Dragon-Devouring Mage Chapter 113

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Episode 113


Suffice it to say that a nobleman called a wizard has more muscles than most knights.

Because he was originally such a nobleman.

Let’s just say that such a nobleman, unlike usual, walked on the hem of his robe and exposed his thick forearm intact.

On top of that, let’s say that he suddenly burned his skin as if he had tanned himself.

But what the heck is that shiny skin?

‘A person is not a mineral…’

He made a tired expression as he looked at his muscles shining bronze in the light.

As if finding Russell, Vermilion stretched out her big hand and waved it.

“Have you come? Priests?”

Every time a thick drop of water ran down his forearm.

Something that isn’t even sweat looks more sticky…


Scared to figure out his identity, Russell approached him and asked.

“Could it be that you spread oil all over your body? execution?”

Vermillion laughed heartily at Russell’s question.

“haha. How is it? They say this oil is the secret to the dwarves’ muscles.”

To be precise, it should be called ointment, not oil, but Russell made a stunned expression toward Vermilion, who concluded his words.

“They say that if you apply it consistently, it has the effect of compressing the existing muscle fibers.”

Regardless, Vermilion twists the muscles of her body dripping with oil, no ointment.

“Of course, it is not effective for humans, so a little improvement is needed, and even if it is effective, it will take more effort to build muscles up to this point.”

followed the explanation.

“If you succeed in improving it, make sure to share it with the priest as well.”

Seeing Vermillion’s sincerity to the point of madness, Russell nodded, albeit with a confused expression.

“Ah yes. thank you execution.”

I was a little interested in the fact that it has the effect of compressing muscle fibers.

‘In the first place, considering my fighting style, well-compressed muscles are better than large muscles like the death penalty.’

at that time.

“Rather than that, how about a priest?”

Vermillion hit Russell with a big elbow.

“Looking at the unhappy face, it seems that the income from this external research was not as good as expected.”


After a short sigh, Russell shook his head.

“It is not.”

It’s short, but it’s a situation where not only did you meet the dragon, but you also got a horn with wind purification.

Although not completely, it could be said that the intended purpose was achieved.

“By the way, what’s wrong with your face? It looks like a few worries have increased.”

“It’s because there are a few things I worry about apart from research income.”

“Hmm, it’s a concern independent of the research income…”

Vermilion swept her chin with her big hand several times and twisted her head.

In the meantime, through the conversations of the dwarves a few times, he had also heard rumors that a small human who had recently arrived was visiting the Great Library of the Underworld.

‘There must be only two reasons why the youngest priest visited the library.’

Research as a magician, desire for exploration, or otherwise, to get clues to jump over the wall blocking his way.

‘If it’s the case of the youngest priest now…’

There was a high possibility that the weight would be on the latter side.

“Are you struggling to overcome the wall of the 6th circle?”

The fact that he found out that he had a problem earlier, and the answer to that.

Russell nodded, complaining at Vermillion’s keen insight that was inappropriate for his size.



As the saying goes, if there are 100 wizards, there are 100 enlightenments.

In fact, for wizards, enlightenment was a very delicate matter.

If I added the wrong words here, it could have been poison rather than help. but-.

‘As long as it’s not about fixing the direction of thoughts, maybe I can give you a few words of advice.’

Of course, most of them would stop at the theoretical level, but he was also a wizard.

I could fully understand the youngest priest’s mind.

“Don’t be in too much of a hurry.”


“The priest’s growth rate is so fast that it cannot be compared to any wizard of this era.”

It was a serious yet heavy voice unlike the one who was only sincere with his muscles.

“That may be why I feel more impatient, but originally, they are called walls because they cannot be easily overcome, and they are called enlightenment because they do not come easily.”

Russell raised his head at his voice that reminded him of the day they first met.

“…So by comparison, they were like building muscles for me.”


Russell, who had been listening to the story with a serious expression, showed a shy expression.

