Infinite Mage Chapter 102

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[102] Geumgangseung (2)

“I don’t want to jump to conclusions about Sirone. We currently lack information about the Unlocker.”

Ethella, who agreed with Alpheas, added.

“Sirone joined Immortal Function three months ago. And in this battle, it was extremely open. The Order recognizes the Immortal Function as a mental sublimation function. I think it could be a problem separate from life.”

“What do you mean? We’re not trying to hear the position of the Order right now. We want to get this situation resolved as quickly as possible.”

Some teachers did not understand Etela’s words. This is because Immortal Function is a realm, not a level. No matter how deep a teacher was in learning, he could not be confident that he was deeper than a beggar on the street in the realm of enlightenment.

The teacher who gave Etela a face mask said directly to Alfeas.

“Please correct your mind, principal. To be honest, though with all due respect, it all started with the principal’s love affair. There is nothing more important to us than school. At this rate, the worst may happen.”

Alpheas looked around the crowd. Dozens of eyes were exerting silent pressure.

“Worst case? What is the worst thing you can think of?”

“There may be an order to close the school.”

“No, the worst is not like that.”

A teacher said, beating his chest as if he was frustrated.

“I can’t understand the principal’s will. What could be worse than closing schools?”

“The worst thing for a school would be if all the students and teachers were dead.”

The conference room was enveloped in silence. The gazes that were facing Alpheas diverged one by one.

“If it wasn’t for Sirone, no one would have survived. Also, the list of those killed must include you.”

Alpheas was disappointed with the spirit of the teachers who tried to exploit the death of their students instead of honoring them.

“Isn’t there some possibility left? Isn’t that the child who gave up his life for us, even if it’s less than 1 percent chance? Then shouldn’t you at least try it until you try it? Even if the school is closed, isn’t it your duty as a teacher to do your best for Sirone’s life?”

“But, principal, what does school mean to us? I feel sorry for Sirone too, but if it closes like this…”

“The school won’t close. I will take all responsibility. So, do your best for Sirone. Shouldn’t we sacrifice this much for that child?”

The teachers could not refute Alfeas’ words. For whatever reason, it is an undeniable fact that his life was saved by a student.

After the meeting, the teachers left the conference room with dark expressions.

Magic School Student Council.

Members of the student council gathered by class in a huge conference room. Unlike the teachers who were worried about the rice bowl, they were sensitive and felt betrayed by Alfeas’ past.

“hello. This is student president Amira. We opened a seat to lead consultations regarding this situation. Please provide constructive comments.”

Amira of Class Two declared a meeting from the podium. She majored in climate magic, and at the age of 22 this year, she was one of the first people to graduate.

As he is a representative left-leaning figure in the student council, the atmosphere of the discussion could be predicted. As expected, it was the conservatives who defended the school’s position who applied for the right to speak first.

“This is Seriel from Class Three. As far as I know there is a serious public opinion criticizing Principal Alpheas on campus. But I think you have to be careful. The honor of the school equals the honor of the students. Under these circumstances, attacking the teaching staff could have adverse repercussions for future graduates.”

“This is Cass from Class Four. Commissioner Seriel’s opinion has a point, but this agenda is related to the morality of teachers. Even if it happened 40 years ago, it was a criminal act. I don’t think there is a future for the school if it doesn’t take responsibility for this part.”

Naturally, Amira agreed with Cass. However, like the chairman, he did not show it outwardly and stopped by nodding his head.

“This is Olivia from Class Six. The main issue right now is whether Sirone is dead or not. As you know, Sirone is dead. But few students and teachers distort that fact. As a result, the school side missed two of the suspects who were aligned with Arcane, and the principal’s accusation is also being delayed. This is an obvious evasion of responsibility, and I think the student council should come forward.”

Amira was angry for the same reason. Currently, the teachers have delayed accusing Alfeas because Sirone’s condition is uncertain.

Seriel objected.

“Aren’t we over-interpreting the teachers’ intentions? Syrone’s heart isn’t beating, but neither is decay. I know that there is a lot of discussion in the Ivory Tower about the opening of Immortal Function. If you consider these things, the judgment of the faculty is not incomprehensible.”

The students reacted with disdain. It was an immortal function that even teachers could not understand, so there was no way they could accept it at their level. Some students didn’t even know what an immortal function was.

It was the same with Amira. The highest level that a wizard can pursue. But what about that?

Magic was a knowledge-based phenomenon. I heard that this was the best while catching a cloud, but I did not understand what was so great about it.

“That’s Veronica from Class Ten over there.”

An eight-year-old raised his hand. Even though the student council was young to elect a representative for each class, the weight of the remarks was the same.

“yes. Tell me, Commissioner Veronica.”

“What did Grandpa Alpheas do wrong?”

At the sound of a voice that looked like she would burst into tears at any moment, Amira frowned and let out a sigh.

‘That’s why I suggested separating them by class.’

said Veronica with a sniffle.

“Can’t you forgive Alpheas’ grandfather even if he did something wrong?”

“That’s not okay, Commissioner Veronica. This is a matter related to the honor of the school.”

“But… everyone makes mistakes, right?”

