Academy’s Genius Swordmaster Chapter 61

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< 61. Interim Evaluation (3) >


Ronan who was holding La Mancha back plunged his sword into Bald No. 2’s back. His form disappeared and his body regained its freedom.

“Crazy bastards.”

Ronan cursed. The end of Bald Man No. 2 and 3 was violent. No matter how much safety was guaranteed the courage was not average.

The ground was moving away at a rapid pace. The wind was roaring with the force of shattering my eardrums. Ronan calmly looked around. The cross section of the cliff was so smooth that there was nothing to hold on to.

‘I guess I’ll have to trust Old Man Doron.’

Waves were crashing over his head. The pure white stone wall was rising right in front of Ronan’s eyes.

Ronan twisted his body this way and that standing upright and falling into a falling posture. Ronan grabbed the hilt of the sword with both hands and struck La Mancha with all his might. Quack! The tip of the sword that was looking down at him was stuck in the cliff.


Ronan gritted his teeth as the shock penetrated his entire body. Let’s go! La Mancha came down splitting the cliff vertically. Slowly the speed slowed and the fall stopped within a few seconds.

“Huh… gasp… damn….”

It was the kind of fatigue you would feel if you cut down a hundred cave giants in a row. When he raised his head a straight sword mark that seemed to be 5 meters long caught his eye.

“I can’t do it twice….”

White dust was rising from a wound on the cliff. Now I couldn’t even see the ground clearly. At that time the same explosion sound as before was heard from above.


‘…Are we still fighting?’

Ronan’s eyes widened. The rocks that once made up the island rained down on Ronan’s head. He started climbing the rock wall as fast as he could avoiding falling rocks. bang! The explosion sounded again.


“That’s amazing Adeshan. “How many times has this happened already?”

Eiun lifted the hammer from the ground. A deep and wide pit was dug beneath the hammer head with the face of a wolf carved into it. Adeshan who was catching his breath opened his mouth.

“Whoa…Aun. Stop playing around. “Don’t insult me ​​anymore.”

“It’s no joke. I truly admire you. “How is this possible?”

Eun tilted his head. His downward strike which involves jumping from a height of 5 meters and falling like a meteor was a technique that even most honor students found difficult to avoid.

But Adeshan had already avoided it five times. It seemed like he was perfectly anticipating Eiun’s landing point. It was an incredible feat that she who was still at the level of a sword user had accomplished.

“It’s not a joke but does it make sense to use that one technique? “Do it the same way you would with other people.”

“Other people usually go out of their way with just one hit from this…Adeshan why don’t you know my consideration?”


“okay. I’m trying to get you eliminated in one fell swoop without any damage. Why are you protesting pointlessly? “Look at you.”

Aun said as if he felt sorry for him. Regardless of whether he actually avoided it or not Adeshan’s appearance was miserable. It was because he avoided being struck down but at the same time was unable to block the flying debris.

The rapidly flying stone fragments created countless large and small bruises all over her body. She said Ade Shan.

“…don’t worry.”


The blood flowing from my forehead was blocking my vision. Every time she moved her body the wounds all over her body opened up causing a burning pain. Ade Shan wiping her face with her sleeve adjusted her posture.

“If you really care about me don’t look at me any more.”

“Well you were stubborn even before repeating a grade. “It’s so sad not to have any talent.”

Eun curled her body again. She watched Ade Shan’s movements with her eyes wide open. Hundreds of predicted movement paths were drawn before her eyes.

‘Her right foot moved first. Her left bicep swelled. It’s the same type of downward strike as the third.’

It seemed like she was only planning on using it to get her down until the very end. Soon his body soared. A shadow fell over her Ade Shan’s head.

A huge hammer was coming down tearing the wind. Until then Ade Shan had not taken her eyes off Eyun.

Soon her hundreds of paths were narrowed down to one. Adeshan rolled to the left just before the hammer hit his forehead. Kwaaaa!! Dust exploded with a loud noise.

“Huh this time too…”

I missed it again. It was the moment when Aun pulled out the hammer again. The dust cracked and a shadow rushed towards him.

“Would you like to try a counterattack?”

Aun grinned and swung the hammer sideways. Huh! The battle hammer drew an arc and dust flew away. Eiun’s eyes widened.


What appeared where the dust disappeared was a breastplate that was almost crushed. bang! The breastplate that was hit directly by the hammer bounced far away.

Then what about Adeshan?

