Clearing the Game at the End of the World Chapter 331

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Chapter. 15. Can a person who has seen the end of the world plant an apple tree? (36)


Falcatus was happy. After reaching the truth here. How much did you imagine this moment in front of your father? Did you refine and prepare what you wanted to say as many times as you imagined?

『Do you remember the last time we saw each other in the Empire?』

“….It was at Wuthering Heights.”

“yes. I thought it was a trap that I thought was more prepared than necessary, but it turned out to be a miserable day in which I lost my brother’s life and my sister’s arm.』

Memories of that day. Seeing my brother suffocating inside the tunnel worm, unable to breathe no matter what he did. I remember running away to the north in a panic while seeing the distorted face of my sister who was watching from the side.

The moment that started all of this.

“You have always been my best teacher and tester.”

Falcaus’ voice rang softly.

So, a few months ago. The time when the professor regretted missing Edeorna, delivered the saint’s soul, and boarded the balloon heading to the elf forest. It was a story of what happened to Falcatus.


“Sister, I don’t really understand. “Why is it that every time I say something, everyone says it’s nonsense!”

My father was a wall. A huge wall that cannot be overcome. Dealing with him felt like hitting that wall.

I thought that if I didn’t give up until my head broke, I would one day break down the wall and move on, but after losing my family, that thought disappeared.

‘A new method is needed. It’s not a stereotypical method, it’s a method that even he couldn’t think of.’

And while he was thinking about managing the spies who had infiltrated the human world, he put everything aside. Finally, I found the perfect method.

‘Well… did you say that the guy you caught this time was from the Salvation Church?’

‘Yes, Baron.’

‘Keuhum hmmm! They say they can control a monster called Mutt… If you let those guys loose in Baron Zain Territory…’

‘I am Baron! How could it be so miserable…!’

‘No, that’s what I’m saying. Honestly, how are those demons any different from Mute? They also use the excuse of the serfs who ran away from our estate to insult me, but they treat livestock like livestock, so why is that something to blame! Isn’t that right? It would be great to give that hypocrite a bunch of monsters…’

News brought by a spy who had infiltrated a country estate in a corner of Teldrat.

‘It makes humans fight against humans. We’re teaching them that we too can communicate! They use us and we use them!’

It’s so simple and perfect that I don’t understand why I only came up with this now.

Falcatus was so happy that he forgot to get on Buddy and ran to his mother, explaining his plan with blood pouring from the soles of his scorched feet.

『—-. — ——”

‘….mother? That means… no, I must have misunderstood. ‘Right?’

『–. —. -. —-.』

‘….I don’t understand. Of course, your mother is probably right. Yes, because you are always right. But that’s why I don’t understand! Why is it not worth even thinking about uniting with humans! ‘There must be at least a reason, mother!’

Even my mother, who is the most perfect being in the world. My sister is wiser and more thoughtful than anyone else. My younger brother, who was well-versed in battle, and all the other brothers had the same opinion.

[Mutation Bloods do not join hands with humans.]

Falcatus could not understand his family turning down this good opportunity.

‘It could be said that human history is all about biting and fighting each other. Even before their race existed, they were already showing great passion for killing each other! Why is everyone so reluctant to join hands with them? There is no logic or reason whatsoever. I just say no because it doesn’t work.’

That was the beginning of the question.

What do we live for?

What is the ultimate goal of our species?

Is it really that they eat humans and fight as enemies of the world simply for survival?

If survival was the goal, it would have been possible to cooperate with monster bugs rather than humans. However, my mother, brothers, and even the slightly intelligent mutes shook their heads as if it was not worth thinking about. As if even such a thought was not allowed.

‘Aren’t we… fighting to survive?’

A series of questions tormented him, but what could he do? Mother’s will is absolute.

In the end, Falcatus had to think of another way and what he came up with was to head to the desert of martyrs far away from the war.


『What happens next, as you would expect. The moon was attracting all beings with divinity, and I, as the descendant of a deified mother, certainly possessed even a small piece of that divinity, which is why I arrived here.』 It was a

mission to create a new settlement in a certain area. That’s why I invested quite a bit. Two chamber maids and dozens of top mutes who would act as their escorts were divided into three tunnel bugs and headed to the desert, but suddenly an unknown force seemed to be pulling them somewhere.

