Heavenly Inquisition Sword Chapter 1270

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Episode 1270. Are there that many robbers in the Abyss?

At Baron Fabian Cloud’s question, ‘What does the herb look like?’, Baron Howard Solon shrugged.

“I’m also from the Knights Academy, so I’m a sucker for medicinal herbs.”


Fabian exclaimed, and Crea, who was next to him, also helped out.

“I’ve never even looked at herbs. If it’s Mr. Tynlock, I don’t know.”

For an instant, Fabian’s gaze turned to Tynelock in the lead.

Ever since Fabian got along with Baron Solon, Tynelock had been moving half-voluntarily with Merdef, the guide.

Tynlock, who was listening to the conversation behind the scenes, spoke first before Fabian asked.

“Because I am a savage, don’t assume that you know about herbs well. I am a warrior.”

sounds like you don’t know

Fabian grumbled with a disappointed face.

“Because I knew it would be like this. I just have to focus on managing the estate. What about herbs?”

Then young Crea showed interest.

“Do you have a manor?”

That’s what I asked because there was a case where a baron’s title and a fief were given together.

“I wasn’t talking about my territory, but Lord Lagoa’s territory in the north and in the empire. Because Lord Lagoa entrusted the management of the estate to me…”


An exclamation escaped Crea’s mouth.

The relationship between Baron Cloud and Count Lagoa feels closer than he thought.

Baron Solon glanced at Baron Cloud with an envious face.

He is serving him like a servant – because of a huge debt – but he is an agent!

Near the summit of Mount Parton, there were more rocks than trees.

Merdef and Tynelock, who were climbing the sloping rocky terrain, stopped as if they were tired.

Others who followed them joined the lead one by one.

Under the shade of the tree, Fabian looked around slowly.

Then Fabian, who found dozens of people on the mountainside, asked Merdef.

“They look like ordinary people, right?”

“you’re right. They must be herbalists.”

“I thought only ordinary people could enter, but it seems that herbalists can also enter.”

Since they had to carry the burdens of adventurers and mercenaries, the handymen were able to enter the Abyss.

“Regulations have loosened a bit since the safe zone was created. I understand that even herbalists and blacksmiths have been allowed to enter.”

“Looks like there’s a blacksmith in Exo too.”

“That’s right. You have to constantly repair your armor and weapons. Things like arrows have to be bought from Tombstone.”

“You only repair, but you don’t make anything, do you?”

“Probably because there is no time to produce. There is only one forge.”

“I think it would be better to open a forge in Exodo rather than Tombstone.”

“Not really. First of all, it’s not easy because you get tired quickly no matter what you do in the Abyss. If you work 10 hours at Tombstone, you only do half that at Exodo.”

“ah! I have such a problem. The air is clearer and cooler than the Great Forest, so why do you get tired so quickly? I don’t understand.”

“Scholars say it’s because the air quality is different from the outside world, but the therapists at Exodo say something different?”

“What do you say?”

“It’s because of the curse of the Abyss.”

The unexpected answer focused Elio’s attention on Merdef.

“Abyss curse?”

“Yes, I get tired easily, but if I stay in the Abyss for a while, I will experience hallucinations or hallucinations.”

“Isn’t that because of the stress from living in the dangerous Abyss?”

All academies on the continent taught that way.

Scholars who studied the Abyss also explained that it was caused by extreme stress.

“Therapists don’t think so. If you leave the Abyss, all symptoms disappear without treatment… They say it’s definitely a curse.”

Fabian showed no reaction.

It is because the social position of therapists is insignificant.

Academy graduates usually only listen to the opinions of authority figures.

It was the same with Fabian.

However, Elio, who rolled in the river, is different.

Elio asked while admiring the scenery of Luna Mylus and Mount Parton.

“Have you also experienced hallucinations or hallucinations, Mr. Mer?”

“Yes, the reason the Falcon Mercenary Corps went to Tombstone was to treat it.”

“Will it be cured if I go outside?”

“That’s right. If you stay overnight in Tombstone, it will disappear like a lie.”

“How long do you have to stay to hear hallucinations or hallucinations?”

“It varies from person to person, but it is known about one month.”

“It’s fun.”

When Elio showed interest, Fabian interjected.

“It’s such a dangerous place, so the stress will be at its peak in a month.”

It was a natural response, not the ‘Curse of the Abyss’.



“Who do you think stays longer in the Abyss? Academy Professor? A therapist?”

“Therapists, but they are ignorant.”

“Even if you are ignorant, you will know the phenomenon of the Abyss better than the academy professors.”

“Maybe. But…”

“That’s it. We’ll find out in a month. Is it because of stress, curse or some other reason. am i right? A saint?”

Luna Mylus smiled and nodded.

“of course. Because the root of knowledge is experience.”

“Did you hear? Fabian. Do you want to bet with me too?”

“Stress and the curse of the Abyss? If that’s the case, I’ll bet on stress.”

“When did I say the curse of the Abyss? You said there could be other reasons.”

“Anyway, I am stressed. Do not underestimate the results of research accumulated over many years.”

“I bet it’s the curse of the Abyss or there may be some other reason. how is it?”

“great. But what will you bet?”

“How about a hundred gold like Baron Solon?”

“Pearl hundred gold?”

Fabian looked at Count Elio Lagoa with bewildered eyes.

There was no way he could have such a large sum of money.

There is a saying, ‘fix your own faults with the faults of others’.

Fabian shook his head when he saw that Baron Solon made a bet with money he didn’t have and fell into the abyss.

