Steel-Eating Player Chapter 33

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33. Preparing to face the waves – 3


30 silver iron stakes.

This was a specially produced item by ‘AMT Arsenal’ at the request of Commander Jeong Sang-sik.

‘There’s nothing like this to drive into the hearts of things that aren’t dead.’

Lee Hyun-wook launched them into the air one by one.

10 out of 30 iron stakes were lined up in front of Lee Hyun

-wook .


Each piece was 60cm long and weighed about 500g, so it was quite light, perhaps because it was made of mithril alloy.

“Corporal Lee Hyun-wook, doesn’t this mean that everything will soon become several times more expensive?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

It was true that items with divine power became more expensive.

However, the cause is not in Siberia, Russia, but right here in Seoul.

‘Before that, I have to raise my divine power to the fullest.’

Lee Hyeon-wook was in the process of absorbing the iron beads containing divine power that he had ordered from master craftsman Kang Jeong-du.

And when about 5kg was digested, a new ability was created.

– Stage 1 of releasing divine power is being created. (34%)

Just as resistance was gained when eating metal enchanted with poison, when one ate metal enchanted with divine power, the divine power itself accumulated in the body and was able to produce and release it further.

‘If you grow just a little more, that ability will be revealed.’


At that time, someone opened the armory door and came in.

He was a Private in the 3rd Squad.

“I… Corporal Lee Hyun-wook? It is said that the promotion ceremony will begin soon. “I think you should quickly finish the work you are doing now and rehearse it.”

Come to think of it, the sergeant’s promotion was scheduled for this afternoon.


Battalion Commander Kim Kang-seok placed a sergeant rank insignia on Lee Hyun-wook’s chest.

“Sgt! Hyunwook Lee!”

Applause erupted from behind.

“Congratulations to Sergeant Lee Hyun-wook.”

“yes! thank you!”

Usually, the company commander conducts the promotion ceremony, but this time, the battalion commander decided to do it himself.

Then, in front of the members of the company, he began to praise Lee Hyun-wook’s achievements…

“As you all know, Sergeant Lee Hyun-wook has been in an unbelievable situation for the past few days.”

It was quite embarrassing, as if they were really trying to force this to become an example.

Anyway, for Squad 5, that night was a festive atmosphere.

“You can’t just skip today, can you? Honestly, this should be a party.”

“I also agree with Corporal Ahn Min-tae. Junmo and I will go to the PX right away!”

The special attack operation was carried out perfectly, and the commander received a huge reward, six members of the squad were promoted to D grade, and Lee Hyun-wook was even specially promoted to sergeant.

All members of the squad, except Lee Hyun-wook, agreed that they could not just ignore this kind of double-whammy, and a banquet of frozen food, snacks, and carbonated drinks was prepared.

“Isn’t this what we’re going through because of that rice cake table?”

“No, you bastard, I’m holding you by the collar and calling you carry!”

“ah! That’s very true! “This is all thanks to Corporal Lee Hyun-wook – no, Sergeant Carrie!”

The squad members were more energetic and harmonious than ever before.

We ate and chatted for a couple of hours as if only good things were ahead.

However, Lee Hyun-wook’s nerves had no choice but to go somewhere else.

‘This shouldn’t be the last party.’

He glanced at his watch.

‘Finally, tomorrow at 23:59, just before midnight…’

The fourth wave of a rare event that will soon plunge Seoul into hell will begin.

He finally began to heat the ‘internal furnace’.


That time…

In an office in a building overlooking the night view of the city, a middle-aged man in a white suit was standing at the window, making a phone call somewhere, while soft classical music was playing.


At first glance, this place seemed simple, but for some reason, there was an uneasy feeling in the air.

And one of the reasons was the large German shepherd sitting next to the man’s feet.


That’s because the guy was glaring somewhere and showing his teeth as if he was going to attack me at any moment.


Where Shepard’s eyes looked, someone was lying face down.

The young man’s

eyes and mouth were covered and his hands and feet were tied.

“······Oh, yes, it’s me.”

At that time, the call was connected, and the middle-aged man in the white suit turned and walked towards the desk.


The nameplate on his desk revealed his identity.

This man was Baekjun Ki, the master of the Taesan guild, ranked 3rd among guilds in Korea.