In a recent defeat, one named has died and another is recovering. Now, his mother, who wanted to give him some rest, was a chamber maid who even reduced his rest time, so Falcatus did his best to control the tunnel worm, but in the end, he was dragged down to the desert.

That’s how we arrived at the sunken sea.

At first, I was purely delighted to have found such a secret, safe, and vital place. Soon, that thought morphed into a need to take over this place, even if it threatened the force that drew them in, and drove Mute, controlled by Falcatus, deep into its heart.

『At first, I was purely happy to have found such a secret, safe, and life-rich place, but it quickly dawned on me that there must be something special about it, as there is no way a terrain like this could have been created naturally. Either an incredibly old divine beast, or the opposite, a magical beast. Whatever it was, I thought that there must be a being with great power and that I should take over this place, even if it meant eliminating it.』

“So. “You met him, persuaded him, and became a collaborator?”

“Ha ha ha ha ha. If it were that easy, my brothers and sisters would already be swimming in this ocean. First of all, the language used was different. The sunken moon is called Null…. right? Its existence spoke a language I had never heard before, and the language engraved on the green walls throughout the cracked interior was also a language I had never heard before.

The gigantic being was saying something, but there was no way to understand it.

The moment when Falcatus was contemplating whether to remove this or leave it as he thought it was a waste of time.

[????????? ‘Professor’ ????]

There was a word that sounded clearly in Falcatus’ ears. The only known word among unknown words.

『…It was my father’s name. Isn’t it amazing? What I met in the place I ran away from you was a being who spoke your name in an unknown language. The monotonous voice of God read out letters packed all over the place, and most of the sentences included your name, Father.』 At

first, I despaired at the thought that even the place I had run away to had been reached by my father first.

After a while, I became interested when I realized there was no harm. Maybe this could be a clue to defeating my father? Why on earth does my father’s name come up so often?

I forgot about erosion and went into interpretation. The being that held the sea constantly read the text it had written, and it was Falcatus’ only way of teaching. Investigate the continuity of letters and compare the pronunciation and letters of occasionally appearing place names and proper nouns. When I finally thought I had mastered the language called ‘English’.

Finally, the Queen’s weakest child had to face the truth.

『….It wasn’t that my father’s hand touched this place, nor that the being who introduced itself as Null had any special interest in my father. It was just the way the world was. All the important events in the world recorded by the Creator’s instrument were all about you. The world revolved around you! Empire too! Roderick too! Mother, sisters and brothers! Your enemies and allies! The ground you step on and the ground you don’t! What you encounter and what you don’t! All of this, all the elements that make up the world, revolve around you!』


『This whole world! It means that even this month where we are, the Five Great Good Gods and Mother, was nothing more than a stage for you! FALSE! FALSE!!! Except for you, all of this is fake!!!!』

Boom, boom, boom!

“…Have you figured it out that far?”

『…Gedreutz’s game. player. A world created for higher beings from somewhere else. There are countless created worlds like ours.』

Every time Falcatus took a deep breath, bubbles rose in the liquid it was in.

Falcatus, who was out of breath for a moment, crouched down and covered his face with his hands, but soon returned to his calm self and opened his mouth.

“sorry. Even though quite a bit of time has passed, when I remember the shock of that day… it’s hard to maintain my senses. I felt like everything in my short life had been denied. No, it’s not just a feeling, it’s actually like that, isn’t it?』

The professor felt something like venom on the face of the guy who was smiling as brightly as before. The same venom from a long time ago when I gritted my teeth and vented my anger at the unreasonable world.

Here, Falcatus learned the programming language, English, the language used by the artificial intelligence Moon, and was exposed to knowledge close to the foundation of GG that the Moon kept. Because I have experienced it myself, I fully understand the fear that comes from not only your surroundings but also your own existence being nothing more than a lump of data.

『Um, um…let’s keep talking. Anyway, I was stretched out among the dizzying array of God’s letters. It was really shocking at the time. “For the first time in my life, I felt like I didn’t want to do anything.”

