Clearing the Game at the End of the World Chapter 327

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Chapter. 15. Can a person who has seen the end of the world plant an apple tree? (32)



April 27, ㅁㅁ year.

Between the stars of Delil and Puelca. 13 degrees to the left.

….The voyage has begun, and that damn priest and our ship have already been bound by a taboo. That’s all I’ve heard, but if I don’t say this, the remaining crew members will tear up the ship and build a raft to escape, so we can all just pretend that we are taboo food.

Perhaps the legend that you can become a target just by going near the taboo may be a lie created by captains who are in the same situation as me. If the crew all run away before they get to the ‘village of taboo breakers’, they will have to sit on an empty ship in this wide desert and wait for their day to die. damn.

Although it is unclear information, I heard that there is definitely a place to avoid quicksand. It’s probably on a sandstone area that hasn’t been covered by sand yet. Because it’s the only way to avoid quicksand in the desert.

….The two sailors who tried to escape were hung on the mast again. I hope the rumors are true.



April 30, 2012.

The Watchtower crew discovered quicksand. It followed the boat slowly but without stopping.

In any case, since the enforcer of the taboo had already been seen with his own eyes, there was nothing to hesitate about. As the captain, I took responsibility and talked to the priest of abundance.

Maldauf Cairn. It is said that he is a priest of high rank. Even though we hadn’t given him food or water for three days, his face looked much more lively than ours. He asked what kind of apostle of abundance would not be heartbroken upon seeing this dry land, and said that he had come to spread the grace of abundance to the dry land.

It was confirmed that wheat had grown between the wooden planks of the cabin where he was trapped. Even a bed made of wheat ears. What on earth made that thing grow?

None of the sailors accepted Maldauf’s kind offering. As long as he was human, the priest would have peed and pooped, but there were no traces left in his cabin. Except for the well-grown wheat ears.



My last time.

I leave my final record in this journal that has stayed with me my entire life.

I, Captain Kalem Sunat and 30 other crew members will be eaten by quicksand as punishment for breaking the taboo.

Ah, I can see the black maw heading underground.

If this record passes through the sand into the world in the distant future, let future generations know our fate.

Do not break the taboo.

Kill foreign priests as soon as you meet them to eliminate any future troubles.



May 2nd

Thank you! thank you! Be it the ancient will of the desert, the ancestors, or the goddess of abundance!

We lived! He survived that terrible fall!

Priest Maldauf was a greater person than we thought! The ship was completely covered with wheat ears, to the point where it was no longer usable, but it was still alive thanks to the shock they received.

The priest was saddened that he had used up all the grains of wheat that had been consecrated to spread abundance in the new land.

Of course, when one of the sailors clumsily repeated his prayer, his face lit up as if it had never happened before.

Umm… Latura Tenevrie….? Is this the right way to do it?

Since we’ve come this far, there’s nothing to worry about.



Fly, fly, fly –

As each page of the journal was read, the crew members who were scared and said they had been cursed began to gather to the side little by little.

but. There’s no way these people wouldn’t be interested. Isn’t this the diary of someone who was in the same situation as them?

‘I thought it would just be a record of latitude and whatnot, but it’s more fun to read than I thought.’

It feels like reading the diaries of sailors stranded on a deserted island.

But fun is fun. What he was looking for was not the story of how the captain and crew survived.

It was a story about how he died.

Palak Palak –

The professor flipped through an old journal. A ship that could not be salvaged was torn apart to build a flimsy house on a layer of debris on the sea; edible and poisonous sea creatures were meticulously recorded; sand blocking the sky no matter where you looked; to despairing sailors in a place where there was nothing but the sky and the sea. The priest’s missionary activities became the only consolation. For the priest of abundance, the rich land is the temple. When the sailors heard that if they grow wheat ears well and make a field, they can amplify their divine power and send a request for help to the temple outside. I was able to have at least a little hope.

The joys and sorrows that the sailors who landed here experienced in less than a week were all written down in this small booklet.

Palak Palak –

The captain’s letters embroidered in the voyage log were getting smaller and smaller. It’s to save ink, and it probably means that the captain is prepared to stay here for quite some time. At the same time, it would be said that there was a possibility of survival during this time.

As the small, neat writing continued, the professor’s hand caught his chin as he turned the page.

“…There’s a piece of paper stuck, right? Did seawater get in?”

“Give it to me. I, too, have had a similar situation where I spilled my drink on the navigator’s log. “If you don’t remove it properly, it will tear.”

The captain, who received the navigation log from the professor, carefully removed the stuck paper with familiar skill. The captain opened the dry, stiff pages, seemed to ponder what caught his eye for a moment, and then quickly handed the log to the professor.


“Why was the content deleted?”

“no. “It seems like the information we were looking for starts here.”


The unfolded page was filled with letters scribbled to the point that the paper was torn, unlike the previously clear letters.



May 13, 121 solar calendar. Can’t see stars.

Sailors are going missing. This is incomprehensible.

