Dragon-Devouring Mage Chapter 39

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Episode 39


Around lunchtime.

From the first floor of the Salt Tower, located south of Endymion’s capital, a light rumbling continued to flow.

“Is today the right day?”

“Because it is.”

It’s like a place where wizards who focus on fire-attribute magic gather.

Compared to other places, it was a tower where a lot of people who had a uniquely bold and unstoppable disposition would gather.

It wasn’t yesterday or today that such a salt tower is noisy.

But today’s turmoil was a little different from other days.

Unlike usual, when they chatted among themselves, it felt as if they were waiting for someone.

Evidence of this was that he glanced at the entrance to the elongation tower while chatting about various places.

“It’s about time to come…”

What they are waiting for is the newcomer to the salt pagoda, who is supposed to visit the pagoda around noon today.

Of course, if it was an ordinary new mage, there wouldn’t have been such an uproar.

If there are people who show curiosity, maybe two or three.

There was no way that more than twenty people would gather on the first floor of the tower like now.


“It’s been a while since the tower lord accepted a new disciple. I’m already curious.”

The story was different if the other person was a giraffe from the wizarding world who drives rumors.

“I just graduated from the academy, but I’m already in the 4th circle, right? It’s too fast, too fast.”

“I was in my late 30s when I first entered the 4th circle. Isn’t that a good twenty years earlier than me?”

“That’s how slow you are…”

“Are people who became the 4th circle so quickly still struggling in the 4th circle?”

The Four Great Magic Towers of the Royal Capital.

Among them, they were wizards belonging to the Tower of Flames, who were said to be proud of their double walls.

Among them, there was no one who had not heard the sound of a genius or an instrument while growing up.

Some of them also heard a lot of genius voices.

However, the opponent is a genius that even the wizards belonging to the Tower of Flames have no choice but to admit.

As the same wizard.

Also, as a senpai of Yeomtap, it would be a lie if he did not want to see his face.

How much time had passed like that?

“Whoa whoa whoa-.”


The sound of the driver stopping the carriage is heard.

Less then.

Opening the door of the magic tower, a young man in his late teens walked inside.

It wasn’t that often that a young man of that age visited the Mage Tower.

The wizards immediately figured out his identity.

Each one captured the appearance, including the face of the young man who entered with shining eyes.

‘That young man is our new junior.’

‘I mean the tower lord’s youngest disciple.’

He is 180 cm tall, with bright crimson eyes and black hair.

He was a young man with an impression that was rare even on the entire continent.





“You’re here.”

As I climbed to the top floor of the tower, I heard Daria’s voice with a familiar laugh.

With a rattle, the door to the top room opened.

“The first floor is a little noisy. Is something happening?”

Russell murmured as he entered.

“What happened? The fact that a new recruit has arrived, they probably want to take a look at it at least once.”

Somehow, the way he looked at himself was strange.

Recalling the gaze they sent, Russell was convinced, and Daria welcomed him.

“It’s been a while. Even if you don’t, there’s a story I want to hear, so I’ve been waiting.”

‘A story you want to hear?’

Tilting your head for a while.

Soon, Russell remembered that she had met Hubert first.

He must have heard stories of raids on the way up from him.

While thinking so, Daria narrowed her eyes and took a look at Russell’s whole body.

Eyes full of affection, as if they were evaluating things.

Russell laughed lightly at that.

‘You don’t change.’

Those gazes were probably observing him.

During the time I was back at the academy, I wonder if I was lazy at all.

Wasn’t it stagnant because of it?

going to check it out.


“Hmm. In the meantime, your mana has increased considerably. Even so, the Circle is more stable than before.”

Russell’s growth did not disappoint Daria.

It has to be.

‘After returning to the academy, even the number of magic stones eaten is close to double digits.’

If the mana had not increased, it would have been rather strange.

What was really surprising here was how stable the circle was despite the massive increase in horsepower in such a short period of time.

If the circling work had been neglected even a little, the increased horsepower would not have been so stable.

