Dragon-Devouring Mage Chapter 223

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Episode 223


First entry.

If there is a cause, there is also an effect. It is safe to say that the reports of the following items were, in fact, the results derived from the cause of the first item.

That too-.

“The battle in the northeastern region of the Carrion Mountains was devastating. 3 Troops are under Japanese invasion”

“ 17 magic stone mines in the eastern part of the mountain range have been seized by the enemy.

It has slowed down, but the front line has retreated by about 70km.

” Currently, there are also talks from the upper echelons of Kiel that they must prepare for a life-and-death struggle.” ─A

very disastrous level of results…

“This is all the reports.”

As if tired just reading the contents of the report, the military minister pressed his throbbing temples and said,

Other than Daria and Russell, the other people in the room already knew about it.

However, I couldn’t help but sigh every time I heard it.

In a heavily submerged atmosphere-.


King Alfonso Ratmos opened his mouth.

“I know that travel poisoning hasn’t been resolved yet, but I think I need to go to Gyeongi Kiyel.”

Now that Areks Kylen had fallen, someone had to take his place.

The King had chosen Russell as the right person. At that moment, there was someone who objected to the king’s decision.

“your majesty.”

It was Daria, whose voice was calm and subdued, a few notes lower than usual.

“Can this old man say something?”

“Please speak comfortably.”

After the king’s permission was granted, Daria opened her mouth.

“In this situation, if someone should go to Kiel, I think it should be this old man rather than my student.”

“They say you have to go…”

The king nodded as if he had a guess.

“Is it because there are two superhumans on the Empire side?”

It was she who watched and guided Russell’s growth process closer than anyone else.

That’s why Daria never underestimated Russell’s skills.

On the contrary, it was highly regarded. In fact, if players of the same level competed, the score was about 6 or 7, and it was enough to predict Russell’s victory.

However, even so, it is an undeniable fact that he is a rookie among superhumans.

Besides, the opponent was not one, but two.


Daria did not answer, and the King gave a small laugh, incongruous with the atmosphere.

“Even in this situation, the invisible appearance of Sir makes Jim laugh.”


“Maybe it’s because he’s still a young disciple, but he seems to cherish it.”

Perhaps Daria is now projecting her son’s image onto her youngest pupil.

The king thought so.

It wasn’t the same face, but Daria’s son was also on the very handsome side.

If he had grown up, he would have grown into a wizard similar to Russell.


Putting off the short podium, the king continued.

“However, you couldn’t count one thing.”

“Are you saying something?”


The king shook his head.

“Shin Seong-gong is the youngest disciple to Kyung, but he is the son-in-law to me. Did you hear that there are artisans who push their sons-in-law to death?”

The King moved his hand.

Another report was handed over from the military minister, and it was immediately reversed.


“According to additional reports, although he retreated on the defensive, fortunately Sir Arekes’ situation doesn’t seem to have caused him to leave the battlefield. There was a bit of bleeding and the doctor said that the shoulder injury was a concern, but…” The

densely written report is revealed for both Russell and Daria to see.

“It looks like he’s burning his fighting spirit too.”

Russell alone is not against both superhumans, this vs. two.

The explanation is that each person only needs to fight one person at a time.

“Would you like to go to Keyel? grandee?”

Russell got down on one knee, facing the king’s gaze that crossed Daria and turned to him.

bowed down and shouted.

“Russell Raymond, Grand Duke of the Kingdom. Following His Majesty’s command, I will show the kingdom’s potential to the empire’s thugs.”

then added:

“Just one thing…”


“There is something I would like to ask of you.”


Russell raised his head at the bewildered king’s voice.

“Please ask Kiel to clear the sky.”



The news that Russell was dealing with the red dragon was one of the top secrets that only a few knew about within Endymion.

Although it flew over the sky of the capital twice, few people witnessed it because it was done at a high altitude.

“Certainly, if I rode that child and flew, the time to reach the battlefield would be cut in half. Even the enemies will feel caught off guard.”

After the meeting, Hecate murmured as he fixed Russell’s shirt collar while only the two of them were left.

Although it was a fight over the pay, there were two hours left because there were things to prepare.


“I reproached you several times for walking around outside, probably because I was sad inside, even though I said I wouldn’t say that

. ”

“I can’t even do that this time.”


Hekate continued talking while babbling at Russell’s voice calling his name.

“Come to think of it, the robe you are wearing is very worn out.”

“…Are you Rob?”

Contrary to his seemingly ordinary appearance, the robe Russell was wearing was only provided to mages of 5th circle or higher in the Salt Tower.

It is such a robe that is enchanted to maintain a certain level of cleanliness as well as temperature control function.

Because of this, not only does the fluff not occur, but the normal burning of dirt did not even occur.

But it’s very old.

‘I’m sure Hecate doesn’t know that either.’

Pretending not to notice Russell’s gaze, Hecate sent a signal.

“Bring it.”

Then, as if they had been waiting, the ladies-in-waiting entered the room where the two were staying.

He was holding a fairly large wooden box in his hand.


When the wooden box was opened, a crimson-colored robe appeared, and Hecate himself picked it up and placed it around Russell’s neck.

“I’m sure this robe will suit you well.”

Perhaps considering Russell, who usually wore a robe over his shoulder, it was a robe with a similar appearance to a cloak.

It could be seen that the magical flow was also felt, and that it had the same function as the Tower of Flames robe.

