Dragon-Devouring Mage Chapter 87

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Episode 87


Russell himself was aware of the uniqueness of his magic power to some extent.

‘Ordinary wizards couldn’t even properly detect my magical power.’

No, not just ordinary wizards.

Unless he revealed it himself, among the wizards who reached a certain level, there were only a few who could properly detect his magical power.

It was to the extent that even that Blaine had not properly grasped Russell’s circle and had mobilized shallow water.

In fact, until now, Daria and Hemingway have been able to properly grasp the amount of magic that Russell possesses.

There were only two people.

If you turn around -.

‘Unless I reach at least the level of the 8th circle, it must mean that I can’t properly detect the magic I have.’

The trick Russell used to trick Hughes was also based on that trait.

After forcibly creating a sign of magical power using the spirit’s clothing, he hid the original magical power as much as possible.

“Volcanic Cannon—!!!!”


Explosions mixed with high-temperature magma as well as volcanic bombs.

It is not an ordinary eruption of magma.

Through magic, the small volcano itself was realized.

Russell moved his vocal cords as he witnessed the enemy covered in magma in an instant.


I tried to vomit the ‘one number’ left by the owner of the voice.

But before that, chuk!

Magma cracks.

The magma split into five and six branches gushed out in different directions!

“How dare you!!”

Hughes appeared in it. With one hand, he blocked the magma that surged toward him.

The blistered right arm blocking the magma and the irritated eyes.

And the hair that was tanned black and gave off an acrid smell.

“Admit it.”

Between them, a savage life spurted out.

“I’ve killed many wizards, but you’re the first one to push me to the level of a worm.”

It was the recognition of a master-level strongman who transcended human barriers.

However, Russell, who had been recognized, could not be genuinely happy.

For that reason, Hughes’s life force was too overwhelming.


It seemed that the surrounding colors were dyed achromatic.

Even though it wasn’t completely reproduced, Russell looked tired of the momentum that drove out even Dragon Fear.

‘He survived a volcanic eruption naked?’

No matter how small the scale, a volcano is a volcano!

A moment of surprise.

Realizing the mistake of the moment, Russell seized the string of tension again.

Spot at that moment -.


Russell instinctively turned. Along with him, blood gushed from his shoulder blades.

It wasn’t deep, but if I hadn’t moved, I would have been decapitated.

Finger Blade.

Unlike in the East, it was a technique called Geomgyeolji (劍結指).

I never thought I would shoot it this far.

It was only for a while that the aftermath alone revealed the skin and made the hair grow soft on the cracked earth.

Russell, who hastily turned his body, used his defense magic.

The reaction speed was not bad considering that the injured shoulder was throbbing.

Bang bang bang!

Hughes, who shook off the eruption of magma, was approaching at close range.

Fighting a sword master and entering his sphere is tantamount to committing suicide.


Hughes, however, had the same idea.

As if he had no intention of giving away the distance he had once caught, the secret sword and sword sharpness spewed out with five fingers constantly changed.

A blood-red aura cut through Russell’s eyes in an instant.

Viscount Jjam Zeng Jjawoong-!

Russell’s defensive magic shattered like glass at the attack, as if to say that this was the sword master’s true intention.


Even then, the aftermath continued to beat Russell’s body.

A strong attack that resembles hitting all over the body with a hammer.

If I hadn’t tempered it through the training of Overlord and Wizard Body, I would have collapsed screaming.


clap clap clap clap clap clap.

Russell, who had endured enough pain to whiten his eyes and continued to use defensive magic, suddenly changed his momentum.

‘There is no end to this theory-.’


Overlord and Wizard Body.

He minimized the pain by using the two magics to the limit, and at the same time began to counter Hughes’ attack by spreading the magic.

Rather than giving flesh and taking bones, it’s close to the opposite.

It was only after giving away the bones that he managed to get only part of the flesh.

I know that it is a battle with a lot of losses.

No matter how you calculate it, if it’s a slugfest at this distance, Hughes will have a much better advantage.

But without doing this, he couldn’t think of any means of getting out of Hughes’ streets.


Lightning and geomjiji collided.


It blocks the secret sword through the vacuum space created by burning the entire air.

In an instant, he uses gravity to bind Hughes’ feet.


The earth gushed out in the form of a giant awl.

The moment you make a single mistake, you are on a tightrope with no match for your death.

It was already an eccentricity somewhere between skill and feat.

Artifact obtained from ruins.

It would have been absolutely impossible if it hadn’t been for distributing the load of psychic power through the golden mask.

On the other hand, he was also preparing for a counterattack.

‘Gay Bolg-!’

The Circle rotated violently, squeezing out mana without rest.

Mana has been greatly increased by using Yonginhwa. Among them, except for the minimum amount necessary for defense, most of them are hammered into it.

A demonic spear reaching dozens of feet.

It is to concentrate more mana into a single shot.

Compress and compress again.

one point.

Let all the power converge on one point, so that even the sword master’s aura can be pierced in an instant!


The subordinate, who couldn’t even handle the mask, rubbed his brain at random.


A nosebleed broke out every time.

But it doesn’t matter. Because there was no place that wasn’t covered in blood.

Even though I blocked and avoided it, the aftermath alone seriously injured me.

Russell gritted his teeth, clearly realizing the gap with the superman.

‘Blaze Staff-.’


The flames rose from under my feet and spread out in all directions, drawing ripples.

In an instant, the atmosphere around the area heated up.

“If you are going to die together, you have chosen the wrong partner. Wizard!”

The guy shouted as if he couldn’t stand the flames that filled the surroundings at once.

‘You idiot…’

Russell smiled faintly as he swallowed again the welling blood.

The reason why he unfolded his blaze staff was not to commit suicide with him.

