Academy’s Genius Swordmaster Chapter 114

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< 114. Blood wets the sand (5) >


Black crystal covered the walls and ceiling of the cave. It was the magic stone from Dainhar that everyone was looking for. Ronan’s eyes widened at the scale he had never seen before.

‘I’ll buy a decent castle or territory.’

It was enough to be done about a thousand times. If I took just one piece I could eat and play for the rest of my life.

But that wasn’t what mattered now. Suddenly a large young man walked out among the natives.

“Cough stranger. “Why did you come all the way here?”

The difference between Ronan and his head was that he was larger. The overall thick-lined face resembled thunder whether we knew it or not.

The unique tattoos of the Dainhar indigenous people were engraved on the muscular upper body. In one of his sturdy hands he held a dagger. Ronan realized that he was the criminal who kidnapped Thunder.

“Didn’t you hear the thunder? “I’m here to help.”

“What a big liar. “How can you say something like that even after seeing that hell… I know that the object I saw was the black stone anyway.”

“Has he been deceived? Of course it’s not completely wrong but…”

Ronan trailed off his horse. Cough! The man coughed deeply again and growled lowly.

“I know that you saved the thunder of your dreams. In return you may return with as many stones as you wish. Instead don’t come back again.”

“This is how Dainhar monkeys behave. “It’s very arbitrary.”

“If you don’t listen…”

Suddenly the man grabbed the hilt of the sword. Crash. With the sound of metal clinking the length of the dagger tripled. He pointed the extended tip of his sword at Ronan and chanted.

“I will kill you.”

“Stop bragging man. “Even if I just run away you’ll die first.”


“You’re hurt. “I saw it when I was chasing you.”

Ronan said calmly. He had noticed since the chase that the man’s condition was not normal.

“Keuuuu…how dare you….”

The man who was seen through gritted his teeth. In fact there were two fist-sized metal objects stuck in his back. The sparkling mana seemed to have been hit during the battle with Nebula Clazier.

The foul odor emanating from the affected area indicated the severity of the wound. Ronan looked around and laughed as if he was shocked.

“Did you save people with that body? “That’s amazing.”

“Shut up…!”

Most of the people gathered in the cave were women children or the injured. Given the circumstances it seemed like the man saved not only the thunder but also the rest. Ronan continued.

“If you leave that alone you’ll die. “I’ll fix it so just wait.”

“Ugh…don’t disturb me and get out!”

“older brother! “Don’t do that!”

The man raised his arms. Thunder who was watching screamed. Sigh! At that moment a shadow slid down the slope Ronan had come down from.

“Who are you?”

The man hurriedly turned his head towards her. The natives who were nervous reflexively let go of the protest. Kagak! Sparks flew in the air and the cut crossbows fell to the floor.

“I’m stuck again!”

A scream of embarrassment erupted. The shadows that struck down five crossbows at once rushed towards the man.

“The speed…!”

The movements were unusual. The panicked man swung his sword. It wasn’t a very bad attack but the shadow dodged the attack very easily and dug in. The two shapes were about to overlap. Ronan muttered as if sighing.

“Don’t kill me.”

At that moment the shadow stopped. Tuk. The dagger fell from the man’s hand. A cool sweat was running down his temples.

“Huh huh huh…what is this….”

I didn’t even know what happened. The man swallowed thickly and slowly lowered his gaze. A bluish blade was pointed at his neck. Schlieffen opened his mouth without hesitation.

“Ronan. “What happened?”

“Yeah I tried to do it peacefully.”

Ronan spat on the floor. They were poor guys so I tried to resolve it through conversation if possible but it seemed like I had already failed. The natives oppressed by Schlieffen’s murder were frozen unable to even think of resisting.

Although he seemed cool-headed he was a man with no backs. Now that things were like this I felt like I should just carry on as usual. Ronan sighed again.

“It’s okay so just do it. “What about Sita?”


As soon as she could speak Sita flew over and sat on Ronan’s shoulder. Nodding his head Ronan walked back behind his man. He said looking around at the natives.

“Now everyone stay still. “The moment you guys start messing around this healthy young man’s head will be blown off.”

“What are you trying to do…keaaaaaa!”

A desperate scream came from the man’s mouth. In Ronan’s hand he was holding a piece of metal that Nebula Clage had driven into it. Blood and pus that had been festering for three days dripped down.

“Ugh it’s dirty.”