If there’s anything that’s changed…


Maybe it’s just that the dragon pattern is embroidered on the shoulder with gold thread.

It was then that Russell’s eyes naturally turned toward the pattern he hadn’t seen before.

“It’s a pattern that Her Highness the Princess personally designed after meeting head-to-head with heralds.”

One of the maids who came in with the robe, who looked quite old, muttered with a smile.

“How many days and nights did you lose sleep while making this pattern…” A

woman who has taken care of Hecate since she was a child, so for a lady-in-waiting she can be said to be quite open-minded.

It was the nanny.

“A nonsensical story.”

Hecate, with a shy expression, hit the nanny and pushed her away.

I lowered my head slightly and tried to hide my reddened cheeks with my long hair, but it was already too late.

In the end, all that was left was to accept the words of the nanny.

“Hmmmm. It wasn’t until a few days or a few days, but I just reduced my sleep for about three days.”

With this, I received two items from Hecate except for the dragon’s horn. She said, stroking the brooch and hem of his robe that were still hanging from Russell’s chest.

“I cannot go with you, but please think these things are me and come back safely with me.”

a few hours after that.

At the entrance of the Kalion Mountains, which Endymion and Kiel used as the boundary of their territory, a dragon with red scales soared into the sky.



He burned his will to fight and was reintroduced to the battlefield, but strictly speaking, it was difficult to say that Areks Kylen’s body was in perfect condition.

If I had to put a number on it, it would be about five pennies to buy…or sell.

Even though I felt it myself, I felt that my breathing slowed down by about half of my body movement, so it was shocking.

It was a wound from a battle between superhumans.

No matter how much potion you hit, it would be nearly impossible to completely recover from that kind of wound in a few days.

But despite this, Areks Kylen went to the battlefield again.

It wasn’t just that he wanted to avenge the defeat that day.

After the battle that day, the two superhumans of the empire hadn’t been revealed, but isn’t it a situation where a series of defeats and retreats are repeating?

Someone needed to step in and turn the situation around.

Even more so, if you are pushed a little further from here, isn’t it the Ier granary?

The Yère granary is responsible for about 30% of Kiyel’s wheat production.

I could fully understand why Kiel’s high-ranking officials insisted on risking their lives.

Of course, this was the result of such a spiral.


The aura-infused hammer struck the entire space and removed the thunderbolt.


The electric shock that could not be resolved in the moment made my hands tingle, and Areks, who frowned fiercely, forcibly suppressed the moan that was about to jump out.

Despite winning the battle, these guys hadn’t been seen pecking their noses for the past few days.

It was obvious why they chose this moment to appear in front of him.


‘It must be that he is determined to catch me.’

The moment the outstretched hammer was half recovered!

Splitting between moments, the twin swords rushed like full moons.

Each Kaga—!

As the long hilt of the war hammer and the twin swords collided, sparks flew and fragments of the aura flew in all directions, Arex’s huge body took a few steps back.

It wasn’t because he was pushed out of the power struggle with Giabol. It was only because I felt a stiffening sensation beneath my feet.

No wonder!

A bolt of lightning rises upside down from the surface he was standing on just now toward the sky!

It was a magic reverse lightning that he had experienced many times in the battle the previous day.

Bizarre magic that focused on increasing the sense of paralysis unique to electric shock magic instead of killing power!

‘If you get hit by that lightning, the flow will be cut off…!’

How many times have I already been frustrated because of that?

“I feel it every once in a while, but it feels really good compared to its large size.”

Walter Piglett, who missed the target by a short distance, brushed his beard in regret.

He licked his lips with an expression that had already confirmed his victory.

“Still, it’s definitely slower than the day before.”

Just at that moment!

Once again, along with the sensation of the hair on the whole body standing up, I heard the voice of Giabol, the twin swordsman, right behind me.

“It’s like shaking your ass around with that big size. Maybe I should have learned to dance. Big!”

‘The back is-!’

It was wrong to block the hammer’s trajectory. If so, I’d rather-.

‘Even if you take damage, this squirrel-like guy here…’

It’s not a dongguijin (同歸於盡) to die together.

Yukchamgoldan (肉斬骨斷) -.

‘Give me the flesh and take the bones!’

In order to do so, it was necessary to give away part of the flesh first.

The moment he tried to endure the pain in the trajectory of the twin swords flying towards his waist!

Wee-aeae-juek kkuk kkuk kkuk!

Something flew from the sky and struck between them like lightning.


“What is this again-!?”

Giabol Neagle’s face is distorted by the spear of flame that appears out of nowhere and blocks the trajectory!

Five fire spears resonated in unison.

A huge explosion covered the area.


dragon-swallowed wizard

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Dragon-Devouring Mage

Dragon-Devouring Mage

Score 8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
[You will be the cornerstone of a new mythology. For the sake of that mythology, I will grant you another chance.] The last successor of a fallen founding contributor family and cursed third-rate mage, Russel Raymond. He hoped to revive his family’s societal status, but was expelled from the academy. All he could do was work as a mercenary third-rate mage. One day, on his way to his temporary job, his mother’s memento ring, the “Dragon’s Heart,” reacts, and Russel is given an unexpected chance. He “regresses” back to his days in the academy. [You have received a mana stone (consumable) as a mission reward.] That is how Russel begins soaring in life like a dragon who never got to spread his wings. He crosses the waves called fate that had pressed down on him and flies into the bright world he was previously banned from.


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