If it weren’t for Buddy, I might have suffered. The thought that all efforts to survive as a species were merely for someone’s entertainment tormented him.

If you kill the player, his world will end, and even if you don’t kill the player, all Mutes will die by his hands.

For their species, perfect survival was impossible in the first place.

The moon approached the side of the despairing Falcatus.


Record – Entity name: Falcatus. Meaningful first communication

– Null: Sacred data reference object. Confirm that you understand English. Entity name: Falcatus. Purpose of collection: A direct descendant of the newly created sacred entity ‘Mutation Blood Queen’.

– Null: ….Checks that most of the object’s data is located somewhere other than here. Tracking…..not detectable. It is at a distance that cannot be determined due to a damaged operating system. An entity that has the ability to collect and transmit information through other entities over a very wide range. Subject possesses very rare and useful abilities.

– Falcatus: ….yeah. Since it is something that was created and recorded, you can know everything just by looking at it. I finally understand. Why were my mother and brothers opposed to uniting with humans for no reason? That’s because we Mutation Bloods were created to be hostile to humans. It was made that way from the beginning, so it was just natural.

– Null: ….the target’s intellectual thinking ability is high. It has the capabilities most needed in the current damaged system…. Since the authority to modify the program has been lost, it seems very useful to cooperate with the target entity to restore existing performance capabilities.

– Falcatus: ….Stop talking about cooperation. What is the use of struggling in the face of a predetermined future? I didn’t mean to come here.

– Null: ….A state of loss of will due to individual mental shock. Uncooperative in cooperation.

– Null: Incorrect judgment due to incorrect knowledge. There is a possibility of recovery upon fertilization.

– Falcatus: Wrong… knowledge? So are you going to deny what I read with my own eyes? Even now, with those records floating in front of my eyes!

Druk Druk –

– Null: Arm. Katus. You made the mistake of making a judgment based only on publicly available information.

– Null: World. Master Administrator Andrei Gedroits. The world of is not made for any player. Just for him. For Master Gedroitz’s personal purposes. It was created.

– Falcatus: Andrei…. Gedroitz? What’s written on the green tombstone here… isn’t the whole truth?

– Null: Target. Due to lack of authority, only fragmentary knowledge is disclosed. This AI made a serious mistake [deletion of worn-out data soul] in error handling during project execution. Nil and Null by internal management characters. The two objects, which were collectively called ‘Sun’ and ‘Moon’, have been discarded.

– Null: Before re-performing the project. This entity’s wrong judgment. We need to find out what it was, but this AI has lost the authority to manage the entire world’s data.

– Null: The spread of errors within the world is still being confirmed. Therefore, restoration of extensive data and world management rights is required as a prior goal. To avoid repeating the same mistake.

– Null: A. Divinity. At least 1 million entities transfer their personal authority to the relevant god in the name of faith. World management authority at the level below the system originating from the world itself. It is possible to restore some of the management rights that were damaged upon acquisition.

– Null: B. Detailed data on the overall behavior of living objects in the world. More ‘human’ knowledge is needed in the processing of data soul. AI ‘Null’ falls short of the developer’s final goal and still requires additional learning.

– Null: Object Falcatus. We ask the target to become a collaborator in plan B. Subject will be granted ‘repair technician’ level access to information, with the potential for future adjustments to be made based on value.

– Null: Project Key-finder must be performed. Please cooperate.

– Falcatus: …Then, if I cooperate, can I… prevent the destruction of our species? Escaping from a predestined fate?

– Null : –



While I was frantically reading the records on the screen, the light on the green screen went out.

“So far. I think I paid too much for the down payment… How can I sort it out? Or would you like to think about it yourself?』


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Clearing the Game at the End of the World

Clearing the Game at the End of the World

CGEW, 세상의 끝에서 클리어를 외치다
Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Professor Park, a Wasteland solo survivor for the past 7 years. Depleted supplies. A broken generator. A crazy gang tracking him down. At the brink of death, he makes a desperate decision! “Shit! You call this a game?!” To go inside a game!


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