Steel-Eating Player Chapter 129

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Episode 129 [Black Orc Legion Landed on the West Coast – 4]


Author’s note) The weight of the Ancient Iron Golem has been modified from 2024 tons to 802 tons. After reviewing steel equipment of similar size, I felt that no matter how big it was, it was still too heavy.

Hyunwook Lee was standing on the railing of Laputa, looking at the distant horizon.

“…How did this happen, boss?”

“Why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to be on Ganghwa Island?”

Lee Jeong-jun, Kim Se-hee, Park Jun-mo, and others came running behind him and asked, but Lee Hyun-wook had no answer.


Before he knew it, ‘Hugin’ was floating in the sky between Laputa and the skyscraper and spinning around.

His gaze was now on Hugin. I was assimilated into and looking down on the city of Seoul below Laputa.


A strange gust of wind blew and the 802-ton giant was falling like a huge chunk of a meteorite.

Even Lee Hyun-wook couldn’t help but feel the massive lump of metal at the moment. It couldn’t move as a whole.

However, it could control its direction by slightly moving the edge while floating in the air.

‘It’s about 1.7km to the ground… and it lands exactly on top of that monster’s head.’

And in that split second, I figured out what huge boss monster I had to face:

– Hydra’s first head (LV. 98)

– Hydra’s second head (LV. 109)

– Hydra’s third head (LV. 110) )

– Hydra’s fourth head (LV. 113)




The level of each of the 9 heads is 98-113. Among them, the fourth head seemed to be the ‘center’.

The level is not as high as you might think, but that’s it. If as many as nine were combined, the story was different.

‘And the Hydra’s head continues to regenerate.’

Hydra was one of the 12 trials of Hercules in Greek mythology.

As per the myth, that magical beast also had tremendous regenerative abilities and powerful poison.

Therefore, if it cannot be finished off with one strike, the battle will inevitably become increasingly difficult.

‘Quickly remove all the heads and then It must be burned so that it cannot be regenerated.’

At that time, it must have sensed the shadow cast from above, so it raised a few heads.


A wary roar. The three heads opened their muzzles wide and sprayed dark green liquid.


The infamous one. A high, deadly poison spewed out like a fan, melting the exterior walls of the buildings on both sides like whipped cream. Soon, an Ancient Iron Golem entered the area of influence, and the surface oxidized and boiled. But that was all. The large figure continued to fall without a care in the world, getting closer to the ground. ‘Oh


. I knew this, so I applied at least a thin layer of orihalcone and adamant to the surface during fusion.’

It was able to withstand deadly poison and acid thanks to the two metals, which had much stronger anti-magic properties than ordinary metals.

‘So it’s a save.’ In the end

, the Ancient Iron Golem’s body crashed down right on top of the Hydra’s head.


ang !

I hit one of the heads with a spear.


Fallout rose and the buildings in the area, which were already distorted, swayed.

After this battle, it seemed like the city center of Jung-gu would have to be reorganized on a large scale.

Boom! Boom. ! Boom! Boom!

Like downtown Dubai in a sandstorm, dozens of skyscrapers were engulfed in dust.

Between them, a 21-meter-tall metal giant and a demon beast twice as long were intertwined and fighting to the death.

‘Okay, two heads.’ subdued.’

One was pierced with an adamant spear, and the other was crushed by stepping on it with all one’s weight.

However, if one were to let one’s guard down, one would soon find oneself dealing with a newly regenerated head.

‘We must not give it time to recover.’

Lee Hyun-wook raised his head.

Three Moglai had been summoned in the air in advance and were lined up in a row.

Then, with a gesture from Lee Hyun-wook, they fell and suffered gravitational acceleration.


-pkpk-pk- stuffed. As if on cue, the two heads fell to the ground, impaled on the Moglei.

However, the falling attack was nothing more than a kind of ‘loading’. Lee Hyun-wook pulled the trigger.

‘Flare Whip—’

At that moment, a total of 12 red whips, 6 each, appeared. It bloomed and began to destroy the entire area. As the Ancient Iron Golem was also included in its scope, its body was cut into pieces along with it. Tsk—! Tsk—


However, the golem will continue to destroy the surrounding metal as long as the ‘core’ is not destroyed. It is reassembled by pulling the hydra.

Hydra was also regenerating quickly, but it was completely devastated and its movements were clearly slowed down.

