Dragon-Devouring Mage Chapter 132

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Episode 132


‘This is-.’

A red trail that appeared out of nowhere made a deep cut between Russell’s eyebrows.

The pupils also sunk deeply. Although the form is different, I had memories of similar experiences.

‘Guidance of light.’

Even when I found a cave in the Pompeo volcano or when I visited the lair of the silver dragon.

The form was a little different, but the light was guiding him.

Then the question is, where did this light come from?


Exhaling part of his breath, Russell turned his head around. I turned my gaze to find where the light was coming from.

At that time, the trajectory of light starts to sway here and there according to Russell’s movement.

It pointed to the same place, but it seemed as if refraction occurred according to his gaze.

‘no way?’

At that sight, Russell cast a spell just in case.

Mirror Image It was one of the magics of the 1st circle that reflected one’s own magic.


A mirror-like reflector begins to form, and the image of oneself begins to be projected on it.

What is reflected there is his own figure with red horns.


No, it was not tolerance.

If Yonginhwa had been completed, not one horn, but a total of three horns should have been revealed.

‘There was only one thing that appeared, but the shape of the eyes didn’t change either.’

Just in case, I opened my mouth wide and tried the light magic.

However, the shape of the fangs was not different from the usual one.

‘That’s not Yonginhwa, it’s just that the horns reacted on their own.’


for what reason?

According to the records Russell had read, it was a fire dragon that appeared at Pompeo Volcano.

And the dragon that appeared in the Kuril Islands in the records is also-.

‘It was a fire dragon.’

If the Fire Dragon that appeared in Pompeo Volcano and the Fire Dragon that appeared in the Kuril Islands were the same dragon, I could understand it to some extent.

Even if that wasn’t the case, it could be explained that they were attracted to the same Fire Dragon’s power.

‘Of course, it’s just a guess.’

Thinking so, Russell moved his body again. He shook his limbs and swam vigorously.

The destination was the end where the traces of red light shined.

* * *


The quiet sleep began to stir. Then, small bubbles rise to the surface of the water.


A head soared through the rumbling water.

A head with black hair, red eyes and red horns.

It was Russell.

“Is this…?”

After breaking through the water, Russell moved his gaze slowly.

Was it because the surroundings were dark?

After swimming as the trail of red light led me, I came out, but I couldn’t see very well.

As if he had already reached his destination, the light from the horn had long since completely disappeared.


Russell, who instinctively tried to use light magic, suddenly stopped his fingertips.

Reaped the remnants of the magical power that had been at the tip of her finger. At the same time, the door to the spirit world was opened.

‘It doesn’t matter if I use light magic, but-.’

It wasn’t such a bad choice to summon Pepper from time to time to get some fresh air.

Calling it only during battle was too expedient.


The door to the spirit realm begins to open with the ring of flame.

Then Pepper, who was in the form of a baby dragon, abruptly poked her head.

It transcended the spirit realm and manifested itself in the material realm.


Food Duck Food Duck -.

Small sparks spread along the wing flapping, and the sparks that spread out brighten up the dark, albeit dim, space.

Just at that moment!


Pepper made a fuss as if he had discovered something.

It quickly exited the spirit realm and landed on Russell’s head.

It coiled itself up, burying its head and eyes in its tail and wings.

Act like you’re afraid of something.

The emotion coming in through the connected thoughts is also fear.

‘What did you find?’

When Russell questioned, Pepper quietly raised his wings.

He opened his eyes and breathed fire from his mouth.



Then, a small wisp-like ball of fire rises into the air and begins to soar upward.

A bright light shone in every corner of the dark cave.

appearing at the same time.

It was a bone tomb of a scale never seen before.

No, it wasn’t a bone grave.

It was a huge skeleton that could be mistaken for a bone tomb

with such a huge size to be mistaken for.


The length of the backbone alone was enough to be several tens of meters, and it was a size that could be seen.

In addition, the leg bones that protrude below the spine as if resting on the chin were by no means small.

If it stood up, its height alone would reach ten meters.

In addition, the skull in the shape of a wolf and the teeth along the jaw joint were quite sharp.

‘Is there a wolf of this size in the world?’


This is no longer a wolf, but it should be called a divine beast or a demon beast.


The moment he thought that far, Russell hesitated.

It was because the existence of someone who might be the owner of this bone came to mind.

‘The first Beast King, Fenrir.’

It was a being with a record of being as tall as a huge hill when standing up and jumping over mountains with a single leap.

Besides, the shape is also a wolf.

It wouldn’t be strange for a being of that size to have a bone like this.

‘If this is really the Beast King Fenrir…’

I can understand the words of the beastmen who call this place – the land where the gods dwell.

For them, Fenrir, the first Beast King, is a symbol of pride and at the same time a god.

‘By the way, where is the dragon?’

Russell’s brow furrowed deeply.

Fenrir was said to have inherited dragon blood, but that did not mean that ‘he’ was a perfect dragon.

It was then.

Food Duck-.

Pepper, who had been sitting silently on top of Russell’s head, flew up with a whistle.

Perhaps it was because he realized that the huge body in front of him was the remains of a dead man.


Seeing that, Russell laughed softly.

It was because the appearance of the trembling just before was gone, and the appearance of Pepper flying around in triumph seemed quite cute.


