Dragon-Devouring Mage Chapter 226

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Episode 226




Unlike the thunderbolt that ran rampant as if it were about to destroy the world, the flame that first covered the back of Russell’s hand was very weak.

wind lanterns.

It was after hearing a strange cry like a dragon’s roar that a change occurred in the dangerous flame that seemed to be extinguished at any moment in the face of a huge lightning storm.

Gyao oh oh-!

Starting with that, wild flames begin to cover Russell’s body.

The flames that spread out like wings passed through the shape of a dragon and began to circulate all over the body.

Of course, until then, Walter had no doubts about his victory.

‘In the end-!’

However, he only vomited admiration for Russell’s talent for stealing his magic so far in that short amount of time.

Russell’s flames were too insignificant to counter his own thunderbolts.

However, this was a judgment made because Russell did not know the identity of the flames that covered him.

If he had known that the flames covering Russell’s body were not ordinary flames, but one of the dragon’s powers, he would never have ignored them.


As if proving that fact, the extremely compressed flame gradually spreads the area and begins to eat the lightning.

The speed was so slow that it was almost imperceptible even with the concentration of the two wizards compressed to the limit, as if a moment had become an eternity.

However, Russell’s flames were surely eating away at Walter’s thunderbolts little by little, destroying the balance of power.


This was a complete departure from the general perception of the magic world, which regards lightning-type magic as a higher rank than fire-type magic.

It has to be.

The flames covering Russell’s body right now were not ordinary fire-type magic, but Russell’s reenactment of Pepper’s authority as a form of magic.

Apart from what is known as magical manipulation, dragons are beings with multiple powers.

From the ability to fly in the sky with wings that are small compared to its size, to the

breath that can contain the power equivalent to the 8th circle magic in its breath.

The power possessed by the flames of Pepper, who had awakened as a 2nd generation dragon spirit fire dragon, was special among them.

‘Saturation (捕食火)-.’

It is a flame [fire] that literally consumes magic and inflates its size even more by eating it.

Of course, that didn’t mean that all the magic in the world was a devourable flame.

It’s a great ability, but as Pepper was still a young dragon, its limits were clear.

Although this limit will grow and expand gradually…

‘Even so, there will be a maximum that can be preyed upon.’

Anyway, what is certain is that it was almost nonsense to eat all of Walter’s magic with Pepper’s power now.


Russell’s eyes lit up.

‘It spills out.’

While manipulating the pepper’s flame, Russell remembered a salmon.

Salmon is a being that reaches its destination by jumping over all barriers, no matter how strong the rapids and waterfalls exist.

It’s just a fish, but it crosses the wall.

It’s called a breakout that breaks a break.

Russell began to associate unconventional images of such salmon.

Magic was overlaid on the image, and the flames covering Russell began to rotate.

It came to create a flow in the torrent of plasma that covered all sides and poured out.


It was a vortex.

A very small whirlpool gradually rotates and eats up the plasma, inflating its size.


If this isn’t enough -.

‘I have no choice but to drain the remaining power!’

The heat of the plasma passing through the ground scorched and melted the ground.

A scene similar to that of magma pouring from all sides after a volcanic eruption.

The overheated earth and the boiling air create an illusion that not only the body’s moisture but also the blood are evaporated-.

The moment when the shape of the vortex draws a gigantic horseback lance made of flame!

A red flame penetrated between the blue lightning bolts. Like a single salmon running upstream, it split the torrent of lightning.

It penetrated Walter’s abdomen beyond it.

Gurl ruleung-!!



A bright light flickers non-stop and wraps around the hall.

After being penetrated by Russell’s magic and the center of the caster’s mana being disturbed, the pouring thunderbolts were also scattered in all directions like water currents.


The earth collapses and digs a deep pit.

The sand and dust evaporated faster than they could rise, and the earth burned black and died.

Thousands of undead perished on the spot without being able to scream properly.

In the aftermath alone, the land of more than 1km was dented like a tuff hole and turned into a party of death.

Only Russell was standing on the ground with both feet in a pit that had been destroyed beyond recognition of its original shape.

The part that Russell’s feet touched seemed to have succeeded in shedding a certain amount of shockwaves.

On the other side of Russell was Walter.

Half of the body was missing, as if the lower half of the body had been burned by the spear of flame that penetrated the abdomen.

The upper half of the body that remained was also not intact. The right hand with the hand sign completely disappeared below the elbow, and a large part of the chest was burned black like charcoal.

The surprising thing was that even in such a state, he was still breathing.

If it was an ordinary person, it would be nothing strange even if he died several times.

Nevertheless, the fact that he is still surviving must be proof that he is also in a realm outside the human barrier.

I heard the sound of footsteps while I was breathing in and out, not even conscious, and even the daily tasks were not easy.

Puffy Puffy-.

The sound of being trampled by the feet of a shoe that had turned black and became like soot.

