Dragon-Devouring Mage Chapter 195

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Episode 195


A superman among supermen.

A magician who has reached the stage of the 8th circle can fight a country alone.

When the two 8th circle mages run amok, the bandits of the rebels.

The personnel of the anti-communist side are swept away like fallen leaves in front of an autumn wind.

At the same time, the tide of war also turned abruptly.

The royal troops, who had been on the defensive and were only focused on defense, started counterattacking with the help of two archmages.

Literally, it seemed as if he was proving that the record in a book called national level power was not a lie.

It has to be.

Daria Snowwhite, the owner of the flame tower.

And the window tower owner, Hemingway Melville.

These two were the greatest deterrents to Archduke Bismarck’s ambitions so far.

It was because.

Borrowing the hands of the cultists and even preparing the keystone for the Bongma as a means to keep the two together until everything is over.

By the way…


The groundwater gushed up as if it were a geyser.

Streams of water spouted out as if to wet the sky, dripping like rain and falling down.

shoot it

The piled up water raged all at once.


Tsunami dozens of meters in height.

The forces of the Archduke were swept away by the torrent that raged like a raging wave. What was even more surprising was what happened after a tsunami swept it away.

Shoot ah-.

The stream of water spread out from place to place ran between buildings, and the weightlifters, except for the Kingdom Army, were once again pushed into the water.

Movement as if the stream itself had a will.

It has to be.

Shoot aaaaaaaaaa-.

Because it was Hemingway Melville who is now controlling this stream.

As far as water attribute magic is concerned, she is strong enough to defeat even Daria.

Did he say that there was no one in the kingdom who could match him in handling water with magic?

The figure of him manipulating the stream of water like a maestro while standing tall on a huge tidal wave was indeed the great sage of water itself.

Besides, there was not one maestro commanding the battlefield.

Hwarak Hwarak!

The flame dwarves appeared out of nowhere and flocked nonstop.

These were dainty dwarfs, the size of which reached no more than the waist of an adult man.

However, the power they possess is close to that of a knight.

In other words, it is as if Daria is leading an order of 777 knights.

Moreover, the most difficult thing was the regenerative ability they possessed.

As long as the true body is not damaged and magic power is continuously supplied, even if they are cut down, they can be regenerated many times.


Could it be that his mental strength was disturbed by the sudden turn of the war? A moan escaped from the mouth of August Wolf, the great swordsman on the Archduke’s side.


Sparks flew along with him, and the sword breaker in his left hand bounced off.


Gillian Pulson burst into laughter with the sound of a heavy piece of metal tumbling across the floor.

“Hahahaha! It looks like you picked the wrong rope to hold on to! You bastard!”

It’s been half a day since the battle started.

His whole body was stained with blood in the battle that lasted for more than a hundred sums, and he looked like he had become a blood man, but he reached out his hand regardless.

He grabbed one of the dozens of his weapons lying on the floor.

S River -.

Khopesh, a deformed sword with a part of the blade curved like a bow or a half moon.

It is a sword that has the power to split even bones, but is difficult to use and many swordsmen avoid.

However, it didn’t matter.

His alias is none other than Weapon Master. There was no weapon in this world that he could not handle.

In the battle of superhumans who have risen to a similar level, even a mistake in half-breathing can change the offensive.

Kagaga River -.

Archduke Bismarck, who was behind August Wolf, frowned as he checked the wildly leaping sparks and the situation that had reversed at once.

He gritted his teeth and let out a roar.

“Blaine! Where are Blaine and Hypnos! You must have said you would catch those monsters by the feet…?!”

That was the moment.


Something black fell from the sky and shattered beneath his feet.


The grand duke took a step back without even realizing it and opened his eyes. I confirmed that it had fallen at my feet.

It looked like half of it had been smashed to pieces of charcoal that had turned black here and there, but it wasn’t too difficult to find out what it was.

human neck.

“I couldn’t drag the guy who smelled like a corpse because he turned into bloody water…”

Then a voice came out.

“Anyway, I have commanded the seeker.”

What appeared in the air with him was a woman wearing a white dress fluttering like a robe and wearing a deep red flame all over her body.

“His Highness, you fucking dog.”

A voice that I couldn’t tell if it was respectful or abusive.


It was the moment when the Grand Duke’s plan, which he had dreamed of for decades and painstakingly prepared for such a time, finally came to nothing.

* * *

Three days after that.

Despite the suppression of the treachery, a disturbing atmosphere spread throughout the palace as well as the capital, and Alfonso Ratmos, the king of Endymion, summoned the kingdom’s leading men.

The Great Council was convened without omitting the great nobles, as well as the great and small vassals and the owners of the King’s Doma Tower.

The main palace, which contained the living quarters and large meeting room, had long since collapsed in a monstrous manner in the previous day’s raid.

It was one of the detached palaces that suffered relatively little damage because it was located at the rear of the royal palace.

It has to be.

“Your Majesty is eating.”

With the voice of the chief chamberlain, Alfonso Ratmos appears.

“Meet His Majesty the King.”

“Meet His Majesty the King.”

As soon as the dignitaries gathered at the table bowed, the king nodded and sat down.

He looked very tired as if he hadn’t been able to rest properly for the past three days.

Even though they safely defended the throne, there were still quite a few problems that could be said to be post-processing.

Perhaps that is also why the country’s leading figures were summoned.

The king, who confirmed all the faces gathered in the seat, opened his mouth with a cracking voice.

“Since the agenda is an agenda, we will omit all unnecessary steps and listen only to the main issue. Let’s start with the damage report. First of all, the Minister of National Defense and the Minister of Finance. Report it.”

When the King’s voice fell, the Ministers of Defense and Finance stood up, bowed their heads, and started reporting in order.

