Drug-Eating Genius Mage Chapter 174

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Government building (2)


I thought he was showing a lot of momentum, so he must have been one of the magicians of the Blaver Mage Tower.

Lennok remembered Weizen’s words about how he had come to the Dominion to find a medicinal ingredient called fireweed.

Seeing that as soon as Weizen disappeared, wizards from other Mage Towers appeared looking for him, so he must have been looking for something called a flame plant in the Blaber Mage Tower dimension.

“It’s Weizen…It’s a name I remember.”

Lennok, who completed the calculation quickly, responded calmly without changing a single expression.

“We once worked together picking wild flowers from the same plant. He taught me how to pick flowers, so I remember them clearly.”


For the first time, embarrassment flashed across the young man’s face at Lennok’s words.

It must have been a far cry from what he had in mind.

“I’m not that kind of guy….”

A somewhat confused young man’s expression. Well, considering what kind of guy Weizen was, it’s not too surprising.

In order to induce just such a cryptic judgment, Lennok deliberately revealed a little bit of the truth.

When the young man begins to follow his trail throughout the Dominion, it is eventually known that he stopped by the plant.

If you mention this fact in advance, you will be able to induce the young man’s behavior in that direction.

Sure enough, the young man politely bowed his head and stepped back.

“The words of a skilled mage like you are certainly not lies. Thank you.”

“It was nothing.”

“If I can find him, I will definitely reward him later.”

“It’s not a case.”

“no. It looks like my priest is wandering around, possessed by the inferior people again… … . I definitely need to make it right this time.”


The eerie eyes briefly revealed beyond the polite expression prove that he is not a person who has deviated greatly from the superiority of the Mage Tower after all.

Saying that, the young man slowly walked out of the building with ghostly steps.

Grisha, who was looking at his back, grumbled in a small voice.

“Damn it. I wasted my time on nothing.”

“I know that I am not alone, so it is a good harvest.”

“It’s just one more annoying interrupter. What bullshit are you talking about?”

“If we make good use of the fact that the Mage Tower systematically infiltrated the Dominion, it might be possible to cover things up.”

Grisha, who finally understood what Lennok was saying, asked with an absurd expression.

“You’re going to rob the Juicemaster’s safe and lay the blame on them? Is that possible?”

“Rather, it is possible because it is now.”

With Weizen’s new recruit secured, what could he not do?

The power of Common Magic is relatively inferior to that of Unique Magic, but in this situation, there is no more suitable magic to use in various ways.

Lennok had already conceived to some extent how to frame Weizen for false accusations.

“It’s not something we need to talk about right now. Go inside first.”

The conversation with the mage dispatched from the Mage Tower was slightly delayed.

If the other person didn’t exactly keep the appointment time, it was enough time to get scared and run away.

The two of them quickly headed to the pre-arranged place.

The back door at the back of the office building.

Heading to the back of the warehouse where the shadows were dark, an elderly middle-aged man was waiting for the two of them with an anxious expression.

“You are late. I thought I was going to die because my heart was shaking from waiting. Whoa… … .”

“Have you finished checking the location where the object is?”

At Lennox’s words, the man nodded, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

“of course. Now, no one covets it, so it’s gathering dust and being forgotten. Even if you take it from the warehouse, no one will notice.”

“Then go.”

The two headed straight to the back gate of the government building with the man at the fore.

“Because I wrote my hand on the patrol paper in advance, there won’t be any guards coming and going around here for about 30 minutes. If you finish your business quickly and leave, no one will catch you.”

While saying that, the man took out a small name tag from around his neck and brought it to the security devices throughout the building.

As the green light came on, the security that had been hanging variously inside the building was released, and the door quickly opened.

‘This is the reason Lapis spoke so casually.’

An employee working in a government building. If that is a person who is in charge of a department, the security inside the building is not known.

It won’t be difficult even to access the underground vault of the government building as a member of the artifacts department.

Grisha hadn’t said a word since entering the building.

