Dragon-Devouring Mage Chapter 283

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Episode 283


I can beat him.

Maybe I can overwhelm him.

Five senses no.

It seems that even the sixth sense, which I have honed as a wizard, can be heard whispering in my ears.

However, Russell did not blindly believe in the whisper.

Instead, it maintained a combat readiness like an iron fortress, not showing even the slightest gap.

It was because he had a clear understanding of why his senses were whispering so.

‘If you use that power, you can definitely win, but…’

It was a power that shouldn’t be used now.

A power that should remain even after defeating him.

That means—.

‘I deal only with my strength.’

Along with the will, the magical energy that transcended the limit overflows out of the body.

The robes she was wearing fluttered loudly in the resulting magical wind.

Following that trajectory, the Flare Rose, the symbol of the Tower of Flames, swayed here and there.

It was Vlad Draculea who started the attack as if to put an end to the boring confrontation.

“It’s a nightmare. Get down in the sky!”

Along with the chant, dozens of magic circles floated in the air.

Magic circles drawn in jet-black that does not reflect even a single point of light and crimson red like fresh blood.

Dozens of magic circles quickly intersect to complete one magic.

It only took a few seconds to get there.

‘It’s a 9-circle magic from the beginning?’

What other magic can be created even by a transcendent who has completed the nine circles, only through the cumbersome process of chanting and unfolding?

Realizing that he had made up his mind, Russell hurriedly turned over in the air.


Right after that, darkness descends, and the entire space where Russell was standing just before is weathered and begins to disappear.

The dark magic of the 9th circle, which concentrates and pours out thousands of years of erosion and weathering at one point, had the power to weather even the concept of space beyond existence.

Besides, his magic didn’t end there.


The dark magic that spewed out from him was like ink, dyeing the whole area and rushing towards Russell.

Magic, with the power of weathering and erosion, attacked the existence like a literal Nightmare.


At that moment, Russell’s eyes vomited gold.

The dragon’s eyes, penetrating the essence of magic, pour out amber eyes and dissect every magic attack.

Don’t just avoid it.

If it was simply running away, I could do it all day, but the problem was the effect that wicked magic would have on this world.

That is also true, because that magic that weathers the very concept of space beyond matter is poison itself in this world.

If that kind of poison continues to flow, even the basic order that maintains the world will not be able to withstand it.

Of course, the entire material world won’t be shaken… but

‘the entirety of the nearby tens of kilometers will evaporate into space.’

space evaporates.

It is impossible to say for sure what effect this event, which can only be explained with magical concepts, will have on the world, but it will never be good.

block it before

The moment I made up my mind, the nine circles started spinning all at once.

It interlocks with precision like a cogwheel, pouring out an incomparably stronger force than ever before.

Russell awakened the image.

A concept for a concept, an idea for an idea.

‘The thing that burns the poison is the flame.’

Of course, it would be impossible with ordinary fireworks.

The dark magic it spewed out was close to poison in an abstract concept, but it wasn’t real poison.

But what if it is a spark that can burn away even the soul and concepts beyond reality?

The 7th circle magic Inferno.

Hell Fire, an 8-circle lost magic.

Take the two magics as frameworks and add your own image on top of them.

born of it.

It was a spark of magic that had never existed in the material world before.

To put it bluntly, it could be said that it was a magic that forcibly brought it up to the 9th circle by adding one’s own image to the two magics that stayed in the 7th and 8th circles.

Simsanghyun (心象顯現).

annihilation forever.

A small flame that started in the mind gradually expands in size and manifests itself in the material world.


Simsanghyeonhyeon was the stage of projecting images inherent in the mind into magic.

Not only the magicians of this era, but even the transcendents of the age of mythology, few people have reached this point.

Such a realm was expressed as naturally as breathing.


As soon as the flame of annihilation was trimmed into a single spear, Russell swung it.

『The Decisive War Chapter 3 Extreme Ethics』

『Eternity Eternal Fire Cheomchang』

The flame that eats up the heavens and earth swallowed up the nightmare.

───── Fire!




Vlad Dracoulea hurriedly stepped back with a groan.

Even though they didn’t come close, the heat that seemed to cook their skin.

If you inhale incorrectly, your lungs will cook.

All the clouds within a radius of several kilometers evaporated, revealing a purple sky.

Magic that can even burn away [Nightmare], an idea that doesn’t exist.

Whatever it is, it’s dangerous.

“Sim Sang Hyun?”

He may have borrowed the power of a demon king or a foreign god, but in any case, he is also a transcendental person who is beyond human.

It wasn’t that he was so narrow-minded and so blinded that he couldn’t recognize Russell’s talents.

“You’ve reached a rather troublesome place!”

Even so, there was no hint of defeat in his shouts.

A little surprised, but that’s all.

Visualization is obviously a great destination, but it was only one of the vertices that can be reached with magic.

The reason why Simsanghyun received special treatment despite being a well-known state was simple.

