Dragon-Devouring Mage Chapter 202

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Episode 202




Again and again -.

An antique spiral staircase carved out of marble. The sound of footsteps resounded regularly along the top.

Two more steps followed the sound of the footsteps.

again and again.

The place where Hecate took Io and Muyaho was a huge room located on the second floor of the ballroom.

Because it was built in a two-story structure, you can see the main ballroom downstairs at a glance. A room with a large veranda.

“Are you here? Her Highness the Princess.”

When they arrived, the attendant moved out of the way as if he had been waiting for them. Inside the room with a curtain instead of a door, there are tables of liquor piled up like legs are about to break.

From all kinds of alcohol, meat dishes to vegetables and fruits for the elves.

It was clear that anyone could see that they had prepared it for themselves.



Io and Muyaho swallowed their saliva involuntarily. In the meantime, why is my heart beating so fast?

Hecate, who entered the room with the same steps as before, sat down.

Crossing her long legs at an angle, she offered a seat to the other two.

“Would you like to sit down for a moment?”

The two people who were hesitant at the voice went to the prepared seats and sat down.

It was obvious what they were going to say, but I thought we should bump into each other.

As the two of them sat down, Hecate poured the drink he had prepared into the cup as if he had waited.


As the sweetly scented amber liquid filled the glass, Hecate opened her mouth.

“I think my introduction was a bit late. Lord Io and Lord Lycos must have guessed it, but let’s call it Hecate Latmos.”

“A sentinel of the White Ash Tribe and a resident of the forest. Io sees the little master of Endymion.”

Hecate introduced herself first, and Io politely bowed her head accordingly.

Muyaho groaned and opened his mouth.

“Uh hmm. So…”

In my head, I remembered the etiquette I had learned from Russell.

“The Count of the Kingdom, Muyaho Ricos, greets Her Highness the Princess.”

Hecate laughed quietly at the manner, which was somewhat formal, but still had a hint of awkwardness.

He pushed a full glass of wine in front of her and said.

“Sir Ricos. I am well aware that I am not accustomed to the wonder etiquette. So if it’s uncomfortable, you don’t have to follow the etiquette right now.”


It was a situation where he would have nodded saying that it was normal, but Muyaho didn’t.

Instead, he just nodded his head with a confused expression. I couldn’t help it.

woman in front of you.

Although Hecate was not an outstanding magistrate as a magician or an Auror practitioner, her own dignity and atmosphere made it impossible to treat her carelessly.

It must have been called royal status, but Muyaho did not think that far.

So, each of the three placed a glass of wine in front of them, and Hecate raised her own glass.

“Before we start talking, I’d like you to quench your thirst first.”

As she finished speaking, she slowly tilted her glass, and seeing her notice, Io and Muyaho also raised their glasses.

Contrary to the sweet scent and beautiful amber color, the strong scent hits the mouth.

Hecate was the first to put down the cup as much as he brought his mouth to the table first.

“The reason I set up a separate seat here is because I want to ask you two—”


“I don’t like to turn around, so I’ll start with the main point.”

The tone was so clear and clear that it was hard to believe that he had emptied the strong drink all at once.

“What do you two think of the Duke of Russell, so…my fiancée?”


Surprised by how surprised Muyaho was, before he could finish his words, Muyaho spewed out the liquor in his mouth.

Fortunately, she turned her head with her superhuman reflexes, avoiding the dripping alcohol from her mouth on Hecate’s face.

In many ways, the embarrassing situation has not changed.

Surprisingly, Io was the same.

“Collock Coke.”

It wasn’t that he wasn’t spouting alcohol like Muyaho, but he was coughing non-stop, as if he had heard it.

I knew a story like this would come out, but I never thought I would mention it so directly.

However, compared to him, Hecate’s face, who asked the question, was calm.

It was clear that he had asked knowing everything. If so, how should I respond?


Should I deny it for now? It’s not surprising that you look so unassuming.

Why should I deny it in the first place?

Amidst all sorts of thoughts rushing through Muyaho’s head, Io was the first to come up with an answer.

“If you ask me how I feel about Mr. Russell, I have only one answer.”


“Elf is a race that is bad at lying, but I want to answer more truthfully this time.”

Putting a hand on his chest, Io opened his mouth.

“I like you very, very much.”

This sneaky elf girl?

Muyaho added as if he would not give up on him.

“As a female…surely a likable male.”

He scratched the tip of his nose with his finger as he spoke.

It was a bonus that he tried to hide his blushing face by slightly turning his head away.

I didn’t know when I was jokingly talking to Russell.

When I tried to talk honestly in a serious situation, I felt embarrassed for no reason.


Hecate lightly moved the tip of her chin. I was asking just in case, but my feelings were not wrong.

Confirming that fact, Hecate filled the glass once again.


After the three glasses were filled up again, she continued to speak as she emptied the glasses in quick succession.

“As you may know, Russell, unlike the common aristocrats. He is the body that will become the future viceroy. Concubine concubines are not allowed for him.”