In the midst of talking about enlightenment and the wall, you talk about muscles out of the blue.

“Um, can you take 1500 pounds (680 kg) as an example?”

Lifting a total of 1500 pounds with pure physical strength was no easy feat.

“I also went through a lot of hardship to get over that wall.”

It is said that failures and setbacks continued in succession.

“But, funny enough, one day it suddenly weighed 1500 pounds.”

“One day suddenly…”

“That’s right. It was definitely a weight that I couldn’t lift until yesterday, but today I suddenly lifted it.”

To put it simply, it was said that he had crossed the muscle wall (?).

“As I lifted the weight like that, it wasn’t that my strength got stronger for a moment, but the steady efforts I’ve been making over the years have shone through. That’s what I thought.”

Vermillion added, turning to Russell.

“I think the enlightenment of magic is like this. If you work hard every day, it will suddenly come to you at some point.”


As Vermillion said, the moment of realization came quite suddenly.

* * *

A few hours to go back using the cave you came in as an exit.

It was around evening when the sun was setting when Russell and Vermilion finally got out of the Underworld.


A red sunset spreads across the sky. Soon, the beam of light reached the ground, and the rocks in the canyon flashed red.

A scene where the boundary between heaven and earth is blurred and the heavens and earth seem to be on fire.

It was the same scenery Russell had seen before entering the Underworld the day before.

Not even looking twice.

No matter how many times you see it, the scenery is sure to be spectacular.

“Every time I see you, it’s spectacular. I have seen many sunsets while traveling around the country, but these sunsets can only be counted on one hand.”

Pausing for a moment at the majestic sight, Vermillion muttered.

Then he looked back at Russell as if he wasn’t.


However, Russell could not answer that question.

I couldn’t answer.

It is because the impression that came into my mind the moment I witnessed the scenery was completely different from the day before.


As the boundary between heaven and earth collapses through the sunset, it is felt that the existence of something blocking oneself is dissolving.

In the meantime, the fragments of knowledge and enlightenment that had been floating around in my head turned into a huge torrent.

At the same time, it swallowed Russell’s consciousness.


Russell’s consciousness, swallowed up by the great waves, drifted between them like a leaf drifting in a raging current.

All sorts of things rushed in and soaked the hem of Russell’s robes.

The only thing Russell can do in order not to lose himself in it is to repeat the circling work non-stop.

Woo woo woo-.

As the circle rotated, the mana flowed out and reached the brain.

The surge of magical power embraced Russell’s spirit. It was supported so as not to be swept away by the huge ripples.

how much time has passed like that

In an hour where a moment felt like an eternity and an eternity felt like an eternity, Russell remembered the last sight he had seen.

sky and earth.

The moment when the sun majestically descended, dyeing the heavens and earth red as if burning them.


At the same time as the scene came to mind, the torrent that surrounded Russell stepped back.

And streams of water, like tributaries, extending from some of them, wrapped around his image.

A line and a half line and a half, etc.

Countless theories and formulas begin to magically analyze the scene in Russell’s head.

And finally.

when all the steps have been completed.

At last, Russell was able to weave his images into a single magic.

Russell Raymond.


Falling Sun.

It wasn’t anti-personnel magic that started with the Blaze Lance and continued all the way to Gae Bulg.

An anti-army magic that can kill many people with one blow.

‘Falling Sun’ revealed its true nature.

A huge sun fell on Russell’s image.

* * *

Chiru chirruru-.

When I regained consciousness, what I heard in my ears was the cry of an unknown grass insect.

I wondered if there were grass bugs in the canyon full of rocks, but the weeds’ strong vitality would break through even hard rocks.


Afterwards, Russell opened his eyes slowly, feeling the cool breeze sweeping over his body.

The first thing that caught Russell’s eyes was the night sky full of stars.

A real night sky with shining stars, not the luminous stones that I had seen so much in the Underworld.

knock knock-.

Then came a strange sound.