While saying that Ronan pulled out the remaining metal pieces. Schlieffen thrust his sword and stopped his man from going on a rampage. Ronan who confirmed that there were no more metal objects said while stroking Sita.

“That’s enough. “Let’s use our power one more time.”


Sita responded and flew upward. Four wings spread wide. A band of red light covered the natives including the man.

“What about this?”

“The wound is healing…!”

People who felt this strange situation let out an exclamation. The wound in the area engulfed in the light was healing. New skin began to grow not only on bruises and abrasions but also on festering and rotting wounds. The man who witnessed the miraculous scene stammered.

“What the hell are you…”

“I told you. “I came to help.”

Ronan patted him on the back. I didn’t feel any pain. The original wound site was covered with fresh bare skin.

Suddenly water filled the man’s eyes. He looked around at the cured tribesmen and opened his mouth.

“…He is a benefactor. “Lower your weapons.”



“great job. “You are better than people.”

After completing treatment Sita landed on Ronan’s shoulder. He looked quite exhausted perhaps because he had to handle so many people at once. Ronan dropped two drops of the potion he had brought in advance into Sita’s mouth which was panting.

“It’s Varen’s special. Eat and gain strength.”


Sita who immediately regained her strength took off again. Anyway one effect was an amazing potion. Ronan turned his head and glanced around the bustling room.

“Everything is healed. “It doesn’t hurt anymore.”

“Look at this the angry gust bridge is moving!”

“Don’t overdo it. “I’m hurt again.”

The natives whose wounds had healed were happy. It was somehow a proud yet bitter sight. The man looked at each person one by one and returned to Ronan.

“I confirmed that everything is better. “I will definitely repay this favor.”

“it’s okay. “What is your name?”

“An angry gust of wind. He is the older brother of Dreaming Thunder. “Thank you so much for saving my little brother.”

“Somehow they looked similar and they were brothers. It’s Ronan. ”

Ronan shook hands. An angry gust of wind caught his hand. Ronan who was shaking his arms up and down laughed.

‘As we live days like this come.’

I didn’t know that I would hear the sound of a benefactor from the natives of Dainhar. Ronan took out his cigarette and opened his mouth.

“Is this all there is to survive?”

“As far as I know yes. “There may be more because they are scattered but there probably aren’t any.”

An angry gust of wind twisted his lips. After being silent for a moment he pointed to the metal piece that had come out of his body.

“A guy in a strange suit was dragging monsters around that shot those things. I killed him and all the monsters. “The other man didn’t do anything.”


“okay. “The more I swallowed the black stone the stronger I became.”

Gust began to describe the events of three days ago. As the thunder said two followers of Nebula Clazie pushed into Dainhar. Only one of them committed the massacre.

Three monsters he had never seen before followed him throwing metal objects everywhere. All of Dainhar’s warriors took up the fight but were helpless because of the shield that blocked any attacks.

‘The shield is the protection of the stars… and it’s a monster. Are we dealing with monsters again?’

The situation was more serious than expected. The identity of the monster was unknown but using the star’s protection meant that it was at least a branch leader-level person.

The man who said he did nothing also bothered me. Ronan clicked his tongue and exhaled smoke.

“Thank you for letting me know. “So do you know where those bastards went?”

“Why do you ask that? Are you really trying to catch them?”

“ok. “That’s why I came here in the first place.”


Suddenly an angry gust of wind screamed. A startling thunderstorm interrupted him.

“older brother. “Calm down.”

“It’s dangerous. They are not an opponent you can beat. “We cannot let our benefactors die.”

“No brother. All of these people are strong. “They are warriors almost at the level of a chieftain.”

“Dreaming Thunder…!”

“No it’s stronger. That blue hair can create a storm just by swinging a sword. Ronan said he was twice as strong as him.”

Thunder desperately tried to persuade Gust. It was funny to see people who were all dying worrying about the survival of others. Ronan said scratching his head.

“I’m sorry but no matter what you say I’m going to go find it.”


“I don’t want to lose my strength for no reason so just tell me quickly. “Does anyone really know where it went?”

Ronan said looking around at the natives. There was a thick silence. About a minute had passed. Gust who had been quietly drooling opened his mouth.

“I know.”


People turned their heads at the same time. Thunder also opened his eyes and looked up at him. Ronan asked shrugging his eyebrows.

“I told you that already. “Just tell me the location.”

“I can’t do that. You have to come with me no matter what. “Outsiders cannot reach there.”

