Dragon-Devouring Mage Chapter 162

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Episode 162


* * *

Killing the Colossus.

According to records, the superman who invented La Mancha for the first time made a long cave by piercing the mountain with a single javelin.

This javelin technique included in La Mancha was, as its name suggests, a spear technique with the power to pierce and kill even a colossus.

Of course, Russell did not have the aura or strength of that superman.


‘It’s enough to cover the necessary parts with magic.’

It was because I had the ability to tinker with as many parts as I lacked.

Since it was not capable of passing through mountains, it did not require the power of that superhuman.

All it takes is enough to pierce the six-headed hydra!

The fire spear that had left Russell’s hand spewed fire.


The thunderclap rang.

As soon as the near-immortal regenerative fire spear penetrated the gap that its regenerative power had not reached, the hydra screamed to die.


[It hurts-!]

[It’s hot-!!]

But the true majesty of Russell’s magic hasn’t even been revealed yet.

If it was spearmanship that penetrated his wounds, now is the time for magic to show its true value.

‘San(散) width(爆)-!’


A thick prominence exploded from inside the hydra. The superheated flames supported muscles, burned bones, and melted lungs.

Even that wasn’t enough, he even ate the blood vessels leading to the heart!


Gay Bolg.

This magic that Russell created was the most direct evidence of his growth.

A story about growing up with Russell. Is it because

Now that he has risen to the 6th circle, the Gae Bolg he creates has a different level of power than it did at the time of the 5th circle.

Even if the power of one shot was radiated widely, it was a powerful magic that could melt the vast wilderness smoothly.

That’s a whopping twelve feet.


The time until the inside of Hydra transforms into a superheated hell is just a matter of seconds.


He let out smoke from burning organs from his mouth as his body ripened from the inside.

Randomly twisted the giant.

Instinctively, like an animal struggling to extinguish the fire, he rolled his body to the ground.

However, the flame inside the body, not the fire outside the body, could not be extinguished by such an action.

Although the problem arose in a completely different place.

Kurreung Cooggeung-.

As the large body of several tens of meters went into a riot, the earth’s axis twisted and shook.

Five or six trees were shattered by just one cloud, and their heads exploded like bullets, tearing through the area.

One of the moss-filled hills bulging out in the middle of the swamp collapsed at the destructive force.


If left alone, it would cause devastating damage, so Alan gathered his magic.

He squeezed the newly formed six circles. It pours mana nonstop towards the mana rod and creates a huge wall of ice.

Bang bang bang bang!


The thick ice wall collided with the large body, and a shock wave resonated inside the ice wall.

Each time, the ice wall trembled as if it would collapse at any moment. cracked and cracked

Jjak jae jae-jae-

At that moment, cheer-rrr-.

Dozens of chains soared into the air, cutting through the surface of the water with a metal sound.

A chain created using the sand dug in the mud at the bottom of the swamp.

It is not an ordinary chain. A chain that held the gravity of the earth to the fullest bound the whole body of the Hydra.

Kak Kaga Gak-!

Chains intertwine with each other, and a sharp metal sound scratches your ears.

Normally, he would have used his strong magic defense power to break the chain, ignoring gravity.

However, now that Hydra was seriously injured and was close to dying, the same power as before did not remain.


[I will curse! I will curse you guys!]

[I am from his household, he cared for me and shared his strength-!!] [

The moment he arrives, your insignificant land will meet the end!]

He would have poured out curses full of curses nonstop. only.

‘Family? He?’

Russell, who picked up a few keywords from the curse words he spewed out, tilted his head.

Words that are no different from admitting that there is someone behind them, even though you don’t know who they are.

The body of the guy who poured out bad words with smoke without a break for about a few minutes became limp.


Shoot aaaaa-.

The water in the swamp is pushed back with ripples. The Hydra, which had finally exhausted all its vitality, fell on the spot.

When the hydra dies, the control of the monster that suppressed the demons is also released.



The demons, who had been fighting to the death just a moment ago, cried out with bewildered expressions.

Cries as if to say: Why do we have to risk our lives here?

Kiik Kiek-!

Then, the moment he faced the spears and swords of the soldiers with thick green bodily fluid, he ran away in all directions in a panic.

They were enemies who had already lost the will to fight.

Besides, those monsters were also the ones who had lived in this wide swamp area for a long time.

‘It’s just nonsense to subdue all monsters in this vast swamp…’

Unless monsters like Hydra appear again, they won’t gather.

“Don’t chase me!”

Confirming that appearance, Count Reinkel raised his sword high.

“In the time to pursue them, look out for your comrades rather than your comrades! Move the seriously injured to the back and quickly report the light ones!”

He roared, dissuading the soldiers who were trying to chase them.

“The monster that threatened the territory fell at the hands of two young heroes of the kingdom!”

“Also, we succeeded in protecting the tomorrows of my family and my neighbors-!”

“Today’s battle is our victory!”

Even with nice words, it can’t be said to be eloquent, but it’s a roar that’s sincere as much as it’s crude. The soldiers shouted in unison at the roar.


It seemed that today’s victory news would reach the county. cheered like thunder


* * *

“Thank you very much. Count Raymond. Sir Alan.”

