Dragon-Devouring Mage Chapter 261

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Episode 261



Three great army magics embroider heaven and earth in their respective directions.


As the giant summoned by Daria swung her arm, the air in its path burned all at once.


seven hundred seventy seven.

The magic that is the higher compatibility level of the giant king of firewood created by concentrating the maximum number of dwarves that can be summoned into one!

It was a magic that could burn hundreds of enemies with a single swing and vaporize dozens of enemies without leaving any flesh.

However, Daria’s magic did not hit the enemies.

Before the giant arm made of flames swept away the imperial army, the rising earth blocked the arm’s trajectory.


The walls of the earth that collided with the arm of flame collapsed and dust poured down.

Daria’s eyebrows rose sulkily at the magic that she was somehow familiar with.

“This is…”

A voice that didn’t even sound like a joke. It has to be.

If he knew correctly, the owner of this magical power should no longer be a person from this world.


The ground trembles lightly from the falling rock fragments.

In the meantime, someone walked slowly through the dust that had risen magnificently.

Death is the completion and end of life, so worship death…


A gust of wind blew the dark brown robe he was wearing.

“It was also an inspiration.”

The dark brown robe that he had been wearing in his lifetime had turned into almost rags.

You can see the rotting and decaying body between them.

What flows through the empty pupils is not the essence of the days when he claimed to be the sage of the earth.

A red chest that has turned terribly.

Facing those eyes, Daria muttered with a bitter expression.

“Rodrick Armstrong.”

As he said, the one who showed up was Roderick Armstrong, the master of the Dark Tower who had become an Arch Lich.

If Hemingway Melville, the window tower possessed by the country, is a comrade who can stand on his back and a competitor who strives for the same goal at the same time.

Roderick Armstrong, who belonged to the enemy country, was a match that would have to be settled someday.

When I heard the news that such a good enemy had been executed for rebelling against the emperor of the empire who would accept the Black Tower, somehow I felt empty in a corner of my heart.


“That said, I didn’t mean to say that I wanted to meet the old man again like this…”

They were two people who had met and fought several times during the war decades ago when they were young.

Each time, a decision was never made, and both of them withdrew, promising that one day they would decide the match.

“…But what can I do? Now that we’ve met like this, we’ll have to decide.”

Daria, who has hardened her heart, has heartlessness in her eyes.

It’s affectionate to the point of hatred, but it’s been a long time since the opponent has turned into an undead, and an arch lich, a high-ranking undead.

“When you go to the underworld later, don’t be angry with me for why I fought with fire attribute magic, which is incompatible with the undead.”


As her magic power soared high into the sky, a terrifying weather change occurred.


Dark clouds gathered and covered the two of them.

“It was a fight I would win from the beginning.”

What then falls from the cloud is pure white snow.

Daria Snowwhite.


“『The decisive battle, Snow White.』”

Some might ask.

It’s fire attribute magic, so why is it snow? However, that was the question of those who saw only the name and appearance of the magic 『White Snow』 and did not see the essence.


“Isn’t this snow…?”

“But why is the temperature…?”

Despite the falling white snow, the surrounding temperature was hot.

The moment it landed on the armor of a nearby Imperial knight.

Chii profit!


The armor melted just like the traces of falling snow.

No, the hail that fell over it dug into the flesh and touched the ground.

All the snow falling at high temperature and high pressure was compressed to the limit, and it was a pure white flame burning at high temperatures.

It reproduces the characteristics of white phosphorus, one of the substances that exist in the natural world, with magic!

Surprisingly, it wasn’t just that.

Daria’s white snow had the properties of fire and snow at the same time.

The nature of the snow, which also has a magical character… …


Did you detect any abnormalities?

The naturalized fire that had been burning in the eye sockets of Arc Reach Roderick Armstrong shook greatly once.

Unlike other knights and wizards, Roderick Armstrong possessed mighty magical powers.

Because of this, it did not happen that the body melted even if it was hit by the falling hail.

It just felt like the movement of magic power was slowing down.

Slowing down through the freezing of magic and senses.

That was the ability of Daria’s 『Decision Battle』 Snow White.

“Isn’t this the first magic you’ve ever seen?”

Daria giggled amidst the fluttering snow.

“It has to be. It’s a magic I made to deal with inspiration after the last war.”

Unlike usual, for some reason, it was a laugh that sounded a bit sad.

“The final road…”

—Daria declared.

“Even if it’s the rest of your body, go and play properly. Inspiration.”

* * *

Unlike Daria’s magic, which was blocked along the way, the other 8th circle mages’ great army magic struck the Imperial army’s flanks.

Pauling Sun.

It is literally the falling sun.

A fireball that burned everything fell in the middle of the Imperial Army, and flames swept all around.


The soldiers of the Imperial Army, who were swept away by the fire pouring out like a tidal wave, evaporated without a single scream.

The undead that were quite far away were also charred and disappeared in an instant.

As he learned Hell Fire, Russell’s flames became much hotter than before.

The iron armor made by hammering iron in front of it only doubled the suffering of those who luckily survived.

It was a pointless means of defense.

“Aww! Armor! It melts!”

“Take this off! My hand won’t come off the window. Please take it off!”

