Dragon-Devouring Mage Chapter 10

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Episode 10


Unlike the classes up until the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade, which were mostly focused on the theoretical part.

From the 4th grade, which is called the senior class, there were quite a few classes that could be used in practice.

‘Recognition and Dismantling of Magic Circle’, which Huckle Finn is in charge of, was also one of the subjects added.

“Now then, before we begin our first class. Does anyone know why it is important to recognize the magic circle?”

At Professor Huckle Finn’s question, a student sitting right in front of the podium raised his hand.

She was a modestly dressed female student with her hair braided back and neatly tied back.

“It’s because if you graduate from the academy and live in a wizarding society, you will come into contact with magic circles in various fields.”

“That is correct. student.”


Professor Huckle Finn clapped lightly at the student’s answer.

“As they say, the relationship between magicians and magic circles is inseparable. In some cases, magic can only be manifested through a magic circle, and depending on the situation, magic must be implemented through a true form rather than an immediate manifestation.”


Huckle Finn continued his explanation in a cold, subdued voice.

“Not every situation you face will be to your advantage.”

From small encounters in ruins and dungeons to large magic circles set up by enemies.

“And you will learn how to recognize, understand, and dismantle such magic circles through my class from today. Let’s start with something simple.”

Saying that, Huckle Finn took out the thick roll of parchment he had prepared in advance.

They were carefully handed out in front of the students one by one.

‘Did you magically evolve light magic?’

Russell, who grasped the shape and structure of the magic circle, easily recognized the identity of the magic.

“Some of the students may have recognized it, but now the magic circle contains light magic. A formula that activates when you inject magic into it…”


Before Huckle Finn could finish his words, a fist-sized luminous object came out of the magic circle.

shed a bright light

It was activated by one of the students injecting mana as a test.

Of course, the light did not have any magic damage that was almost invulnerable.

The student who accidentally activated it also screamed in surprise, but soon scratched his head with an embarrassing expression.

Huckle Finn, who gave a brief warning to this, said.

“The goal of today’s lesson is after activating the magic. It is to dispel that magic in reverse order. First of all, use the magical knowledge you have learned so far, and then ask individual questions if there is something that does not go well.”

Professor Huckle Finn’s explanation ends there.


Light magic began to manifest here and there, and soon the entire classroom was filled with bright light.


Among them, Russell opened the magic circle.

Ordinary circle 1 magic.

However, it was not simply to spread magic, but to dismantle the magic circle.

Although small, there was a clear difference in difficulty.


‘It’s not an ordinary light magic circle, but I twisted the formula here and there to transform the shape of the magic circle.’

I didn’t know that if I approached it simply thinking it was light magic, I might end up in a funny way.


just as expected.

The size of the light floating in front of a student doubled.

The color of the light also changed from plain white to ominous purple.

Huckle Finn, who was walking and checking among the students, stopped in place.

“If you think simply and try to dismantle it, you can make the magic situation worse. This time, it’s light magic, and it’s a shame because I put a safety device on…”

He warned in a not light voice.

“…If it had been murder magic, you would have just died.”

Even if he was lucky enough to survive, he might have become a half asshole.

The face of the student who made a mistake became contemplative at Huckle Finn’s harsh yet realistic words.

Needless to say, the eyes of the other students looking at the magic circle were also more serious than before.

‘It won’t be that easy.’

Even though it was the first class, I deliberately made a magic circle with two or three twists to alert the students.

In addition, in order to dismantle the elaborate and detailed magic circle, a high understanding of magic was required.

‘Probably fewer than five students can do it right now.’

Even that would take more than 15 minutes.

‘It’s been about 10 minutes, so after a while, someone who has succeeded in dismantling it will come out.’

Thinking so, Professor Huckle Finn began to take notice of some of the students.

Relatively excellent students with high circles were the center of attention.

It was then.


One of the light magics floating in the air disappeared as the density of mana instantly decreased.

It hadn’t even been fifteen minutes yet.


Startled, Professor Huckle Finn turned his head.

The magic circle parchment where the light magic has completely disappeared.

It was Russell’s seat.

* * *

‘Russell Raymond was the first to dismantle the light magic circle.’

An incident in Professor Huckle Finn’s class.

It didn’t take long for it to spread throughout the school year.

But that doesn’t mean everyone in the grade believed the rumor.

“Russell? By Russell, you mean him, right?”

“A guy I’m thankful for who puts me on the bottom in the practical part.”

“Is that guy dismantling the light magic first in the class in less than fifteen minutes?”

“No way. The rumors must be wrong.”

I don’t know if it’s a theory or a written test.

In terms of practical skills and circles, Russell’s grades were at the level of competing for the bottom of the grade.

Few people believed the words that such Russell showed excellent grades in practical classes.

However, there were too many people who witnessed the scene to dismiss it as a rumor.