Lee Hyun-wook stretched out his left hand toward the ground

and chanted two spells.


Then the Ancient Iron Golem The body becomes red-hot and melts, and the chest area transforms into dozens of iron chains and begins to tie the Hydra’s nine heads together. Clap! Clap! Clap!


The moment the chains interlock, they become ‘fused’ again and welded together. It was tightly entangled as if it had been made.

It was no different from an 802-ton steel straitjacket.


The hydra twisted its body as if convulsing, but it would not be able to be untangled easily.

“Park Jun-mo, can you give me that belt again?”

“Yes? Belt… Oh, that’s right! Yes!”

Before going to Ganghwa Island, Lee Hyun-wook lent two items to Park Jun-mo.

They were ‘Mjolnir’ and the ‘Northern Trader’s Belt’ obtained at the Chennai auction house.

“But this suddenly became the liberation of potential….”

Lee Hyun-wook nodded as if he already knew.

“Ah, so you also knew?”

The identity of this ‘Northern Merchant’s Belt’ was ‘Megingijord’, Thor’s belt.

However, it was not functioning properly because its potential had not yet been released.

‘As far as I know, the potential is released only when worn by someone with a certain amount of immunity to electric current.

And Park Jun-mo’s current resistance is virtually immune… or rather, the current becomes a buff.


[Item Information]

– Name: Megingijord (Legendary)


1) Belt of Strength: Body strength and strength are doubled. (+100%)

2) Traces of Raijin: Current immunity increases significantly. (+50%)

The moment you put it on, your whole body starts to heat up and become energized.

Then, the moment you receive ‘Mjolnir’—

the effect of [Thor’s Armor Set (2/3)] is activated!

* All melee attacks are given the powerful ‘current’ attribute.

Lee Hyun-wook threw himself off the railing. But his body did not fall. It walked forward as if it had invisible legs and stopped exactly in the vertical line of the hydra.

“A direct attack on Laputa will begin soon.”

At those words, tension spread across the faces of the three people waiting at Laputa.

“But… are you asking those customers to keep waiting?”

Jeongjun Lee, who recently took on the role of Laputa guard captain, asked.

“Yes, tell them to wait until I give the signal.”

After saying those words, Lee Hyun-wook fell vertically as if he was sinking into the water.

Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ——

On the contrary, there was something rising vertically from the ground.

It was a piece of Mowglai.

At the intersection of the two straight lines, Lee Hyun-wook was a Mogley. I grabbed the hilt.

Due to the characteristics of the savior of Seoul, all abilities are doubled. In other words, strength is also doubled. And

when it is doubled, the moment this is activated, it doubles again.

Blah blah blah ——

On top of this, Hyunwook Lee’s rigid body is added. The explosive monstrous power of began to flow.

In that state, he fell vertically. And all the metal control was contained at the tip of the 2-ton large sword.


The building and the two monsters growing rapidly in the field of vision. Lee Hyun-wook was already between the buildings.

He was chained. He passed by the restrained hydra and swung the Mowglai with all his might.


He even cut off the chain that was wrapped around its neck.

Six and seven heads were cut off at the same time with that single blow.

Then he struck.

With a gesture, two Moglei that had been stuck on the ground rose into the air and began to glow red. The Helios heat-rayed sword was heated to thousands of degrees. Lee Hyun-wook moved it and held it to the cutting edge of the Hydra’s neck


Cheeeee—— !

‘If you burn it like a soldering iron, playback will stop.’

It was the same way Hercules subdued the Hydra in Greek mythology.

At that time, I heard someone shouting from behind me.

“Keep going, Lee Hyun-wook!” “We’ll cover you!”

It seemed like it was probably Kang Seo-yoon. She hits a black sphere flying at Lee Hyun-wook with an arrow and deflects it.

“The three shamans at 6 o’clock are preparing something!”

“Okay, get behind and take a seat! I’ll stop you!”

Next, Anyang Duo’s voice is heard.

Lee Hyun-wook trusted them and focused on finishing off Hydra.


‘With this, I finished off the four heads.’

While Lee Hyun-wook was cooking Hydra like that, he quickly scanned the surrounding area through Hugin. A

huge pit that had formed at the intersection of Seoul Station… he could see several figures standing inside it.

‘…there is no Stonox.’

