Academy’s Genius Swordmaster Chapter 291

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< 291. Decisive Battle (1) >


Navardose exhaled. The fireball lodged in her throat shot towards Nebula Clazier’s headquarters. In an instant all Allied forces stopped moving.

“I shot!”

someone shouted. Eventually this moment came. A fireball so bright and hot that it could be believed to be the sun’s younger brother was sliding through the wind.

“Everyone close your eyes and bow your heads! “Send a request for support to the Magic Tower!”

“React calmly!”

It was important from here. Commanders leading each unit quickly began giving instructions. As they had practiced in advance the soldiers sought cover and hid or lowered their heads and turned away from the fireball.

[Aun Pilar. Now.]

[Confirmed. This is amazing.]

Adeshan sent a message to the magic tower owners. Dawn Magic Tower lord Aun Pillar’s exclamation returned. In charge of long-distance fire support he was watching the battle unfold along with the wizards under his command.

Ugh! At the same time a huge force field covered the nine fortresses occupied by the Allied forces. It was a joint work of not only Dawn but all magic towers. It was a shield to block the recoil of the fire unleashed by Navardose.


It didn’t take 5 seconds to get here. She clenched her fists as Adeshan closed her eyes. Peace on the continent was at hand. It was the moment when the shrinking fireball hit the star’s protection covering the headquarters.

Kwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! A loud noise rang out. Indescribable flashes and heat covered the white earth. Everything in sight was engulfed in crimson flames.


“Hang in there!”

The soldiers gritted their teeth. Even though there were five layers of defense between us I could vividly feel the terrible heat. The defense shields which had reached a critical point in an instant were shaking like crazy.


【for a moment…】

As for the creatures outside the shield not even a single ant baby survived. The believers and artificial giants who managed to save their lives were oxidized to ashes before they could even let out screams of death.

The grass trees and corpses strewn about randomly all perished in the flames. The screams emanating from the air shook the heavens and the earth. The primordial fire soared into the sky drawing a huge vortex of flames thousands of meters in diameter.

Even if he was a god it seemed like he wouldn’t be able to survive there. Before long the whirlwind dispersed and the flames died down. Asher’s eyes widened.

“I vomited…!”

Instead of entering the shield he took refuge in the distant skies. The headquarters that appeared from where the smoke had blown away was not covered by the star’s protection. Orsay who was carrying Asher laughed.

【You are a monster without an answer.】

At this point it was ridiculous. The shame of having fainted after being punched in the chest seemed to have eased a bit. The soldiers who opened their eyes belatedly let out an expression of astonishment.

“Look look! “Their defense shield is disappearing!”

“Oh my god really!”

Cheers erupted from the nine fortresses. The star’s protection which could not overcome the heat was crumbling. The interior of the castle which had not been properly seen was being revealed.

“I don’t have much more than I thought? Did you put everything inside?”

“We built nine forts and it’s worth it. “I guess we’ve run out of money now.”

The soldiers murmured. Is it because the personnel were dispersed? The number of believers stationed on the walls seemed to be no different from the forces resisting in each fortress.

The only thing that bothered me was the mana swaying deep within that castle. A huge amount of mana was rising into the sky forming an invisible pillar.

“What is that?”

“I don’t know. “It looks like it’s doing something but…”

I couldn’t find out the details. Almost everyone looked at Navardose at the same time. Spitting out her fire to the fullest she was flapping her wings in her place catching her breath. Ade Shan tilted her head.

“Master Navardose…?”

Even though he had an amazing record his expression was not very good. Her eyes were still glaring deathly at the pale castle.

The soldiers who did not know this were waiting for the order to charge confident of victory. About a minute had passed. Navardose who had been growling suddenly spat out.

【I will fire one more shot.】


People’s eyes widened. The embarrassed commanders were just about to say something. Kwaaaaang! Her mouth opened wide and fire spouted out once again.

“Wait a minute Navardose!”

Schlieffen shouted urgently. Now that the shield was gone there was a high possibility that Iril would be caught in there if he were in there.

But the die had already been cast. The torrent of flames had already reached the Pale Castle. The embarrassed soldiers were about to close their eyes again and turn around. Quaaaaa! The flames that were about to collide with the castle split to the left and right.

“What the fuck is that!?”

“The fire split apart!”

The soldiers’ eyes grew so big that they almost seemed to pop out. I couldn’t believe it even when I saw it. Instead of reaching the castle the split flames were passing by on both sides.

Something was blocking her fire. Her Adeshan who sensed her crisis at that moment cried out to her.

“It’s dangerous!”


Navardose narrowed his brows. At the same time a crescent moon shot out from where the flames split. The crescent moon shimmering with bizarre colors was as large as the fortress where the Allied forces were stationed.

“Sword energy…!”

Adeshan’s eyes widened. Judging by its shape and form it was unmistakably a sword. However its size and power were completely unrealistic.

Navardose added firepower as if he was getting nervous but the swordsmanship did not stop. Her crescent moon cut through her flames and was about to hit her.

【Damn it.】

In the end Navarro twisted her body first. At the same time sword energy lightly brushed across her wing ridges. Wow! Her blood splattered from the spot where the sword touched her.

“I am Navardose!”

She said Ade Shan covered her mouth with both her hands. The red scales which had been intact even after being hit directly by the artificial giant’s spear were cut cleanly. Silence fell over the shocked Allied camp. Suddenly someone’s voice rang out from the castle.

“Twice is troublesome. miss.”