There are many cases in which people are unable to contact the outside world for longer periods of time than this.

Of course, the situation we are in now is more special than that, but these are the sailors I have seen for over ten years. These guys aren’t that weak-minded.

Moreover, there are people who say that thanks to the priest, they are happier and more stable than when they lived up there. Why on earth did you jump into the sea?

….Fuck yes. It’s not a disappearance. The nine missing sailors all neatly organized their clothes and jumped into the sea naked, never to return.

The sailors who were lying in ambush on the beach, including the priest and me, caught the naked sailor.

Damn this guy was completely crazy! He was struggling, screaming horribly, with mesmerized eyes, until the priest’s holy magic put him to sleep, and he continued to struggle until the wrists he was holding were completely broken and his shoulders were dislocated.

The sea is singing a song. What on earth does that mean?


May 14, 121 solar calendar. Can’t see stars.

The guy I caught ended up going into the sea.

The pillar to which he was tied was covered in cut wrists and blood. There were clear bite marks on the remaining wrist.

The priest created all the sacred letters and symbols he knew and devoted himself to prayer, and the sailors sang hymns beside him without even eating.

Why did I forget it? It is a hell where the ancient gods catch and kill those who break taboos.

No matter how strong the foreign media is, this place is in the arms of the desert.

A faint singing sound was heard in the early morning. I can’t sleep.



May 15, 121 solar calendar.

I killed the sailors with my own hands.

The priest went crazy and said, ‘Our God down there is calling! He wants me!’ The sailors who were saying the same thing and praying together threw the priest into the sea as if making a sacrifice.

Those who cheered at the sight of the priest sinking without even blinking turned their eyes to find something else to fill their empty hands.

It was so easy to cut down those who had lost their wits with their bare hands.

It was very difficult to endure the sound of the waves of the open sea, surrounded by the corpses of sailors and shipwrecks, in this place that had become a sea of blood.

slam. Shoot! slam. Shoot!

okay. If you don’t want to go crazy, you should get rid of the body first. He dumped the bodies of the naked sailors into the sea one after another and picked up the pen again.

What to write now? Ah yes. Now that we have left the desert, it will be a voyage, not a logbook. I guess I should write about the sea.

A beautiful woman gently knocks on the door of my awkward sea-level home.

It’s a gentle gesture. Ah, I’m not alone yet.

His presence is felt with a surprising, unwavering sincerity.

Ah, that was it. The truly beautiful song that the sailors used to sing has finally reached me.

I can hear it. I can hear! It’s a heavenly melody! My brain and heart are accepting sounds that my weak ears cannot handle!

I’ll go. Ah, I will come to you! Don’t be angry because it’s too late. O immeasurable being of the depths.











The last record in the journal, filled with madness and blood stains, was cut off.


What is this? Why did the game genre change from fantasy to cosmic horror? Do old gods really fall into that category of elder gods? huh?

A vivid record of a group of people and the recorder going crazy.

The sight of his neat handwriting becoming more and more distorted and the old paper becoming soaked with sea water and blood stains was enough to make even the professor, who was synonymous with calmness, break into a cold sweat.

Sailors? He had already dabbed alcohol on his forehead to moisten his forehead and was spinning in place and spitting. They said it was like a ritual to ward off bad luck.


– Highway Nacho Man: C’Thun! C’Thun!

– takealook: I’m looking for someone to stay here with me until tomorrow morning. anyone. please.

– Jokass: I have to work overtime today. If you work overtime, the sun will rise, right?

– Holly: Well, I… I wish I hadn’t stayed here for so long… Uh…


The people in the chat room had a similar reaction to the sailors.

‘So, what you’re saying is that the thing down there was retrieving the NPCs that came down here? ‘Suck it in quicksand and then place it in my arms slowly?’

‘Let’s see… All that quicksand absorbs is taboo, that is, only things related to divinity. Are you saying that among the things related to that divinity, all the useless ships, houses, etc. were spit out and pushed out onto the sea, and only the NPCs, who were the substance, were sucked up?’

‘The year written in the record. It’s around year 129 in the solar calendar, right? 121 years… before my character was created. It’s not about Mute.’

It is most likely the sunken moon that shines within the coral at the bottom of the sea in the center of the ocean.

The sunken moon. The fallen god is collecting things related to divinity.


Falcatus, no, all of the Mutes are descendants of the queen who is now an evil spirit, right?

These guys are also on the ‘taboo radar’ from the moment they set foot in the desert.

Moreover, since they travel under the sand on tunnel worms, they would have moved closer to this sunken sea than the humans living on the surface.

Either they were dragged into the quicksand or the tunnel bugs seduced by that ‘singing sound’ jumped to their deaths along with all the passengers.

This means that they naturally had no choice but to encounter this sunken sea.

Moreover, since this sunken sea retains its ancient vitality, isn’t it a piece of cake for the mutes who are pounding the chamber maids until the ground dries up in order to produce troops?