Unexpectedly, the King of the Black Orc Kingdom did not come to this land?


– Black Orc Warrior Commander Sumakt (LV. 142)

‘That bastard is the real boss monster in this phase.’

The warrior general Sumakt, one of the three major Black Orcs… is a whopping level 142 boss monster.

In other words, this summoned monster called Hydra is nothing more than a kind of ‘mid-boss’ concept.

He carries a huge ax and kills dozens of royal guards. Leading the way, I walked out of the pit.

But then another boss monster caught my eye.

– Black Orc Shaman Chief Diable-Puppet (LV. 139)

was also Diable, one of the three major Black Orcs.

‘That guy was definitely me. ‘I killed it.’

Didn’t Lee Hyun-wook drop a low-altitude Mogley at the Shanghai troop concentration area? Even if it was a boss monster, it was damage that the Shaman series with weak defense could not withstand. ‘Wait a minute, puppet…

Ah, is Stonox controlling it?’

It seemed that Stonox had come possessed by raising the corpse through

some sort of necromancy. Shamans associated with the ancient gods often displayed such bizarre methods.

Meanwhile, it seemed like he was preparing a spell.

Go—oh —Oh—Oh……

Black orcs lying everywhere—black energy was oozing out from the bodies of what appeared to be sacrifices, and they were sucked into the black crystal ball held in the puppet’s hand

. The crystal ball contains pocket spaces.’

Pocket Space is similar to subspace in some ways, but it is a much higher-dimensional space in that it forms a material universe in which life can also reside, and it is difficult to create. In other words, the maintenance cost is very expensive… It takes hundreds of dollars to form it

. He would have sacrificed his life.

‘And then he hid the army there and moved through space to this place.’

Soon, the spell he had been preparing was completed.


Black light bursts out from the black crystal ball, and a violent wind blows in. The

compressed space contained within it begins to flow out.

That means . silver… It could be interpreted that the army contained within appears.

After cutting off the last head of Hydra, Lee Hyun-wook took refuge behind the Ancient Iron Golem.

“—What the fuck is happening all of a sudden! “Everyone come behind me!”

Lee Hye-min, the tank of the Anyang duo, slammed her shield to the floor.

Then, a translucent shield the size of a house was formed, blocking the storm.


Even in this melee, the street trees that were lucky enough to survive are uprooted entirely and fly high into the sky.


After a while, the storm stopped and dark shadows suddenly appeared overhead.

Everyone raised their heads and looked straight at the thing that had blocked out the sun.


36 crude airships were lined up in a messy manner in the sky over Seoul.

‘Ragged fleet…’

The power engine of those things was not mana, but the core of the ‘Demon Beast’ that generated power by swallowing life force, and what was presumed to be its roots were sticking out and writhing wildly.

Meanwhile, Lee Hyun-wook’s quest target, ‘Ed On-Giant Disease Research Institute’, was also mixed in there. Among the tattered fleet, something unusually large and with a sophisticated light caught my eye.


Soon the Rag Fleet began to gain altitude. The final destination of the route was ‘Laputa’.

The lids near the ceilings of the first few ships open, and black orcs stick out their heads and shoot fireballs.


In response, Laputa also began to fire back.


The large cannon made by the Gray Dwarves bursts into flames, destroying one of the tattered ships in the lead.

And of course, there were a considerable number of security forces on standby within Laputa.

‘Plus, there’s Talos in his bronze sentinel state…’

It was probably not easily taken over.

But that didn’t mean I had any intention of just watching them push in.

Lee Hyun-wook took out an item from his arms.

It was Chakram Sudarsana, a circular blade.

I threw that legendary weapon towards the sky with all my might.


Sudarsana, which flies at ultra-high speed and leaves a red afterimage of a curve,

traces the bottom of a tattered ship vertically as if rolling a cartwheel.

Kaga Ga–

Flames belatedly rise from the torn part and fall slowly.


‘As expected, the Ragged Fleet has virtually no defense power.’

Immediately after Sudarsana reaches the center of the ragged fleet—

‘Chakra explodes—!’

Hyunwook Lee started the skill of Sudarsana.

At that moment, Sudarsana stood tall in one place.

Then it starts spinning like crazy, like a windmill.


Intense red light spreads like watercolor paint along the rough rotating trajectory.

As the concentration became thicker, it felt like another sun had risen in the sky.