It was only to heat up the air and hide Gaebolg with that heat.

‘You only get one chance.’

I had to pierce his heart with just one chance.

The moment this fails, death is virtually certain.

“It’s like starting a fire without knowing that the space for me to escape is shrinking!”

Hughes, who had been burned all over, roared and crossed his arms.

“A moth that rushes towards the fire is exactly the same word as an insect!”


At the same time as the defense magic is destroyed, Knock!

His left hand landed on Russell’s shoulder.

“It is over. You damn wizard!”

Quadduk! Five fingers crushed and dug into the shoulder blades as if they were steel awls.

But do you know

Setting fire and giving him a shoulder blade.

All of them were Russell’s goals and pieces of the puzzle he was putting together!

“Okay, that’s it.”

Aiming at the moment of inattention, Russell moved both hands.


With a groan, he grabbed Hughes’ arm, which had dug into his shoulder.

I released the memorize that I had been hiding for this moment.


5 circle paralysis magic.

Considering the sword master’s magical defense, it would be unreasonable to bind his entire body.


‘At least my left arm connected to me-!’


Hughes’s eyebrows rose at the feeling of a tingling in his arms.

Half a beat faster than that, the magic floating high in the sky fell.

Russell Raymond.


Death’s Spear, Gae Bulg.

On top of that, the last ‘one move’ left by the voice was overlapped.

There is power in words – Dunga.

Despite being the closest to the source of magic, no wizard can easily imitate it.

The highest level of magic that interferes with the phenomena of the material world itself.

Eonyeong (言霊).

Of course it wasn’t perfect.

Even that was only used once, using the power left by the owner of the voice.

However, at least there was not enough to decorate the finale of this fight.


It’s too early for the sunset to set.

Red aura covered the foot of the mountain.


* * *

A shockwave that could topple a few small hills at once shook the area.

Whole mountain peaks were overturned and falling rocks fell in all directions.

Unable to overcome the shock wave, Russell’s body tumbled to the floor.

“Keuk kook kul kuk kuk-.”

The very center where the explosion occurred is literally hell itself.

‘It would be a pity if it wasn’t for that, because I used Blink to take my body out at the last moment…’

Even if that wasn’t the case, Russell’s physical condition was never normal.

Was it because of the shock wave of the explosion or was it hit by a stone that exploded?

One leg was horribly twisted.


‘-I think I’ve had more than four ribs…’

Cool cool.

Every time he coughed, blood gushed out.

With vomiting blood, Russell rolled on the floor once more.

It wasn’t just the trauma that was serious.

It seems that the time limit for Yonginhwa is over, and even the reaction is starting to come.

I didn’t pass out, but it was a headache and dizziness, nothing strange about fainting.


In pain, like a handful of needles scattered over his brain, Russell vomited blood mixed with vomit.

let out a rough breath.

“Win… did you?”


Even though he borrowed power that was not his own, from that sword master?

Even in the midst of exhaustion to the point where he couldn’t lift a finger right now, Russell smiled faintly.

It was because a sense of accomplishment came over me, as if I had threaded a thread through the eye of a needle that could never be achieved.

Is it a plan to destroy that sense of accomplishment?

Less, less -.

It all collapsed, and a rattling sound resounded in the pit where the flames were still boiling.

It was McRae Hughes.

The burn marks that covered half of his face had spread to half of his upper body, and he wondered if he had been pierced by magic.

The left arm appears to have completely evaporated and disappeared.

Nonetheless, Hughes was alive. Even though he suffered close to serious injuries, he was still breathing.

‘That…stopped it?’

Rather than saying that it was blocked, it should be said that it was barely leaked at the cost of one arm, but the meaning was not very different in context.

“Kuh. Hehehe.”

slobber slobber -.

As his melted skin soaked the floor with ooze, Russell approached right in front of him and cried like a beast.

It has to be.

The burns covered almost half of the body, and the torn off and evaporated left arm would not be able to be recovered even if the best potion was poured.

Because of this incident, he must have become the weakest among all sword masters in name and reality.

Hughes could not accept the fact that he had achieved all of that at the level that the 5th Circle wizard himself had treated as a bug.

“I will not kill you gracefully. At least like me… no. I have to go through dozens of times the pain I went through.”

A ghastly light shines over eyes filled with madness.

“First of all, the left arm-.”

He raised his hand as if he was going to tear off his left arm, as if he was going to give back what he had done.


Even at the moment when he was prepared to die, Russell gritted his teeth.

I tried to spin the rattling and creaking circle.


Every time a thread of mana flowed out, pain as if struck by lightning struck.

It seemed as if a swarm of fire ants were wandering around Mana Road.

The only thing Russell was able to complete in that situation was only one ‘magic missile’.

Literally, the final outburst.

Gathering up the rest of his strength, he rushed forward to Russell, who was about to shoot it!

Suddenly, a huge earthen wall soared up.


A soaring earthen wall blocked Hughes’ attack


A voice as hard as a rock came.

dragon-swallowed wizard

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Dragon-Devouring Mage

Dragon-Devouring Mage

Score 8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
[You will be the cornerstone of a new mythology. For the sake of that mythology, I will grant you another chance.] The last successor of a fallen founding contributor family and cursed third-rate mage, Russel Raymond. He hoped to revive his family’s societal status, but was expelled from the academy. All he could do was work as a mercenary third-rate mage. One day, on his way to his temporary job, his mother’s memento ring, the “Dragon’s Heart,” reacts, and Russel is given an unexpected chance. He “regresses” back to his days in the academy. [You have received a mana stone (consumable) as a mission reward.] That is how Russel begins soaring in life like a dragon who never got to spread his wings. He crosses the waves called fate that had pressed down on him and flies into the bright world he was previously banned from.


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