Of course, it felt a little different when he landed on Fenrir’s skull, tapped it with his front paws, and let out a roar like a victor.


‘Let’s keep this a secret from the Beasts.’

Thinking so, Russell stepped out of the water.

Seeing Fenrir up close, the feeling of intimidation was stronger than he had expected.

If the intimidation of the already dead ashes is this much, what would it be like when alive?



The rushing heat dried his wet clothes and hair, and Russell, taking his eyes off the remains, slowly explored the inside of the cavity.

I wondered if there was something related to dragons.

Iron… Buck Iron… Buck Flutter, trudge.

As the water dries up, the muddy footsteps gradually become duller.


Russell moved his eyes in the trajectory of Pepper’s sparks.


It didn’t take long to briefly tour the structure of the intestines.

Although it was a cavity that contained Fenrir’s large body, it was only a few hundred meters wide.

All that was left was the wall covered by Fenrir’s gigantic body.

If the place mentioned in the passage is here, there must be something beyond that giant.


just as expected.

Going behind the remains reveals a door that was hidden by the giant.

The huge body of Fenrir blocked the stone gate about 2 meters in height as if to block it.

Doesn’t it look like Fenrir is guarding this door?


I pushed the door with a trembling heart, and the door started to open with a dull sound.


It was a weight that was by no means light, but because Russell’s power was more than that.


Soon after, the moment the stone gate opened, Russell had no choice but to freeze in place.

Through the slightly open door, I could see a gigantic body that would not be fully exposed, sitting coiled up.

Scales that radiate a beautiful luster as if they were carved out of garnet, and a gigantic body that looks like an entire small mountain has been moved. ‘If you look at the size alone, is

it twice as large as

the silver dragon I saw last time…’

If what I felt from the silver dragon was hardness and smoothness like steel, what I felt from the exterior of the red dragon was something explosive like a volcano.

Russell, who had been looking at the dragon’s body for a while, was able to discover two questionable points.

The first of these was the lack of horns.

Precisely, there are two places where horns should be, but only one horn is sprouting.

‘no way-.’

Was the horn he absorbed from the volcano Pompeo belonged to the fire dragon in front of him?

I thought so.

and second.

It was that he couldn’t feel any vitality from the dragon right in front of him.

‘Is it too late this time?’

The last time I met the silver dragon, I was able to talk even for a short time.

This time, even that seemed unlikely.


Then Pepper let out a cry. It stopped beating its wings as if it had discovered something and sent a thought wave.


As I tilted my head and headed toward it, I saw that Pepper was sitting there, preying on something.

It looks like-.

‘volcanic bomb?’

It was like a giant volcanic bomb.

‘Of course, it wouldn’t be a real volcanic bomb.’

No matter how gigantic the volcano was, the diameter of the volcanic bombs ejected from it could not reach several meters.

Besides, if this was an ordinary volcanic bomb, there’s no way the Fire Dragon would cherish it between its tail.

‘Could this be…an egg?’

Then a plausible hypothesis passed through Russell’s mind.

If it was a fire dragon egg, it wouldn’t be strange if it had a shape similar to that of a volcanic bomb.

Besides, the reason why the fire dragon is embracing is also not convincing.

The unfortunate thing was that not only the fire dragon, but even the eggs he was hatching did not feel any vitality.

Like the Fire Dragon, it must have been because a long time had passed since its life had already ended.


Russell clicked his tongue and reached out.

Feeling sorry for nothing, I tried to sweep the fire dragon down.

However, Russell could not continue his next move.

It was because the moment Russell’s fingertips touched, an unbelievable change occurred in the giant body of the Fire Dragon.


Hundreds and thousands of fire dragons’ huge bodies begin to scatter and reconcile with sparks.


Sparks scattered in all directions filled the hall in a circle, as if they were petals blowing in the wind.

Red prominences and rays of light soared up from the inside of the fire dragon, which was then dissipating and disappearing at the same time.


What emerges between the light and the fire.


It was something that looked like a staff at first glance, like a spear at first glance, and also like a gigantic flesh at first glance.

[Ignir, the Fire Dragon, is in love with his little master.]

A voice came.

[Please forgive this lowly servant who couldn’t wait for the moment of Your coming.]

Amid the flames, the image of a dragon emitting scarlet light raised its head.

[Divine instrument ‘Brahmastra’]

Then, he sent ‘something’ that appeared from among the flames towards Russell and said.

[I have been guarding this place to spread this great ‘magic’.]

The wizard who swallowed the dragon

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Dragon-Devouring Mage

Dragon-Devouring Mage

Score 8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
[You will be the cornerstone of a new mythology. For the sake of that mythology, I will grant you another chance.] The last successor of a fallen founding contributor family and cursed third-rate mage, Russel Raymond. He hoped to revive his family’s societal status, but was expelled from the academy. All he could do was work as a mercenary third-rate mage. One day, on his way to his temporary job, his mother’s memento ring, the “Dragon’s Heart,” reacts, and Russel is given an unexpected chance. He “regresses” back to his days in the academy. [You have received a mana stone (consumable) as a mission reward.] That is how Russel begins soaring in life like a dragon who never got to spread his wings. He crosses the waves called fate that had pressed down on him and flies into the bright world he was previously banned from.


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