Soon, the rotation speed becomes uncontrollably fast and the moment you feel anxious that you might be thrown off—


The red light that spread like that spread out in all directions like an explosion.

The next scene was not shown.

No, I couldn’t see it.


The light was so strong that everyone had no choice but to turn their heads.


When I came back to sight, 23 of the 36 tattered ships of the fleet were half destroyed and falling down.


At that shocking scene, the Orc army that appeared in the pit at the intersection of Seoul Station began to howl.


This was already the third time that Lee Hyun-wook had suffered damage that was close to annihilation.

This time, again, a loud roar filled with resentment, such as “Is it you?” filled Seoul Station with sadness.

At that time, another shout is heard from behind.

“—Unit ready for battle!”

The troops of the 1st Battalion, 3rd Port Horse Brigade, which had been avoiding the fight against the monsters, began to move.

– Lee Hyun-wook I would like to help you too, is that okay?

This voice was Colonel Kim Kang-seok. He was here too.

But Lee Hyun-wook shook his head.

“Please wait just a little longer.”

– …Is there really anything left to show?

“Actually… this is just the beginning.”

He said that and lifted his body into the air.

His body gently rises vertically, as if riding a transparent elevator.

Soon, when he reached an altitude that was eye level with a skyscraper of dozens of stories,

he slowly raised both hands.


At that moment, the large pieces of the tattered fleet that were pouring down stopped one by one.

Everyone was mesmerized by the sight as if they were hanging in the sky by an invisible net.

Immediately after, the metal fragments underwent ‘metal transformation’ and became a huge and wide ‘plate’.

Blah blah blah——

“…Why did I leave Laputa here instead of moving it?”

Laputa was a sure target and would definitely be attacked.

Accordingly, this important downtown in Jung-gu, Seoul is bound to suffer damage.

There was no way Lee Hyun-wook didn’t know that.

However, the reason this place was chosen as the battlefield was very simple.

“This place in Seoul gives me strength.”

The achievement of being the savior of Seoul. If Seoul were at war, Lee Hyun-wook’s power would be exactly doubled.


– Current weight of metal that can be controlled: 11 246 kg

He was now able to control 11 tons of metal at once.

“And this . “In a huge city… there’s an insane amount of metal…”

He raised his hands even higher.

Then, one by one, steel frames like H-beams in the rubble of the tragically collapsed building rose up one by one

. Street lights, traffic lights, and even manhole covers fly up.

And as expected, the metal is transformed and takes the form of a wide ‘plate’. The

metal that fell in the air, the metal that rises from the ground, and the things made like that move in perfect order. As if they were trains, following Lee Hyun-wook’s hand gestures. They form a column to create something.


At that time, huge steel plates fall and hit the asphalt of Sejong-ro.

It was… a long wall.

In this way, Sejong-ro was lined with a 7-8m high steel wall. It was blocked. Toegye


and Tongil-ro were completely blocked at the same time.

Finally, to Hangang-daero… the entire intersection was surrounded by a steel barrier .


In other words, the Black Orc army that appeared from the pocket space was completely trapped on all sides.

Lee Hyun-wook looked down at them and took out something.

It was Mjolnir.

But this time, it was not his intention to rain down lightning.

[Item information]

– Name: Molnir. (Legendary)

– Effect

1) Steel Thunder: Destructive power increases significantly when thrown.

2) Returning: Returns when the owner orders it to return.

3) Thunder God’s Wrath: Releases a powerful electric current.

4) Chloride Storm : It radiates overwhelming heat.

Recently, I succeeded in applying the legendary grade orb ‘Fragment of the Sun’ to Mjolnir.

Thus, the fourth skill, Chlorine Storm, was created.

This time, I planned to experiment with it.

Lee Hyun-wook slowly He lifted Mjolnir and said,

“…Welcome to Seoul.”

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Steel-Eating Player

Steel-Eating Player

A player who eats steel, Steel-Devouring Player, Steel-eating Player, Steel eater
Score 8
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Lee Hyunwook, who originally had the ability to control steel in the world. He tried to protect the world but ultimately failed and the world was destroyed. Following that, he was given the opportunity to return to his military days and build up efforts to prevent the world from being destroyed one by one. An army + Hunter + Regression + Savior “In this life, I’ll be a real hero.” Will Lee Hyunwook be able to save the world this time?


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