So let’s put on a satisfied expression for a while.

“I want to talk about this and that, but before that, let’s deal with procedural issues first.”

Soon she takes out a coat and puts it down.

She took out a dark blue cloak and wrapped it around Russell’s neck and shoulders.

“Where do you want to try injecting magic power?”

Let’s infuse magic as she tells us.


Mana was sucked into the shoulder part of the cloak.

Soon, the pattern of the Flare Rose is revealed.

‘Did it appear in response to mana?’

As much as I do things related to the kingdom, I won’t be able to move around with my identity exposed all the time.

‘That’s why I usually hide the rose door using this method.’

To be able to reveal the pattern and reveal the identity only at the moment of need.

“If the flare rose you engraved last time was informal, this time it’s real.”

Looking at the rose door, Daria smiled and continued administrative procedures for about ten minutes.


Daria giggled as she finished all the procedures by handing over a new identity card with the seal of the Flame Tower.

“Now that I am a member of the Yeomtap in name and reality, I can freely use it here and there.”

Russell responded with a smile at her words, which seemed quite playful.

“yes. You can eat it to your heart’s content. Master.”

In response, Daria said, ‘What?’ stare at him with a

But Russell’s reply was not a joke or an empty remark.

‘It’s just the beginning.’

There was a lot to do.

It took a ball to get the heart and rebuild the family.

For the same reason as the latter, money also had to be earned.

Besides, on the other hand, I also had to find clues about my father’s enemy.

‘There will be no time to rest. It’d be better if they made me do a lot of work.’

As much as the War Mages of the Tower of Flames often participate in underground fights or local wars with the Empire.

The former, as well as the latter, will be able to achieve some success.

“It’s good to see you making up your mind. I am the youngest.”

Daria did not know all of Russell’s thoughts and stories.

But at least I was able to read the sincerity inside.

She smiled warmly.

I clapped my hands lightly.


I refreshed the atmosphere and sat down.

“Now then, since we still have a little time left, let’s listen to your story.”

Her voice preceded Russell’s questioning when he said that there was still a little time left.

“In detail about what happened on the way up.”

where did you get it from

Cheesecake and black tea were brought out before I knew it, and it looked like I was fully prepared to listen to the story.

* * *

As if Russell’s story begins, as if responding to it.

Various reactions pour out of Daria.

near the beginning of the story.

When facing a pile of half-wrapped wagons and taking passengers hostage, he let go of his anger-.

“Like cunning guys. Because of them, only innocent citizens suffered a lot.”

In the part where Russell hits the wall of fire and then goes to the interception, he praises that judgment.

“Undead and fire are at odds. Create a wall of flame to ensure the safety of the passengers and then intercept enemies that come over. It’s a classic yet effective choice.”

The part that surprised her the most was the part that sent the salamander flying high into the sky.

“Hit the fire wall high, cover the sight, and use the spirit to find the enemy. It’s certainly in a dark forest, but it’s easy to find a magician in the sky. It’s the most effective response you can use. You used your hair well.”

And finally when the whole story is over.

Popping the last piece of cheesecake into her mouth, she reached out.

“Good job.”

He gently stroked Russell’s hair.

“We protect our people and protect the weak. It’s a good word, but not many guys put it into practice. You made it through to the end.”

Above all else, I sincerely commend you for that part. I’m the youngest.

Somehow, it is a touch that warms a corner of the heart.

My mother, whose memory has now faded. If you were alive, you must have felt this way.

That moment.

“her. I wondered why he was suddenly asking people to come and go.”

A huge wave appeared and wiped out the whole feeling.

A feeling that gives goosebumps all over your body and thrills all your senses.


“You must have been doing that to show off your new disciple in your old days.”

Let’s turn our heads.

There was an old man who looked like an old tree that died from drought.

But why?

Despite being so skinny, I feel full of moisture.

No, it wasn’t just moisture.

An illusion as if a tsunami or flood was made in the shape of a human being.