“······Yes, that’s right. It seems that the ‘candidate’, who played the role of ‘procurer’ this time, was a smart guy. Yes, in fact, we believe it has failed and are preparing follow-up measures.”

There were numerous items hanging on one side of the wall, and in the center of them all was a whole stuffed ogre. It was not an ordinary ogre, but an ‘ogre chieftain’ wearing a crown made of wood.

“······Yes, I know very well that the ‘key’ that we had to receive from the ‘Seeker of Evil’ this time is very important to our future plans and is one of the pillars for completing the empire. ······ Of course, we must find it. Anyway, whoever holds it will have no way of knowing what it is used for. Yes, we are mobilizing all of our manpower to monitor it in case it appears on the ‘black market.’”

He operated the tablet PC and a picture appeared on the screen.

The background in the photo was the kitchen of a restaurant.

All kinds of bone fragments and charred wood fragments were scattered on the floor…

“The petty thief seems to be someone who uses fire as a weapon, and I think I can identify him.”

The place in the photo was inside a franchise hamburger restaurant inside Seoul Station Station.

In other words, it was a place where the gate had opened not long ago.

“Oh, by the way, I investigated the station security. “It doesn’t seem to be from there, and seeing as the AMT rescue team joined late, I think the shoplifter may be from there.”

Then I turned on a map.

“······And in many ways, the 1st AMT Battalion of Namsan is really bothering me these days. At this point, when the wave starts tomorrow, I’m going to induce about 3 gates to open and send some employees there to sweep them out on the field. How can that be okay? “Yes, I’m hoping that if I sweep it away like that, I’ll be able to find the key among the piles of corpses.”

At that moment, Ki Baekjun’s eyebrows twitched as he heard something over the phone.


the screen of the tablet PC he was holding was distorted and the screen was broken like a spider web.

“Ha ha ha… how would you hide an item? It’s not like you swallow it and get rid of it like some kind of wheat, and you don’t even know what it is. Hahaha… yes, don’t worry.”

Although he was naturally laughing, his facial expression was not smiling at all.

“Yes Chairman, you don’t have to worry about the Korean side. Yes, I will contact you later.”

He hung up the phone and shook his head.

And then he whistled with an expressionless expression.


At that moment, Shepard kicked the floor and ran away.

“town! U-Eup!”

The target, of course, was the man tied to the floor.

But something strange happened.

Shepard’s body began to swell and take on a bizarre appearance.


Soon, it became a huge monster that could swallow not just a dog but a human being in one bite.

“town! town! town!”

Its late dinner has begun.

Woo-ok! U-duh-duk!

However, Ki Baekjun did not even glance at the terrible scene unfolding in his room.

He sat back in his chair and thought for a moment.

At that time, the intercom on the desk turned on.

– Master Five Butchers have arrived.

“Ask them to come in.”

The door opened and a total of five men and women entered.

However, the atmosphere emanating from them was very heterogeneous.

The skin was pale and the eyes were blurry, almost like a corpse.

Yes, I felt an eerie feeling that was not of this world.

“Five Butchers, I have a job for you.”

“Please command Yes Master.”

When Baekjun Ki made a gesture, the woman standing in the center approached.

Following Ki Baek-jun’s gaze, she picked up the tablet PC that was on the desk.

A map of Namsan Mountain floated on the broken screen like a spider’s web.

“Infiltrate there and make sure there is nothing left alive when the wave starts.”

“Does it matter how?”

“Um… you mean you want to make it ‘family’?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

The woman grinned.

“do it yourself. And then…”

Ki Baek-jun got up from his chair and walked to the window.

“······Spreading the death throughout Seoul.”

“Yes, I understand.”

“Seoul should not be included in the Korean evangelism published in the New Year.”


“Yes, grandma, did you eat dinner?”

Park Jun-mo, dormitory 5, was talking on the phone with someone.

“Of course I’m eating well and doing well, so don’t worry and take care of your health first.”

He called his grandmother, his only family member, at this hour every day to say hello.

However, while he usually seemed a bit intimidated and only asked how he was doing, now he was very smiley.

The reason was simple.

“Grandma, I think I’ll make a lot of money this time! Yes, the country is giving it to you for doing a good job.”

It was because I had money to spend on my grandmother.

“Yes, let’s go buy grandma winter shoes together next vacation! And I changed that troublesome boiler… No, really, I earned enough money to not feel burdened at all. It’s winter soon, how are you going to survive with a boiler that keeps leaking? Ha… in what kind of house do you wear three layers of socks?”

