Dragon-Devouring Mage Chapter 17

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Episode 17


The depth of the cave was much deeper than expected.

It was so deep inside that even after walking for a long time, I couldn’t see the end.

‘I think I walked for about an hour.’

The sun sets early in the mountains, so maybe night has already come outside.

Fortunately, the cave was not in a complex shape like a spider’s web, but in a straight line.

How long to walk like that.

Russell, noticing something strange, waved his hand lightly.

The light magic floating on the top of the palm was sent forward.


it was a door

A huge door blocking the way to the back of the cave.

On both sides of the door, which looks very old, there are two huge stone statues in the shape of Lizardmen, as if guarding it.

‘It’s a door.’

Perhaps the place in the mission is beyond this door.

As Russell approaches the door, hey!

With a heavy sound, the Lizardman stone statues standing on either side moved their bodies.


They tilted their spears and crossed each other to form an X.


The sound of spears colliding with spears echoed loudly, followed by a voice from one of the statues.

– Prove your qualifications with your magical power.

A low but clear voice with unknown power.

At that voice, Russell tilted his head and asked back.


But the stone statue just repeated the same words.

– Prove your qualifications with your magical power.

Russell’s question was not answered.


What kind of qualifications and how to prove them through magic?

I don’t know who made the mission and this place for what purpose, but I thought it was quite unkind.

‘Otherwise, my taste is nasty.’

In any case, I won’t let you in unless you prove your qualifications, so I have no choice but to raise my mana.

With thoughts, the three circles begin to rotate.

Woo woo-.

Before long, the gentle flow of mana stretched out like a spider’s web and lightly covered the pole.

As if it had reacted to that mana, it was sluggish.

Remove the window where the two statues crossed.


He got down on one knee and bowed his head.

– Qualification has been verified.

– Qualification has been verified.

An example of an extreme attack as if facing the owner.

At the example of the stone statue showing signs, Russell put on a puzzled expression.

“Is this really the end?”

I knew you wouldn’t answer, but just in case you didn’t know.

just as expected.

The stone statue did not open its mouth. Instead, a plausible guess passed through Russell’s mind.

‘Could it be that it’s reacting to the mana accumulated with the manastone?’

Mana accumulated with magic stones had much more chaste characteristics than mana accumulated in general.

Other than that, there was nothing strange about having something that he didn’t know about as a characteristic.

‘Aside from that, I can’t think of anything else that I can think of right now…’

Thinking so, Russell approached the door.

How the hell am I supposed to open this door that looks huge and heavy at first glance?

He thoughtfully stretched out his hand.


Then, the moment Russell’s fingertips touched the door.

The world reflected in Russell’s eyes was distorted and turned upside down.

A huge whirlwind of light engulfed Russell’s entire body.

And when the swirl of light finally disappeared, there was no sign of Russell anywhere.

The two stone statues guarding the door just loosened their knees and returned to their original positions, as if they had never done so.


* * *


Russell opened his eyes with a groan as a damp chill ran up his spine.

It’s like you’ve traveled a very long distance.

‘It feels like motion sickness.’

Grabbing my aching head and pressing down on my temple, I finally woke up and began to see my surroundings little by little.


The floor was completely frozen.

There were things like frost all over the place as if it had been a long time.

‘I’m sure I entered the lava cave, but beyond the door is an ice sheet.’

I’m not sure if it’s completely impossible or not, but it’s a bewildering situation.

As he turned around and looked around, he soon realized that he was in the middle of a community.

Besides, the entrance that came in is not visible from either side of the common wall, wondering where it disappeared.

‘You’re saying there’s another way to get out, right?’

For now, I can only guess that way.

A total of 10 stone statues can be seen along the edge of the cavity where about nine feet of the floor is covered with ice.

Stone statues that seem to have been carved out of rock or something that is not exactly known.

And there was an altar in the center of the common area where all the statues’ gazes were directed.

The five-tiered high altar hanging above it is a huge horn sprinkling red light.

Russell slowly rose from the rising chill.

After taking another look at the ten stone statues, I slowly moved towards the altar.

I thought that the altar might be related to this mission.

The horn hanging from the altar that had arrived across such a wide cavity boasted a much larger size than Russell thought.

Horns that are likely to be 3m long.

“Heart and eyes and this time horns…”

Had it not been for something else, Russell must have thought they were dragon horns.

In fact, it is said that this place was also the home of the Fire Dragon Red Dragon in the past.


“The red dragon’s horns don’t look like this.”

The shape of the horns was different.

Even so, if you ask if its shape matches that of other dragons, that is not the case either.

‘The shape is different from the horns of dragons recorded in any document.’

Curiously, Russell reached for it.

Russell’s hand touches the horn, which seems to be leaking a small amount of heat following the red light.


Key Yiing-!

A notification rang along with this name.

A green window popped up.

[Mission – Ⅱ]

Defeat all the golems in the cavity and pass the ordeal of fire.



Low Magic Stone x2 Lowest Magic Stone x3

The mission has changed.

