Steel-Eating Player Chapter 101

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Episode 101 [ Okinawa, Unlucky Event – 1 ]


‘This is honestly… amazing.’

Hyunwook Lee thought so as he looked at the system message in front of him.

I just finally absorbed the ‘Magnetar Crust Piece’.

As a result, two major skills ‘ranked up’ at the same time.

He visited Gangjeongdu Workshop to test those skills.

“Director, how many AD-1s do you have ready?”

“Oh, we were just developing the second model!”

The AD-2, the successor to the AD-1, was being prepared.

“I’m going to test it out, so would you please prepare it?”

“Yes, I will.”

A moment later he encountered AD-2 in the warehouse.

Perhaps because it is still a prototype, there has been no significant progress in core functions.

However, durability was definitely improved with the adamant alloy.

‘During the last battle, many AD-1s easily fell due to the attacks of the incarnation of Molech and the Shadow Baron… and that scene happened to be broadcast.’

In the future, enemies targeting Lee Hyeon-wook would most likely target the airdrop device first. So, improvement in durability was requested as a top priority, and the adamant sent from Redhall Village became the material.

‘…Anyway, shall we test your skills?’

The first skill upgraded this time was [Ether Engine].

[Skill Information]

– Name: Ether Engine

– Grade: B

– effect

1) Mana Heart: The total amount of mana increases. (+150000) Mana recovery increases. (+1500%)

2) Mana transfer: ‘Mana’ can be granted to the player or a ‘controllable target’.

3) Mana Connection: Mana transfer can be ‘synchronized’ with the target’s magic circuit.

* When the hidden conditions are met, the skill level improves.

‘Okay, originally it was D grade, but it went up to B grade at once.’

Magnetar Crust Pieces were a nearly infinite mass of mana and were the highest quality mana engine material. Therefore, it was natural that [Ether Engine] would be affected, and the effect of the skill increased to a surprising degree.

‘The total amount of mana goes from 50,000 to 150,000, and the mana recovery goes from 500% to 1,500%… This level is truly ridiculous.’

– Mana: 185459/185459

* Mana recovery rate per second: 631

Even if three or four top level wizard players were connected together, it would not be possible to achieve this level of mana management power.

‘It’s literally a walking mana power plant.’

Accordingly, the armament that could be operated was scheduled to increase significantly. Until now, only 12 AD-1s were operated simultaneously because they lacked maintenance power when used together with the ‘Hugin’.

‘But not anymore.’

This AD-2’s mana consumption per second was 35, and Lee Hyun-wook’s mana recovery amount was 631 per second. In other words, up to 18 vehicles can be moved for free.

Lee Hyun-wook closed his eyes and released mana.

Soon, blue lights appeared throughout the dark warehouse.


Then, 19 AD-1s and 11 AD-2s were put into operation. The mana circuits engraved on their surfaces glowed and created a sense of mystery.

‘Total of 30 units….’

And they all rose at the same speed.

‘I can maintain these 30s at the same time for quite some time.’

Each airdrop device stores 30 weapons.

70 iron balls are also mounted on the magic ejection port at the bottom.

In this way, a total of 3,000 weapons, 100 each, can be handled.

Hyunwook Lee slowly put them down, feeling satisfied.

The second skill that rose was [Breath Room].

The magnetar crust piece is also called the ‘heart of the star.’

And the star was also a kind of ‘furnace’.

[Skill Information]

– Name: Breath Room (Fire)

– Grade: B

– effect

1) The body’s furnace: absorption of metals becomes faster. (+100% ~ 500%) As the furnace efficiency increases, the pain inflicted on the body increases.

2) Fire Breath: You can fire ‘breath (reinforcement)’ by storing some metal in the breath room. (1 time per 1 kg)

* When the hidden conditions are met, the skill level improves.

The most encouraging change here was that the efficiency of the ‘internal furnace’ doubled from a maximum of 250% to 500%.

‘Okay, now we start absorbing metal again.’

