Dragon-Devouring Mage Chapter 181

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Episode 181



Why is the dragon here?

Although it was a dragon that was even called the master of magic, in the history of the material world, it was a long time ago that dragons were actually observed.

A past farther than the beginning of Endymion’s 700-year history.

But I never thought I’d see a dragon here.

Amelia’s question-filled cry spread through the communication network to everyone, followed by Arain’s shout.

[I can’t believe it…]

I noticed that the dragon’s scales, shining brilliantly in the light, were silver.

Of course I wasn’t sure.

No matter how thickly he inherited the dragon’s blood, it was a completely different matter to transform into a dragon.

If that was possible in the first place, the divine beast called dragon wouldn’t be as rare as it is now.

Io did not answer his mother’s cry.

Instead of answering, it roared like thunder.

woo woo woo woo-!!

It wasn’t Io that was moving that gigantic body right now, but the remnants of the silver dragon nested inside Io.

With a roar, the dragon who controls wind and iron blocked Russell’s path by overlapping two pairs of four wings like a shield.

Here, iron refers to all minerals that exist in the material world, not just iron (Fe) in its meaning.

coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo.

A dull sound rang out.

It was the sound of the scales covering the silver dragon’s wings becoming hardened, taking on the characteristics of various minerals.


If it had been a silver dragon that had reached full maturity, it would have been able to raise the strength of its scales to even more than adamantium.

But unfortunately.

The power of the silver dragon now is far short of what it was in its heyday.

It was natural that the strength of the hardened scales also did not reach that of adamantium.

However, it has been sealed in Tartarus for a long time, and it is the same with Briareos that has weakened.

Silver Dragon and Giant. As if

hitting a thick shield with a dull hammer in a scene that seems to have reproduced a page from the Age of Mythology .

The giant’s blow landed on the silver dragon’s wings.


A shockwave pours down and blows away all the air in the area.

A shock that will even disappear the medium through which the roaring sound will spread through vibration!


The air that had been pushed out a little later returned to its original position, and a gale raged.

The giant opened his mouth.

It spoke with a growl like a beast with fifty mouths.

—Dragon, that guy is…!!


Anger surged up in his brain like a wildfire.

Right after that, Briareos changed the shape of his arm once again.

Kuduk quadduk!

The hundred arms that were concentrated as one are divided over and over again and become a total of ten arms!

Bang bang bang-!

Strikes fell like heavy rain on the silver dragon’s wings.

It’s a fist fight that’s no different from a fierce barrage of attacks!

Khuang bang kwaang!

The silver dragon opened its mouth as the onslaught poured in and the huge body shook.

[Reverse divergence. You are a giant who can shake mountains with only your strength. Thousands of years have passed, but that savage personality hasn’t changed at all.]

-Shut up!

Briareos responded without losing.

-You guys who were talking about stability and harmony even with that much power are strange. What’s wrong with someone born with that kind of power talking about domination!

[That’s why he still didn’t realize that the giants had been subdued… That’s why you will be defeated once again.]

Scolding him for his stupidity, the silver dragon opened its mouth wide.


The wind from the whole area was sucked into the mouth, and the breath that was sucked deep into the dragon’s lungs was no longer ordinary air.

Dragon Breath Pours out silver breath imbued with the dragon’s power.


A breath of silver that can only be created with the power of the dragon.

An exquisite blend of the attributes of both wind and iron. It was a breath that could never exist in the ordinary material world.

Although it has weakened, its power is comparable to that of the highest rank magic in the 8th circle!


Briareos’ new model was pushed back a few steps by the breath of the storm’s force.


Following that trajectory, a furrow dug deep beneath his feet.

A furrow that would be more appropriately called a gorge, as deep as the gigantic one.

It was a fight on an absurd scale.

Briareos muttered disgust after blocking the silver dragon’s breath by overlapping his fifty arms.

─This fucking female lizard…

Breathing at super close range.

I could feel the power of wind in my breath slicing through my flesh and the power of iron paralyzing my nervous system and dulling my senses.

From the spot where he was directly hit, a stiff sensation gradually spread along with the wound.

Of course, he wasn’t the only one suffering.

——First, he tore off his wings…

He took a step forward as soon as his body, which had been pushed away, was able to balance itself.


The ground trembled heavily, and the remaining fifty arms were intertwined once again, bringing them together as two arms.

Kuduk kudduck-!

—After that, I’ll cut out your heart alive and chew it up!

He was a giant who considered everything that existed in the material world as well as humans as prey.

The predator’s eyes were glistening and the words he uttered were a promise to himself and also an oath.

As if responding to that, fifty pairs of pupils scattered menacing eyes all at once.

However, he failed to keep his oath to himself.

Before his hands touched the silver wings, the silver dragon’s whole body was engulfed in bright light.



Io opened his mouth in a voice as embarrassed as that of Briareos.

The breath he was shooting had long since ended.

[…I think this is the end.]

At the point where the dragon’s power had just begun to awaken properly, he not only returned to his dragon form, but also blocked a mighty blow and counterattacked with his breath.

It must not have been easy for an elf’s still weak body to endure that power.

The current situation could be called a reaction against him.


The dragon’s huge body turned into light and began to disappear, revealing the image of an unconscious elf, and the silver dragon spoke for the last time, borrowing Io’s voice.

[But it doesn’t matter.]


[Because I’ve done my part.]