As she barely moved her gaze, she saw a red-eyed young man approaching her.

As if he wasn’t perfectly fine, he also had bloodstains on his mouth and his gait was limping.

Russell, who walked slowly in front of Walter, opened his mouth.

“There is something I want to ask you.”

A question I wanted to ask even before the first battle, but couldn’t.

It was only in this situation that Russell was able to bring up the question.



“Why did you join hands with a cultist?”

I remember that when the Empire formally recognized the Black Tower, many of the Empire’s magicians rebelled against the fact.

If it was according to the report Russell had read, Walter was one of them.

Even if he was stamped and suppressed by the imperial power, he was not the one who would appear on the battlefield with a group of undead like this.

But I never thought I’d come face to face like this. furthermore-.

“Why did you use social magic?”

How to maximize the power of magic that Walter showed at the last moment. It was not a normal way to look at it.

It is clearly different from Geis, which increases its power by restricting itself.

If Gias was a scale and weight that increased his skills at the cost of restrictions, the method Walter used was-.

‘The weight of the scale, as well as the scale that was supporting it, was smashed by the power that was pulled…’ It

was a method used only by the cultists who sacrificed their lives to derive power.

Of course, that didn’t mean that Walter was as corrupt as the cultists.

At least, what he used was his own life force, not someone else’s.

At Russell’s question, Walter asked himself.

‘well. Why was it….’

Is it because death is near, is it because I was able to put down many things for the first time in this way, or is it because I am able to see things clearly only after the wandering thoughts have disappeared.

My eyes, which had only been blurry in a dream, felt strangely clearer today.

Following the sharpened eyes, he saw a young man with red eyes looking down at him.

‘He’s a young man with straight and confident eyes.’

Why couldn’t I see those straight eyes a moment ago? It was not difficult to give an answer to the reason.

‘Perhaps it’s because my ugly selfishness has covered my eyes.’

You yourself must have had eyes like that at one time.

‘Ah, I’ll have to leave out the fact that it was straight.’

Even though I was full of confidence when I was younger, I also had a self-righteous side because I was drunk with my talent.

Could it be because of that talent? He grew up at a rapid pace and was able to step into the superhuman stage of national-level power.

It was then that the problem arose.

After reaching the level of a superman, Walter could no longer see a way to go beyond that.

Because of his outstanding talent, he had never experienced a proper wall.

The first wall he faced was the wall as a superman, so how huge the wall must have felt.

In the meantime, I saw ‘him’.

The one who looked down at everyone with a yo-yo-like gaze and firmly pressed down.

The feeling of facing an abyss with no end in sight even though it has not yet been completed.

‘I must have been fascinated by that power.’

It seemed that his domineering spirit would destroy even the walls in front of him.

‘In conclusion, it was a wrong choice, but…’

He finished his thoughts and vomited blood.


In a situation where you can’t even move, the spilled blood runs down your face and chin and wets your front lip.

He barely survives, but death is imminent.

Walter opened his mouth.

“…It must be because the abyss seemed even bigger and darker to the eyes cast by delusion.”

The words that I squeezed out after wringing out the rest of my strength.


It meant deep, dark darkness.

Then, does the abyss here refer to the cultists who have joined hands with the 5th prince…the current emperor?

The question reared its head, and Walter squeezed his strength once more.

“The darkness that might eat away at my country… and maybe even the continent is definitely much deeper and… darker than you think.”

Even though he was a magician from an enemy country, he was still quite innocent.

‘I should be able to give advice to a junior who reminded me of those days…’ A

cold and sharp feeling, as if a death sickle was pointed at his neck. As it became clear that death was imminent, Walter gathered his last strength.

“Please be careful not to be swallowed up by the darkness for any reason….”

Before the words were finished, the breath that had been running thinly stopped.

A notification was heard as the last words he uttered were scattered through the air.

[You have completed the mission.]

[Pay out the reward.]

It seemed that the battle between Areks and Giabol had also been decided.

whatever way it is.

tsk-. Russell clicked his tongue and closed Walter’s eyes before heading to Areks.

dragon-swallowed wizard

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Dragon-Devouring Mage

Dragon-Devouring Mage

Score 8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
[You will be the cornerstone of a new mythology. For the sake of that mythology, I will grant you another chance.] The last successor of a fallen founding contributor family and cursed third-rate mage, Russel Raymond. He hoped to revive his family’s societal status, but was expelled from the academy. All he could do was work as a mercenary third-rate mage. One day, on his way to his temporary job, his mother’s memento ring, the “Dragon’s Heart,” reacts, and Russel is given an unexpected chance. He “regresses” back to his days in the academy. [You have received a mana stone (consumable) as a mission reward.] That is how Russel begins soaring in life like a dragon who never got to spread his wings. He crosses the waves called fate that had pressed down on him and flies into the bright world he was previously banned from.


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