‘If the sunken moon collects sacred units, Falcatus, a direct descendant of the queen, would also have been able to approach the moon.’

In this way, Falcatus gained power related to the secrets of the desert.

He gave a portion of it to Kauladi and tempted him to pursue a wish that he could not fulfill.

Thanks to this, he devoured the dragon’s corpse, even if it was incomplete…

‘He knew that I could use divine power.’

‘When you use divine power, the sunken moon reaches out and draws it into your arms.’

‘A powerful enemy called the dragon. An environment where you have no choice but to use divine power.’

“Ha ha ha ha ha. I plan to save your life. From now on.』

‘….You fucking unlucky bastard’

They dragged me here by openly declaring me as their target in front of Kauladi.

Just saying it out loud makes me feel dizzy, but it is too obvious to deny.

“I’m caught.”

There was no room for doubt as he kindly said things like, “On the way, I saw that Taboo’s quicksand was unusual, but he had prepared countermeasures…”.

Falcatus predicted that the professor would use taboo quicksand as a last resort and used it to attract him.

It felt like I was completely naked from head to toe.

I’ve been tricked and taken advantage of in small ways recently, but this is the first time I’ve been hit so cruelly in a fight like this, so it was quite a shock.

Look at the result.

Our friend Nulak had abandoned us, and since he too had been robbed, there was a high possibility that the promised reinforcements would come to naught.

The Rakshasha was seriously injured and collapsed, and we were thrown into a place where Mute might be lurking, along with the ship with its bottom split open.

The first time I met Falcatus was when he had just been appointed as the Warrior of Light, so it had been a little less than a year. In just that short period of time, I don’t know where that prickly daddy boy went in the past, but now he’s dancing on top of my head.

‘….Compared to someone somewhere.’

[what. In the first place, shouldn’t you be ashamed that you, who are the original, are inferior to that guy who is the pirated copy?]

‘If you put it that way, Professor Park’s mk.2, Hyde, you should be as good as that bastard! When we meet, we lie down on the sofa and organize the materials! mind! This one has two heads of the same hardware! ‘How can you be so completely robbed!’

[….Probably the difference in concentration. That bastard knew almost all the information about us.]

The professor couldn’t help but sigh at Hyde’s words.

Certainly, the professor went around worrying about Wuthering Heights, the Empire, the future of World 3, and the truth about Clear and GG.

In contrast, Falcatus had only one interest.

me. Professor Park. In his head, he is his rival and his father’s archenemy.

After I was completely robbed of Wuthering Heights, I turned my attention to the desert to figure out my destination and avoid it. Meanwhile, the empire was observing my every move to see what I was doing and what power I was using.

He knows my fighting style, my tendencies, and probably even knows how many hairs I have in my armpits.

As a named player created based on the player’s information, he faithfully fulfills his role and focuses only on dealing with the player.

No, I no longer believe that this is a programmed tendency. He’s calling my name like “Professor Park” right now, so why should I worry about programs?

“…I guess it’s because things are going so well these days. I feel lost. “The blade has become very dull.”

The professor, who had just finished reading the navigation log and threw it into the box, sighed as he looked at the blue sea spreading out beneath his feet.

good. He licked me thoroughly and played with me based on that information.

‘then. I guess I’ll have to take out the parts I don’t know and poke at them.’

I brushed off all the cases related to ‘Clear’ that had spread widely in my mind and left only the ones related to ‘Falcatus’.

I heard that there are people who are equal or better than me and only care about me, so I can’t afford to be distracted and take my time.

‘If I don’t destroy this guy in the first place, I don’t think clearing will be possible.’

The conversation I had with him after meeting him. Tendency revealed in conversation. Mercenary skills. Way of thinking. It brings all kinds of salient things to the surface of thought.

And something that can never be revealed to his gaze. I pick out and list each and every thing I can wield outside of his line of sight.

I looked it up and found that although there wasn’t a lot, there were still a few things that were quite useful.

….It’s close to speculation, but if what you think is true about the moon’s identity, it’s a billion! There is one thing that is quite sharp enough to make a sound.

“…First of all, they made a mistake. “Shall we start from there?”

The professor, who was quietly wiping away the pattern left on his side, turned his head towards the blue sea.

sunken sea. Obviously, Mute arrived first and took over, and it can be said to be his home ground, which he is smoothly taking over.

This is a water magician.

Dropping the waterbuck, which is infamous throughout March World, into the sea. Releasing a creature in the water for whom the concept of drowning is not common! Isn’t this deplorable, un-magical thinking?

‘If you don’t know, you should be right.’

Just like how I was treated like this because I didn’t know, this time I was planning to stab me from the other side in an unknown direction.


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Clearing the Game at the End of the World

Clearing the Game at the End of the World

CGEW, 세상의 끝에서 클리어를 외치다
Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Professor Park, a Wasteland solo survivor for the past 7 years. Depleted supplies. A broken generator. A crazy gang tracking him down. At the brink of death, he makes a desperate decision! “Shit! You call this a game?!” To go inside a game!


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