As always, metal absorption had to be done non-stop.

If you feel a little upset now, the fight ahead will be easier. And the high-quality metal to be absorbed for that work is…

‘…I guess I’ll have to ask Redhall Village to speed up mining.’

There was plenty prepared so you could eat as much as you wanted.

In this way, from metal supply to item manufacturing to perfect operation methods,

The ‘system’ created by Lee Hyun-wook was operating normally.


“…Oh, I think there are more this time than last time?”

Kim Se-hee said that while looking down at a black iron box.

Inside was a lumpy silver mineral.

It was all adamant mined in the ‘mine’ of Redhall Village.

“Perhaps mining technology has improved so it’s faster.”

“Oh, by the way, I sent mining items there, right?”

“That’s right. Whether it’s hunting or mining, equipment must be provided.”

Two days ago, Gangjeongdu Workshop and the Dwarves worked together to produce and send an ‘Adamant Mana Power Drill’, and mining volume increased significantly.

On the first day of mine development, the daily mining amount was limited to 1 kg, but as soon as various mining items were mobilized, it increased significantly to a whopping 5 kg.

Hyunwook Lee expected this ‘virtuous cycle’.

‘And it will get faster and faster in the future.’

If so, ‘adamant rain’ would fall someday.

Lee Hyun-wook took the box containing the adamant separately.

“But what are you going to make with it this time?”

“…Well, I’m going to think about it.”

Lee Hyun-wook gave a vague answer to Kim Se-hee’s question. because….

‘…This time, I’ll eat it all.’

Lee Hyun-wook exaggerated adamant by half and swallowed it like popcorn.

Then the number of metal controls soared steeply in real time.

– Metal absorption is complete. : Adamant

* Steerable metal weight increased: 9411g

– Metal hop count is complete. : Adamant

* Steerable metal weight increased: 8544g

– Metal absorption is complete. : Adamant

* Steerable metal weight increased. : 6544g

I gained a whopping 29kg of ‘weight’ in one day. also. ‘Strong body’, influenced by high-hardness magic metal, has also been strengthened.

So Hyunwook Lee focused on absorbing metal for several days.

Meanwhile, the Okinawa situation progressed according to the history he knew.

– …The map you are looking at right now is a satellite photo of the area of the Unlucky event that occurred in Okinawa. It is said that the area of the dome alone from here to here is a whopping 8km in diameter.

A satellite photo of the main island of Okinawa appeared on the news screen.

The southern part of the place seemed to be covered with a black circle.

– Experts say that this incident is actually a disaster on par with the wave, as the diameter of the 4th wave zone in Seoul was 10km.

In fact, it was somewhat difficult to compare this situation to the wave.

But it was true that it was such a terrible disaster.

‘Tens of thousands of civilians stranded there lose their lives.’

– The news just came in! It’s a rescue team led by the Japan Players Association, right? It is said that three S-rank players appeared 23 hours after the unlock event began! Additionally, an on-site official explains that entry into the dome is scheduled to begin soon. Out in the field—

A total of 43 [Okinawa Rescue Team], led by three S-rank players and up to 40 players below level 65, were assembled.

The world, especially the Japanese archipelago, began to get excited.

An operation in which as many as three S-rank members were deployed…

I had no doubt that this would be a historic event.

– Ah, now the rescue team leader, [AN] Guild Master Kodo Koshiro, is standing in front of the microphone. Let’s listen to the interview together.

The man ranked second in Japan stood in front of the reporters with a somewhat tired expression. And he opened his mouth when the reporter asked him to say something.

– Let me just say one thing. … Japan is safe.

As he said that, he chuckled and shook his head.

– How was it cool? Like anyone.

There was a strange ridicule in that situation for some reason.

‘But… that’s a somewhat familiar line?’

And the newscaster seemed to notice that too.

– Kodo Koshiro ended the interview very briefly. But weren’t those words somehow reminiscent of Lee Hyun-wook from a while ago?

