Dragon-Devouring Mage Chapter 85

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Episode 85



The new model of McRae Hughes ran through the mountain road without hesitation.

Movement like a gale.

Each time, the wind that followed my footsteps parted the light morning fog.

McRae Hughes muttered something incessantly.

“Fucking, fucking, fucking-.”

Contrary to the unstoppable steps, the face full of annoyance.

His right arm, which had

no choice but to hold the sword, was now covered in blood.

‘How dare a sword or something defy me.’

Until now, the number of mages he had killed with his magic sword reached a level of vigor.

There were a few of them, but there were also those with top level skills.

But to be sure, something like today was the first time.

A feeling as if the sword refused to be swung.

Recalling the situation at the time, McRae Hughes glared at the ghost sword in his hand.

Maybe it’s because I used a powerful aura to take it and press it.

The yogi flowing through the sword body was not much different from the usual.

The problem was the right arm.

It seemed that the muscles were twisted and the bones were slightly out of alignment due to the tight yogi.

It would be possible to swing the sword, but the reaction would be half a beat slower.


McRae Hughes snorted at the worry that came to his mind.

Scrumps at best.

‘It’s too much of a worry to deal with those guys.’

I clicked my tongue and looked down at my chest.

To be precise, it was a necklace hanging from his chest.

It was a necklace in the shape of a compass, but with only one needle.

It has to be.

The compass attached to this necklace was not an ordinary object, but an artifact enchanted with tracking magic.

Woo woo-.

As I blew the aura, the compass on the compass spun.

Soon, the needle dyed black pointed in one direction.

‘It’s over there.’

A part of the subject’s body.

For example, it was a type of artifact that used nails or hair to track opponents.

The person who provided it was none other than the Marquis of Kiel.

As long as this artifact is present, the princess will not be able to escape her pursuit.

that the needles were stained black. This was a signal that the princess was not far away.

At that signal, McRae Hughes twitched his lips.

“Low things.”

It’s like procrastinating like a bug that can only escape this much.

Thinking so, McRae Hughes straightened his sword.

Thinking that I would not miss this time, I accelerated the new model once again.





McRae Hughes, who was rapidly closing the distance, noticed an unusual change after a while.

A sign of abnormality was detected in his senses as he ran from tree to tree.

Sensation as if the peripheral nervous system is burning thrillingly!


As soon as I twisted my body, six streams of lightning flashed past the spot.


The lightning that struck the top of the tree spreads around and begins to weave tightly like a spider’s web.

chain light.

Chain Lighting.


Seeing through the true nature of magic, he overlaid an aura on the sword body. Swinging his


he cut off the web of lightning that had been trapping him.

An unstoppable swordsmanship like a magic sword!

Cheerureuk boom!

Fragments of torn apart lightning bolts bounced in all directions.

an explosion takes place

As if waiting, a huge shadow covered his head.

A rock the size of a house began to fall, staining the sky black.

“These bug-like people are doing something unreasonable!”

Although it is said to have been lifted up with magic and accelerated magic, it is only a large boulder.

It wasn’t even a job to cut something like that.


Standing up-.

With a sharp cutting sound, the boulders that covered the sky turned into hundreds and thousands of stone fragments.

That moment.


A small electric shock bounces between rocks and booms!

A blue thunderbolt connected the sky and the earth.

The target is not McRae Hughes, but fragments of the shattered rock!

fire stone.

It was a stone that Russell had brought from a nearby valley while waiting for him to come.

A stone with the property of bursting like popcorn and devastating the area when the temperature exceeds a certain level.

‘There were frequent cases of mercenaries who didn’t know anything about to explode while grilling meat up there.’

The moment the lightning strikes, the stone fragments burst out like a chain of destruction!

Bang bang bang bang!

Fragments of sharply broken and fragmented rock.

The force of the explosion added on top of it created beehive-like holes in nearby trees.


On top of that, Russell shoved his magic.

A thunderstorm that managed to reproduce only its shape by borrowing the power of Cloudy Ring.


“Gae Bulg-!”

The thunderbolt, as it was expressed, was concentrated on a single point.

It was absurdly powerful to think that it was created by a 5th circle mage alone.

If you add a little bit of exaggeration, you can call it Top Master’s magic!


It was so loud that even a proper sound could not be achieved.

A deflagration occurred and the trees that grew along the mountain range evaporated without leaving even ashes.

The shattered boulders tumbled down the mountain without rest.

In the aftermath of the impact, part of the mountain foot began to collapse entirely.

It is powerful magic that can annihilate more than a few companies.

If you hit it right, it would not be enough to use this spot as a stone seat.

Of course, this would be possible assuming that the other party was not the Master.

‘He’s the one who was fine even in the fire of magic that unfolded with the death penalty.’

I didn’t even think that I would be able to knock it down with an attack like this in the first place.

So, if you really mean it, it’s just a greeting.

just as expected.


All six senses ring the alarm bell at the death penalty pouring out through the deflagration.


However, what was unexpected was that the previous shelling had produced a meaningful blow.

The proof is that blood dripped from the scratch along one side of his cheek, and the half mask that covered half of his face was shattered.