Instead, she just stared at the back of the man ahead with a complicated gaze.

A man standing in front of the spacious stairs going down to the basement took out a flashlight from his bosom.

“From here on, it is a place where you can’t turn on the lights…Please follow me carefully.”

“don’t worry.”

Even if you don’t do that, you’re maximizing your magic power perception.

The number of people now remaining in government buildings. And among them, you can predict who will be the users of magical power.

That’s why I could roughly guess why the man was saying such a thing.


As Lennok turned to Grisha, she nodded with a confused look.

It would be correct to think that she, too, had some idea of what was happening and gave a signal.

After going down the long, winding spiral staircase, a dark hallway appeared.

On both sides of the hallway, there were small glass windows and a densely packed doorway to the left and right.

Among them, I grabbed the large and thick iron door and opened it, and a thick dust gushed out from the inside.

“Cool cool!! sorry for this It’s a warehouse that’s rarely used, so it’s poorly maintained. The items gathered here are actually more like souvenirs than special treasures.”

“A souvenir?”

“That’s right. The item he is looking for this time is of a similar kind. oh here it is Maybe this one.”

The inside of the warehouse was packed with dusty shelves.

A man rummaging through the shelves took something out of the box and handed it to Lennok.

An old rusty statue. It is a model of a landscape where a floating island is located between three eyes.

“It is a very unique shape. Does it have any special meaning?”

The man answered Lennok’s words by shining a flashlight all over the shelf.

“It’s something that symbolizes a long history.”

He continued diligently playing with his hands even after he had already found the object he wanted.

No, I’m just pretending to be kidding. At the same time, he naturally distanced himself from the two.

“Originally, it was meant to commemorate the agreement between the Dominion and the lighthouse to prohibit interference and harm, but…As of today, it has no meaning.”



The man stopped at the deepest shelf and said with his back turned.

“Now there is no one left to remember that promise.”

At the same time, the man turned off the flashlight.

As darkness descended into the warehouse, my eyes quickly turned dark.

Lennok said as he took out a cigarette from his bosom.

“Stop acting useless and ask only one question.”

“Tell me.”

“Have you already been in disguise since we contacted you?”

Even the moment I lit the cigarette, I didn’t hear an answer.

“Even if Lapis has been away from the Dominion for a long time, it doesn’t make sense that she, with her supernatural powers, didn’t notice the betrayal of the person who put her in such an important department.”


“Perhaps they kept him alive until he contacted Lapis, and then killed him the moment he was convinced that he was a person from the lighthouse, and disguised himself as his face…If you’re lucky, you might mistake it for a betrayal. Isn’t it?”

The man, who was silent for a while, slowly raised a hand and brought it to his face.

Jiggly… … !!

The skin on the man’s face peeled off, and a completely different face emerged from the inside.

“If you’ve guessed that far, I can’t keep you alive any longer.”


The light bulbs on the ceiling come on all at once, and at the same time the scenery of the warehouse appears.

At the same time, dozens of shelves in the warehouse collapsed all at once, revealing a hidden space.

A vast underground cavity that appears to be several times as large as what was visible in the dark.

Behind the collapsed ledge, a dozen or so people were pointing their guns at the two at once.

At the same time, the life that has been hidden so far flows explosively.

If you hadn’t prepared for all these things from the beginning, it would never be seen.

“It’s too bad. I thought I would be able to hear a deeper story after faking the betrayal of this man named Enrico… … The loyalty of the members of that organization was stronger than I thought, so I couldn’t stop it. The Blue Eye must have been a better place than I thought.”

The man’s face turned away, and his expression was no longer frightened.

Rather, it was just that it was bizarrely calm.

“Well, you won’t need it anymore. After all, everything that had to be done through the artifacts department was finished. For now, I’m just going to enjoy the luck that came to me.”

Lenok, who read the vague heat in those eyes, turned his head to Grisha, who was standing next to him.

“Did you know that, seeing as I gave you a signal?”

“I knew it the moment we met face to face.”

