Dragon-Devouring Mage Chapter 88

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Episode 88


The moment he prepared for death and prepares for his last outburst.

Russell’s eyes trembled slightly at the stone wall blocking his way as if to protect him.


is Earth Wall, an ordinary 4-circle magic.

However, the magic within it was by no means light, so Russell barely moved his eyes at the magic that was as heavy and solid as a stone.

I looked in the direction the voice came from.


Hughes was also surprised by the intrusive voice.

As he twisted his head, his fingers trembled as if he couldn’t hide his embarrassment.

It has to be.

‘You didn’t detect a presence until you heard a voice from this distance?’

No matter how tired and wounded he was, he was still a sword master.

The meaning of the fact that he had come this far by deceiving his senses was clear.


Even at the very least, if you compare it to a master level aura user wizard, it was a saying that he was a provincial top lord level skill.

As if to reply to such a thought, the rock-hard magic shook the whole area.


Hughes’ face stiffened at the sound of what sounded like a long howl from the whole land.

It is because he realized that the opponent was unexpectedly strong through the magic he felt.


The superman who crossed the wall was here.


I tilted my head at the magical power that I had felt somewhere, and within a while, the owner of the magical power appeared.


Hughes growled ferociously, recognizing his face.

An appearance closer to an Eastern monk rather than a wizard, and copper-colored skin.

Even an eyepatch to hide one eye lost on the battlefield.

Niccolo Machiavelli.

The lord of the imperial tower of the royal capital and the best yellow mage belonging to Endymion.

He has now appeared on this battlefield.

“for now-.”

He lightly brushed his palms and snarled his horse’s tail.

“Do you want me to get out of the side of the proud wizard of my country right away?”

A really light number.

However, the results produced by that one number were by no means light.

At the same time as the mana flowing through his fingers covered the surface, a part of the earth swayed.

It melted like a thick liquid and instantly transformed into a swamp.


Hughes was about to kick the ground at the sight of the ground he was stepping on melting in an instant.

I was trying to get the new one out.

But before that -.


The thick earth pulled his body.


At the same time as the lower half of the body was buried up to the knees, the land that had turned into a swamp curved like a torrent.


With that momentum, he threw Hughes on the other side.


Hughes let out a moan at the pain that bent his back like a bow.


The whole area is rocking wildly like waves, and the ground is collapsing.

A cobweb-like incontinence spread out and a pit formed.

Awesome cougar and madness!

several meters deep.


If he hadn’t protected his back with an aura, the shattered spine would have pierced his body.

Hughes groaned in pain as if several bones had been broken.

In the meantime, Nicolo, who had come to Russell’s side, opened the potion.


I poured it into my mouth and checked Russell’s condition.

“Are you okay?”

there’s no way it’ll be okay

At first glance, it is a serious injury. It was not a wound that could be treated with a bottle or two of potion.


In order to treat the twisted leg, the bones had to be matched first.

Not only that, but it took a considerable amount of time to drive out the aura that had penetrated the body.

The surprising thing is that Russell’s breath is still attached even after suffering such a wound.

‘Is that not enough, McRae Hughes drove that beast-like person over there?’

A superman who has reached the rank of Sword Master.

The feat of burning half of his body and completely blowing off his left arm was never something a 5th circle wizard could do.

It would be impossible even if Hemingway or Daria came, let alone an enemy of the same level.

But this young man did a great job.

‘I never thought the day would come when I would feel awe beyond admiration for the skills of my juniors.’

What surprised him even more was Russell’s voice that followed.

“…Tower lord.”

“Do not speak. They say he drank the potion, but that’s just a first aid measure-”

“As for the death penalty…what happened to Hubert and Kiel’s envoy?”

Even in this situation, he seems to be concerned about others rather than his own safety.

Surprised by his thoughtfulness, Nicolo widened his eyes.

“Don’t worry about them. We are on the way to our home country, safely meeting with the second generation and receiving treatment.”

“-Is that so.”

The fact that her holding on to his ankles here was never in vain.

Only then did Russell let out a sigh of relief.

“You suffered.”

As he opened another bottle of potion and put it in his mouth, Nicolo touched Russell’s forehead with the palm of his hand.


After relieving the pain through sleep magic, I got up.

Patter Patter-.

McRae Hughes stood up in a pit several meters deep.

Truly a sword master.

No matter how seriously injured he was, he probably didn’t die instantly from that level of wounds.

“It’s a really tough life force.”

Quad Deuk-.

Moving the ground like a river, Niccolo raised his mana as he pushed Russell backwards.

“Something like a loser who ran away unsightly.”

Hughes fired as if he would not give up.

He wasn’t unaware of the current situation either. It’s only natural that if you fought him with a body that was seriously injured like this, you would be defeated.

However, Hughes did not escape.

no i couldn’t escape

There was no way the opponent in front of him would let him go without hesitation.

just like he did

I had to make a gap somehow.

“Be a loser.”

You’re not wrong. Saying that, Nicolo ran his fingertips through his eyepatch.

One of his pupils, where the scar he had suffered the day before had already disappeared, seemed to be throbbing.

I guess this is called phantom pain.

