Dragon-Devouring Mage Chapter 245

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Episode 245



“Go in, go in!”

“I mean block it!”

“Before that, do something with these dog-like sparks!”

The one trying to break through and the one trying to stop collided non-stop, and a sharp sound of metal resonated from everywhere.


Officers use evil bars, swords of knights collide with each other, and sparks fill up.

The spears of the hundreds of soldiers colliding in between them collided to the point where it looked like huge waves crashing into each other.



As time passed, Endymion’s troops gradually squeezed through the gates and came inside.

As if eating land, they began to occupy all over the fort.

Slow but clear pace. As paint spreads in water, the fort is gradually dyed in the color of the Endymion standard.

Given enough time, even Triven Fortress, which was called impregnable, could be occupied.

Russell watched the scene and narrowed his eyes.

‘The problem is the damage of allies.’

It was effective to preserve the power of allies as much as possible, unless the war ended by simply occupying a fortress.

Of course, the number of allied troops was several times greater. However, as long as they had to enter the fort and fight, the number was bound to be limited.

‘To end the battle in the shortest possible time…’

Russell’s eyes quickly scanned the battlefield.

Soon, the moment when his eyes reflected the image of someone screaming among the soldiers!

Wedge love liquid—!

Russell threw himself like a flash war.


It landed in front of him like lightning.

A cloud of dust rose to the height of the adult man’s head.

The figure of Russell revealed between them made the Count of Mayhem tremble involuntarily.

“Yeah you bastard…”

Hui oh oh-.

Dozens of vortices formed above the rising dust clouds before the voice of the rough wind was over.

Then, the shape of the vortex changed into a pointed arrow, and as soon as Russell flicked his fingertips, it flew toward the Earl of Mayhem like a darting arrow.

Whee ae ae ae-!

Unlike ordinary arrows, the magic arrows that will not miss even a single shot shoot at the Count of Mayhem, each drawing a strange trajectory.

“No way… You bastard!”

Only then did the Earl of Mayhem, who understood Russell’s thoughts, grit his teeth.

Whoa ah-.

“Are you sure you can easily fall for your tricks!”

Then, a faint blue light begins to shine over his sword.

It did not reach perfect sword skill, but a clear manifestation of aura!

Follow me-!

The arrows of the wind collide with the sword, and the sound of hitting the old bell explodes incessantly.

Master of Triben Fortress Skilled swordsmanship enough to prove that the title was not taken carelessly.



The arrows that Russell shot could have been covered as long as there was wind around him.

I’m going to go to the middle of the day!

The number of arrows poured was too many.

Pit Phoebe-.

The moment the arrow grazed, the skin cracked, blood flowed, and the hands and feet of the Count of Mayhem, who was holding the sword, became dizzy.


Scorching heat spurted through the arrows of the wind.

‘Burning Blade.’

A magic that converts the heat that rises from the fingertips into the form of a sword and releases it.

Slowly ────── Fire!

The sharp cutting sound followed by the sound of something burning like a tail.


Soon after, the world in the eyes of the Earl of Mayhem turned upside down.

A sense of floating through the air.

A terrible chill came suddenly.

Motion sickness caused by shaking of the semicircular canals and disorientation of the whole body sensation.

What was visible in it was his own body, which had lost his head, collapsing toward the floor—

‘Why is my body over there…?’

Before he could even answer the question, a violent hand that had flown from somewhere grabbed his hair.




According to the tactics manual I read in my spare time as I headed to the battlefield, there were several ways to break the enemy’s morale.

Smash the enemy with overwhelming force.

Winning in a grand battle, etc…

Of course, most of them were simple things that even those who were ignorant of tactics could understand, but

anyway, taking the supply and demand of the enemy general was one of those methods.

Slowly ────── Fire!

The severed head of the Earl of Mayhem. Unable to close his eyes, it flew up in the air, and Russell reached out and grabbed it violently.

“Seo Seong-ju…”


Despair begins to spread like ripples around the area where the battle took place.

Exactly the emotion that Russell wanted. So, what we need to do from now on…

‘I’m going to spread this feeling throughout the entire battlefield.’

Russell, who had captured his thoughts, threw himself away.


With extremely agile movements, he climbed the highest spire in the fort.

“That me-!”

Some of the officers who saw it belatedly shot arrows, but Russell’s body had already reached the top of the spire.


The arrow shot from below was blocked by the barrier, and Russell, who climbed to the top of the spire, grabbed the Imperial Army’s standard stuck on it.


cried Russell, holding the flag in one hand and the head of the Earl of Mayhem in the other.

“The Earl of Mayhem, who was the lord of the castle, has already changed his name!”

Ureung Ureung-!

A voice imbued with magical power rang through the entire fortress as if it had become a lightning castle.



The flames that started from Russell’s hand quickly ate up the imperial army’s military discipline.

Even that was not enough, so he ascended towards the sky-.


The rising flames formed the image of the royal family of Endymion and dyed the entire sky red.


“Those who surrender—!!”

Russell roared once again under the reddened sky, as if an unexpected sunset had come.

“——You will be able to save your life!”



The news of Russell’s capture of Triven Fortress spread across the border to Endymion’s royal capital.

“The impregnable fortress was pierced with a single battle a day…”

The king, who was informed of the unbelievable news, lightly licked his tongue without even realizing it.

However, the unfortunate thing is that I can’t be happy with this news.

The reason was because of the news heard from all over the battlefield.