– Yes, not long ago, Lee Hyun-wook’s “Seoul is safe.” That was similar to what you said. Maybe it’s an homage or something? Anyway, from now on…

Lee Hyun-wook didn’t know it, but his first official words in front of reporters, “Seoul is safe,” were becoming a meme on the Internet, as it was a symbolic line from the hottest person at the moment.

And Kodo Koshiro just copied those words.

There was a mix of positive reactions to those words, saying it was an homage to Lee Hyun-wook, and negative reactions, saying it was a joke.

However, the majority opinion was that the latter was most likely.

Since Kodo Koshiro was close with Okita Kaito, there was a high possibility that he would not like Lee Hyun-wook’s performance.

‘What do you think…’

In any case, the operation began after the interview with that declaration.

– Now, the Okinawa rescue team has entered the ‘dome’! Reporter Park, from now on there’s nothing we can know, right? You just have to wait impatiently for the results to come out, right?

– Yes, once you enter there, you cannot come out until special conditions are met. However, the Japanese side is confident that the attack will be a huge success.

– Well, as many as three S-rank players were mobilized.

Also, the Japanese side had secret expectations about this incident.

Just as Korea won the 4th wave not long ago and obtained a fraudulent object called ‘Laputa’, they were paying attention to the rewards that would be given when they captured the largest ‘unlucky event’ in history.

Accordingly, the media also reported on that point every day.

– Vice President of the Japan Hunter Association There is an opportunity hidden in this disaster! Should strategy be more important than the “minimize sacrifice and maximize reward” structure?

– Okinawa is colored pink instead of blood red? Japanese analyst players continue to post analyzes predicting the size of compensation for this incident

– Rather good! Japanese guild stock prices have risen for two days in a row due to expectations of rewards for capturing the unexpected ‘good news’ of the Okinawa Unlucky Event…

Despite the fact that this is a disaster situation with the lives of hundreds of thousands of people at stake, there were many cases where explicit expectations were expressed.

That was the case in this era.

When a disaster passes, money pours in.

That’s the rule of the game.

Therefore, the Japanese player community was filled with anticipation.


All those expectations disappear completely after just two days.

– Breaking news!

…because there was news of a disastrous failure.

– The news is that one of the 43 players who entered the dome to participate in the Okinawa Unlucky Event came out of the dome!

Of those elite rescuers, only one emerges after two days.

No, he barely escaped.

– He is a rescuer named Koga Shizuoka, and he said that he escaped alone to deliver a message to the world after securing an item called an ‘emergency exit key’, which is a condition for escaping from the unlock event area.

And the ‘message’ he delivered… was truly despairing.

– Ugh… The rescue operation was a complete failure!

He continued his explanation with tears in his eyes at the press conference.

– …As soon as you enter, everyone is subject to a debuff that reduces their abilities due to the ‘cold’ that they cannot handle. Then, giant snowball-like monsters came from all directions, so we resisted with the rescue team leader Kodo Koshiro at the center, but in the end we were scattered…

As soon as it started, 12 people died… and even S-rank player Mayu Kanezao, ranked 8th in Japan, was one of them.

It was natural for the Japanese archipelago to be shocked by this.

Even though 3 S-rank players were mobilized, it failed. One of them was even an Indian mercenary hired for a large sum of money. In other words, in effect, ‘excess power’ was invested. As a result, the Japan Players Association was put on alert. Is it really possible to form a secondary rescue team?

– Despite Japan’s recruitment of additional forces, Kenjiro Negi, Japan’s largest force ‘Tengu’, remains stationary in his residence… Will he ignore the national crisis again this time?

Kenjiro Negi, the No. 1 player in Japanese player rankings, was famous for staying out of the world as much as possible. It would be like that this time too. therefore….

– Request urgent assistance from the Japan Players Association World Players Association!

Japan had no choice but to request an SOS from the international player community.

‘…as planned.’

Only then did Hyunwook Lee turn off the furnace in his body and start moving.