For a moment cool goosebumps ran all over Eiun’s body. It was the moment when he hurriedly turned his head. The slash from his firing line hit Eiun directly in the neck.

Kaang! A metallic sound rang out. Adeshan who appeared from behind muttered softly.


“That was creepy Adeshan. “Really.”

Ade Shan’s hand was shaking as he held the hilt of his sword. No matter how hard I tried the knife wouldn’t go inside his skin. Eiun’s skin that came in contact with the blade turned into steel-like metal. Eiun muttered as if he was shocked.

“I never thought they would even activate an aura.”

Cold sweat ran down Eiun’s temples. Adeshan’s sword strike came from a perfect angle. If she had only reached the Sword Expert level she would have been eliminated. Eiun heaved a sigh of relief and swung his hammer.


bang! Her shaft hit her and she fell on her back. The playfulness disappeared from Eiun’s face. Instead of leaping into the air he struck the hammer straight down.

Ade Shan hurriedly raised his head. The wolf’s face made of black iron was right in front of his nose.

‘…I don’t have the decency to look at my junior.’

Suddenly the face of Ronan who had saved her and fell off the cliff came to mind. He tried to get revenge somehow but ultimately failed. That was the moment when she closed her eyes tightly. Kaaaaang! A metallic sound as if my eardrums were being torn apart echoed right in front of me.

“…Did you climb that cliff?”

Eiun’s bewildered voice followed. Adeshan opened his eyes. Her familiar back was standing in front of her.


“He was still alive. “You had a hard time.”

“Wasn’t he eliminated? What happened?!”

“I just crawled up is there anything special? Instead my knife suffered a bit.”

The La Mancha held in Ronan’s hand was bare. When she stopped falling and climbed up the cliff it was because she had a rough roll.

Ronan slightly cut her own forearm drawing blood to her blade. The restored blade as if new flesh had sprouted began to exude anticipation again. Eun who was looking at her hammer said in bewilderment.

“My hammer…what on earth is this sword made of?”

The wolf’s snout carved into the hammerhead was neatly cut. It was an unprecedented sword that used specially processed black iron like butter. Ade Shan came to his senses and spoke hastily.

“Ronan be careful. Eiun’s specialty is leaping into the air and slashing. Since the center of gravity is focused on the left it will be easier to attack by digging in to the right. You can change your trajectory right before but if you look at the angle of your elbows carefully you can easily avoid it. “Don’t be hasty…”

“thank you. But this time it’s okay.”


Ronan turned her head slightly to look at Ade Shan. It was no exaggeration to say that there were wounds everywhere not covered by her armor. Blood was dripping from her arms stomach forehead shoulders thighs and shins onto the floor.

Her hand holding the hilt of her sword tightened. Ronan turned his gaze back to Eiun. A voice like an animal growling escaped from between his lips.

“How dare you…”

Eiun who felt an unusual sense of death straightened his posture. The feeling was strong and I felt like I shouldn’t do it lightly. Just as he was wrapping his auror around himself Ronan’s figure disappeared from sight.


Eiun’s eyes widened. Ronan who had disappeared for a moment appeared right next to him. It was the moment when Eyun strengthened his body to swing his hammer. Sigh! His clothes exploded and a fountain of blood spurted from his entire body.


The hammer fell from Eiun’s hand. Large and small stab wounds were carved into every corner of his body. It was a precisely measured wound so as not to kill or maim.

The aura that hardened the skin did not work. Adeshan covered his mouth in shock.

“What is this…!”

The intermediate process before the clothes exploded was not even visible. Eun was about to fall unconscious. Ronan landed a knee kick to the face that was coming down crushing the bare back of his head. Wow! His white teeth popped out with the sound of his nose breaking.


It was a shame that he was bald and had no hair to raise. Ronan had no choice but to climb on Eiun’s chest. Aun who was out of breath was about to say something. Kwasik! Ronan’s fist got stuck in the middle of his face.


“Try getting hit just before you die. “It won’t be a bad experience.”

One-sided violence continued. Every time a fist was thrown into the face blood and teeth flew out. After a few minutes Eiun disappeared. Ronan mumbled rubbing the blood from his fist onto his pants.

“Fucking bald bastard.”

Now I felt like my anger had eased a little. It was noticeable to see the people waiting at Phileon looking confused. A third-year senior with blood clots all over his naked body was in his opinion quite a sight to behold.

