Infinite Mage Chapter 30

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[30] A thorn in the eye (3)

The classroom was noisy. Class Five. It wasn’t just an early promotion, but he jumped up two steps at once. This was an unprecedented decision not only for the students, but also for the school.

“teacher! I have an objection. How could Sirone go up two classes? Sirone can’t use any magic.”

It was the first time Shiina had heard of it. Etela had never said such a thing. Maybe she doesn’t even know. Because there is no need to use magic in the lower class classes.

“Really Sirone?”

The classmates turned to Sirone. Their eyes seemed to be saying this.

please tell me you can’t tell me you can’t

“yes. There is no magic I can use yet.”


Even so, there is no problem with early promotion. Magic is taught in earnest from the upper class, and the lower class’ curriculum focuses on strengthening the spirit zone.

Sirone has learned all the basics of the four ways, and the size and durability of the Spirit Zone are not inferior to those of the upper class. Therefore, for an accurate class, Five is appropriate.

However, it was unusual that he still couldn’t use magic. If you are a student, you will try magic secretly without anyone teaching you. It’s because they want to learn magic like crazy, so they came to magic school.

“Teacher is also suspicious. However, there are no rating items for magic until Class Six. Sirone’s early promotion will be done as normal.”

“I will never tolerate it!”

Mark, the tacit leader of Class 7, jumped to his feet. It was a student with a square chin that matched the size of a giant.

“Why are you favoring students? Please provide persuasive evidence. You said that omniscience is just as important as omnipotence! Applying special conditions only to Sirone is beyond common sense!”

“that’s right! Honestly, even if I were to compete with Sirone sexually, I’m confident I’d win! Sirone can’t even keep up with theory classes!”

“If Sirone is promoted early, I will make a proposal to the student council and hold a hearing!”

The student resistance was much stronger than expected. Even though they are young, they are all children from class 1 through competition. He expected to be stimulated by Sirone again, but he was just burning with hostility as if he were dealing with an enemy.

‘There’s something I don’t know.’

Seeing the children’s expressions of willingness to go to war, Shiina realized that the situation was serious. If the resistance was this strong, it could have adversely affected the class atmosphere.

“It has not yet been formally decided. The exact notice will be announced after the teacher meeting. I’ll finish today’s class.”

Returning to the teachers’ office, Shiina put her chin on her head and thought.

Due to the nature of special purpose schools, competition is inevitable. Also, the students knew this fact and voluntarily entered the school.

‘What is it? What about the strange eyes of the children?’

It wasn’t just jealousy. Early promotion has been around for a long time, but it was the first time that the backlash was so severe.

“Hey, Shiina-sensei.”

A female student named Maria came to visit Shiina.

She is the 19-year-old girl who is the oldest in Class 7.

It’s not that he doesn’t have any talent at all, but he was timid and timid, so the school side was watching him sadly.

“huh? What’s up, Maria?”

“Actually… I have something to tell you.”

After hesitating for a long time, Maria confessed everything. How Sirone is being treated in class now and why the children were so angry a moment ago.

As the story progressed, Shiina’s forehead wrinkled. He was harassing Sirone with methods too vicious to be seen as a mere battle of emotions.

When they ran into Sirone, there were many cases where they pretended to vomit as if they had made an appointment and intentionally gathered around her and talked among themselves.

Maria ended the story in tears.

“Right now I’m the eldest so I’m not interested in it, but in fact I was like that too. Back then, I didn’t pay attention to studying or anything. I think Sirone is great. How can you stay calm in such a situation?”

Shiina grasped the full extent of the situation. One student is being bullied as a group. If there was no fair competition, there was no reason for schools to exist.

“Yeah thanks for telling me. From now on, the teacher will take care of it.”

Sirone arrived at the inn around midnight. After the talk of early promotion, the bullying of the children intensified, so it seemed that it would be better to come in early and read the book.


someone knocked on the door When I checked the time, it was already past 1:00 AM.

‘Who is this at this hour?’

It was a time when students were not allowed to go out and staff were off work. Could it be that the children came all the way here to harass them?

I couldn’t approach it because of my anxiety, but I heard a familiar voice from beyond the door.

“Sirone, are you sleeping?”

“Sensei Shiina?”

Sirone hurriedly opened the door. It was really Shiina.

“May I come in?”

“Ah yes. Come on in.”

Was Shiina-sensei on duty today? I had washed my body in the dormitory, so there was moisture in my hair.

The advanced class dormitory was not a place for female teachers to drop in late at night, as students in their early twenties also lived there. However, Shiina chose this time to secretly interview her classmates.

Unlike other male students’ rooms, the arrangement was like a knife. Guessing Sirone’s personality, she checked each open book on the desk. There were textbooks, but there were a bunch of books in fields that I didn’t need to learn yet.

‘As expected. Indeed, it is unusual to think.’

It seems like a random book has been opened, but to a person who knows the whole, they are very closely related fields.

I vaguely guessed why Sirone hadn’t been able to use magic until now. It’s not that you can’t, it’s that you don’t.

