Insanely-Talented Player Chapter 63

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Episode 63

[Warning: Tower Break is getting closer! Prepare for an onslaught of monsters!]

The type of real threat facing this world.

Moreover, the risk of a break is also proportional to the level of the top, and in the case of tier 7 hard, it was the worst that could be experienced at this point.

In addition, a player who was alone failed to conquer the tower and came out of the tower safely without dying. It meant only one thing.

They gave up on the strategy and intentionally caused a tower break.

Considering how the behavior would be received by the world, Master Park’s stress-related hair loss did not accelerate for no reason.

“Oh yeah. grow. Are you eating well? “Is everything okay?”

A voice close to resignation came out of the receiver.

“Oh, isn’t it Manager Park?”

“I just looked and saw that my hair had fallen out on the office floor.”


Yoosung answered calmly and looked around.

As players adapted to the tower, so did the world. Before we knew it, the surrounding area was under control and evacuation was quickly carried out. In the distance, the military and police began setting up barricades and preparing for the coming threat.

Yoosung spoke, leaving behind the ear-splitting sound of the ‘tower break warning’.

“Don’t send the players away because they’ll be holding you back needlessly. Let me take care of it myself.”

“You idiot, do you seriously understand how serious this situation is going to be?”

“Oh, I know.”

Yooseong answered.

“I hunted monsters in the tower, fought battles, and killed all kinds of things. To put it bluntly, what sin could the soldiers fighting on the battlefield have committed? Still, I killed him. Well, since this is an arbitrary method, is there anything we can do?”

“Oh my, you know so well, you stupid bastard. “Then why did you give up on conquering the tower because you couldn’t kill it?”

“That’s right. Why couldn’t I kill him? “Maybe I should have just killed them all.”

Yoosung shrugged his shoulders calmly. Silence continued beyond the receiver. After silence, a voice was heard. Heavy as lead.

“As you know, the situation has already gone beyond my control. “You know what I’m saying, right?”

“I know.”


The phone

call ended there as well. Instead of Yoosung, Master Park

raised his head unilaterally.

I checked the settings, checked the side deck, and

raised my head in front of the approaching tower break.

[Warning: Tower Break is coming!

10 98…]

Kwasik Kwasik!

The air was distorted and a gap was torn open, revealing the scenery of this world. It was not a landscape of space with twinkling starlight.

It was a heaven filled with supreme golden light and brilliance.

[“I will pay for your sins with light!”]

[The Lord of Light is extremely angry.]

“No. Did I secretly sell land to stock something? “You’re really making a big fuss about everything.”

Seven gates were created in the sky, and the light of the heavenly world seeped through them all. Not one. It wasn’t even on the ground.

‘Monsters’ came out from the gate in the sky. A watcher of angelic light with golden wings and spreading brilliance.

“No, is this a game?”

It was at that moment that Yooseong let out a curse.

“Follow the rules of the throne, you immature young lord.”]

[The Lord of the Game solemnly warns the Lord of Light.]

[A temporary buff, Black Wings, is granted to the player and that player’s permanents. It will!]

[‘Faction: Watchers of Light’ will not be able to leave the area until the player Kang Yoo-seong dies!] “

Aha, I guess you said he was a new recruit!”

As if in response to Yooseong’s protest, a rule was finally established that even the monarch could not escape.


Jet-black wings rose along the immortal great emperor’s black heavy armor.

“Hmm, with heavy armor and wings, he looks like the ultimate old man.”

Yoosung muttered and stretched out his arms. I want to spread that power as a new class, ‘Curse Sorcerer’.

Death Army.

As the tomb keeper had shown earlier, the entire earth’s crust was completely cracked, revealing a pitch-black abyss underneath.

The dead began to rise from the very bottom. Instead of climbing as if climbing a rock wall, spread your jet-black wings wide.

The army of death was soaring as if responding to the army of heaven.

Skeleton knights armed with cold weapons such as swords, shields, and armor rushed in. Afterwards, riflemen armed with black powder or heat weapons from all eras, from muskets to rifles, flew up.

[The Immortal King’s Aura (S) increases the grade of the dead!]

[The Immortal Emperor’s black heavy armor ‘Death Banishment’。] Significantly enhances the rarity of the dead’s weapons!] At the

core of the spirit build What is available is the presence or absence of a wide-area buff that can further enhance the volume. In that regard, it was not a shooting star that did not know the significance of the Immortal King’s armor.

Moreover, what is held in Yooseong’s hand is the blade of the Plague Lord.

[I grant ‘Locust Swarm’ to the blade!]

As soon as I forged the poison into the black blade, the razor marks on the dark green blade disappeared.

Before I knew it, the blade was covered with flying insects whose number I couldn’t even begin to count. And the flying insects all left the blade and began to fly.

The shooting star also spread its jet-black wings and kicked the ground.

Leading the army of death, who have been reborn as high-level dead such as Death Knights and Death Soldiers through various buffs.

The angels pouring endlessly from the seven gates are also not enemies to be trifled with.

The flying insects of the apocalypse rushed toward them in a pitch-black swarm, and the radiant light swirled like a bombardment, annihilating them in droves.

However, every time the barrage of light wiped out the swarm of insects, the insects flew out again from the blade of abuse.

The flying insects of the apocalypse are endlessly being born from the blade of the Plague Lord.

