Dragon-Devouring Mage Chapter 269

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Episode 269


“You dare!”

As a result of the unexpected result, the cultist wearing the emperor’s skin poured out filial piety.


The magic that trembled the whole area and resounded resounded represented his rage.

The moment he raises his hand to strike and kill Russell once again!

“I can’t go. Hey!”

From his side, two swords of heat waves swept up.


The earth, which had been hit directly by the 7th circle anti-personnel magic, cracked open and then boiled and melted.

Quad Deuk-!

Then the earth rose up and clamped his ankles.

“Ha ha ha…”

Breathing became extremely rough. Io, who has returned to the form of an elf, will summon a higher level spirit of the earth and clamp his ankle.

Damn it-!

Then, the whole atmosphere freezes and forms a fence blocking his way.

“How persistent these worms are!”

At the appearance of a being blocking his way, the emperor dyed his eyes black.

“OK. If it’s your wish, I’ll kill you guys first.”

Right after the roar, the black magic that poured out like a tidal wave painted the area black.

It was violent and darkened all directions with impeccable momentum.





Black blood soaked the floor.

Was it originally close to extreme poison or was it because all kinds of diseases and curses were eating away at the blood.


The blood-soaked ground melted and corroded, and in the midst of that, groans were heard again.


It was a position that passed the heart a little bit, but even so, it was fatal.

Considering the curse that penetrated the inside and began to eat away at the whole body, it is impossible for even a dragon to survive.

Or maybe it was the price of rebelling against the one who subordinated half of my soul.


Jillian smiled whitely and replied to Russell, who asked as if he couldn’t understand.


I cried.

Even if it wasn’t, it was a pale face. His face turned pale more rapidly every time blood poured out of it.

It was only a few seconds, but the red and blue veins were clearly visible on the face.

Jillian continued.

“I was born into a blood relative of a dragon… It was a life I never lived like a dragon.”

No, not to the extent of dragons.

I lived in hiding all my life, suffering from the sense of shame of being a demon dragon, and after the cultist borrowed the body of the emperor and was resurrected, I lived like a servant of the cultist.

If it kills, it kills; if it lives, it lives; if it annihilates, it annihilates.

It was such a life

“At least. Last—just like a dragon…”

Words that do not even form proper sentences flow out randomly.

die to protect the solvent.

What a dragon-like end.

The fallen dragon, who wanted to protect his pride as a dragon even though he had been agonizing over his own existence for thousands of years and was corrupted, was prepared to die at the last moment.

“Take it.”

That’s why I was able to present it.

“You are this.”

Russell was speechless at Gillian’s offering.

It was a huge horn.

A horn of a corrupted dragon that has a black light like jet black.

“Refinement of the shape of the horns of my magical power… Cool.”

The guy who had regurgitated a bowl of bloody water continued with a much improved expression.

“The magical power I possessed was refined in the form of horns. I only changed the shape, but even if it was a dragon heart, there would be no problem.”

The way the flame right before it goes out burns more red than anything else.

It seemed a little better, but in fact, it probably wouldn’t be at all.

“If you give me this, you will die.”

“I’m going to die anyway, so let me die like a dragon.”

Just like the other dragons that gave you their horns, your unspoken thoughts come through your eyes.

Jillian, who met her gaze straight, winked.


At some point, Muyaho joined in and said with a glimpse of the direction where the chaos was being made.

“Shouldn’t you help me over there?”

His eyes were determined to accept his own death.

After hearing that, Russell didn’t hesitate any longer.



“Huh. Heo-eok…”

His shoulders swayed wildly, and his breathing sounded as rough as possible.

Not only that, but her gray hair, which was always neatly organized, has long been disheveled.

Her appearance, which looked like she was only in her mid-late 40s, was rapidly regaining her age.


As a result, wrinkles begin to appear, and

at most tens of seconds.

I’ve only been holding my feet for that much time, but this much consumption.


In the first place, it was difficult to say that it was perfect. It should be said that it was a miracle that it survived this long.

Do you even want to prove that fact? Of those who rushed to tie him down, only two were now standing on the ground on their own feet.

Arain and Io, the Meneurs of the Elves, had flown somewhere and were stuck on a rock.

Muyaho, the beast king, is also barely breathing.

It can be seen convulsing to and fro while lying on the floor.


Seeing that, Daria clicked her tongue in pity.

‘Because it was a bad body in the first place.’

It was she who blocked most of the damage with her body while pressing Russell’s head.

I could clearly see what the beast king was thinking when he acted like that.

It is natural to feel sad.

It was then.

What Hemingway muttered self-mockingly next to Daria.

“It doesn’t make sense. Grandma.”

“You’re talking about your in-laws.”

“—What about your in-laws!”

He was furious at Daria’s words, but within a moment, he calmed down the turmoil and opened his mouth in a calm voice.

“You haven’t forgotten, have you?”


“When we get back… the thing we were supposed to have a meal with.”

When I said something in this situation, should I see it as having a mood or not?