Park Jun-mo’s voice grew louder for a moment and then he turned his head to look.

In the innermost bed, Lee Hyun-wook was sleeping, covered in blankets.

The seniors of the 5th squad did not notice that the youngest was talking on the phone in the dormitory.

In fact, if I spoke too quietly on the phone, he would tell me not to worry.

But since I’m sleeping like that, I can’t help but worry…

‘And it looks like you’re in pain…’

Hyunwook Lee’s face turned red as if he had a fever from last night, and he even broke into a cold sweat.

“No, the seniors were very good, and everything went well this time thanks to the seniors.”

At that time, Lee Hyun-wook suddenly woke up.

“······Grandma, just wait a moment.”

Park Jun-mo put down his phone and approached Lee Hyun-wook.

“Hey, Lee Hyun-wook, sergeant, are you feeling unwell?”

Hyunwook Lee shook his head with a blank expression.

“You are working with me this morning. How do I find a replacement?”

“no it’s okay.”

“Yes, I understand.”

Lee Hyun-wook stared into space for a while.

It wasn’t because I wasn’t feeling well, it was just checking the system messages.

– Shuts down the internal furnace.

Last night, I once again turned on my body’s furnace at full capacity and absorbed metal.

As a result······.

– Current controllable ‘metal’ weight: 39399g

– Mana (371/371)

– Stage 2 of divine power release is being created. (11%)

In this way, various ability increases were achieved.

In particular, as the last line of sacred power release reached the second stage, it was accompanied by a special change.

– congratulations! New ‘skills’ are given by satisfying special conditions.

It was a new skill.

[Skill Information]

– Name: Auror (Saint)

– Grade: D

– Effect: Consumes mana (10) to grant ‘Auror (Saint)’ to a specific weapon.

* If you swallow a certain amount of ‘metal with divine power’, the skill grade will increase.

‘Thank goodness I got it right.’

Aura is the same word as Aura, but its usage is slightly different.

It refers to a technique of strengthening weapons by injecting ‘mana’ and was also called Geomgi (劍氣).

In other words, this was a skill that could grant divine power to a weapon.

In order to obtain this from the beginning, he swallowed the metal that had divine power like that.

“Grandma, anyway, I’m going on vacation next week, so I’ll install the boiler then! Know that!”

Lee Hyun-wook looked at Park Jun-mo, who was on the phone.

I’m on vacation next month…

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to get out.

At that time, the dormitory door opened.

“······No, honestly, Buldak Mandu is the best value for money.”

“Anyway, you bastard still doesn’t know how to eat! Cream udon and Big Farm?”

Ahn Min-tae and Choi Tae-yong came in chatting and turned on the TV.

“Hey, watch something other than the news.”

“Oh, look at this for a moment.”

– ······This is the next news. Yesterday afternoon, we reported that the circumstances surrounding the assassin of the Sword Saint, Kaito Okita, had been smuggled into Busan Port. Today, a large-scale tracking team led by the police was formed to catch Kaito Okita. Reporter Kim Ki-tae on the scene?

“Wow… why did that bastard come into our country again?”

Ahn Min-tae said in an irritated voice.

“I heard that bastard Kaito said on a Japanese Internet broadcast that he cut down a previous swordsman with a single sword and that the title of swordsman is not suitable for Korea, which has been a weak country for generations?”

“Oh, is that real? “I heard it was just a rumor.”

“······They said they didn’t know? “I don’t know, but it’s true that I’m a bad bastard.”

Sword Saint (劍聖) was a title that meant the strongest among sword players.

Originally, the first Geomseong was a Korean named Guk Pyo-seong, who was ranked 4th in Korea.

However, while visiting Japan on business, he was murdered at a hotel in Kyoto by Okita Kaito, aka ‘Red Player’, a criminal player who was internationally wanted for criminal activity.

Since then, the title of Sword Saint was actually held by Okita Kaito, but in Korea, it was a matter of pride in many ways, so he was called the ‘Sword Saint Assassin’.

And a few years later, Youngjun Choi regains the title of Sword Saint by cutting down Kaito Okita.

‘Okita Kaito is, of course, a villain. In other words, the fact that he moved is related to the 4th wave.’

Lee Hyun-wook thought so.