‘Trial by fire?’

Faster than Russell can fully understand the contents of the mission!

The entire cavity starts vibrating loudly.

Then, the surfaces of the stone statues placed along the edge were cracked.

Blah blah blah-!

thump thump thump thump!

What appeared in it was a golem whose entire body was made of ice.

“Ice Golem.”

It only comes out of old dungeons.

Russell gritted his teeth at the appearance of a product created by ancient magic.

Defeating all the golems in the cavity probably refers to them.

‘The easiest way to destroy a golem is to break the core inside.’

At the same time as thinking, Russell’s hand quickly casts magic.

Fire Arrow with greatly increased power!


As soon as the arrow of flame was cast, it pierced the air.

Cheetah pu-eong!

It collides with a slow-moving ice golem and causes an explosion.

Ice and fire are at odds, so it must be effective.

However, unlike that thought.

‘It’s not even scratched?’

There were no cracks, no signs of melting.

“How cold it must be made of ice!”

Russell let out an annoyed cry and quickly cast the next spell.

He intends to widen the distance between them and himself by blowing wind using Wind.

but what


The magic was not cast at all.

At the moment of panic, I see the slow approaching guy raising a big fist.


Gritting his teeth, Russell kicked the floor.

Activated the wizard body and soared high on the spot.


At the moment of the leap, Russell’s body soared. Then the clock around him changed.


It’s quite high enough to be 2-3 meters.

It was not a leap that an ordinary 3rd circle mage could only see with physical abilities.

Russell showed off a leap comparable to that of knights who could handle mana to some extent.

For the first time in his life, he unleashed the power of the Wizard Body with all his heart!


Then, a fist from a golem jammed right where Russell was standing.

Great enemy!

The ice sheet shattered with the blow, and pieces of ice flew in all directions.

Several of them slash the tip of Russell’s cheek.

Russell swallowed his saliva involuntarily at the chilling sight.

If he had been hit directly, he would have been crushed to death on the spot.

At the same time, Kuta Party.

Russell’s body fell and tumbled to the floor.

It was because I was distracted by the power of the golem and jumped too high for a moment, so I couldn’t properly land.


In any case, the distance was a success.

Standing up while holding back his moans, Russell measured the distance between them and himself.

The guys flocking towards him were in the center of the joint, and he flew to the edge of the joint before he knew it.

The distance was quite long.

‘It’s fortunate that the cavity is wide like this.’

Also, compared to the strong fire resistance and powerful blow, the movement did not seem to be that quick.

‘Well, if the movement was faster…’

The problem was elsewhere.

‘The magic didn’t work.’

If the wind magic worked properly, the fall would not have failed and the floor would not have rolled.

I hurriedly tried other spells, but nothing changed.

Only non-attribute and fire-attribute magic are possible.

“The Trial by Fire.”

Suddenly, the words written on the mission window flashed through Russell’s mind.

“The ordeal by fire is what you meant.”

In the end, it was a story that there was no choice but to use fire magic as the main force to defeat it.


Russell breathed in and cast two spells.

“Strength Haste.”

strength and speed.

Two magics cover the body.

Not stopping here, Russell activated Wizard Body and Overlord at the same time.

If he did this, his physical performance would be no less than that of an outstanding knight.

‘If that high jump a while ago wasn’t a coincidence.’

thump thump thump-!

In the meantime, Russell glared at the guys who approached, shaking the ground.

‘If it doesn’t work with Fire Arrow, change the magic to Fire Bolt.’

I have no choice but to feed several feet.

Even if the size is reduced, if you add rotation and shoot in one place, the power will exceed Fire Arrow several times.


As soon as Russell stretched out his palm, five fire bolts rained down the trail.

Boom, boom, boom, boom!

A series of explosions resounded and the heat flowed into Russell.

‘At this rate…!’

Russell clenched his fists in anticipation.

Soon the dust clears and the scene beyond is revealed.

thump thump thump-.

All ten appear to be in good health.

The chest of the guy who was shot by the fire bolt is slightly broken, but that’s it.

It wasn’t fatal.

A wound or shock like that would not have broken the core inside.

so that.


Russell’s face hardened.

dragon-swallowed wizard

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Dragon-Devouring Mage

Dragon-Devouring Mage

Score 8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
[You will be the cornerstone of a new mythology. For the sake of that mythology, I will grant you another chance.] The last successor of a fallen founding contributor family and cursed third-rate mage, Russel Raymond. He hoped to revive his family’s societal status, but was expelled from the academy. All he could do was work as a mercenary third-rate mage. One day, on his way to his temporary job, his mother’s memento ring, the “Dragon’s Heart,” reacts, and Russel is given an unexpected chance. He “regresses” back to his days in the academy. [You have received a mana stone (consumable) as a mission reward.] That is how Russel begins soaring in life like a dragon who never got to spread his wings. He crosses the waves called fate that had pressed down on him and flies into the bright world he was previously banned from.


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