“First, I will report the damage to the capital’s defenders. The total number of casualties that day ─ the number of deaths among them is…” “

Due to the rebels rampaging, damage is severe everywhere, but among them, the most damaged area would be the south west of the palace and the capital. Even if the number of collapsed palaces is the number confirmed so far… Also, the number of collapsed houses is…”

The king, who heard the report, sighed and spat out words.

“Let’s divide those who suffered that day into soldiers, knights and officers and compensate them according to their ranks. Compensation and treatment should be provided to those with minor injuries, and a pension that will not be lacking even after retirement should be provided to those with serious injuries.”

If it was a normal war, compensation would have been obtained from the other country through an agreement.

“The deceased should also treat all of them as men of national merit, prepare a memorial service and national funeral within a month, and make appropriate compensation to their families.”

However, since it was a civil war, Endymion had no choice but to carry this damage.

“Next is the collapsed palace and houses… The palace doesn’t matter if it’s a little late, so we’ll start with rebuilding the houses of the common people.”

“Oh, Your Majesty…!”

The king stopped a minister who was about to say one more word.

“stop. I know what you’re talking about. But it is better that my bed is a little uncomfortable than that my people lose their homes and starve naked by the roadside. It’s about the authority of the royal family… Isn’t it a situation that has already been lowered due to treachery?”

short sigh.

“Even if it goes a little lower from here, it won’t matter much.”

It is an appearance that shows where Hecate’s disposition of not neglecting and cherishing people because he is a subordinate can come from.

At the time of the rebellion, the reason why the subjects of the capital did not join the Grand Duke and rebelled was also because of these appearances.

“Hwangtapju. Is it possible?”

“…All right.”

Most of the reconstruction of the building was taken care of by the Hwangtap, which was familiar with the earth and stone materials. Niccolo lowered his head at the king’s question.

“Next is the loss of major power…”

He asked, looking back at the four masters of the Mage Tower who were seated.

“How is the situation with the Mage Tower and the Society?”

It was Hemingway who reported as the representative.

“yes. your majesty. The total number of magic towers joined by the traitor Archduke Bismarck is six, and among them, the red tower series is…”

As the report based on proper statistics flowed out, the faces of those who sat in the seat were strangely distorted.

It was also true that the number of people to be slashed with this incident was by no means small.

“Even more so, if we had the enemy called the Empire right next door, and if we were able to knock out that amount of power…” “

Huh. But isn’t it not possible to leave those who participated in the treason as they are?”

“Even if the level mages who were inevitably swept away by the atmosphere were to be finished with a light punishment—”

“A significant number of War Mages and tower owners who were directly involved must be punished.”

While everyone was watching the king’s eyes, the king went down to the foreign minister.

“What is the situation on the Empire’s side?”

Normally, this was not an empire that would pass on a situation like this.

Aside from the possibility of starting a full-scale war, it was clear that they would stab at even a local war.

“I heard that the emperor’s illness is deepening. Correspondingly, the princes’ struggle for imperial power is also intensifying, right?”

But things were a little different now. In the past year or so, the emperor’s health began to deteriorate rapidly.

“yes. your majesty. Not too long ago, the 3rd prince started a conflict with the 2nd prince, and the 4th princess is also said to be in a confrontation with the 1st prince in an imminent situation.”

“There’s no room for the Empire to stab you in first.”

The empire’s problems are settled with that. After a moment of relief, he gazed at Daria this time.


“yes. your majesty.”

“Is it true that there was a superhuman-class cultist among the enemies, and he left behind the curse written in the report as he died?”

“It is a fact that I have heard clearly with my own ears.”

Other than that, there were not one or two people who witnessed his end.

Most of the Guinevere Palace personnel who survived that day heard the voice.

“The darkness and the end that are not over yet…”

He frowned, saying that it was a line that a third-rate villain would have to say, but he felt bad for the end.

“Yeomtapju. I’ll leave all discretion to the Lord, so set up a separate organization to closely monitor the movements of the cultists.”

“I will do as I command. your majesty.”

Besides that, it’s been a while since we talked about various agendas.

As most of today’s agendas were coming to an end, the king turned the page of the document in front of him.

“Are the rest of the non-gong peddlers…”

The topmost list was the list of those who made significant contributions to suppressing this rebellion.

1. Gillian Person

2. Daria Snowwhite

3. Hemingway Melville.

The King’s eyes, which had been carefully examining the list, were fixed on one spot in an instant.

‘haha. Even though I’m not a superman, I stand shoulder to shoulder with superhumans…’

He corrected his thoughts instead of muttering inwardly.

‘no. Now it’s hard to say that he’s not a superman.’

According to the contents of the report, the fourth person on the list was a person who became a superhuman in name and reality.

‘I can’t believe the continent’s youngest superman… In our Endymion, I thought that would also be born in my generation.’

The King’s gaze once again scanned the list immediately below.

4. Russell Raymond.


the wizard who swallowed the dragon

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Dragon-Devouring Mage

Dragon-Devouring Mage

Score 8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
[You will be the cornerstone of a new mythology. For the sake of that mythology, I will grant you another chance.] The last successor of a fallen founding contributor family and cursed third-rate mage, Russel Raymond. He hoped to revive his family’s societal status, but was expelled from the academy. All he could do was work as a mercenary third-rate mage. One day, on his way to his temporary job, his mother’s memento ring, the “Dragon’s Heart,” reacts, and Russel is given an unexpected chance. He “regresses” back to his days in the academy. [You have received a mana stone (consumable) as a mission reward.] That is how Russel begins soaring in life like a dragon who never got to spread his wings. He crosses the waves called fate that had pressed down on him and flies into the bright world he was previously banned from.


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