No, it would be difficult to say that I was lucky.

If he had evaporated without even recognizing his own death, he wouldn’t have felt the pain I did.


“let’s go! Help the Archduke!”

“Trample the Empire bastards!”

Russell’s first shot drops, and after a while, those who are in charge of port with him rush in like a tide.

Doo doo doo doo-!

The cavalry, holding long spears, bypassed the ground sizzling with radiant heat and rammed into the enemy camp.


Based on overwhelming mobility, the trained electric horse tramples enemies.

Puffy Puffy!

It was at that moment that the head of the trampled undead was stepped on with an eerie sound.

uh uh uh-!

The undead, such as zombies and ghouls, who maintained their flesh and skin, screamed and gathered together.

Part of the flesh melted away and turned into a green swamp with an unpleasant stench, and something raised its head in it.

It was a gigantic monster made of animal skin and flesh stitched together like rags.

Its height is only 5 meters.

“Oh, it’s an Abomination———!”

One of the wizards who recognized him exclaimed in fright.

Compared to the Arch Reach, the Doom Knight, or the Death Knight, the degree of perfection is inferior, but the Abomination was also a fairly high-ranking undead.

The number of Abominations soared like that!

“These seven marinas…!”

A spear of flame that flew in in an instant pierced Abomination’s body and exploded at the same time.

It was Gaebolg, one of Russell’s originality spells.

The flames that came up from the inside instantly ate up his huge body.


The mage who was counting muttered with a slightly embarrassed expression, and several of Endymion’s war mages came forward.

“Fire Arrow!”

“Flare Spear!”

The wizards who lacked firepower started attacking him in pairs of twos and threes, while the wizards with sufficient firepower took care of them one by one.

Vermilion is an example.

Whoops Whoops!

“Euhaha, since he is so big, there are many places to hit him!”

What a sight to see the body of the Abomination pounding non-stop with its huge fist as it rushes in flames all over its body!

The Abomination screamed at the flames pouring in from the outside as they pounded their fists, confused as to whether they were magicians or martial artists.

uh uh uh-!

Of course, that didn’t mean that the imperial army was only suffering.

Because War Mages existed in the Empire as well.

“This gap! Pour out the magic!”

“Aim for the wizard first!”

The magicians of Endymion took advantage of the moment they were tied up by the Abomination and began to play.

Among them, there were also a large number of cultists who seemed to belong to the newly created Black Tower.

“These guys…!”

Vermillion, who had been slapping the Abomination at the appearance of the cultist, bulged the muscles of his whole body and let out a roar.

The light of the battlefield.

As soon as he was about to growl with an expression that suited his nickname, bang!

Along with the explosion, Vermillion’s large body flew several meters and crashed into it.


…Greuk …Georuk!

In the process, it was a bonus that several undead bodies were crushed under Vermillion’s body.


Many thoughts passed through Vermillion’s head in the blink of an eye.

It was an attack that the magician who looked at the 6th circle master and the 7th circle couldn’t even react properly.

Damn it because I instinctively put a shield on it. If it wasn’t…


A sharp sound echoed once more, and a half-moon-shaped slash flew toward him.

An aura blade with a dull, achromatic color, perhaps made out of despair.

The moment when an aura of a color never manifested in a living human flew right in front of Vermilion at a terrifying speed!

Crimson flames rose from the floor and blocked his path.

I ate the aura that was flying with fierce flames.


“Are you okay?”

A voice coming soon.

“The priest… I got help.”

“I’ll deal with him first. So, the death penalty—”

“Okay. I’ll let you take care of other places.”

No matter how much ability is better than himself, he was in a situation where he was helped by the priest as the death penalty.

Even if it hurts my pride a little bit. Vermillion nodded without saying anything.

It was because he was not obsessed with such trivial things in the first place, and he recognized the strength of the enemy who attacked him just by receiving the sum.

“Thank you.”

Leaving those words behind, Vermillion left, and Russell glared at the monster that appeared in front of him with brightly shining eyes.

Kagak Gagagak—.

The rusty red longsword dragged on the floor, and the black-boned undead grabbed the greatsword.

Black bones that go beyond the dullness of not reflecting any light to the point of being ominous.

I feel a huge presence rising along the black bone.

“Doom Knight.”

Beyond the Death Knight, the superhuman-class undead, said to be comparable to the Arch Lich, stood right there.

dragon-swallowed wizard

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Dragon-Devouring Mage

Dragon-Devouring Mage

Score 8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
[You will be the cornerstone of a new mythology. For the sake of that mythology, I will grant you another chance.] The last successor of a fallen founding contributor family and cursed third-rate mage, Russel Raymond. He hoped to revive his family’s societal status, but was expelled from the academy. All he could do was work as a mercenary third-rate mage. One day, on his way to his temporary job, his mother’s memento ring, the “Dragon’s Heart,” reacts, and Russel is given an unexpected chance. He “regresses” back to his days in the academy. [You have received a mana stone (consumable) as a mission reward.] That is how Russel begins soaring in life like a dragon who never got to spread his wings. He crosses the waves called fate that had pressed down on him and flies into the bright world he was previously banned from.


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