Navardose’s eyes widened. On the white castle wall where the flames had completely disappeared there was a man standing. The long sword held in her right hand and her pure white hair were as impressive as the clothes she was wearing. Adeshan saw his face and his eyes widened.


The man’s face looked very similar to Ronan’s. It was no exaggeration to say that they were the same person except that they were a little older and had different hair colors.

Suddenly the image of someone Ronan had mentioned about his impressions flashed through her mind. It wasn’t that difficult to guess the identity of her man. she moaned as if she were screaming.

“Cult leader Abel…!”


Marya who was next to me raised her eyebrows. The fact that that man was the leader of the cult quickly spread throughout the entire army. They were frozen for a moment. Kwaaaaang! Navardose’s wings spread out as if exploding.

【Do not intervene. I will take charge of that person.】

I didn’t know much about Abel. However the dragon’s sensitive scales warned him that he was a more dangerous opponent than anyone else.

His shrunken body was gradually swelling up and returning to its original size. Newly grown scales were covering the wound on his shoulder.

She folded her wings and shot forward. Almost immediately Abel’s figure disappeared from her sight. Kwaaaaang! The crash sound rang out exactly at the halfway point. Abel laughed.

“You have a temperament.”

【Shut up you evil thing.】

Navardose said in a disdainful tone. Instead of responding Abel turned her sword around and grabbed it. Her hand that was holding her hand was shaking as if it would break at any moment.

“Your strength is too strong for no reason.”

She was not praised as the Mother of Fire for nothing. It was a car that he was worried about about how to hold it. Suddenly Navardose’s horn flashed and a huge translucent sphere surrounded the two people. Abel shrugged his eyebrows.

“What is this again?”

【Your ambition ends here.】

Navardose growled. It was a shield to prevent the aftermath of the battle from radiating to the outside world. Just as Abel was about to say something the two figures disappeared along with the shield.

“It disappeared.”

“You said that was the cult leader earlier? “How is the situation going?”

This was again an unexpected situation. The confused soldiers were mumbling. Suddenly Navardose’s cry rang loudly from the sky.

【Everyone advance! Eliminate all the evil hordes who try to make their ugly fantasies come true!】

“Master Navardose…!”

I couldn’t see it but I could hear it clearly. It seemed like they were probably engaged in a battle with the cult leader within this space. Suddenly the space where Navardose was located turned over and Lorhorn came out.

“Now then let’s go too.”

“Grand Wizard?”

The soldiers’ eyes widened. When he returned to the form of an old man his hands were already filled with the magic he was casting. match! He clapped his hands while reciting a few incantations. A small magic circle was drawn beneath the feet of all Allied forces.

“Is this…?”

“You can’t walk that long distance. “Let’s see if it becomes a storm.”

Lorhorn laughed at the soldiers’ bewilderment. Then all the magic circles began to shine at the same time and the space where each Allied soldier was located was turned upside down.


Paaaa-! Those who opened their eyes again took a deep breath. The allied forces which had been dispersed across nine fortresses were gathered in one place. They were besieging the Pale Castle in perfect formation.

“oh my god.”

“You moved 100000 people at the same time?”

The tall castle walls stretched out before my eyes. The pillar of mana that was visible far away was so close that it almost seemed like it could be touched by her hand. The believers stationed on the wall were astonished.

“What the fuck is happening all of a sudden!?”


It was a magic worthy of the title of Grand Wizard. It didn’t take long to adapt. The commanders who had shared the strategy by phone were about to give the order to charge. Suddenly a loud voice rang out from the castle walls.

“Welcome. everyone.”


Adeshan looked up. A woman wearing a colorful robe was looking down at the Allied forces. On the outside she was just a young and beautiful girl but the energy she had blooming over her shoulders was extraordinary.

“Everyone worked hard to get here. I am truly amazed at your abilities. “Even if it’s fake I didn’t know that he would slay so many giants.”

The woman continued. The confused people were listening to her without even thinking about what to say in response. Adeshan was the first to come to his senses and aim his crossbow. Archbishop Le Tancier smiled brightly.

“Then bye now.”

It was a tickling laugh. Next the mana pillar that was rising above the castle that had been an eyesore from before was amplified dozens of times.

Hahaha! At the same time the clouds covering the sky suddenly dispersed. The Allied Force’s eyes grew so big that they almost popped out. Dozens of huge magic circles were filling the sky.


Someone chanted. It was a sight you could never forget once you saw it. I had already seen magic circles with strange patterns wriggling around.

As if to prove it white giants were slowly coming down tearing through the magic circle. With as few as four or as many as six wings they were not artificially created fakes.

It was clear that it had been prepared over a very long period of time. Only then did people realize that the nine forts were not just built for defense but to pass the time. A despairing sigh escaped Adeshan’s lips.

“Were you hiding it behind a cloud…!”

She didn’t notice at all. The sound of flapping wings echoed across the scorched earth. The storm that could uproot entire trees was getting closer.

No one moved. No one spoke up. Schlieffen the two Sword Saints and even Lorhorn froze and just looked at the sky where the giants were coming down.

Overwhelmed with despair they even forgot that they were breathing. Then the giant who came down first stretched out his hand. Although it had four wings it was much larger than Duaru or Basagia.

The gathered particles gave him a spear made of light in his hand. The giant aimed at the ground and opened his mouth.

『Ahayute executes the sentence.』

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Academy’s Genius Swordmaster

Academy’s Genius Swordmaster

Score 8
Status: Completed Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The Swordmaster who has returned by chance to save the world!


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