Okinawa Unlucky Event So far, things have gone according to history.

But things were going to be a little different from now on.

“This is Team Leader Kyo-jun Lee. Yes, there is something I would like you to convey to Director Seong-moon Woo. That is… I am going to Japan.

His declaration of war began to increase the volume of this incident.

– [Breaking News] The savior of Seoul goes to save Okinawa this time!

However, the news was not welcomed in Japan.


“…You need to be careful about this.”

Team leader Lee Gyo-jun, who came to the Hope Guild office, said that.

When Lee Hyun-wook said that he would support the Okinawa Unlucky event strategy, Woo Seong-moon’s side showed a very shocked reaction.

‘Well, it has to be that way.’

In recent years, there have been several groups against whom Lee Hyun-wook has held grudges.

‘In other words, there is a high possibility that someone will target me this time.’

And, of course, it is an ‘unlucky event’.

You can’t tell from the outside what’s going on inside.

Even if Lee Hyun-wook was in crisis, they had no way of knowing.

“And… the response from Japan is also very cold.”

“Yes, I know.”

The scene of Okita Kaito and Lee Hyun-wook beating him miserably was revealed to the world. Although he was a criminal ‘Red Player’, he was also a very popular star player.

‘And he was a character that Japanese people could not help but be enthusiastic about because he earned the title of Sword Saint by cutting down the Sentai Sword Saint Bureau’s Pyo-seong.’

Therefore, there were bound to be many reactions cursing Lee Hyun-wook.

As a result, the emotional divide between the two countries began to deepen on the Internet.

– Is Lee Hyun-wook the vice of the archipelago? Japanese netizens react harshly…

– Lee Hyun-wook Upon hearing the news of Okinawa’s second rescue team’s support, a Korean netizen said, “Korea’s honor depends on it!” Focus on emotional competition rather than joint attack?

– Lee Hyun-wook’s trip to Okinawa intensifies the conflict between Korean and Japanese netizens. Culture critic Lee Dong-ho says, “We must not forget that Raid’s common goal is ‘love for humanity.’”

Unknowingly, this second attack operation was turning into a war between Korea and Japan.


A school playground in Kiwanno City, Okinawa

That place was 5 km away in a straight line from the unlock event area and was where the [Okinawa Rescue Operation Headquarters] was established.

The so-called ‘second rescue team’ gathered there.

25 Japanese players

14 EU support troops

11 Taiwanese support troops

However, Korea’s supporting troops consisted of only three people, including Lee Hyun-wook.

And the members this time were Junmo Park and Sehee Kim.

“…Do you know that everyone is looking here?”

Kim Se-hoe frowned and said that.

As she said, she was glancing at the Korean team.

As expected, their interest was Lee Hyun-wook.

“…That guy over there is Lee Hyun-wook, right?”

“That’s right! Did you come here on that white airship?”

“Oh, come to think of it, there was something like that, right?”

I even heard a humming sound like that.

But then another team appeared.

“Hey—all the heroes are here? How are you all?”

The 19 people who appeared in a very noisy village were a support force from the United States and a strategy team belonging to the American [Iron Eagle] guild.

However, they were unfamiliar faces that Lee Hyun-wook did not remember.

‘…They shouldn’t be here in the first place.’

As it is, people who do not exist in this secondary rescue team…

‘…And there are a whopping 4 snipers, which is a particularly large number?’

It wasn’t difficult for Lee Hyun-wook to figure out their identities.

‘The [Iron Eagle] Guild is Gordon Price’s limb.’

In other words, their goal was not to attack the unlock event.

It was then.

“Now pay attention!”

Someone came in shouting like that.

“My name is Nagano Tai, second rescue team leader.”

Although she is level 63, she is already one of the best promising players in Japan, at Tier 3 of the A class. Excluding the S class, she was at a level that could be called the best force that could be mobilized for this operation.