She replied with a terrifyingly expressionless face.

“Enrico had known me since I was a boy. There was no way I could not recognize my face because I used the recognition-deterring spell. I didn’t want to believe it… … .”

Wiping her face with one hand, she shattered the pipe she was holding in her mouth with her foot, raising her strength.

Exactly the same behavior as when testing Lennok’s abilities. Perhaps the act itself was a trigger to release her main force.

A cruel expression of death bloomed on her face.

“I’ll soothe the little boy’s soul with the blood of these worms.”

“What are you doing!! Kill me quickly!!”

With the man’s shout, the people who were aiming at the two from all sides pulled the trigger all at once.

The bullet that jumped out of the magazine immediately stopped in front of the muzzle.

[Magnetic control]

Lennok’s magnetic magic caught dozens of bullets fired and stopped them on the spot.

It wasn’t that difficult with his magic manipulation ability, which was powerful enough to move dozens of railroad tracks while in operation.

The expressions of people who saw the bullet floating in front of the muzzle like a lie instantly turned blank.

Right after that, Grisha grabbed a handful of his main power and swung it as it was.

[Pieces (破果育)]


After Grisha’s gesture swept across the area, people’s heads exploded like watermelons, turning the warehouse into a sea of blood.


The man who watched the ridiculous massacre groaned and crawled.

Lennok frowned.

“Excessive…Isn’t that more cruel than necessary?”

“what? I didn’t expect to hear something like that from you.”

Grisha smiled cruelly.

“Everyone who has ever killed a person knows that. Cruelty is a taste, but cruelty is a weapon. Terrorizing opponents is also a very useful power in war. Just like now.”

As she said that, she lifted the man’s collar with one hand and released her main power.

It was only then that the man’s eyes widened wide open as if the perception-impairing magic that had wrapped around her had been lifted.

“Hey!! That Grisha… … !!!”


Grisha laughed.

“Seeing that you know me, you must be one of those who set foot on the Western Resistance Front. I thought I had caught and killed them all then… … Didn’t they pull out all of the drug lord’s tricks?”

“Ughhh…!! How did you get to the Dominion… … Did you come back to the lighthouse!!”

“Ever since he was little, Enrico was a coward who peed whenever something happened.”

Grisha gritted his teeth instead of responding to him.

“I thought it was extraordinary when such a guy got older and said he would infiltrate the government building…Why do I have to die like this?”

As Grisha’s finger pierced the man’s temple, he collapsed.

Looking at the fallen man with her eyes wide open, she murmured with a dejected expression.

“Damn it, Grandma….”

“Did you kill him?”

“Not yet. There are many questions left to ask of this guy. We’ll have Amon interrogate him to find out how far the Dominion has been eaten.”

Grisha looked down at the fallen man with complicated eyes.

“Let’s take it for now. One of these guys is enough.”

“How do you do things?”

“He wouldn’t have touched it. It’s actually worthless, so they probably thought it was just an excuse to make a connection.”

“It’s an excuse….”

From the time I followed the man’s guidance and entered the building, I had been aware of the full life reaction in the basement.

At that point, when you think about who might be behind this attack, there was one person who, oddly enough, fit the situation.

There is a good reason to hide your safe in the Dominion and get your hands on the floating island colony.

A member of the Pandemonium who is decisively opposed to the Blue Eye, including the lighthouse.

The Dominion of Philenom was already on the brink of falling into the hands of the drug lord.

It was completely unexpected, but it should be said that it was a good thing that he found out who was behind the drug lord instead of being caught.

“Judgment later. Just move.”


Considering what he said right before he passed out, it seems that Enrico touched the lighthouse without knowing that he was involved in the lighthouse, but it is still too early to be certain of the specific circumstances.

The first thing to do is to go back to the lighthouse and figure out the circumstances.

The moment when Grisha naturally picks up the man and Lennok tries to lead the way.

Wooddeuk!! Du-du-du-du-du-duduk!!