The atmosphere in the conference room was tumultuous. Certainly, the current remarks caused considerable ripples. In an unexpected harvest, the conservatives listened to Veronica’s words and watched the development of the situation.

“I get scolded by my mother often. But it doesn’t bother me too much. He said that anyone can make mistakes. Grandpa Alfeas made mistakes, but he has led the school well so far. So can you forgive me?”

Mark, wanting an opportunity, raised his hand and stood up.

“This is the mark of Class Seven. I agree with Commissioner Veronica. Of course, it is natural that the guilty person should be punished. However, I believe that we, who have trusted the security of the school and insisted on maintaining the status quo, are going aggressive. Unless the teachers are in a position to aid in the situation, I think the student council needs wisdom to know how to wait.”

‘Nice job Mark.’

Seriel raised her thumb under the table, and Mark signaled with a nod.

A reversal of the atmosphere occurred, and opinions were tightly opposed.

Amira predicted the votes through each of their remarks. Overall, the lower classes tended to side with the school, while the senior classes tended to criticize the school. The tickets for the advanced class were half and half.

‘I’ll lose if I do this well.’

At this rate, there would be no way to accuse Alfeas. It was necessary to seize the momentum of the reversal somehow, but it was not easy to extinguish the flames because the relatively young lower class tended to be swayed by emotions.

“This is Ardino Fermi of Class One.”

When Fermi, who had been listening until now, raised his hand, the eyes of the audience turned to him. It was natural to wonder what his thoughts were, as he was the first in the senior class and the first in the ranks of the next graduates.

Seriel looked at Fermi anxiously. A young man with dark brown hair neatly swept back and wearing office-like ready-to-wear. However, under the authoritative attire, there was a terrible sense of playfulness.

He has enough skills to graduate, but for some reason, he gets eliminated every time. The next student council president was also considered a strong candidate, but in the end he abstained and handed over the seat to Amira.

To be honest, I don’t know what I’m thinking. The only thing he knew was that he liked buntang and enjoyed everyone’s struggle.

“Everyone here is indebted to Sirone. If it wasn’t for him, I’d be dead already. Therefore, there must be some who cannot accept his death.”

The students were stunned. They knew how hard Sirone fought for the sake of the entire school.

But on the contrary, Seriel became impatient. As far as she knew, Fermi wasn’t the type to be grateful. I don’t know why it’s suddenly brought up like this.

“I am also grateful to Sirone. However, the teaching staff uses such Sirone as their shield. So our judgment is not over the top. It’s a struggle to protect Sirone’s soul.”

“What spirit are you protecting? Sirone is still dead…!”

“It has already been five days. Sirone’s heart is not beating. There is probably no one among you who does not miss Sirone. Isn’t it?”

Most nodded. Even if you don’t think so, mourning someone’s death isn’t too difficult.

“Everyone misses Sirone and is grateful. So let’s ask the question again. Does anyone among them really think Sirone is alive?”

Seriel realized Fermi’s strategy. If you separate emotion and reason, guilt disappears and reality becomes clearer. Students will judge with sobriety.

“Of course, no one is like that. It’s not cruelty, it’s common sense. Even so, teachers still insist that Sirone lived. Like a cult cult.”

Seriel hit the table and got up.

“That’s not true! There’s definitely something strange about Sirone’s condition…!”

“What is so strange about it? I’ve read reports about immortal functions. But it has nothing to do with the magical realm and the death of creatures. We also obtained intelligence that Sirone’s body had already been embalmed.”


It was Alpheas’ order. It was the foresight that if the immortal function was involved in the mind, physical loss should be managed here.

But it was unknown how Fermi came across a secret that only a few knew.

Amira asked, her eyes flashing fiercely.

“Embalance? Is it true what Commissioner Fermi said?”

Seriel glared at Fermi. Seeing that innocent smile made me even more annoyed.

‘Bad child. while it doesn’t matter You just want to cause a commotion.’

“Commissioner Seriel, please tell me.”

Seriel sighed. A battle that could have been won was lost in a moment of mistake.

“I will exercise my right to remain silent. If you want more answers, please hold a formal hearing.”

Keeping one’s mouth shut in itself implies a positive meaning, but it was a world apart from speaking directly. The importance of the right to remain silent is to leave room for dissent. There was no need to do the stupid thing of driving a wedge in advance as you don’t know which variable will turn the situation around.

Amira didn’t waste time. If it was a come-from-behind atmosphere, now was the best point. After concluding the meeting, she entered the vote.

“Then, we will start the secret ballot from now on.”

The result… was as Seriel expected.

* * *

“Alpheas resign! Accept the investigation of the Inspection Department!”

“Proceed with Sirone’s funeral! It’s not a teacher’s job to play with the dead!”

About 100 students who participated in the decision of the student council were protesting in front of the medical office holding pickets.


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Infinite Mage

Infinite Mage

Infinite Magician, Infinite Wizard
Score 7
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2014 Native Language: Korean
This is the tale of a boy dreaming about infinity as a human! Found abandoned in a stable, Shirone is the son of a hunter—and a peasant through and though. Despite hardships, he’s a genius that manages to learn to read by himself and becomes obsessed with it. Brimming with genius talent, he goes to the city with his father, where he learns about magic— beginning his journey as an explosive rising star!


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