Dragon-Devouring Mage Chapter 211

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Episode 211


The place where the old voice female dragon took Russell to the drawing room in the corner of the nest.

‘I never thought there would be a space like this inside the nest.’

The height from the floor to the ceiling is about 3 meters. In between, there were a few round tables and chairs designed in an antique look, and on the ceiling, a chandelier that looked expensive even at a glance scattered light here and there.

‘On the way there, it seems that there were several more rooms besides the drawing room…’

It was completely different from the dragon nests I’ve seen so far.

Are the nests of dark dragons or earth dragons special?

If not, is the nest different depending on the personality of each dragon?

It was while Russell was thinking about it.


The door opened and someone entered the living room.

It was a female dragon with finely combed yellow hair and a wrinkled face that transformed into a humanoid.


There was definitely a personal preference, but the splendid outfit stood out.

The dress she was wearing looked like new, even though it appeared to be quite old fashioned.

And the beautiful frills and jewels decorated everywhere.

In addition, he wore a fist-sized diamond necklace around his neck and a ring with thick topaz on his finger.

“I don’t know if I made my little master wait too long.”

Boo-woong with the horse. widely.

Teaware, which appears to have just been prepared, flew through the air and landed on the table.

Dalgrauk Dalgrauk-.

The dark dragon said while brewing tea without using magic.

“Before I went to sleep… it was a car I bought a long time ago, but it’s in good condition, probably thanks to the preservation magic.”

As the water boiled, the unique scent of tea that I had never felt before made my nose burn.

“Try it.”

Amber tea brew -.

Russell, who had been drinking without thinking, opened his eyes in surprise.


“This is a tea that a few people in the Age of Gods enjoyed drinking a long time ago. It is made from dried moss that grows only in the upper part of Yggdrasil, a sacred tree. Hall hall hall.”

However, the price was more than ten times higher than that of the same volume of gold, so it was explained that among those in the age of gods, few people could drink it.

‘A tea that purifies mana…’

For wizards and aura trainees, whose explosive power varies depending on the purity of their magical power, it is a treasure that is no different from a treasure.

“I don’t know how easy it is to drink such a precious treasure.”

At Russell’s muttering, the female dragon with the appearance of an old lady shrugged.

“Anyway, this is the last thing left for me. Besides, the time left for this old man is not too long. Hall hall.”

After saying that, she moistened her lips with tea and bowed her head slightly towards Russell.

“It’s a bit late, but I’d like to say hello to the little owner. A subspecies that inherits the descent of the Earth Dragon. The female dragon is called ‘Ophela Lou’. Please call me Opella. Hall hall hall.”

“This is Russell Russell Raymond.”

“All-hole Russell Raymond. That is the name of the little master.”

How many times did you say it in a low tone, as if trying to remember Russell’s name?


“I think this old man must have a lot of questions about the little master. Hall hall.”

Opella put down the teacup she was holding.

“I don’t have much time left, but I hope this old man can answer some of the little master’s questions.”

Hall Hall Hall.

If she has any questions, she looks like she’s ready to ask.

At that question, Russell lightly rubbed the tips of his thumb and forefinger.

‘What should I ask.’

I’ve encountered dragons a couple of times so far, but unfortunately I haven’t had a chance to have a proper conversation with them.

It’s because they didn’t have enough time left.

“The solvent is…”

Russell, who had been choosing a question for a while, opened his mouth as if he had made up his mind.

“What kind of solvent is it and why did I become a solvent?”

“This is one of the most essential questions. Hall hall hall.”

Taking a half-breath, she began to speak with a deepened look in her eyes.

“The Dragon Emperor…”

The Dragon Emperor was literally the ruler of all dragons and the owner of the species.

“It is also the source of all dragons.”

“You mean the source?”

“yes. If the Dragon Emperor did not exist, dragons would not exist in this world.”

Russell, who was searching for the meaning of the words, asked in shock as if he had something on his mind.

“Then, the reason why there are not many dragons left in this era is—!?”

At Russell’s question, Ophelia nodded with a sad expression.

“He is the great master and the ancestral dragon. This is because the Dragon God died in the bosom of nature. All alone…”

“The Dragon King.”

When the story about the Dragon God came out, Russell focused more on the story.

According to Opella’s explanation, the Dragon King was a being who lived through the ages.

The reason why such a Dragon God King died was none other than the wounds he received in a series of battles with those who disturbed Middle-earth.

“Giants, demons, demons, demons, transcendentalists, etc… I have fought against so many beings with him.”

As if recalling the battle at that time, her eyes sank deeply.

Opella, who quickly recovered her color within a moment, looked at Russell with clear eyes and said,

“And the reason the little master became the new dragon is that you are his last remaining descendant. To be precise, it should be said that they are descendants of him and the savior of the other world.”

“The savior of the other world…”

“It refers to a companion who came over from another world and saved this world together with our king. Come to think of it, your black hair looks exactly like that of the savior of the other world.”

It was only then that the scattered pieces of the puzzle were put together one by one.

Even why the ring, which was a keepsake of my mother, reacted to the heart of the dragon kept in the museum.

‘My mother…was a descendant of the savior of the other world.’

I don’t know if you knew about it, though.

“Then, the dragons of the second generation… Do you mean those who, like me, inherited the essence of the dragon and awakened as the next generation of dragons?”