Eventually Ronan got up and approached Adeshan. She was sitting on the floor blinking her eyes continuously as if she had seen her ghost.

“Fuck are you okay?”

“Uh yeah….”

“Wait. “I’ll fix it now.”

Ronan took out her potion bottle from her inner pocket. He began meticulously applying the potion to each of Adeshan’s wounds.

As soon as the blue liquid touched the affected area the wound healed. Ronan was about to place his hand on the cut on her cheek.

“Hey hey… thank you so much but can I apply the rest?”

“Stay still.”

“Oh yeah….”

Ronan held the tip of her chin and applied the potion to her. Their faces were so close that their breaths touched each other. Adeshan just stared at the floor until the treatment was finished. Suddenly Ronan opened her mouth.

“Anyway how did you do it?”

“huh? what…?”

“I mean dodging that bastard’s attack. No matter how roughly I did it it wasn’t something my senior could avoid. “You even counterattacked earlier?”

“Ah…it’s nothing. It just predicts the route based on habits or movements. “You can understand most things if you watch them a few times.”

“Usually we call that a separate thing.”

Ronan laughed. It was an insight that was almost magical. I felt like I knew why they were able to last close to 5 minutes even though their skills were so different. Ronan who had finished applying her potion removed Ade Shan’s hand from her chin.

“Okay that’s it.”

“Uh huh…thank you.”

Ade Shan grabbed Ronan’s hand and pulled her to her feet. The wounds and pain that covered her entire body had completely disappeared. she asked her voice laced with concern.

“Hey… wasn’t that an extremely expensive potion just now…?”

“that’s right.”

“Can you just use that on me? “I would have treated you when I returned to Phileon anyway.”

“Then should I who’s not hurt use it? How come you sound like that dwarf? And then put it on.”

Suddenly Ronan took off her school uniform coat and handed it to her. Embarrassed Ade Shan waved her hand.

“huh? Oh no. It really doesn’t matter. Enough. huh?”

“It’s because you look ugly. “I even put it on her shoulder.”

Only then did Adeshan realize his condition and blush. The area covered by her breastplate was soaked with blood and sweat. Pure white bare skin was exposed through the gaps in the clothes that were torn here and there.

She quietly draped her coat over her shoulders. Nodding her head in satisfaction Ronan opened her mouth.

“Then let’s finish walking.”

“huh? “You’re not going to fight…?”

“You can do it later. This time let’s go somewhere we’ve never been before.”

Ronan turned his back. She hesitated but Adeshan caught up with her. The two people walked inside the island. Next to the forest was a hilly area covered with short grass. As I walked I could hear screams and the sound of metal clashing on the wind.

“It looks like they are still fighting.”

“huh. “There are over 100 people so it will probably take quite a while.”

“Who do you think will win as a senior?”

“Huh? Hmm…maybe you or Schlieffen will win?”

“You can’t do that. In times like this I’m the winner anyway so I should just wash my neck… What are those bastards doing?”

At that time two male students ran out from over the hill. The students armed with curved swords and spears rushed towards Ronan and Adeshan shouting cheers that were almost like screaming.


“We’re having a conversation.”

The running speed was unusual. Ronan swung La Mancha as if he was annoyed. Suddenly. The two figures disappeared at the same time. Ade Shan shook her head and muttered.

“…you are truly amazing. “I think I know what the instructor said: I’m one of the luckiest people in the world.”

“me too.”

The two people that Ronan cut down as if he were taking something out of his pocket were among the top 3rd graders. The two continued walking chatting about various things.

After the hilly area a dense forest appeared again. It was a forest so insidious and large that it could not be compared to the forest on the coast. The surroundings became quiet. Suddenly Ronan who was walking among the trees stopped in place.



“I want to hear stories that I didn’t hear back then. Is it possible?”

“At that time…”

“There’s a story we said in the health room the first day we met. “That’s why I definitely wanted to become a general.”

The voice was serious. Adeshan’s face hardened as he remembered the memory. She smiled awkwardly as she adjusted her collar.

“Ahaha why am I suddenly curious about that…?”

“It’s incredibly important.”

“It’s not a very interesting story…”

“I want to hear it.”

Ronan seemed to show no signs of backing down. Adeshan lowered her head as she looked into his eyes for a moment. Her mouth opened quietly.

“…there was a war.”

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Academy’s Genius Swordmaster

Academy’s Genius Swordmaster

Score 8
Status: Completed Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The Swordmaster who has returned by chance to save the world!


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