Of the 100 fourth-year students at the academy, about a quarter (1/4) of one class witnessed the scene.

When the rumors were confirmed, the guys who had been talking bad things about Russell started to change their words little by little.

“Is that Russell really the first to dismantle the magic circle?”

“Isn’t it not that difficult to dismantle the magic circle once you know it?”

“Maybe it’s because the level of the guys in that class is so low.”

Some of them boasted that they would outperform Russell.

“joy. If he took a little over 10 minutes, I’ll make it in 9 minutes.”

“No way. Then I am 8 minutes.”

Of course, none of them had a record that surpassed Russell’s.

“What is it, wasn’t Russell really bad at the practical subjects?”

“Maybe you ate something special during winter break. Like an elixir that increases the amount of magic power…”

“Is there such a thing in a family that has already been ruined?”

“Still, you’re going to Raymond, aren’t you? You never know. There may have been some hidden wealth.”

“If there was such a thing, I would have eaten it right away.”

“is it? Then, during the supplementary class, I realized something…”

“I am reviewing the contents I learned once anyway, so I get enlightenment there?”

It is natural for the students to come and go about things related to Russell.

Various stories, all speculative. However, there was also a common opinion among them.

That opinion is…

supplementary classes that took place during winter break.

It was the opinion that Russell might have changed something from that make-up class.

* * * As

the first class ended and

the semester began in earnest, the evaluation of Russell gradually changed to a positive one.

Among them, there were some professors who were not simply surprised at the remarkable change, but also expressed admiration.

But that doesn’t mean that not everyone was happy about Russell’s change.

There were people everywhere who gave a bad look.

whether it be a student or a professor.

‘joy. On the other hand, a guy from a fallen family suddenly shows an outstanding figure?’

A sharp chin on a skinny body like a skeleton.

And her purple hair, tied up in a ponytail with glasses as sharp as her chin.

Among the professors at the academy, those with a somewhat lower level of magic skills called Circle 4.

Among the students, Isadora Musabel, called the old maid Musabel, was one of them.

For her, magic was a tool to get closer to power.

The position of professor at the academy was a means of contacting high-ranking nobles.

Could it be because

She often

, even outright, used her position to accommodate the children of high-ranking aristocrats.

If it was just that, it wouldn’t be such a big deal.

However, she despised those who lacked talent among the children of lower nobles and commoners.

That would also be true for her as if they were-.

‘Power and talent. It felt like

worms who didn’t have anything…’ -.

A descendant of the Raymond family who had all fallen in the eyes of Isadora and had no title left.

Even Russell, who had never shown a particularly outstanding appearance until now, couldn’t look good.

‘It must have been a trick or something. Otherwise, the other professors’ assignments were too easy.’

If that’s the case, then I have no choice but to step in and remove the bubble from the guy.

“Russell. Russell Raymond.”

Thinking so, Isadora called out Russell’s name.

“yes. professor.”

“I have been hearing good things about Mr. Russell lately. Perhaps the efforts made so far are finally seeing the light. congratulation.”

Why is that woman praising me?

Russell nodded his head for a while before showing a little taken aback at the sudden praise.

“Thanks to the other professors’ appreciation…”

“But rumors are just rumors. I tend not to believe anything other than what I have seen.”

Isadora cut off Russell.

“So this time I’m trying to figure out the truth of the rumor myself.”

Her subject is ‘Rune Words and Imprint’.

It was a subject that taught various types of rune words and educated them on how to imprint them.

Square Square Square -.

A piece of chalk imbued with mana slides across the blackboard and draws a rune word.

“Mr. Russell. Would you like to complete the basic structural formula for dealing with this rune word?”

A look in your eyes telling you to try it if you want to try it.

As soon as she finished speaking, a mission window appeared in front of her eyes.


Isadora’s test.

Isadora’s test to embarrass you. Pass her test.


Lowest level magic stone x2

Sub-space opening (40kg)

‘Ah… opening the space?’

A reward never seen before was written on the green window.

dragon-swallowed wizard

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Dragon-Devouring Mage

Dragon-Devouring Mage

Score 8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
[You will be the cornerstone of a new mythology. For the sake of that mythology, I will grant you another chance.] The last successor of a fallen founding contributor family and cursed third-rate mage, Russel Raymond. He hoped to revive his family’s societal status, but was expelled from the academy. All he could do was work as a mercenary third-rate mage. One day, on his way to his temporary job, his mother’s memento ring, the “Dragon’s Heart,” reacts, and Russel is given an unexpected chance. He “regresses” back to his days in the academy. [You have received a mana stone (consumable) as a mission reward.] That is how Russel begins soaring in life like a dragon who never got to spread his wings. He crosses the waves called fate that had pressed down on him and flies into the bright world he was previously banned from.


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