“I don’t have that money.”

“You don’t have to wager with only the money you have. Baron Solon was like that too.”

“Are you asking me to make such a bet after seeing the reality of Baron Solon? I can’t.”

“Don’t you have faith in the academy professors?”

“I told you I had no money.”

“Of course it’s not in your hands, but I’ll admit that it’s only this time. How about a hundred gold bet?”

The tempting Fabian saw Baron Solon without realizing it.

At that moment, Baron Howard Solon shook his head excitedly, as if telling him not to.

Only then did Fabian come to his senses and strongly refused.

“I don’t like it. I won’t.”

“okay. I understand that you lack trust in the academy professors.”


Fabian’s stomach churned, but he pretended not to hear what he said, as it was not completely wrong.

Suddenly, Elio turned his gaze to Baron Howard Solon.

“Howard. What do you think?”


Baron Howard Solon was startled when Count Elio Lagoa called him by name for the first time.

“Who do you think is right, the therapist or the academy professors?”

“…I do not know.”

To be honest, just a moment ago, I thought it was stress like Baron Cloud.

However, after hearing the conversation between Count Lagoa and the saintess, she somehow lost her confidence.

“Okay, if you bet a hundred gold, where would you bet it?”

“I have no money.”

“Who will hang? Assuming you bet, which side do you bet on?”

After thinking for a while, Baron Howard Solon gave an unexpected answer.

“If it were either, I would choose a therapist. It seems that there may be other unknown reasons.”

“okay? Do you think the same as me?”

Then, Fabian walked away.

“Debt is scary. Aren’t you looking at the creditor rather than the knight’s conscience?”

“Do you think everyone is like you? Howard is not like that.”

When Elio called his name again, Baron Howard Solon’s face brightened.

Fabian did not object further.

It was because he didn’t want to keep making negative comments in front of the excited Baron Howard Solon.

Then Elio said.

“good! Howard, I’ll bet you a hundred gold.”

Baron Howard Solon couldn’t even breathe, wondering what this was all about.

Fabian asked in place of him, who blinked with a blank face.

“What do you mean?”

“I said I would give you the money you don’t have. If Howard is right, you will be out of debt.”

“What if it’s wrong? If I’m right, will you give me a hundred gold?”

“You didn’t participate in the bet. If I’m wrong, I’ll be a little embarrassed. why? wanna bet Did you suddenly have faith in the disappearing academy professors?”

At Count Elio Lagoa’s provocation, Fabian ‘cryed’ but didn’t let go.

While there was no place to spend a hundred gold now, the price to bear if you lost the bet was too great.

‘Let’s wait. I’m going to ask you to pay me back with my body, just like Baron Solon did.’

Having thought that far, Fabian firmly shook his head.

“I don’t. I learned that ‘a knight should never speak twice’.”

“oh! Did you learn that at the academy too?”


“I learned something good. Aren’t the academy professors young idiots?”

Now Elio openly laughed at the academy professors.

Still, Fabian did not waver.

It is because there is no real benefit to return to himself even if he participates in the bet of Count Elio Lagoa.

Around the time the story about the Abyss faded away, Merdef and Tynelock moved again.

After a while, Elio and his party finally reached the top of Mount Parton.

Elio, who was looking in the direction of the development area to go, muttered with an absurd face.

“What are all these places?”

Beyond Parton Mountain was a desert area where it was difficult to find a single tree.

As if someone drew a straight line, the point where the mountain ends is the desert.

The same goes for looking left and right.

What can I say? It seemed that the creator god had made it roughly and then suddenly withdrew his hand.

There were bigger problems than the grotesque sight.



“When we entered that desert. What do you think will happen if you shoot a magic gun here?”

“It’s a perfect place to be ambushed. Are they following us?”

Then Elio turned his gaze to Merdef.

“Is there only one road from here to the Merci development area?”

“As far as we know, yes.”

“What about Mount Petra and the Plain of Evrima?”

“Both of them are in the state of development and then stopped because they are in contact with the danger zone.”

“Are you saying it’s a single road?”

“That’s it. If surprise is a concern, how about entering the desert after dark? Even the Falcon Mercenaries used to do that when they didn’t feel like it.”

“Are there that many robbers in the Abyss?”

“After one month, people get violent and no one knows how it will change.”

“I’ll turn. Are there many people who do not go out of the Abyss?”

Originally, the difference between a mercenary and a robber was one piece of paper, but they became more violent there!

“The longer you stay in the Abyss, the more violent it becomes, but the pleasure also increases. There are many adventurers and mercenaries who are addicted to pleasure and just sit there.”

“It’s shit.”

Elio suddenly hated the Abyss.

Hallucination hallucinations, even so, the pleasure was too much.

I got goosebumps when I thought of EXO (Safety Zone Village), which looked peaceful.

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Heavenly Inquisition Sword

Heavenly Inquisition Sword

The Nine Heavens Swordmaster
Score 7.4
Status: Completed Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2018 Native Language: Korean
“Don’t hit him with flowers. He is the master of the Nine Heavens.” Born as an illegitimate child, six-year-old Yeon Jeok has endured various violence and torment from his stepmother and half-siblings. When his father dies from illness, his stepmother locks Yeon Jeok in the warehouse. Isolated from the world, he spends ten years confined. After learning martial arts, he escapes into the world! “I regard the Yeon Family with great bitterness.” The unyielding journey of Yeon Jeok, the sole inheritor of the Nine Heavenly Swords, has just begun!


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