“We previously developed a plan to identify the environment inside the dome based on the testimony of first responders who escaped from the Unlucky event.”

A picture of an item appeared on the screen behind her.

– Ice Troll Leather 3-Ply Snowsuit (High-Quality)

– Salamander Crystal Hot Pack (Rare)

“And as you may have already heard, our goal is not ‘attack’ or ‘battle’. Many of the first rescue team, the elite force that entered earlier, are still alive and there are two S-rank players among them, but they are unable to use their strength due to the debuff. In other words, if they are normalized… we will be able to successfully attack them.”

She pointed to the pictures that appeared on the screen.

“So we’re going to provide first responders with items to help them overcome that terrible cold. That’s our mission.”

The secondary rescue team was inevitably weaker than the first rescue team. Therefore, an operation was established to support survivors of the first rescue team.

“And one more thing—they say that when you go in there, the stage name [Loki’s Mischief] will be displayed in front of you… I don’t know what it is yet, but I think it’s a hint for future strategies.”

“…Isn’t Loki the god of Norse mythology?”

“Yes, Loki is famous as a ‘trickster’ in Norse mythology. So, you need to be careful because there are all kinds of traps lurking around.”

Meanwhile, Nagano Tai’s gaze landed on Lee Hyun-wook.

“But… it’s the Korean team, right?”

She called the Korean team in a voice full of wonder.

“Yes, that’s right.”

Hyunwook Lee answered.

“I understand that all of this information was provided in advance, isn’t it?”

“Yes, that’s right. Everything has been guided.”

Her eyebrows twitched twice.

“But… I thought you were dressed very comfortably.”

As she said, everyone was armed with thick ‘cold weather’ items. They were prepared by each supporting force, but it was agreed that the Japanese government would later pay for the items as compensation.

However, the three of them, including Lee Hyun-wook, were currently wearing thin clothes.

“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that. I’ve prepared everything.”

“Hmm… We don’t have much time. Please return quickly.”

She looked at Lee Hyun-wook with a stern expression.

In this way, whether knowingly or not, there was an emotional rift between the two countries.

But after a while, it was time to move near the dome.

“…Korean team! Did you not hear me? That can’t be possible! Even if I speak Japanese, the system translates it automatically!”

Tai Nagano shouted in a somewhat excited voice. This was because Lee Hyun-wook’s clothes were still not thick winter clothes.

“Ah, these are also clothes with cold resistance. As I said before, you don’t have to worry. I’m well-prepared.”

But Tai Nagano shook his head.

“That item won’t be able to withstand the cold inside! You need at least a premium grade or higher, especially this ‘Ice Troll’s 3-layer Snowsuit’ as we recommended in advance! Do you know how long it takes to put this on once? Time to go inside and put it on! “There is nothing!”

“…Don’t worry Tai. “You won’t freeze to death.”

Lee Hyun-wook did not give up his will, and her expression turned cold.

Soon she nodded her head vigorously, as if telling him to take care of it.

“Mr. Lee Hyun-wook… I would like to emphasize one more thing.”


“Don’t forget that this operation is not a strategy, but support.”


“They’ve been building up a huge reputation these days, and I know it’s real. Still, please follow my orders. Compared to the S-rank players inside… you’re still just a little hero.”

Lee Hyun-wook nodded without saying anything.

She jerked around, nervously, and walked away.

“Um… Sergeant Lee Hyun-wook, are you really okay?”

“I see. Everyone but us is very heavily armed?”

To my surprise, Park Jun-mo and Kim Se-hee, who were next to me, asked.

In fact, while these people were wearing early winter fashion, the others were wearing thick ‘triple-layer’ winter clothing as if they were going to climb the Himalayas.

“What we’re wearing is enough and…”

Lee Hyun-wook swallowed his words.

‘…that thing is actually poison.’

And soon the entrance to the dome began.


The second rescue team entered in staggered groups, leaving behind flash lights pouring in from all directions. The Korean team was second in order.