He growled like a beast, revealing a face distorted with burn marks.

“You did something unfunny about bugs.”

A feeling of humiliation, as if covered with filth.

It has to be.

To him, this wound was no different from being hit by an insect’s wings.

“Even if I kill you, I won’t kill you gracefully.”

A thousand pieces, not ten thousand pieces, to relieve this dog feeling.

I promised to cut it out even more than that.

Then, suddenly, a ray of doubt passed by.

Russell was the only wizard who appeared from beyond the submerged deflagration.

No matter how much I stretched my senses, I couldn’t feel the presence of the other one.

It would be impossible unless he had an artifact to hide his attention


A kid who doesn’t look like he’s even twenty yet?

An unknown chill ran through his body.

The intuition he had built up over the years was shouting.

If you don’t bud from this spot, there will definitely be a big trouble.

It must be killed on the spot.

Of course, there were things I had to check to turn this intuition into a conviction.

“Where did the other guy go?”


Russell nodded his head, not relaxing.

“Were we close enough to say that?”

It was an insignificant provocation. I didn’t think he would get caught.

Nevertheless, in order to attack him, it was necessary to build up very small pieces.

The corner of his mouth twitched at Russell’s provocation.

“You guys know it’s not that hard to slaughter the likes of you and go after them. You clumsily hasten death.”

It was right after.

As if it had suddenly come to mind, a bright spot spread over his eyes.

“Come to think of it, those eyes.”


“I wondered where I’d seen it, and was it the blood of that worm-like bastard? no wonder.”

He said the name is quite familiar.

Nevertheless, there are two reasons why I couldn’t remember it at once.

The first was that it was a very old memory, and the second was…

‘That’s probably because he’s a bug, and he’s already dead.’

Russell’s body stopped for a moment at his completely unexpected words.

It was all too easy to guess who he was referring to.

“Do you know your father?”

“If you know each other at least a few times on the way back and forth from the battlefield, you should say so.”

Russell’s question made him think as if he was talking to himself.

“How much this bug-like guy glared at me without even knowing the subject. I always thought you would gouge out my eyeballs…”

He shrugged.

“Unfortunately, there are players who have already played the game.”

Lightning flashed in Russell’s eyes as he spoke as if he knew the men who killed his father.

“Who is it?”


“I asked who the writers who hit the players you mentioned were.”

At Russell’s question, he shook his head.

“Well, I don’t know if we’re close enough to say that, but…”

After retracing Russell’s words, he suddenly smiled.

“But let me tell you something interesting.”


“Why do you think only the Empire killed your father?”

That the beast that killed his father might be inside Endymion, not the Empire.

It was more than surprising, it was shocking.

but he doesn’t know

In other words, the words that he replied that he would return the provocation made Russell cool.


It was a voice in which the turmoil and even the agitation of emotions had subsided.

‘It seems certain that the bastard and his father are entangled in some degree of evil.’

Even so, I couldn’t be sure that I knew the chest beast.

The words that the beast is inside may also be words that he uttered to shake himself.


‘There’s no need to go along with hasty provocations without confidence.’

All you have to do is remember what you heard today and don’t miss the string of doubt.

Thinking so, Russell opened the door connecting the material world and the spirit world.

Hwareuk galrreureuk-!

At the same time as summoning Pepper, I wrapped the power over my body.

Spirit’s clothing.

Clothes and wings made of spirit flames cover Russell’s whole body.

With this, the sky was entirely Russell’s domain.



The moment he recited the starter word, a huge amount of magic power exploded along Russell’s body.

It is too pure to see that it was built with a human body, but the atmosphere vibrates wildly with frenzied mana.

The change was not only that.

Red and blue translucent horns grew on each side of the forehead.

Woo woo woo-!

The blown wind rotates greatly, creating an instant vortex.

What appears in it are eyes that stimulate the primal fear of creatures.


At the same time as the bright yellow eyes opened, the dragon fear encroached on the area.

Wow wow.

The surrounding magic power was heavy like water-soaked cotton.

And finally, when

the wind clears, Russell’s appearance is literally a half-man, half-dragon that comes out of the legend.

It was the Dragonian itself.

right at that moment.

“How dare you threaten the Dragon Emperor with an object made from dragon bones.”

Someone’s voice came into Russell’s mind as he stared at McRae Hughes.

『It’s not even possible.』

The wizard who swallowed the dragon

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Dragon-Devouring Mage

Dragon-Devouring Mage

Score 8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
[You will be the cornerstone of a new mythology. For the sake of that mythology, I will grant you another chance.] The last successor of a fallen founding contributor family and cursed third-rate mage, Russel Raymond. He hoped to revive his family’s societal status, but was expelled from the academy. All he could do was work as a mercenary third-rate mage. One day, on his way to his temporary job, his mother’s memento ring, the “Dragon’s Heart,” reacts, and Russel is given an unexpected chance. He “regresses” back to his days in the academy. [You have received a mana stone (consumable) as a mission reward.] That is how Russel begins soaring in life like a dragon who never got to spread his wings. He crosses the waves called fate that had pressed down on him and flies into the bright world he was previously banned from.


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