When I moved my gaze, I saw a giant at the entrance of the cave putting firewood in the campfire after all the preparations for camping.

It was Vermillion.

“-Are you awake?”

As if feeling Russell’s gaze, he tossed a dry twig into the fire and turned his head.

“I have said with my own mouth that enlightenment comes suddenly, but I never thought it would come this far out of nowhere.”

He spoke in a bewildered voice, as if he couldn’t believe it.

“Congratulations on reaching a new level. Priests.”

A voice mixed with congratulations and surprise. It has to be. Even if you search the history of the continent like this, there won’t be more than 5 people who climbed the 6th circle at the age of only 20.

Except for Russell, all the rest would be figures from the age of mythology.

“…thank you.”

Russell nodded, recalling that he had risen to a new level at the words of congratulations.

“So how do you feel?”

“hmm. Actually, I’m not sure yet.”

When he stepped up to the 5th circle, he could instantly realize that the world around him had changed.

Unlike him, he was rather dumbfounded now.

“What can it be?”

Vermillion shrugged as if he understood.

“It’s understandable that you feel bewildered since you’ve just opened the door to a new realm.”

Although classified as the same mage, the 5th and 6th circles differed in depth.

It was only natural that there would be differences in perception.

Russell asked, understanding the meaning contained in it.

“But how much time has passed?”

The time it takes to move from Circle 5 to Circle 6 varies from person to person depending on the magician.

The short one ended up awakening in just a few days, while the long one took close to several months.

‘Looking at my hair not growing much, it doesn’t seem like it’s been that long…’ If it’s

short, a few days, at most ten days?

I thought so and asked.


Blurring his horse’s tail, Vermillion raised three fingers.

“Three days?”

It wasn’t that long, but there was also the possibility that a commotion broke out in the salt tower past the scheduled return time.

Vermilion shook her head as she peered into Russell’s slightly concerned face.

“What about three days?”


“Three hours.”


“It’s only been three hours.”

In a much shorter time than expected, Russell blinked his eyes.



“First of all, go inside the tent today and get some rest. I even pitched the tent for the priest.”

Leaving behind Vermillion’s words, Russell entered the tent and buried himself deep in his sleeping bag.

He quietly closed his eyes and thought about the time it took for him to reach the 6th circle.

‘It’s not three days, it’s three hours…’

Even though it’s short, it’s too short.

It was to the point of wondering if there was another wizard in history who took as short a time as he did.

‘Maybe it’s related to the power of the Dragon God King and his awakening time?’

After a while, Russell shook his head. I tried to focus on it for a short time, but it wasn’t a question that I could give an answer to.

So, rather than worrying about the problem now-.

‘It would be better to check what I can do right away.’

Thinking so, Russell’s gaze moved slightly to one side.

[You have completed Circle 6.]

[You have completed the mission. Reward will be given.]

[As a reward, you will receive the highest grade magic stone (edible) x1, the high grade magic stone (edible) x5, the intermediate magic stone (edible x)5, and the low grade magic stone (edible) x20. I do.]

[We will give you ??? as a reward.]

The corners of Russell’s mouth went up as he checked the green spears projected over his pupils.

It was time to check the accumulated rewards.

dragon-swallowed wizard

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Dragon-Devouring Mage

Dragon-Devouring Mage

Score 8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
[You will be the cornerstone of a new mythology. For the sake of that mythology, I will grant you another chance.] The last successor of a fallen founding contributor family and cursed third-rate mage, Russel Raymond. He hoped to revive his family’s societal status, but was expelled from the academy. All he could do was work as a mercenary third-rate mage. One day, on his way to his temporary job, his mother’s memento ring, the “Dragon’s Heart,” reacts, and Russel is given an unexpected chance. He “regresses” back to his days in the academy. [You have received a mana stone (consumable) as a mission reward.] That is how Russel begins soaring in life like a dragon who never got to spread his wings. He crosses the waves called fate that had pressed down on him and flies into the bright world he was previously banned from.


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