At the same time, Russell’s chanting was completed.

[The power of divine slaughter that penetrates even for a moment. Come into my hands now.]



* * *


I was speechless in an instant.

In an instant, the boiling atmosphere heated the area heavily, and Vermilion’s lips puckered at the heat that tingled her skin.

[Four deserts…?]

No matter how many tens of kilometers the area was destroyed, this place is a great forest.

Such desert-like heat.

The presence of two suns shining brightly in the sky.

Everyone raised their heads.

I stared at ‘it’ that radiates such a presence.

All this heat was coming from a red long spear about 3m long.

Nicolo, who had been swallowing saliva unconsciously, muttered inwardly.

‘I think I understand why he said that.’

Did they say that if given fifteen minutes, there must be a way to defeat Hecatoncheires?

That kind of confidence is understandable magic.

Two great wizards lifted their heads as if bewitched by a great magic that could never be seen as completed by a 6th circle wizard.

Meanwhile, Russell slowly moved his gaze.

He grabbed the long spear floating in front of him.


A flame flickers from the place where the hand touches.

only 3m.

Its appearance, no different from any other long spear, contained the power to burn both the heavens and the earth.

The sight of the scenery being distorted by the haze around me felt as if the space was bending.

If it hadn’t been the power of a god that could only be expressed like that, bound this power in the form of a spear.

‘All living things within a radius of several hundred kilometers might have been burned to death.’

The power to turn the entire Great Forest into a wasteland in an instant, as well as to turn it into a scorching land where not even a single drop of rain has fallen in recent years.

It was clear why Brahmastra, who should have had no attributes originally, manifested in the form of a flame and a spear.

‘Because I’m used to it.’

If Russell’s organs were ice magic and he had learned swordsmanship instead of spears, he would have appeared in a similar form.

For a divine instrument like this, changing one’s appearance would not be a big deal.


Despite the partial use of yonginhwa, I felt that my horsepower was rapidly decreasing.

Meanwhile, Briareos, who met Russell’s eyes, involuntarily backed away.

It has to be.

Because Brikhmastra was a divine instrument that swallowed countless giants in the past and eventually pierced even the heart of the giant king.

At least a corps commander could withstand that pressure.


After a while, the guy who realized his mistake gritted his teeth.

He held on by giving strength to his legs as he tried to step back.

─This means I’m scared…?

Anger was the means he resorted to to cover up the fear that boiled from the depths of his instincts.

─That can’t be. I am Briareos. The youngest of the Hecaton Keyres and the proud giants’ corps commander!!

A shout more like a scream than a roar. Inside, Briareos’ pupils rolled from side to side.

His 50 brains begin to rotate most violently since he was born and find a way.

─No matter how strong it is, if it doesn’t hit you, it’s okay!

As the power is out of specification, the time it can maintain will not be too long.

Hyunseong Kim.

Even if it was the savior of the world himself, he wouldn’t know it, because that kid who only inherited that blood didn’t have the capacity to maintain that kind of power.

─A few seconds at most.

If he endured that long, no one would be able to knock him down in this place!

– Chew each one carefully and eat.

As soon as he recalled the response method, he regained his stability and focused his entire attention on the Brihmastra at that moment.


A red line appeared in the sky.

It burns faster than the air pushed out along the trajectory of the brikhmastra.

────Too bang!

A sound rang out later.

The trace that passed over his shoulder and the heat that remained there like an afterimage.

Confirming that the space was being distorted by the haze rising around them, Briareos let out a cry filled with joy.

─Ugh hahaha! Did you avoid…?

Before he could even finish his words, Briareos’ eyes were stained with astonishment.

Russell, who must have been out of dozens of kilometers, was approaching in front of him at some point.


Using the Blinks that had been memorized all at once, Russell flew forward and opened a subspace.

Arachne’s sewing machine.

(Sewing Things Of Arachne).

He took out another sacred weapon he had received from Hemingway the day before and squeezed out the remaining magical energy.


While the mana circle twisted like a mop and screamed, the tip of the sewing machine flashed and emitted its light.

The blade caught on the end cut through the space, and the needle on the other side filled the cracked air.


Through the cut and connected space, Brahmastra, which should have missed, returns to the eyes again.

It’s like a chess match where you look ahead a few moves and move the pieces to lay the paving stones.

A movement that assumes that the first step will miss from the beginning.

Grabbing it at once, Russell twisted his back in the air.


Kill the Colossus of La Mancha.

It seems like a dragon is ascending to the sky.

The red trail dug into the giant’s chest soared to the end of the sky.

Literally set the sky on fire.


dragon-swallowed wizard

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Dragon-Devouring Mage

Dragon-Devouring Mage

Score 8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
[You will be the cornerstone of a new mythology. For the sake of that mythology, I will grant you another chance.] The last successor of a fallen founding contributor family and cursed third-rate mage, Russel Raymond. He hoped to revive his family’s societal status, but was expelled from the academy. All he could do was work as a mercenary third-rate mage. One day, on his way to his temporary job, his mother’s memento ring, the “Dragon’s Heart,” reacts, and Russel is given an unexpected chance. He “regresses” back to his days in the academy. [You have received a mana stone (consumable) as a mission reward.] That is how Russel begins soaring in life like a dragon who never got to spread his wings. He crosses the waves called fate that had pressed down on him and flies into the bright world he was previously banned from.


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