‘I’ve been weak on batteries since I entered school. He is desperately looking for ways to compensate for his shortcomings. This kid doesn’t want to learn magic. I want to become a wizard.’

Shiina supported Sirone’s method. Although the process of connecting knowledge and knowledge is difficult, the fruit is great. Because the knowledge that is connected is not forgotten.

“Here, sir. Would you like a cup of tea?”

“no it’s okay. I came because I wanted to ask you something.”

As Shiina sat down on the bed, Sirone pulled out a desk chair. It was the first time I saw her face so close. She looked much younger than she did in school, probably because she was wearing plain clothes and had her hair undone. Feeling ashamed for some reason, I gently lowered my head.

Shiina looked at her calmly.

‘I’m very shy. Is this his original personality?’

In class, Sirone was concentrating as if he was going to punch a hole in the teacher’s face, so this kind of appearance was unfamiliar to him.

“Isn’t school life difficult?”

“Yeah, it’s fun. Studying is fun too.”

“Why didn’t you tell me? I hear the kids are bullying you.”

Sirone had already guessed. In fact, it was strange not knowing. Recently, children have been openly bullying themselves.

“are you okay. You don’t have to worry.”

After hearing all about the children’s behavior from Maria, Shiina did not believe Sirone’s words.

“You can tell me this honestly. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

“It’s really okay. It’s a pity that I can’t make friends, but if you hate me, it can’t be helped.”

“It is bad to bully students.”

“Emotions cannot be forced. Of course, it was difficult at first, but it’s okay now. I can’t help it if the kids in Class 7 hate me. That doesn’t mean I’m hated by everyone in the world.”

Shiina could understand. For some, the group they belong to is everything in the world, but for those who look up, that group is just a temporary stopover.

“I want to meet more people. I think there must be someone who can listen to my story a little more seriously.”

Sirone was clear about his attitude toward early promotion. Even she thought, if she was more than Class 5, she would have a friend who would accept Sirone without inferiority.

“Sirone, I heard your determination. Please refer to the teachers’ meeting.”

Teleportation (1)

“This concludes the presentation of the findings regarding Sirone’s early promotion.”

In the presence of Principal Alfeas and the advanced class teachers, Shiina submitted the documents related to Class 7’s bullying case and sat down.

Teachers who encountered the content frowned. Circumstances in which Sirone persistently ostracized her because of her inability to use magic were being revealed.

“Does this make sense? Bullying a kid in class just for this reason?”

“It is quite possible in the lower class. There are a lot of young children, and there are students who stay because they have thick hair but no talent. First of all, it is a class with poor discrimination.”

“Then it would be better to promote Sirone quickly. That kid could be graduating in at least four years. Now that nearby schools are challenging Alpheas Magic School, the more early graduates, the better.”

The age of the graduates was also one of the data proving the excellence of the school. If you don’t go out and play an active part in society, you will lose credibility, but rumors have circulated that other schools are currently producing early graduates competitively.

It was a classic method used to raise the school to a prestigious rank. Once a prestigious title was obtained, outstanding talents flocked to it, and only then did the quality of classes improve.

In a situation where other schools were severely checked, the method that Alpheas Magic School could come up with was to produce students with excellent quality and basic early promotion. In that sense, teachers had high expectations from Sirone.

“I am a little negative.”

Sade raised his hand and voted against. Then Shiina’s expression crumpled. In a situation where early promotion was a fait accompli, I was dying of disgust because I was going to die. However, Alpheas showed interest in the first opinion.

“Be negative. Why?”

“I know Sirone has talent. But the point of this case is that Sirone can’t use magic. The children’s backlash also came from there. Shouldn’t we be clear about that?”

Shiina said.

“I should have already told you. Sirone is not in a situation to focus on one study while learning the overall part of knowledge. Also, personally, I am convinced that this is the best way for Sirone to grow.”

“I am not questioning the method. The problem is that Shiina-sensei favors Sirone too much.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Anyway, the children of Class 7 have also entered school and are studying hard. This means that whether or not Sirone has had the time to acquire the knowledge, it should also be part of the evaluation. If not, isn’t there any reason not to allow other students to be promoted early as well? Even if Spirit Zone is weaker than Sirone, it is theoretically superior.”

“Don’t spread sophistry! I’m not making an emotional judgment about this. It is a conclusion drawn according to the school rules. The main criterion for the lower class is obviously the Spirit Zone.”

“The problem is the student resistance. This may make you less motivated. Isn’t there a teacher who wants to pour everything into a single genius?”

“It’s not a teacher’s job to neglect a talented student because of students’ misplaced jealousy!”

The two hit the table at the same time and got up. It was a rare sight that always comes up when there is a meeting.


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Infinite Mage

Infinite Mage

Infinite Magician, Infinite Wizard
Score 7
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2014 Native Language: Korean
This is the tale of a boy dreaming about infinity as a human! Found abandoned in a stable, Shirone is the son of a hunter—and a peasant through and though. Despite hardships, he’s a genius that manages to learn to read by himself and becomes obsessed with it. Brimming with genius talent, he goes to the city with his father, where he learns about magic— beginning his journey as an explosive rising star!


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