“Seventy-two skirmishes were fought, and in forty-seven of them our forces broke through the Empire’s defenses and entered the Empire. Fifteen other maps are currently on a lull, and the rest are still in close contact. your majesty.”

The king’s face slightly distorted at the report from the Minister of National Defense.

In fact, it was a situation where he had won over sixty-five battles.

I wish I could enjoy this victory message with peace of mind.

The problem is…

“Isn’t it too easy?”

The point was that this war was too easy.

“Has war with the Empire ever been so easy?”

They were two powers that had repeatedly fought over ten wars over hundreds of years.

If the previous wars had been as easy as this one, the empire would have collapsed at the hands of Endymion.

“Also, where did the superhumans and countless undead they boasted of go to, because they haven’t appeared on the battlefield yet…”

He asked, facing Hemingway who was left to defend the capital.

“Isn’t there any written information on the intelligence coming from the empire?”

“yes. your majesty.”

He bowed his head politely at the king’s question.

“There have been reports of the undead deployed near the border being bitten in the back, but there have been no other reports.”



As soon as the window tower owner’s report was finished, silence was heard from everywhere.

I don’t know anything about the enemy’s movements to rejoice at the victory in battle and the revolutionary feat.

In the end, King Alfonso Ratmos had no choice but to sigh and say this.

“Please send down an official letter congratulating them for their work, and at the same time send a warning to be careful with the matter.”

It was a victory that was not so lighthearted, but somehow even uncomfortable, but a victory was a victory anyway.

The war between the two powers of the continent, Endymion and Britannia, was about to begin.

* * *

A few hours after capturing Triben Fortress.

Inside the hastily set up barracks, Russell was checking the heap of magic scrolls.

Among the magic scrolls brought from the dark dragon’s residence the other day, they were items with the 8th circle magic written on them.

As far as magic power, he had reached a point where he was not envious of the 8th Circle Master, but in reality, his skills were only at the beginning of the 8th Circle.

‘I’ll have to work diligently to adapt to the new level.’

That was the reason why he was reading the magic recorded on the scroll and raising his understanding of the 8th circle.

How much time has passed like that?


There was a noise, then a clearing of the throat from outside the barracks.

“Come in.”

When Russell’s permission is granted, Baron Donovan, who has entered the tent and entered, raises a courtesy.


“I came to report to the staff, His Highness, Archduke Donovan.”

With a light nod, Russell accepted the courtesy.

“The first thing I want to report is casualties. Our side suffered a total of seven hundred and sixty-seven casualties, of which two hundred were killed, and the seven wounded were divided into medium and light injuries…” It is encouraging to know that there were only

about seven hundred casualties while occupying Triben Fortress. this is clear


‘I can’t put much weight on my life.’

Russell laughed bitterly and asked Baron Donovan.

“What should I do with the bodies of the deceased and the seriously injured?”

“Originally, it is standard to leave here with some units. If you do, the follow-up unit will come and take action. But…”

Endymion’s own system that was created to allow even the dead to return to their homeland, even if they had already died.

Baron Donovan, who had said that, added with a smirk.

“In this case, I think it is right for the main unit to remain here until the follow-up unit arrives.”

“Is it because of the enemies who surrendered?”

“yes. majesty.”

According to reports, the number of enemies who surrendered was about three thousand. This number was close to half of the imperial army in Triben Fortress.

All others were sacrificed to Russell’s magic or combat, or were beheaded for not surrendering.

“Three thousand…”

In order to keep an eye on them until the follow-up unit arrives, at least five thousand or more should be left here.

It was better to rest and regroup while waiting for the arrival of the follow-up troops.

“When is the follow-up unit expected to arrive?”

“Three days later.”

Three days, one minute, and one second were important in the war, but thanks to the occupation of Triben Fortress in one day, it seemed like he could afford that amount of time.

“All right. We’ll follow the baron’s opinion on that part.”

After the report, Russell, who was left alone, leaned against the back of his chair.


The number of imperial troops in Triben Fortress was about 6,000. No matter how geographically they had the advantage, they were too heavy to stop Endymion’s forces exceeding tens of thousands.

‘I’m sure the Empire wouldn’t know that either.’

But it wasn’t that they had deployed superhumans who could deal with the legion alone.

Several times I frowned at the thought that I couldn’t understand.

Russell lowered his head.

‘No matter how much I think about it, it’s a question that can’t be answered right away.’

In that case, it would be right to do the best in what you can do now.

‘Three days ahead.’

Calculating how much free time he had left, Russell picked up one of the scrolls in front of him.

[Hell Fire]

The clear red letters caught Russell’s eyes as if they were on fire.

dragon-swallowed wizard

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Dragon-Devouring Mage

Dragon-Devouring Mage

Score 8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
[You will be the cornerstone of a new mythology. For the sake of that mythology, I will grant you another chance.] The last successor of a fallen founding contributor family and cursed third-rate mage, Russel Raymond. He hoped to revive his family’s societal status, but was expelled from the academy. All he could do was work as a mercenary third-rate mage. One day, on his way to his temporary job, his mother’s memento ring, the “Dragon’s Heart,” reacts, and Russel is given an unexpected chance. He “regresses” back to his days in the academy. [You have received a mana stone (consumable) as a mission reward.] That is how Russel begins soaring in life like a dragon who never got to spread his wings. He crosses the waves called fate that had pressed down on him and flies into the bright world he was previously banned from.


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