Successfully complete the subjugation.

While returning to the estate, Count Reinkel, who had been talking next to Russell and Alan, opened his mouth.

“If it wasn’t for the two of you, what would the county be like…”

he added.

“The Earl and Sir Alan are the no. He is the benefactor and hero of our territories.”

I feel it once again, but he is a man who cannot be called an eloquent person.

Of course, that’s why I felt the crude sincerity.

Anyway, neither Russell nor Alan liked to face the man’s hot eyes.

Alan smiled shyly.

Russell coughed.


As if to change the topic, he turned his head elsewhere.

“You must be busy from now on.”

At Russell’s words, Earl Reinkel nodded with a bitter expression.

“I guess so….”

Nineteen dead and twenty-two severely injured were all casualties from this subjugation.

If you add minor injuries there, the number will more than double.

In addition to treatment and compensation for them, the half-destroyed walls of the county had to be repaired.

In addition, the atmosphere of the territory that has fallen to the bottom due to the attack of the hydra must also be raised.

“Fortunately, there are quite a few goods stored in preparation for a bad year. If you loosen it, you will be able to hold out until the lake is completely purified.”

Enumerating such situations in his mind, he pictured in his head what Count Reinkel had to do in the future.

“Since we don’t run out of stockpiled goods, we should be able to sell them to raise money to repair the walls.”

He had to solve a lot of goods at once, but his voice was so calm.

“It would be a pity if you unwrapped that amount of money at once…”

The 5th Circle Wizard followed that voice. Riman muttered involuntarily, and Count Reinkel shrugged.

“It was reserved for situations like this from the beginning. Originally, it is not mine, but belongs to the people of the territory, so there is nothing to regret.”

He muttered as if it was no big deal and continued.

“More than that…”

“If it’s okay, could you stay in this manor for a few more days?”

The mission of subjugating the hydra had been completed.

It wouldn’t be strange if the wizards who came down from the capital to subdue them left at any time.

But now Count Reinkel asked me to stay in the manor for a few more days.

“I’m thinking of holding a festival with my own money, centered around the affected areas, to revive the gloomy atmosphere of the territory. So please…”

The Count replied to Russell, who asked why.

“…I hope that the heroes who saved the county will attend the festival and shine it together.”



“Watch out over there!”

“Avoid rolling rocks!”

Crunchy Kururureung-.

When I turned my gaze to the sudden loud sound, I saw the figures of those who were reorganizing the manor outside the window.

When power is given to the lever made of wood, the rock embedded in the wall of the house comes out little by little with a gurgling sound.

Several other carpenters ran from roof to roof to repair the damage, and women and children busily carried new chimes among them.

Soldiers and residents of the territory are working together to repair the territory.

Even just a few days ago, it was so bright that it was impossible to believe that it had been attacked by a hydra.

In addition, rumors spread that the count was holding a festival with his own money, and in front of the castle gate was crowded with merchants flocking to sell goods.

The corners of Russell’s eyes drew a slight arc as he looked warm in many ways.


Then, in my mind, I thought of the Yeongji that was bestowed by the king.

Earldom of Raymond.

It was a situation where even one of the territories under him was managed separately by a few mayors.

It wasn’t a particularly problematic situation, and I refrained from visiting because I didn’t want to appear as if I was interfering with those who were doing well


If I return to the capital this time and there is nothing special, I will take some time to pay a visit.

A few days passed while I was thinking about it, and finally the festival that Count Reinkel had spoken of began.



Exciting music or chatter from the village is transmitted through the open window to the inner corridor of the castle.

Leaving the sound behind, Russell straightened his clothes.

Behind him, there was a group of wizards including Alan.

Confirming their preparations were being finalized, Russell winked at the attendant and he reached out his hand.


When the doorknob was pulled, bright light from inside the banquet hall poured out.

Half a beat later, the attendant shouted.

“The Magicians of the Royal Capital, including Count Raymond Shin Seong-gong, are entering!!”

At the roaring cry, the gaze of the chief of staff all turned to the entrance of the banquet hall.



There was one standing on the top of the spire as the moonlight gently fell, watching the scene.

Black hair and black clothes.

Amidst the darkness as thick as a shadow around them, only the eyes reminiscent of those of a reptile spewed out amber eyes.

-…It’s a banquet for humans.

The man muttered indifferently and kicked his toes. He approached the banquet hall with dry steps.

thump thump.

dragon-swallowed wizard

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Dragon-Devouring Mage

Dragon-Devouring Mage

Score 8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
[You will be the cornerstone of a new mythology. For the sake of that mythology, I will grant you another chance.] The last successor of a fallen founding contributor family and cursed third-rate mage, Russel Raymond. He hoped to revive his family’s societal status, but was expelled from the academy. All he could do was work as a mercenary third-rate mage. One day, on his way to his temporary job, his mother’s memento ring, the “Dragon’s Heart,” reacts, and Russel is given an unexpected chance. He “regresses” back to his days in the academy. [You have received a mana stone (consumable) as a mission reward.] That is how Russel begins soaring in life like a dragon who never got to spread his wings. He crosses the waves called fate that had pressed down on him and flies into the bright world he was previously banned from.


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