Daria, who was making a stupid expression on her face, laughed and nodded.

“of course. I haven’t forgotten this inspiration However…”

He said, looking at the emperor who seemed to be a little bit more injured and tired, but still healthy.

“…For now, wouldn’t it be possible to return alive here?”



After a moment of heavy silence that seemed like an eternity, the two old men opened their mouths at the same time.

“For now…”

“Shouldn’t we let those young ones live?”

They had lived for over eighty years. Compared to the average lifespan of this era, it would not be enough to say that he has lived a fairly long time.

Of course, they had the ability to live for several more decades if nothing happened



A powerful wave of magic begins to surf under Hemingway’s feet.

A ripple of magical power with a vivid bluish tinge that blinded the eyes.


As if in response, Daria squeezed the circle.

“I wanted to live until all three of them got married, but I couldn’t.”

The first, Vermilion Ulsen.

Second, Hubert.


the ‘youngest.’

…even the third, Russell Raymond.

The first and second seem to have safely retreated, so the only thing left to do now is to save the youngest, Russell.

“You have to live. Hey.”

Woo woo woo-.

Eight circles rotate at the same time, and red magic spreads like the sunset along her shoulder line.

The mana that was like the great sea is gone, and what remains is less than half of the usual mana, but it doesn’t matter.

If necessary, you can use your real heart instead of the mana circle to replenish your mana.

The emperor who was holding his breath at the unusually spreading magic power… No.

The cultist wearing the emperor’s skin muttered with a grotesquely distorted face.

“…Do you want to do more?”

Those tenacious bugs muttered and gnashed their teeth.

He had been hit directly by several dragon breaths, and after that, he was hit by a series of attacks, so he wasn’t completely fine either.

just before the last minute.

I never thought that what I thought would be short-lived entertainment would become so much of a nuisance.

‘It’s a body that needs to be thrown away anyway…’

He once rose to the level of a transcendentalist.

It hasn’t fully recovered its strength yet, but it’s still the same.

Suffering from the worms of this era is unacceptable to him.

Whoa ah-.

Amidst the black magic that once again spreads out as if putting the whole area into darkness, purple natural flowers bloomed thickly along the corners of the emperor’s eyes.




A pillar of fire soared high into the sky, the atmosphere froze, and a huge glacier slammed down on the ground.

The wind that followed turned into a hot wind, enveloping the air in all directions, and terrifyingly, the ice spear soared upward from the bottom.

Truly a dance of fire and ice.

But…not one of them was able to dispel the savage swirling darkness…

just a few seconds.




The new model of the two people, who had been blown away with an explosion of drinking, rolled on the floor at random.

Then, cutting through the curtain-like darkness, the emperor slowly walks out.

He looked a bit more tired than before, but he didn’t seem seriously injured.

Seeing that, Daria wiped the blood from her mouth, and Hemingway muttered, contorting his face.

“A monster-like guy…”

His lungs ached every time he breathed, as if his ribs had been broken by the shock just now.

“The madness…is it over now?”

Meanwhile, the emperor opened his mouth.


He muttered in a voice that sounded a bit tired.

“Now die.”

Fingers pointed forward.

The same magic that was thrown at Russell, who poured out all kinds of diseases and curses in one point!

It’s Yellow Chun’s death.

As if foretelling that portent, black light drifted along the emperor’s fingers, which were stretched out in a straight line.


The moment when the surrounding light flickers at high speed and black light occurs.

────────── Kwareung!

The shockwave exploded, drawing several ripples.

A physical shock that flew out of nowhere!

It was a power that could not be generated without swinging an object weighing more than tens of tons at supersonic speed.

The body of the emperor, who was directly hit by the impact that could be called a mass weapon in itself, was blown away and landed.


The emperor slowly raised himself, regurgitating blood from his mouth.

Surprise of an unexpected moment!

If what he saw earlier was not an illusion, it was the tail of a huge dragon with black scales like obsidian that was swung like a whip and carved a black trail.


With the sound of scales, the partially fully dragonized tail is reverse summoned and disappears.


The sound of breathing mixed with the smell of sulfur.

Along with him, bright yellow eyes glared at the emperor.

“——Dragon Emperor!”

dragon-swallowed wizard

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Dragon-Devouring Mage

Dragon-Devouring Mage

Score 8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
[You will be the cornerstone of a new mythology. For the sake of that mythology, I will grant you another chance.] The last successor of a fallen founding contributor family and cursed third-rate mage, Russel Raymond. He hoped to revive his family’s societal status, but was expelled from the academy. All he could do was work as a mercenary third-rate mage. One day, on his way to his temporary job, his mother’s memento ring, the “Dragon’s Heart,” reacts, and Russel is given an unexpected chance. He “regresses” back to his days in the academy. [You have received a mana stone (consumable) as a mission reward.] That is how Russel begins soaring in life like a dragon who never got to spread his wings. He crosses the waves called fate that had pressed down on him and flies into the bright world he was previously banned from.


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