A swarm of flying insects covered the angels as if devouring them and passed by. There was nothing left.

The Death Knights, spreading their jet-black wings, also began to rush in, each holding their swords and shields.

The angel slashed the spear of light at the Death Knight, and his flesh and bones burned with pure white flames and collapsed.

However, as soon as one Death Knight fell, several more Death Knights rushed in. At the same time, the Death Soldiers pulled the triggers of various firearms towards the angel.

In the shower of bullets, the angels’ flesh and bones became a honeycomb and fell to the ground.

“Hmm, the weapons are of course American made.”

Yooseong muttered in astonishment when he saw the M16 assault rifles in the hands of the immortal musketeers.

Angels of light pouring endlessly from the sky and angels of death rising from the bottomless pit.

And the Standard Bearer of the Apocalypse was there.

Swords, spears, heavenly light and American weapons clashed endlessly, and the Horseman of the Apocalypse also rushed towards the angels.

There were several archangels commanding angelic forces. But they will also be no match for Yoosung.

The Heavenly Demon’s sword swung. Furthermore, various curses were wrapped around the archangels like chains.

“Replace 3 side deck cards.”

In addition, after pouring out all of his curse skills towards the archangels, Yooseong

changed his deck without hesitation.

[Curse synergy disappears!]

[Assassination synergy has been created!]

[Class: 《Curse Warlock) has been promoted to 《Dark Magic Assassin)!] Combine

3 curse attribute cards with 3 assassination attribute skills in the side deck. In unison.

A shadow blade rose from the swarm of flying insects casting pitch black darkness.

The two flying bugs paired up and spun Charlotte’s web, and as they moved, they began slaughtering both angels and the dead.

Finally, an assassination notice was designated.

To one of the seven archangels who command the angels of the seven gates.

[Your level has risen!]

[You have reached level 70!]

[Assassination Premonition (Lv 20) has reached its maximum level! Awakening the skill…]

[Second awakening quest through the Clown Lord…]

After literally one full night, the war came to an end.

Leaving behind the corpses of angels and the flesh and bones of the dead that were lying on the ground, Yoosung fixed the blade of Hoksa.

As soon as Yoosung turned his back and came out, countless reporters greeted him from beyond the barricade.

The excitement of reporting was so hot that it was incomparable to any other time. Yoosung also knew the reason.

“Player Kang Yoo-seong, is it true that you intentionally gave up on top strategy?!”

“Did you really cause the tower break incident on purpose?”

“According to international player law, causing a tower break is a prison sentence…

“Oh, I’ll answer, so please ask me the right questions/

Amid the endless stream of questions from reporters, Yoosung said: I muttered.

The figure of a knight armed with jet-black heavy armor said,

“Yes, that’s right. “I did it on purpose.”

Yooseong answered.

The air in the area suddenly became cold. It was an impossible silence.

In the silence, I was finally able to realize it. Among the reporters, there are signs of players forming a siege network in this area.

He was neither a player from the National Intelligence Service under Master Park nor a player from the Association. It was above him.

“So what you are saying is that you have officially clarified the charges of terrorism… “


acts of terrorism committed by players …

“Why terrorism?”

“Yes yes’?”

“What did you just say…

“Oh, I understand. Since this is happening without any explanation, you might be wondering if this guy has finally turned around. But don’t worry too much, it hasn’t turned yet. “This is all due to circumstances.”

Yooseong continued.

“When I entered the tower, you suddenly told me to kill everyone in the tower, including the children and the elderly. So I just beat him up and left. You don’t believe me? “There are players who went in but gave up on the strategy and are now trapped in the National Intelligence Service’s Room of Truth, so you can catch them and ask them.”

“Are you going to neglect the player’s mission so irresponsibly?!”

“Anyway, the tower break was completely prevented without any casualties, and who even had to die?”

“Don’t you think it’s truly irresponsible? If you’re not careful, you never know how much damage your actions will cause…

The reporters protested again and Yoosung shrugged his shoulders.

“Then what should I do? “You’re going to kill all the innocent people in that tower?”

“Isn’t it the player’s mission to protect this world?”

“More than anything, there is no guarantee that the world of the tower exists, and even if it were, it was better than this world….. That

was at that time.


Yoosung asked back, looking straight at the reporter who continued speaking. The reporter was taken aback for a moment

and stuttered.

“Well, that’s…

“No, just say it. What more than this world?”

Yoosung asked back.

“The world in the tower is less important than this world?”

“In relative terms…

“Then you should have just killed them all?” Yoosung asked back.

The Clown Lord burst into laughter, and among the reporters, the signs of the players came closer one by one.

“It’s no use hiding your identity from the CIPO friends over there, so just wait a little longer/

Yuseong continued, paying no heed.

“Because I’m not finished talking yet.”

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Insanely-Talented Player

Insanely-Talented Player

Score 9.5
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
It has been six years since the game to decide the world’s fate began. The strongest player, Hero King Kang Yoosung, who has never lost his first place as the top ranker, greets a new season. “It was… over for me a f*cking long time ago. I’m just doing this for the money.“ [Provocation stat increasing exponentially!] [The Clown Lord expresses satisfaction with contractor’s behavior!] The survival journey of a player with insane talent begins now!


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not work with dark mode