An ominous glow emanated from the corpses of those whose heads had exploded and began to wriggle.

The figure of the corpses slowly rising from their seats while the dark red light shimmering on the left side of the abdomen.

Lennok frowned slightly, and Grisha turned around with a rather curious look.

“Good. I wasn’t too sure about something, but you’re giving me confidence… … . It’s been awhile since I’ve seen this. Did you borrow the power of the necromancer?”

“I don’t think so.”

Lennok interrupted Grisha and pointed at the corpses with his finger.

“The parts where the brilliance comes out are all fixed to the left abdomen. Probably the kind that takes effect after death. It’s still in your stomach, so it looks like you haven’t taken something in a while.”

Grisha tilted her head.

“So you’re saying that the fact that they’re swarming like zombies is the effect of the drug? A drug that makes those without heads move again. That sounds like necromancer.”

“It’s not an ordinary drug. And it probably isn’t just a drug that makes zombies. If you see that movement… … .”

As he said that, the headless corpses all turned around and began to gather in one direction of the vast underground cavity.

Kkuyeok kkuyeok.

Blinds are broken and flesh overlaps as they blindly lift each other up without even a hint of intelligence.

The blood flowing out of the muscles and skin is just a lubricant for fusion.

Grisha, realizing what Lennok was saying, frowned for the first time.

“Wow…X feet. It’s disgusting.”

“Didn’t I say that cruelty is a weapon?”

“It’s actually a lie. I have a weak stomach.”

I don’t think that’s what a person who blew over a hundred people’s heads off the spot would say… … .

Even as Lennok thought about it, he carefully stared at the grotesque appearance of flesh gathering.

Although it was clearly a sight he had never seen with his own two eyes, it was a scene that felt familiar in his memory somewhere.

If it is a phenomenon that is as bizarre as that, it is not strange that it remains clearly in Lennok’s head, but rather, only a faint sense of deja vu is felt.

That fact made it all the more strange to Lennok.

Among the abilities that a drug lord could use, was there any technique that attempted to synthesize such a bizarre human body?

Or did he just pick up similar clues from Jenny?

While Lennok was immersed in agony in front of the rather unfamiliar phenomenon of the absence of memory, the flesh grew in size and was changing into something less than human.


As if pus was being squeezed out from all sides, a huge hole was pierced in the center of the piece of flesh from which the blood was drawn, and a new piece of flesh, like a bell, emerged from within.


As the bell-shaped mass of flesh began to tremble and make a new sound, Lennok clicked his tongue, realizing the purpose of the flesh.

“…Did they use human corpses to create living vocal cords? I’m not crazy.”

[ah…week is correct Wizard. What a wonderful intuition.]

The flesh instantly adjusted its vocal chords and answered Lennok’s words in a heavy voice.

Contrary to the gruesome appearance, the voice that came out of the vocal chords seemed relaxed at first glance.

[Ordinary people are trapped in their own petty prejudices and do not easily realize what they are witnessing. However, you cast off the guise of morality and ethics and brilliantly deduced the identity of my work.]


[This is my preferred method. Even on the other side of the continent thousands of kilometers away, I can project my will so neatly. The dirty appearance and complexity of the process are always the next problem.] It was the

first time he heard the voice, but Lennok instinctively felt it.

drug lord. Juice Master. One of the largest merchants on the continent. Shadow of the Republic.

A man who took all kinds of modifiers and insults at once and grabbed the drug trade in this huge world.

Dominic Cavaro has revealed his will right here and now.

Genius Wizard Who Takes Medicine Chapter 180

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Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage, Medicine-eating wizard
Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
“World”, a game that boasts extreme freedom. In “ver.3.0”, I decided to put everything to increase the magic talent! All stats are all about magic! Instead of enhancing the character’s magic talent, took a huge amount of demerit characteristics. But, it doesn’t matter. I will create the greatest Wizard character, even if the character looks like a corpse. But…. What is this? I became that character– a character with genius talent, but can’t pass a day alive without taking medicine.


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