Could it be that the two of them simply misunderstood the feeling that somehow the tone of voice had changed to a little high-handed?

‘It’s something I was fully expecting.’

At Hecate’s story, Io grabbed the skirt under the table.

Muyaho instead gritted his teeth.

This is nothing to brag about.

‘What are you warning my male not to touch?’

I knew it, but I felt somehow hurt when I received such a warning.

“Neither do I intend to share Russell with another woman while I am alive.”

It was not an illusion.

Perhaps because he was convinced of his superiority, Hecate’s way of talking to the two was clearly different compared to before.

Knock hard -.

Muyaho, who was chewing the whole garlic in front of him, unable to hide his discomfort, suddenly widened his eyes.

He was in the middle of brooding over Hecate’s words.

“While you’re still alive?”


As if it wasn’t a slip of the tongue, Hecate nodded her head coolly.

A strong man who reached the level of a superman at the age of only 20.

It would be impossible for her to dare to predict how far such a Russell would go in the future.

Perhaps it was something that might have reached the level of a 9th circle transcendence, which is said to have been cut off after the age of mythology.

‘Not only that, but he inherited the lineage of the dragon…’

It was clear that he would live a much longer life than he, a mere human, even though he was a member of the royal family.


“I don’t want Russell to spend his time alone without me.”

Even after the end of my lifespan, it would be the greatest joy as a woman if she looked only at herself.

However, that did not match Russell’s wish for solitude.

‘It’s enough to monopolize him while he’s alive.’

Unlike him, the two women in front of him are not beings who can live much longer than ordinary humans.

‘Those who can stay by Russell’s side after I’m gone.’

‘Those who can make Russell happy for the rest of his life.’

Knowing that fact, I was able to make the decision I have now.

“That means…”

Muyaho murmured, widening his eyes. Hecate nodded as if his guess was correct.

“Oh, of course there’s one thing I need to make sure of.”

I added it as if I forgot.

“No matter what, I am the first. For example…”

In the love novels on the market that he borrowed from the ladies-in-waiting, he called someone who had the same position as himself.

“The older sister is me.”

Now that the eldest sister has been decided, all that remains is to determine the rank of the two.

“So who will do the second?”

Her words were so natural that Muyaho and Io looked at each other.



Hecate’s voice repeatedly intervened between the two of them.

“I want you to let me know as soon as the second one is decided.”




Russell, who was dealing with several nobles downstairs, noticed Hecate coming down the stairs and started walking towards it.

His gait seemed to be forcibly holding on to his staggering body.


Hecate bowed his head as Russell, who walked quickly towards her, whispered inaudibly to the others.


He rested his forehead lightly on Russell’s shoulder. She was tall enough, and even wore heeled shoes, but there was no particular problem.

Growing up, Russell was not only tall enough to exceed 180cm, but also had broad shoulders made through training.

“Is it you…”

When I opened my mouth, a sweet incense flowed out with my breath.

It was because I drank several drinks in a row that I was not good at in order to pretend to be strong.

“I’ll stay like this for a while.”

Russell asked, supporting Hecate’s waist so he wouldn’t collapse.

“What have you been talking about?”

She usually enjoyed sweet and low-alcohol items rather than strong ones. To think that such a woman came down so drunk.

“It wasn’t a big deal.”

To Russell’s question, Hecate closed her eyes and replied.

“Russell. dear.”

“yes. Hecate.”

“Do you know what is the surest way to contain foreign enemies?”


There are several ways to keep enemies in check from outside the enemy, but why are you asking about them now?

At the incomprehensible question, Russell tilted his head and removed the forehead Hecate was leaning on.

I made eye contact with him and smiled.

“It’s about creating someone to fight with.”

Wang Jae.

She was born into a royal family and was educated as the next king from a young age.

It’s like strategy or scheming for her.

“I’ve been leaning on it for a while, and it seems like I’m getting drunk.”

She reached out for Russell, who still had a puzzled look on his face.

Glancing at the terrace where the two of them had been left behind, he said in a voice still tinged with alcohol.

“If it’s okay, would you like to sing a song?”

As if announcing that the short break was over, a new song was starting just right.

dragon-swallowed wizard

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Dragon-Devouring Mage

Dragon-Devouring Mage

Score 8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
[You will be the cornerstone of a new mythology. For the sake of that mythology, I will grant you another chance.] The last successor of a fallen founding contributor family and cursed third-rate mage, Russel Raymond. He hoped to revive his family’s societal status, but was expelled from the academy. All he could do was work as a mercenary third-rate mage. One day, on his way to his temporary job, his mother’s memento ring, the “Dragon’s Heart,” reacts, and Russel is given an unexpected chance. He “regresses” back to his days in the academy. [You have received a mana stone (consumable) as a mission reward.] That is how Russel begins soaring in life like a dragon who never got to spread his wings. He crosses the waves called fate that had pressed down on him and flies into the bright world he was previously banned from.


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