Now I know that even forcing the Sword Saint Assassin Okita Kaito to set foot on Korean soil was the cornerstone for successfully creating the 4th wave.

‘Because of that incident, Kim Kang-seok will be away from the unit for a while.’

Druid player Kim Kang-seok, known as the mountain army of Namsan, has the various ‘beasts’ he controls with a sense of transcendence. That’s why I’m dispatched for a few days to track Okita Kaito.

In other words, the best strength of the 1st Battalion was currently absent.

‘Their plans were carried out without a hitch, but the Guardian was always one step late.’

It had to be that way.

Some of the core parts of the Guardian must have been malfunctioning with major defects…

‘But by tomorrow, that plan will go a bit awry.’

Thinking like that, Lee Hyun-wook swallowed the iron ball enchanted with divine power.

“Sergeant Lee Hyun-wook! Aren’t you training today?”

Ahn Min-tae asked while changing into combat uniform.

“Uh, I’m going to take some rest today.”

“Hmm, what’s going on? You look a little tired. What’s wrong? Oh, didn’t you overdo it at the party yesterday? So in moderation…”

“no it’s okay. shut up.”


– The melting furnace inside the body works, and the metal absorption efficiency rises rapidly. (+200%)

I was tired, but I had to pull everything together until the last minute.


Second shift on guard duty is said to be the worst shift.

I have to turn off the bedtime light at 10 and get up again when I just fell asleep.

However, Lee Hyeon-wook went out of his way to ask the administrative officer to put him on duty during that time slot.

This is because the only way to be armed during this time was through ‘guard duty’.

So Hyun-wook Lee and Jun-mo Park were climbing the mountain at night.

Lee Hyun-wook’s armed status became more than usual.

He carries a K2C1 rifle and is equipped with two swords, the Cloud Sword and KG19, on his back.

And on his waist, he hung a ‘Pailnote’ and three iron beads.

It may be a bit excessive, but this was only a small portion of his many weapons.

“Park Jun-mo, are you on vacation next week?”

“Oh yes, I applied last month.”

“If I go home this time and tell them about my achievements, my family will be very proud?”

Then Park Jun-mo smiled and nodded.

“Oh yeah! So I’m already excited!”

“Yeah, it looks that way.”

“haha! In fact, until now, I think I’ve always shown my grandmother a downcast look. Maybe that’s why my grandmother was always worried about how I might go wrong. “It caused me so much worry that I thought this might be some kind of unfilial piety.”

“Why did you do that?”

“I think it was because I was dissatisfied with myself.”

Lee Hyun-wook knew what that feeling was like.

People who feel deprived of not being able to get better make those around them unhappy.

“ah! But now, thanks to Corporal Lee Hyun-wook, my thoughts have changed, and I think I can finally be a little more confident in front of my grandmother. Hahaha… Thank you so much.”

After talking like that, he scratched his cheek in embarrassment.

Lee Hyun-wook’s taste buds grew bitter as he listened to this guy’s words.

‘Park Jun-mo······.’

If all goes according to plan, Park Jun-mo will die tomorrow.

Therefore, they are never able to confirm the potential of their abilities.

And in the end, he is unable to be filial to his grandmother in the way he wants.

“Park Jun-mo. “If you want to be filial, you know that you have to live a long, healthy life first, right?”

“Ah… of course. “You’re doing a dangerous job, so yeah.”

“In order to do that, you must always keep your head straight and try to survive.”

Lee Hyun-wook said that and looked up at the sky.

The sky was pitch black at night, but Lee Hyun-wook discovered that there was a strange purple color swirling within it.

It was one of the signs of the wave.

“It looks like it will rain.”

“yes? “Do you mean rain? Well, it didn’t say anything like that in the weather forecast.”

Hyunwook Lee checked his watch without saying a word.


…14 minutes left.

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Steel-Eating Player

Steel-Eating Player

A player who eats steel, Steel-Devouring Player, Steel-eating Player, Steel eater
Score 8
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Lee Hyunwook, who originally had the ability to control steel in the world. He tried to protect the world but ultimately failed and the world was destroyed. Following that, he was given the opportunity to return to his military days and build up efforts to prevent the world from being destroyed one by one. An army + Hunter + Regression + Savior “In this life, I’ll be a real hero.” Will Lee Hyunwook be able to save the world this time?


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