Magicians who have reached the stage of complete imagery are very rare in history, and being

able to create new magic with just imagination was tantamount to demonstrating the infinite possibilities of magic.

“Then I will show you too.”

Even if it is not a mental image, it is possible to reach the extreme of magic.

『Vlad Draculea’s Decisive War』 and

『Dimensional Erosion』

occurred right after the incident.


The sound of something screaming echoed, and the air behind Vlad Draculea began to split open.

The space shattered like a broken mirror centered on a long crack.

Vlad Draculea’s decisive battle, Dimensional Erosion. It was a magic that opened a powerful imaginary space and eroded the entire dimension.

The imaginary space opened behind him is a powerful negative dimension space that reflects his thoughts.


He laughed and stretched out his hand at once. That moment.


Following the trajectory of his hand, the dimension was scattered, and magic was manifested inside the broken dimension.


A black explosion erupted from Russell’s waist.


As he turned his head with a groan, he saw that the space next to his waist had been broken in the same way as the back of his back.

The explosion magic that occurred at the waist was protruding from that very place.

An attack that flew without any warning or warning. Instinctively, I opened my defense magic and blocked it, but the grip that blocked the magic tingled.

It is a completely different concept from the folding paper that folds and attaches space to space.

‘Is it a method of constructing a dimensional passage made of imaginary coordinates between spaces and pouring out attacks through the passage?’

It is a magic with absurd power, befitting a transcendentalist who has reached the 9th circle.

If you’re not paying attention even a little bit, you’ll take a lot of damage from the magic flying through the dimension.

In order to block unannounced attacks from all directions, you must always have a certain level of defense.

At that fact, Russell let out a small sigh.

‘Of course it won’t be without any risks.’

Since it is magic that breaks the boundaries between dimensions, it will not be trivial to consume mana.

In the end, it is a story that the aspect of this fight has no choice but to flow into a war of attrition.

Will the mana that surrounds the defense run out first, or will the guy’s mana run out?

After examining the possibilities of both sides, Russell activated a new magic.

『Russell Raymond. Decisive War]

『The Final Chapter』

The Three Emperors and Five Emperors.

It is a magic borrowed from the name of one of the eight creator gods who were said to have announced the creation of the world in the past.

According to the tradition of

『Model Chuyong(祝融)』, it is said that most of the gods who walked this land in the mythical age were only fragments born from the blood and flesh of the gods who created them.

The final chapter of Russell’s decisive battle was like putting on and deploying the previous three decisive battles at the same time.

He used the Brahmastra left behind by his ancestor, Kim Hyeon-seong, and the Hellfire he restored as the skeleton.

A magic completed by overlapping the concept of transcendental dream (超越夢) in which magic is wrapped around it.

Russell added one more magic on top of that.

『Ver. It transformed all the flames of the decisive battle into the fire of eternal extinction that had just been completed


Both were magic that had reached the height of ascension.

If he was an ordinary wizard, he would not have even thought of mixing the two.

But Russell was different.

He had the power to make it a reality.

Sim Sang Hyun.


red gold.

The two colors blended together to form a robe made of flame.


A robe of flame wrapped around Russell’s whole body, and at the same time, pyrotechnic spears surged along his grasp.


The moon made of flame rises and spreads its six wings.

Every time the wings flapped, sparks fell from the sky like feathers.

Right after that, Russell reached out.

I gently grabbed the other hand that wasn’t holding the spear.


Then a small cage of flames fell into Russell’s grasp.


A small dragon sound flowed from the inside.

The last chapter of the final battle is completed with the Guryong Shinhwajo, the cage of flames that confines the fire dragon.

I have no intention of sparing the hand I have except for ‘that power’ that I must preserve until the very end.


Russell’s eyes flashed in the robes of fire, which flew with the wind.

Long growing fangs and various horns grow on both sides of the head, forming a crown-like appearance.

Is it because Yongin-hwa, who was liberated after attaining the status of a perfect solvent?

With an overwhelming sense of fullness, along with magic power, divinity is filled.

Russell glared at him while his spirit was rising.

“Vlad Dracoulea!”

He shouted the name of the one who might be his last enemy like a roar and rushed towards him.

power and power.

The battle of transcendents.

The fight that I thought would never be reproduced again since the age of myth was running toward the end.

dragon-swallowed wizard

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Dragon-Devouring Mage

Dragon-Devouring Mage

Score 8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
[You will be the cornerstone of a new mythology. For the sake of that mythology, I will grant you another chance.] The last successor of a fallen founding contributor family and cursed third-rate mage, Russel Raymond. He hoped to revive his family’s societal status, but was expelled from the academy. All he could do was work as a mercenary third-rate mage. One day, on his way to his temporary job, his mother’s memento ring, the “Dragon’s Heart,” reacts, and Russel is given an unexpected chance. He “regresses” back to his days in the academy. [You have received a mana stone (consumable) as a mission reward.] That is how Russel begins soaring in life like a dragon who never got to spread his wings. He crosses the waves called fate that had pressed down on him and flies into the bright world he was previously banned from.


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