“What do you mean?”

“I went in where their hearts were.”

For a moment Thunder’s face hardened. The natives began to riot violently. A trembling voice came out of Cheondeung’s mouth who had barely managed to control his excitement.

“…older brother. “Is that true?”

“Do not deceive your benefactor. “I saw it clearly.”

“That can’t be possible. “Why are you there…”

The reaction was unusual. Ronan tilted his head.

“What’s wrong with your heart?”

“…It is a sacred place. I swore to protect it from generation to generation. “It’s why we exist.”

“Holy place?”

“okay. All the black stones came out of there.”

Ronan’s eyes widened. This was a story I had never heard even in my previous life. Gust who was looking around picked up the dagger that was lying on the floor.

“let’s go. “I will guide you personally.”


“Be careful. “If it falls it’s over.”

“In what kind of rocky mountain is there a path like this?…”

Ronan shook his head from side to side. I felt like I knew why the gust of wind had declared that outsiders could not go. It was terrain that I would not have thought of as a road in the first place if I had not received guidance.

He was taking one step at a time clinging to the wall like a frog. There was a long cliff next to the side road that I could barely stand on with one foot. The stone that fell at his feet made a rattling sound only after a few minutes.

“This is the path to the heart. “You can go anywhere but not everyone can go.”

said the angry gust of wind. He too was passing through the narrow road in the same posture as the others.

Ronan and Schlieffen were following the gust of wind toward a place called ‘the heart’. The task of protecting the natives was left to Sita. Schlieffen who was also maintaining the frog pose muttered quietly.

“…It’s a shame.”

“But we’re almost there now. “Just be patient.”

To conclude it was a lie. They were able to get out of the narrow road quickly but the terrain was even more brutal. Ronan cursed as he saw the liquid under the stepping stones boiling.

“Is this really lava?”

“no. It’s red water. “It’s hot if you touch it so be careful.”

“It’s lava. “Fuck.”

It was about two hours later that there was a path worth walking. The huge passage was wide enough for thirty horses to race. The gust of wind that had been silently guiding them opened its mouth.



“It still bothered me that I looked away even though I saw it. I was able to go to my heart thanks to you saving and protecting people. “I thought outsiders were always bad but I guess that’s not the case.”

“It’s okay man. When you get to the heart or something run away without looking back. “Do you remember what you promised?”

“I get it. “I keep my promise.”

A gust of wind roared. Ronan’s request was that you never intervene as he would catch Nebula Clazier and punish her. Thunder which seemed like it was going to do something crazy had been tied up with a rope.

Before long the passage ended and an open space appeared. Ronan and Schlieffen’s eyes widened. A scenery I had never seen before unfolded before my eyes.

“We have arrived. “This is the heart.”

It was almost as big as the new Gran Cappadocia. Although it did not have a wonderful ecosystem like there other factors overwhelmed the viewer.

A light that I didn’t know where coming from was brightly illuminating the entire space. walls and floor. The ceiling was all covered with pure white metal.

It was an architectural style I had never seen before and the texture seemed similar to the exterior wall of a strange building I had seen during the mid-term evaluation.


Ronan’s gaze as he looked around landed on a huge colonnade. Dozens of hexagonal pillars lined up at regular intervals were erected at the ends of the space. The circumference of the pillars reaching up to the ceiling was thick enough to be compared to the spire of Phileon.

“I’ve never seen anything like this not even in my dreams…”

Ronan muttered as if he were lost. It was a scene that could not possibly feel real. Floating in the center of unreality was a black crystal known as the mother of all Dainhar magic stones.

The crystal which was larger than an average farmhouse was spewing out mana in all directions enough to make the surrounding space appear distorted. In front of her her man was standing with his back to her. Ronan hastily raised one of his arms.


The group stopped. Ronan quietly stared at her man. Glittering mana was blooming like fire above her sagging shoulders. It was clearly one of the Nebula Claziers who had invaded.

‘Why is there only one? Anyway what kind of power….’

Ronan twisted his lips. I felt a stronger energy than any believer I had ever seen. The level was far superior to that of the old man riding the Brigiana Wyvern.

Ronan was about to put his hand on the hilt of his sword. The man behind her opened her mouth without turning her head.

“Welcome. “It’s my first time meeting you in person.”

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Academy’s Genius Swordmaster

Academy’s Genius Swordmaster

Score 8
Status: Completed Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The Swordmaster who has returned by chance to save the world!


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