closed his eyes.

“This is a task directly approved by Parden McQueen, the CEO of the Cartel. Track down and secure new recruits for Girard Ozette, who has been captured by the wizard class. If that is not possible….”

[…] … You can kill me… … .]

You can shut your mouth forever.

Although he brought him into this job to borrow Girard’s authority to manage partner businesses, the man did not trust him in the first place.

He always smiles with a funny look on his face, but he was the first to switch boats when the balance of the board collapsed.

In preparation for a moment like this, I thought the Gias implanted in his body would be able to buy me time, but I couldn’t be vigilant.

He must not reveal his betrayal to the president yet.

It took time.

Genius Magician Who Takes Medicine Chapter 217

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Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage, Medicine-eating wizard
Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
“World”, a game that boasts extreme freedom. In “ver.3.0”, I decided to put everything to increase the magic talent! All stats are all about magic! Instead of enhancing the character’s magic talent, took a huge amount of demerit characteristics. But, it doesn’t matter. I will create the greatest Wizard character, even if the character looks like a corpse. But…. What is this? I became that character– a character with genius talent, but can’t pass a day alive without taking medicine.


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not work with dark mode