It was a question I uttered while thinking of Iona, who was becoming a silver dragon at a fairly rapid pace, and Pepper, who was about to become a fire dragon in the spirit realm.

“Exactly so.”

She nodded at Russell’s question.

“And I, too, am in the midst of deciding on a child who will inherit my power and become the next generation of dragons. Hall hall hall.”

“A little while ago…?”

Ophelia moved her eyes at Russell’s question.

I muttered, staring at someone outside the nest far away.

“There was a girl out there who inherited the blood of the Fire Dragon. Although he is not a Earth Dragon, he is also clearly a dragon factor. Hall Hall Hall. As long as you have strong skills, you will be able to accept my strength well.”



After that, Russell and Opella had several more conversations.

What is the most memorable among them?

‘The Dragon King was very interested in what the saviors of the other world often call a game.’

‘He really liked the structure in which a clear reward was given for any action or effort. Hall hall hall.’

-Why did the Dragon God King’s power come to be transmitted to him through the structure of missions and rewards?

It was around the time that the first tea water that had been brewed for ten or so minutes had cooled to lukewarm.


Stopped talking, Opella suddenly fell silent as she grabbed her chest.

“Are you okay?”

“yes. I’m fine, but… I guess the old man’s time is running out.”

“That means…”

It means that the time has come for Opella to return to nature’s bosom, just like Eunryong did.

“I was in a long sleep period to live up to my short lifespan in order to meet my little master, but it was natural for me to become like this from the beginning. Hall hall hall.”

Having said that, she slowly rose from her seat.

“However, before that, there is something I need to personally convey to the small master.”

“For me?”

“Please follow me.”

After tapping her chest several times and tidying up her face, she stood up with a meaningful expression on her face.


After leaving the drawing room, her steps headed toward the front of a huge stone gate located inside the nest.

Stopping in front of him, she turned her head away from reaching for the door.

“From the point of view of the little master, my nest is very different from the nests of other dragons you have seen so far, isn’t it?”

“Ah yes…”

“It has to be. I am a subspecies of the Earth Dragon. It is a dragon with the power of the earth that holds all kinds of precious things.”

After saying that, Opella pushed the stone gate in front of her with all her might.

“The reason why dragons in novels and stories covet gold and silver treasures is because we, the Earth Dragons, are their motifs. Hall hall hall.”

coo gu gg geung-.

The stone gate opens on both sides with a heavy sound, and bright light pours in from the inside.


The feast of all-color jewel light suddenly disturbed my eyes.


Russell, who had covered his eyes with a moan involuntarily, widened his eyes in surprise.


The pile of gold ingots piled up like a small hill and obscuring the view is only part of it.

Beyond that, you can see how many mountains of gold ingots piled up.

Not only that, but all kinds of jewels rolling around on the floor inside.

No, it’s not just jewelry.

‘Is that over there painting and sculpture…’

Even if you roughly counted it with your eyes, it was close to Endymion’s budget for several years.

Ophelia’s voice flowed into Russell’s ears.

“Hall hall hall. These are the things this old dragon has been collecting throughout his life since he was young.”

A voice full of pride.

“Things I’ve cherished for a long time, like a greedy dragon…”

But within a moment, she said to him as if she had no regrets.

“Will the little master accept it, please?”

“I wonder if I can take all of this…”

Russell blurted out, and she shrugged.

“Isn’t it impossible to carry all these things with you in the yard being restored to the earth? Hall Hall Hall. Please accept it as the old dragon’s last gift…”

She frowned before speaking.

“this. Hall Hall Hall. It seems that the time allotted to me has run out.”


At the same time, an intense magical storm rages, and Opella’s old ball slowly turns into sand from her toes and begins to scatter.

“If possible, I wanted to take care of her until the end, but that’s not possible… I hope that the child who inherited my strength will be able to take good care of the little owner. Please look at this old dragon. Hall hall hall.”

By the time she finished speaking, her entire lower body had turned into sand.

“Come to think of it, it’s too late to tell you. Hall hall hall.”

As if remembering the last thing to say, she slowly opened her mouth.

“Little master, head north…”



Frozen land in the north.

Find the largest mirror with two full moons in the frozen lands far to the north.



Eventually, when Opella finished speaking, her new model had already turned to sand and disappeared.

It was only that the sand left where she had disappeared was drifting somewhere along the floor.


As if turning to someone who would take over his power.




“E-t-t-t-t-t-y! Sand!”

dragon-swallowed wizard

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Dragon-Devouring Mage

Dragon-Devouring Mage

Score 8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
[You will be the cornerstone of a new mythology. For the sake of that mythology, I will grant you another chance.] The last successor of a fallen founding contributor family and cursed third-rate mage, Russel Raymond. He hoped to revive his family’s societal status, but was expelled from the academy. All he could do was work as a mercenary third-rate mage. One day, on his way to his temporary job, his mother’s memento ring, the “Dragon’s Heart,” reacts, and Russel is given an unexpected chance. He “regresses” back to his days in the academy. [You have received a mana stone (consumable) as a mission reward.] That is how Russel begins soaring in life like a dragon who never got to spread his wings. He crosses the waves called fate that had pressed down on him and flies into the bright world he was previously banned from.


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