– You have entered the area where the [Unlucky Event] occurs!

* You can enter the area, but you cannot leave it.

* Entry level restrictions are imposed on the area. (LV. 65)

* In order to escape, you must achieve certain goals.

1) Obtain the ‘Emergency Exit Key’ hidden in the map

2) Survive for 240 hours

3) Defeat boss monsters

With that guidance message, the scenery inside the dome unfolded.

“Uh… it’s not cold?”

Someone in the lead said so.

Yes, the internal environment was not as ‘cold’ as the prior information suggested.

“—Oof! It’s hot!”

“Ugh! “I’m suffocating!”

Rather, it was a very intense ‘heat’. The air inside was boiling so hard that I couldn’t breathe properly even if I stood still.

– caution! You will be exposed to the ‘hell heatwave’ of [Muspelheim]!

* ‘Status abnormality’ and ‘status reduction’ begin rapidly!


But, as it turned out, my whole body was covered in all kinds of heat-generating items. That’s why the heat of this hell was constricting my body even faster.

“Oh you need to take your clothes off right now!”

“Oops! What a crazy situation!

However, the thick ice troll leather three-layer winter clothing they ambitiously prepared was as difficult to wear as it was difficult to take off.

– caution! You fall into ‘exhaustion (stage 1)’.

* All abilities are reduced. (-10%)

* Skill preparation time increases significantly.

* Mana continues to decrease.

– caution! You fall into ‘heat stroke (stage 1)’.

* All abilities are reduced. (-10%)

* Skill cooldown time increases significantly.

* Feeling intensely dizzy and disoriented.


Thus, a ‘debuff’ began to occur.

‘What is this—!’

Rescue team leader Tai Nagano felt like he had been scammed.

Didn’t he say it was definitely the worst kind of cold?

But then one piece of information crossed my mind.

‘Loki’s prank… Trickster….’

It was then.


To make matters worse, screaming began to sound from all directions.

“Gasp! Monsters are coming!”

“Move damn fast!”

They had to stop undressing and prepare for battle.


“Ugh, I don’t have any strength in my body…”

As the debuff caused by the heat overlapped, my body gradually slowed down.

Meanwhile, large monsters appeared between buildings. They were 8m tall giants with black bodies and four arms.


They came stomping their feet and holding clubs in both hands.

At first glance, these monsters are level 60 or higher…

“Quit four positions—make it!”

Rescue leader Tai Nagano shouted that.

However, due to the debuff, my body did not move properly.

“Damn—it’s going to be hard to retreat at this rate!”

If things continued like this, everyone would die in vain.

at that time-


—With a bloody roar, the leading giant was cut in half.


Tai Nagano, with his gaze somewhat blurred by the sweat forming on his eyebrows, let out a hot breath and looked at this blazing space.

thud–! thud–!

With a loud noise, the giants running here fell one by one.



I saw a huge sword flying swiftly.

“Go back and change out of those cumbersome clothes first.”

It was Lee Hyun-wook and the Korean team.

A blue protective shield was fluttering around their bodies.

It seemed as if the heat of this hell could not penetrate into it.

“Da you—how do you….”

Lee Hyun-wook smiled.

“How many times have I told you not to worry about me?”

“I said I was a bit more prepared… I wasn’t just saying that.”

Hyunwook Lee said that and grabbed the giant sword Moglei.

Then he looked back at Nagano Tai and left one more word.

“This operation will be an ‘attack’ rather than ‘support.’”

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Steel-Eating Player

Steel-Eating Player

A player who eats steel, Steel-Devouring Player, Steel-eating Player, Steel eater
Score 8
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Lee Hyunwook, who originally had the ability to control steel in the world. He tried to protect the world but ultimately failed and the world was destroyed. Following that, he was given the opportunity to return to his military days and build up efforts to prevent the world from being destroyed one by one. An army + Hunter + Regression + Savior “In this life, I’ll be a real hero.” Will Lee Hyunwook be able to save the world this time?


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