It is truly a disaster in human form.

Even on the entire continent, there weren’t that many people who could bear such a powerful natural disaster in that small, skinny body.

Even more so if it was confined within the kingdom of Endymion.

Moreover, the fact that the disaster is related to water is-.

‘Lord of the spear tower!’

Hemingway Melville, the owner of the window tower.

Daria Snowwhite’s academy classmate.

At the same time, the only two in the kingdom who are said to have the same status as her, the 8th circle archmage.

Daria lightly snorted at his appearance.

“joy. It’s like you’re bragging non-stop for three hours, saying you’ve hired the youngest student a few years ago, and then scolding him. and-.”

The fierce heat that rose from her violently drove away the moisture that had encroached on her surroundings.

The surrounding objects, which had been lightly soaked in the heat, changed to dry.

It looked like a long-dried laundry in the sun.

“I told you not to spread the fishy smell in my house. Is this musty old man?”

Hemingway snorted lightly at Daria’s response.

“joy. It’s musty. At least I don’t look young with magic like anyone else.”

Unlike the sharp exchange of words, the two people’s expressions were peaceful.

No, as if playing a joke, a small smile was also on each of their faces.

“okay. Shall we see the youngest disciple you want to brag about?”

As soon as he finished speaking, the owner of the window tower moved his gaze.

As his gaze turned to him, Russell stood up from his seat, hesitantly, and lowered his head.

“My junior, Russell Raymond, is meeting the Lord of the Window Tower.”


A short answer flowed out, and right after that, his dark blue eyes, reminiscent of the deep sea, swept across Russell’s body.

“her. indeed. You’re a junior that an old lady can be proud of.”

With a low admiration, there was a difference in his eyes.

“It’s a method of replacing part of the mana load with muscle fibers. I understand the principle, but I don’t know the method. I wonder what number you wrote. Besides, Mana is so innocent for her age, and it’s hard to get a sense of it…” This

is the first time in my life that a wizard has felt this way.

The window tower owner Hemingway said so, and Daria giggled.

As if my son had been praised, he poured out his pride with an excited expression.

“It’s a giant. I definitely said I picked up a great guy.”


The owner of the window tower licked his lips at Daria’s boast and made a sound of pain, but it was only for a moment.

“This definitely hurts my stomach, but I can’t help it. In the first place, my youngest disciple isn’t even that good in terms of talent alone.”

“If you are the youngest disciple of the old man, are you referring to the young man standing behind you?”

Daria’s words were terrifying.

A man in a neat robe appeared from behind the window tower pillar.

The appearance of a man who had not been recognized by the presence of the owner of the window tower until now.

“His greetings are a bit late. The lord of the tower.”

He is a few years older than Russell.

The glasses he was wearing were crooked for a moment and then returned to match the polite greeting.

It was hard to tell whether it was open or closed what was visible beyond it.

‘Ashen hair.’

When Russell remembered his name, the man held out his palm.

I asked for a handshake.

“This is how you meet Prince Russell, who has been rumored lately. Nice to meet you. I am the youngest disciple of the master of the window tower.”

Before he could introduce himself, his name came out of Russell’s mouth.

“Alan Page… the ball.”

The real genius was right there.

dragon-swallowed wizard

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Dragon-Devouring Mage

Dragon-Devouring Mage

Score 8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
[You will be the cornerstone of a new mythology. For the sake of that mythology, I will grant you another chance.] The last successor of a fallen founding contributor family and cursed third-rate mage, Russel Raymond. He hoped to revive his family’s societal status, but was expelled from the academy. All he could do was work as a mercenary third-rate mage. One day, on his way to his temporary job, his mother’s memento ring, the “Dragon’s Heart,” reacts, and Russel is given an unexpected chance. He “regresses” back to his days in the academy. [You have received a mana stone (consumable) as a mission reward.] That is how Russel begins soaring in life like a dragon who never got to spread his wings. He crosses the waves called fate that had pressed down on him and flies into the bright world he was previously banned from.


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