“I honed my incisive self-confidence skills for revenge, but-.”

I hope we will meet in this situation.

It’s a situation where you should feel a sense of collapse, but Nicolo didn’t.

“It’s my personal wish to get revenge properly in the right place, but I can’t help it.”

Instead, it rotated seven circles at high speed.

“Because you are the enemy of your country to the extent that you cannot put personal grudges ahead.”


As soon as the words were finished, the ground split apart.

Between them, a cliff like an abyss appears.

Wow wow!

Hughes jumped up and down on the ground with his mouth wide open as if it would swallow him at any moment.


The flesh that had been melting in the heat began to fall.

To make matters worse, rocks fell from the sky like gunfire.

‘If only I had a sword-!’

If that were the case, I’d cut it off and run away, but it’s a real dilemma.


The moment he manages to knock off a rock with only one arm, bang!

The rising earth hit him in the stomach.


His body spins and bounces through the air several times. A few ribs seemed to have been crushed.

Nonetheless, Hughes laughed.

“To be stupid is-.”

It’s not enough even if you catch it close, and it’s blown back in the yard.

Isn’t this really giving you a chance to escape?

Thinking so, the moment you try to twist your body, bang!

Heavy gravity pressed down on his body.

If the flame derivative magic is thunderbolt, the earth derivative magic is gravity.

For Nicolo, who was at the top of the lineage of the Yellow Tower, gravity magic was one of his strengths.


He fell flat on the floor with no intention and let out a scream.

It felt as if my bones, muscles, and organs were being crushed.

An intense pain that came from all directions and squeezed the entire body.

“Shut up…”

All Hughes could do in the midst of it was to continue wriggling his wriggling body.

If the amount of aura had been sufficient, or at least if the body had been intact-.

‘Something like gravity.’

would have been able to withstand it.

However, the wounds he suffered took too much of his mental strength to do so.

Most of them were wounds from the fight with Russell.

“I thought they would laugh at the number of wizards fighting as stupid.”


“It’s not even funny.”

It wasn’t to help him escape by using the ground to bounce him off.

It was to draw him into the gravitational field that I had prepared from the beginning.

“It’s buggy, it’s buggy. It was something you used to say like a habit.”

A cold voice continued.

“By the way, how about the impression of crawling on the floor wriggling like a bug?”

Hughes pursed his lips.

It was to add a word to Nicolo’s provocation.

It’s not because of you that I became like this.

It’s because of that little wizard with unusually strong powers.

That’s why what you did to me was not revenge.

That moment-.



The sound of popping balloons rang out.

It was the sound of his lungs exploding, unable to withstand the pressure.

That was the beginning.

Kwadeuk Wooddeuk!

Boom boo boo!

The sound of bones and muscles crushing.

The sound of something exploding echoed incessantly.


just a few seconds later.

Seeing Hughes, unable to even utter a proper final word and turned into a pile of meat and blood soaking the floor, Niccolo coldly sighed.

“Come to think of it, bugs can’t speak to humans.”




It was some time after that when Russell regained consciousness. It was after quite some time.


I feel the scenery around me passing by at a rapid pace.

The appearance of the castle wall approaching with him at a terrifying speed.

Her consciousness was still clouded, but there was no difficulty in grasping the situation.


home country.

It was because the appearance of the wall approaching was consistent with the one from the previous day.

Perhaps the one running toward the castle wall with himself on his back is probably Nicolo.

As if to say that his reasoning was not wrong, Nicolo kicked the floor.


It is truly a skill that is close to vertical ascension.

He soared up dozens of meters with a single leap and jumped over the wall at once.


Scared to land on the floor, I shouted to the surroundings.

“Come on, call the medical squad!”

From the urgent voice, you could tell how fast he ran to the wall.

“Prepare the stretcher!”

“Bring as many clean bandages and potions as possible!”

“People who are good at osteotomy, first match the leg bones!”

The crowd of medical staff makes a fuss while checking Russell’s condition.


Russell closed his eyes, feeling that his head was pounding again.

As if they had waited, the demons came rushing in once again.

[You have completed the mission.]

[We will give you a reward. As a reward…]

[You have completed the mission.]

[You have received the reward…]

A notification sounded in Russell’s ears.

With the special envoy escort of Carmel Kingdom.

The sword master’s resurrection from danger.

It was the sound of two missions being completed.

dragon-swallowed wizard

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Dragon-Devouring Mage

Dragon-Devouring Mage

Score 8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
[You will be the cornerstone of a new mythology. For the sake of that mythology, I will grant you another chance.] The last successor of a fallen founding contributor family and cursed third-rate mage, Russel Raymond. He hoped to revive his family’s societal status, but was expelled from the academy. All he could do was work as a mercenary third-rate mage. One day, on his way to his temporary job, his mother’s memento ring, the “Dragon’s Heart,” reacts, and Russel is given an unexpected chance. He “regresses” back to his days in the academy. [You have received a mana stone (consumable) as a mission reward.] That is how Russel begins soaring in life like a dragon who never got to spread his wings. He crosses the waves called fate that had pressed down on him and flies into the bright world he was previously banned from.


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